Coadova. Dear, Headlight— Sere I cpfue for my -third time. 1 told ywijf my letter wae print ad, I wftdld write again,. My playmate*;and me have good time* lid flowers every Son-. ,1 will aeJt a riddle of j. : As I went across ^ bridge, I saw a lHtle green m that little green house a white house, in the f?arrad ’this time, WitlTbest to the Hsadliaht and child lumn. Violet. •■k’ Ci*oai. DearE I will aodke into your happy band (or towsecond time. The tint time 1 wrote 1 didn’t tell you much about myself. I am a girl of neatly J4 cummers, with fair completion, Bight hair and blue eyes. I am 6 ieet and 8 inches high and weigh jragl lba. I go to Sunday school •very. Sunday, Mr. W. H. Morri ll son is our superintendent and Mr. t. p; Gibson is my teacher. We are going to have a children’s day somedime soon. Come, Mr. By aching end' answering some questions. Ethel M. Bounds, it was ajbout the ninth hour that •Christ died. Annie Porter, it was a man ploughing that was dead in the middle and alive *t both ends. NoWl will ask a few questions. * i Who was the first martyred presi dent? How long did it take boab % t« build the ark? What was Geo. Washington’* father named? If thiad* printed perhaps I will come Again. Your friend, Minnie B. Thomae. They think tb#y whw they m*et any horn they think don’t have aa much w they, they turn up their no*** and pretend they don’t ait you. Uousiu* don’t, be that fay, even if you are well off, or rifil, because that doesn't do any good at all. It doe* barm. * It niake* people dialike you. Every body ought to have an education* but sometime* people who are poorer than other*, can’t get an education easily. If they would work for one, they might get it. Lincoln was as poor as Job’s tur key, but he got an education by working hard. He would often go and split rails and make a lit tle money to go to" school on. You see Lincoln was a poor farm er’s boy, but became president of the United States. If you don’t succeed at first, try, try again. Some ehildreniddn’t like, to go to school. Most ohildrsh, the larger they get, the mow they like to go Jjo school, but some don’t. TW think Because their lessons are a little hard they "can’t learn. them, and they don’t try. . Will some of the cousins be so kind as to send me the words of Baggage Coach Ahead and Kathleen. Your friend, Anuie Covington. •’ ■ - 's ■ * Calling in at Watson’s store the other day, we were so, completely captivated by the handsome dis play of Lowuey’s fine oahdiss, that we silently mused over our boyhood days when we couldn’t get candy to eat—couldn’t get Lowney’s then. By the by, go apd try that candy. The boy that carries Lowney’s candy fcb his sweetheart can count on a win ning card. ^ H > , ■■■ ■■■ - ■ l* * "T*1 * It would be well to deter until tomorrow, the unkind things you are tempted to do to-day. ^ ». _ ^ ?• JAke a Drowning Man.. “Five year* ago a dl ease the doc tom called dyspepsia took such hold of scarcely go,” writes other medicines, bot noth in* h* 1#* mo. As a drowning maxi grabs at a straw I grabbed at Kodel. | fell an inpybvement at once and af ter a few bottles am sound 'and well.” Kodol is the only preparation whioh exactly reprodooeaAbe natural digest ire juices and consequently'!* the only one which digests any good food and cures any form of stomach trouble. Kichmon d Drug Co. I- a , ’ *_. Hplds Up a Congressman. “At the end of the campaign ” writes Champ Clark, Missouri's brilliant con gressman. “from overwork, nervous tension,' loss of sleep and constant speaking I had about utterly collapsed . It seemed that all the organs hi my body were out of order, but three bot tles of Electric Bitters made me all right. “It’s the best all-round medi cine ever sold over a druggist's coun ter.” Overworked run-down men and weak, sickly women gain splendid health and vitality from Electric Bit ters. Try them. Only fiOc. Gueran teed by all druggists, JOHN W. LeGRAND, ; Attobn*y-at-Law , Rockingham, N» C. Prompt attention given to all law natters. Real Estate Agent. Office over Richmond County Drug Co’s store, ^Phonh #7. ■ ■ ■ . ■ T MORRISON & WH17LUUK Attorskys-At-Law, A VP UAL BSTATS AO«KTt, Rockingham, Jf. C. Phon k 09. *-—— -: Reveals A Great Secret. It it often asked how such startling cures, that pussie the best physicians, are effected by Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption- Hem's the se cret. It euta out the phlegm and germ infected mucus,and le*s the life-giving oxygen enrich and vitalise the Wood. It heals the inflamed,, coqgh-worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King's New Discovery, 'the moat in fallible remedy* for all Throat and diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c And fl.00. Trial bottles free at all By virtue of the power contained .in a certain mortgage tad registered *»» the >«#(% of w« Ragtttdr of D-<*d# for it cfa-ft uid coun ty h book *Sfg» at public auction, for t cavil, court house doorin K ockiogham .S-C n th* first Monday in Maj. lWW. R being the stliday, the follow** de scribed tract«rj»rcel «t Att of what, u known aa the, G*®?