er made a ^ Ifet last cleligfcted imped vo id town, residences ^^Bfcerected and this ^fyfn',.' is ' stretching ward, southward, east fatd acd westward. As a eeahowit it has made strides, and greater op ies“ are looming up ssiness circles. e called in at the. husi >uses of H. W: Cov-, & Co., RtGe Fol d at the beautiful drug r. S. Biggs. All §ee/n to carty lairge ;ly arranged ■ j and seem to Jo We had the as i lib, the pri < ; ifave nity like it. __. ___ IAL CONVENTION. Wementiohed. as a* inat ter of iews, in our last issue that,"file Judicial Conven -held. in Rock-j inghajei^-May 28th. It would have:given us pleasure .to publish the ^‘Official Call,” as other papers did, . had we b^en requested or instructed to do’so, or even officially nojifted in reference to the matterv This, hy way of ex planation .to the people, be cause .the'Head light yields to I no paper in' loyalty to true Democracy in the broadest sense. PRIMARY OK CONVENTION. Again we ask how do you statid in this matter? We don't say vote primary, nor do ye say vote convention, but we do say determine how \rou wish to vote and stand firm. Again; talk with- your neighbors and everybody you meet, and-, make up, your mind which you want be fore you go to your precinct primary. Yoiir precinfet pri mary meets .on the 17th BICHMONU, this baji jwi rwumwv '; illation ofll68, only 18 fail ed to pay their poll tax. Out nf 774 ortlrirtod hr»lls nrriv 27/1 Adams For Judge. The judicial convention of the 8th district mill meet in,Rocking ham on the 28th of May, apd Un ion oounty will preseut as a can didate for nomination, Mr. H, B. Adame, whose ability ea a lawyer is unsurpassed, and whose charac ter is the equal of any, in the dis trict. In his profession, and his professional .brethren will bear witness, Mr. Adams is a scholar of the first magnitude and the success he has obtained and the high esteem in which be is held are due to his deep knowledge of the law, to the conservative mai ner-in m*hich be conducts his oas es and to the liberal advice he gives his clients. For a lawyer to live up to • the ethical standard of his profession is indeed a high calling. There is nope higher. To tell a client “you are m the wrong, 1*41 not oonduct your case” is not so easy as would appear on tbe surface. It is pot the easiest thing for a layman to tell a friend when there is nothing at stake save the pos sibility of a wounded pride, yet it is this strict honesty to, his pro fession that has placed. Mr. Ad IttDs in the high position he opou-. 'pies among his professional breth ren and among all claases who have had occasion to feel the strength of his character apd abil ity* ,y.V . . • m • a m a* w r AOnis pmj9««ou, R«var sought a case, n^Vet triad to persuade any* citlsen whether client or stranger, into litigation1. If a wrdog had been done he in terpreted the ihw aiidadvieed ac cording toiaw; and it is almost'a Itaaxim with him that human boo-; duct should never be distorted to. fit legal formulas; and his life study has been to understand and interpret that spirit of juseice that underlies all forms. It is this continual study- that made him the impartial and unbiased > V«y fit] court judge, p Of ttlT public should be'filled solely on en^ifsed^ ftbuV Rene 'gem-ration- to place the oa tftr this'poaition above the ordn nary method ua$d by thh Rrfcwifcrf candidate for **' fists *luap©n sibl« position; so that ii* «aa*^*tfxkto| election he will be under 'obliga tions to no man and responsible to no set of men for his election.; To be the impartial judge that he ahouid lie,' to be able to la£v tatde personal feefitiR and expound the law in every instance makes-'it lietessatythat such a candidate should abstain totally from that style of electioneering and can vassing that is the characteristic of the professional politician. Judge Shaw several week*ago e*s pressed the same thought when he charged a certain grand jury not to dine with the keeper of the county home while making their lusual inspection; for when a man accept# of another’s hospitality, or receives favors while in per formance of his legul duties- or ill pursuit of office, such a man is so bound that he owes a debt of gratitude that must be paid in cases of emergency. -The judge should be unfettered. Thu is thfc feeling Mr. Adams expresses for the position for which he is a can didate. It explains his( conduct throughout the present dampaign, for his idea of the office is too ex alted for him to undertake'a sher iff’s campaign, and nothing less is worthy of the office. "• - A Delegates - - - * .■ - - i « I will bo in the ice business again this year better prepared than ever to-serve my customers. Will be open in a few days. Guf Weil). —r— v The man who is born* to rule should never marry. • ■ • v , ■■■■' 11 ■1 ae I u v©: tie it, ry ist 86 ive committees, ana lnstmct tnem as to onr choice for -county chair man, or leave otir precinct chair man frqe to act as he may think ‘best. This matter is new to ua ladl ipid it is important that we moU^ carefully. The office of county chairman is more impuit ant than any other, and whether igfe have a primary or convention, TOrdominating officers, we will fcafe to have a county chairman. Then we eannot be too careful in. •electing him. for if we bfuudef here, we may lose everything else. iLqt us think about it and talk d-ifh our neighbors about ft, arid Select one of our ablest and purest men, a true, sound democrat, who never scratches his ticket. < “Man With a Hoe” ; , t Green Lake. p— ' •--* 1 Lowney’s fine candies, the best on The market, and all kinds of confectioneries—first quality goods. ’• H, C. Watson’s the place to get them.*-- — ••• . ^ ■. ■ ■■ t ■ '—7“ Somfc people'Think that to be brilliant they must cast reflect ions on others'. “Candidate's Column. For Clerk of Superior Court. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of . CJerk of the Superior Coiirt, subject," to The krill of thd- democratic voters' of the Copfcty of Richmond. Jno. L. Everett. * '•‘"S - Candid .1 v,. >. .- ....... The Headlight endorses no candidates ..4intijSafter^iha .primama It-tmto all can i . F* .. I hereby announce to my fellow citixens, that I am a candhUta for the office of Sheriff of jRich‘ moud County, eubject to the rulings of the Democratic Pri mary. - . • ...' . W. P. Covington. For Sheriff. I hereby annrfuncemyseif *• a candidate for Sheriff of Rich mond county, subject .to. the ac tion of the Democratic mrinmry, the action of which I win eh®0** fully abide by. The support the Democrats of Richmond county have given me in the last two tlections, -for_Sheriff, will always be remembered /by me with tne deejjest and most affectionate gratitude. Very Respectfully, ‘ Thomas S. Wright. For'SUeriff. At-the .8olicifat.ion of friends at the.mills arid it*vfche- itowh and country, I have deT-erminacLto be a candidate, .for Sheriff of- the County, subject to the county primury, with the understanding that the choice of the people will be my choice. I ...will appreciate the support pf all who will vote for. me and will feel no ill will to such as favor ethers. D. F. O’Brien. jFor Sheriff. At the solicitation of friends ir. different townships, I herewith announce my candidacy for the •for the offioe of Sheriff of Rich mond county, subject to the rules of the county Democratic primary. Don’t torget, my friends, that Marks’ Creek township has every reason to expect representation on the county ticket,- and that in supporting me, you honor my township. / : Duncan McNair. . . -.. • •. —. | 1 For Clerk of Superior Coart. At the Solicitation of-many friends; I anuounce mybel-f a can didate before the county primary, _>■ . .———-—^ ' y. ii ence will enaWe ip* to fill tt more satisfactorily now. S The support of the good p#o* tflc of old Richmond will be great ly appreciated. w c«pt. A.T. Cota.; , For Clerk of Superior Court. . I hereby announce myselt a> .a candidate for the nomination for Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond county, subject, of course, to the action of the demo cratic primary. I shall cheerful ly submit to the will of tho peo-. pie, nominated by. majority in said primary. T. L. Oqwlngtqp. Democratic Co Gomrartfa. A convention of the Democratic voters of Richmond county ia hereby called to assemble in the court house, in the town of Rock ingham, on Wednesday th* 21at day of May, at 12 o’clock M.. for the purpose of electing'delegate# to the State, TJongresaional, Ju dicial and.Swna^orial convention#, and* for the purpose of instriKJtiftf the Executive »QommittAr of the, 'county upon-^tho adoption of. the primary election law for the nom ination of couqty.rofficers and member uf-the Housje of Repre sentatives of the General Aasem bly of N. C., and such other busi ness as may properly come before it. . . The Democratic voters of the county wilf assemble atth*voting place m their respective voting precincts on Saturday, the I7tlf day of May, 1902, at 11 o’clock, a. m., except in the three cincts in Rockingham town* and one in upper Wolf Pit, at in these they will assemble on tb* same day at 6 o’clock, p. m., and elect delegates to the County Con vention. By order i f the Richmond County. Democratic Executive Committee. . , Cameron Morrison, Cbm J. H‘ Walsh, Secretary. t *jjf ; .-j In • * • . . r Ware "• ■ • " *_ *'■•■'■ ■ « We can sell you anything you want from a cheap suit to the very finest- tailor-made goods and we guarantee a perfect fit. Our line of hats, will cer ; tainly interest you, if you intend buying a Hat. . • •, WTe carry the MONARCH and CLUETT ; Shirts in Stripes .,'Jahd White Negligees. These goods are superior to. any thing we know of at same 'price. Our MEN’S FANCY HOSE" will ptease you. Fancy Stripes and Figures, Drop Stitch, Etc. We have a beautiful line of NECKWEAR, Teck Scarfs, Four-in-Hands, Rugbys, String Ties, Etc., and the way the have been selling is evidence to us that we have the prettiest line we have ever exhibited. ; ■ ... - .-*•? • * - - trL-L-Lr_ru-_-J-_- - njnj-j-j-u-j-urir-Rjyj-ij-t-j *. ' • • • - • I--—... ....... .. . ...mitM is the busiest place you can find. We will ask call, and get ybdr Spring or Summer Hats ; you can ^et' them any way you like and at any price. We have a handsome line of FLANNEL PANTS for the young men in tiirn-up9. Norfolk Coa$ and Farits in pretty designs, light or dark colors. In addition to. our nice line of new Clothing we have a few > odd suits ■• . * which we are giving some rare bargains in. “La Belle _ There you* will find nice line . Gentiem n and Ladies’ Fine Sh; s. We carry the • Famous Queen Quality for Ladies hi* High.Cuts and in* Oiforda.; Also anything you are ‘ *' V* lookingin medium price shoes. You will find Miss Larkins, an; expert t)ress Mi '; ‘ - ***■ *<• n j 4 1 .' v> on the 2nd-fioof. v n,. i -^nr^n 1 .. th. I , ,4 Ll*.r-r •PHONE NO. 47. -L»VE«^V^1-Wit-in • ■■ « , •’ WUP**^*—: _ _ ‘

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