**® land, beginning at a corner in ThotaW land and running spath with Thomas line, to th* Stogner springy, ««*«« down the ipring branob to a larga pop lar, thence, nortljOHSt. to the aoHla ment road, then with said road to the beginning, containing siaty-nve acres, more or less. . _ L. P. Byrd,, Mortgagee. This the 1st day of April, lww. Notice. Hobbard’s Cholera Core Aid Preventive FOR HOGS AND CHICKENS. I am Agent for the sale of this never-fAiling compound, and have been verf miccessful iu selling and using it. ; If used in time, it al ways cures. I sell individual rights for $1.00, or a package of the compound for 26 e£nts. ; Try it, and y«u will be convinced. ; Daniel W. Watson, Feb. 28, 1902., Agent. * n * *» • •. - C ‘ * i\i:' • *r‘' •* .. Pay Your Accounts. ’ In the settlement of the businsss ofT. L. Covington & Co., the books of the firm were allotted to ua. AH persons who owe us, are requested to call and pay their ac dounta ATjONCE, as we need the illon^y NOW. One of us can al ways be found in our room, over Watson store. T. L. Covington. Ed Covington! * .NOTICE ' • *» » *: llockingham, N* C., April 16— ,A meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the Democraiic party of Richmond county is hereby called to meet in the court house in the town of Rockingham on Wednes day, 21st^ day of May, immed iately after the adjournment of and for the transaction of such other business as may proper!^ come before it. * Under the plan of party organi zation, an executive committee of five in each precinct must be elect ed by the precinct committees on the 17th day of May; tbjh this precinct committee should ggb to gether at once and elect a chair man. The chairmen of thej pre cinct committees constitute the County Executive Committee. These new precinot chairman are earnestly urged to attend the meeting hereby called. Cameron Morrison, Chairman Dein. Ex". Com., of Richmond countv , ,-i— ->-7-* From One ot tJ»« Moot Success ful Pldutcrs In North Carolina. •Smithfield, N. C.,Feb. 18, 1902. The Home Fertilizer Chemical Works, Baltimore, Md., Gentlemen:— I This is to certify that I have (used ‘’Cerealite” for a number ol years and have sold it for the past three years and I, myself, find it to be equal to, if not better in many respects than Nitrate Soda. My nest cuevouinTS are w - use it again this year. On my , crops 1 used it on wheat, oats and cotton, and for every dollar I in vested in “Cerealite I am sure it paid me $2.50. I prefer “Cerea^ lite” as a top dressing to Nitrate Soda even if the good! were the i same price; • < Yours thily, JT. W. Stephenson, v B. S. LEDBETTER, Agt., > : Rockingham, N. C. • • • . r ———* Wants Others to Know?-.-. ^ \ “I have used DsWitrt U&t E^r-tj Risen for cbhttlpatlo* slid torpid liver gnd,thej g« all right; t Am glad endorse them for 1 think when we ?"d a good thing we ought to let other* j knodf it,^Wrttes:AlfWd Heines, Qfjjhr ] ■■ Goods and Druggist Sondrin -: equal to those carried by the '• ^est and best stocked houses ’of 3 ;he country and aie all that is claimed for them,< “none befti|r< . vV. 4th That -r- ■ - • PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT . is in charge of Registered Pharma cists. Quality ana service unsuur. passed. „ Prompt and careful atten ♦ ' ' tion to rick ana poor alike.Prices .. . v: .v; • fair to all. Free deli very iPhone. 22.. j; __ n,,,;-. THE FARMER'S BANK, 1 Rockingham N. C. . ••• -3 Respectfully solicits your patronage and banking s! business. We guarantee absolute Security/ ^ Promptness, Accuracy and all Accomoda- -- * • • tions consistent with safe banking. • <, Call and see us when in town ; ROBT. L. STEELE, President, j LEAKE S. COVINGTON, Cashier. ;i Pickles, Pickled Pig’s Feet, nice Pork Sausage, nice line of ftckled fish. • •;s Hoping by fair and honest dealings to share a good trtrtJe, I am here for honest business. F. L Autry. f]f- One door North Of Hinson’s Beef Market. _• • v.; . /,_. Ton Want Good Work • 'A _rAnd You Want It Guaranteed. J D. Young, the Veteran Shoe-maker, who has always given you-satisfaction, is still on hand, ready to serve you ras faithfully as in the past. Call on him, over the Porter fetore,ikoxt door to Headlight office. Yo*LW*you can, get a paper®) read'whifc yodr shoes are being repaired. J. D. Young ■ - i ' .. ' •• - • . • f - • : - . ■ -———■—» Jfojl To Hold Tour Cotton? .•. When you can sell at present prices, and buy more groceries from me &QW, than you can get anywhere, else, even if the price of cofton should advance? I sm now at the , . . - A. Li MCDONALD STAND recently vacated V iM Br£4 where I have more room, nd am enlarging my stock., I will v r ^ Faney*nb Heavy Crocsrtea. .$ {Ulto,-and everythin the wAy of table supplies, ^Can t tell you half hewi so call and see^m, arid I’ll tell you all anf sell you any ■nsS»SS?®s~ ■ (roods, at liVihg^te" &&PP mk patronage of my friends .and sw cuf* the tradooWll whd are hunting the place to purchase family suPpHAs. . _ -*---:-% '■ |£jt Dangerous If Neglected. Borns, duts and other wounds often % fail to heal properly if neglected and become troublesopie sores. DeWitt’a Witch Hasel Salve prevents such Con* • sequences.' Even where delay ravated the injury, DeWitt's Hasel Salyf effects a cure. “I running sqrt on my leg thirty years, sajV H. C. Ha^ly, Yapkeetown, “After using many remedies, ! DeWltt's Witch Hasel SalvC. boxes healed the sore " Cures* diseases. Piles yield to it at on ware of counterfeits.' ^ , S Richmond t>rng Co, ■ r* ■ ~ ■> >J* . . See Lrtt m sort you pay *rpi*cdf.' •tfSSjijj *■ .." ' *n