H ^ . ROCKINGHAM, N. C.. FRIDAY, XuGti&T 29/1902. NO. 2X LOCAL NEWS. Home Happening* Condensed for Man y Busy Readerp. Ham jw men Bad. Hinson's man aalk atabMeT H, 8. Ledbetter haa returned from a boatocaa trip to Va. Cam* begiua nut Monday. Judge Kablaa atUprakh. Mlaa Kalla Bihfae. of Bennotuvllie, is vtobtogat Chpt. Cole's lehaaie Wright attended the edu cational rally at Ftochland last week. I. W. O’Brien hauled the flrst load «f new cotton to Bobetdel last Monday. Mtae Sadia Xieholaon la vtolting frienda at and around Lemon Sfriaga. Mr. flora's new residence will soon be raady far occupancy. It is a nice Wend. 0.0 Bey no Ida (* principal Of the Elierhe Mbs Mins la Stencil and the M fwo* laQncf ham retained from Chatau qaa, Hew York. Bav.T.S Wright and Bee. D. C. Britt ham alec ad an intardstlag meet ing at Plaaaaat Grove church. The Headlight la glad to sea Uncle Jwn Page improved in health and able to be pa the streets again. Wa am glad to state that Mia. Y. M. Boggs■. who has been quite sick for asmral days, it mack Improved. Mbs Mary 8hotval], of Oxford, who haa been visiting Mias Georgia Biggs, as lamed to bar hema Saturday. Clyde Lilas, Watson's hastier, is .with Mr. Watson la Haw .York, buying a bags lot of fancy grooeriea; etc. Mbs Vara Herring, of Clinton, who baa been vtoitmg Mlm Georgia Biggs, re tot m to bar beam thto teaming. tbs Headlight regrets to learn that S'. Or JL Patrick is quite sick We heps to am bid op again to a chart Mr. an* Mi*. H. O. Wataon tad daughters, Mines Bwli and Jennie art aggactod to re tarn from Hear York .■ -jPPBBJfii/ Mieses Willie and Clydle Sellers, of Most**, who have bee* vial ting Mieses Ma Ihllllpa and Georgia Biggs, left B. 9. BryaoMi aad Mies SalUe tiles wfllheteahargeaf the Steeled Mill* ash ol sad win begin the now term We leans with great plenum that Min lease Brans h Improving slowly, and WO hope she will soon be eutireiy restored to health • . jin. Dr. BtaaaUl. Mrs. W. T. Cor lagtoa and Min Jennie Baldwin are Mailing their brothers, Messes. J. L. aad 9. E. Baldwin. * The Headlight regrets to learn of the Waft of Mr. John Lepbettor, of Bteale'b township. He Is one of oar Mrs. Outer, of Darlington, a sister al Mia. C. L Bran*, la visiting Min Aetna, ate, though quite tick, ire are glad to ny, le delag fairly well. Mr. aad Mit. C. M. Hobbs and fieml ly aea espaatod to return to their home MSB wank. They are oar neighbors aad an win we la erne them home. Oaf tea’was selling readily on this awhot dsUrdayet Bljeta. Up to that date Ms ha In of sew eastern had boon Mid. The flist hale brought • eta. We togret to learn that Mis. X. B. ‘-'^dora. Is atlll suffering fever, hot glad to r*7 Ilf B0| llifnln|. of tbs ■ hope there will be a large J. F. Bolton, of u(-.|«r Uichmond. was here Friday. A rvnson w e> on fcmuHars column. 1 aa asii* ae.e.AAJ Bwndifnue, 8. C. Dear Headlight—I am a Kttle girl ten year* of age, and for a long time have thought of writing a letter and thereby beoome aoqnainted with the large interesting oompa of children ponyepondents for yoer splendid paper. I stteod the Bennetterille graded echoot, eod next eseekm wiU enter the fourth grade. My tceeher will be Mlee Meade Coble, of Laarintrarg, V. 0. This will be her first eee* Mon here, aad ho doabt all the children will like her, ae she cornea to oar eehool highly teeora* ■sanded, end W the name of being a met lady aad aioet pop* alar teacher. We have bine teachers aad three handred papils, •ad aeon will have completed an j elegant forty thousand dollar school huilditut. latrt Thursday, Aug. 14, the Grand Ixnlge of Free Mesons laid the corner stone of the school building, with impres eive ceremonies, in the presence of a very large audience. I have cue sister fifteen years of age, and four brothers* the young est seven years old, whose 1 ftanic is J. P. Gibson. Jr. He is a sweet little hoy and goes to school with me, and can now read and write. Ho sava that hi expeyta to make a Methodist minister, and I hope he will. I havo enjoyed my va cation so much, I visited my cousin near Boykin, in Brights ville, also at Gil won, N. C., and oil how I relished those luscious melons and fragrant juicy fruit. It is such a pleasure to go int& the country where we can romp and play, take buggy rides, drive cows, feed the chickens and gath er the ripe luscious fruit. Mr. Editor, my papa says he is well acquainted with you, and he pointed out to me the place where your father is buried in Evergreen cemetery in our town. This is my first attempt to' write a letter' for the children’s column, and should it appear in print I may write again sometime. I have some cousins in Rocking ham, also in upper Richmond. I wish all of your little readers and correspondents^,happy time. Ka&rGibaon. Dam. Dear Headlight, Please publish thd folio wing-song. OFF THE HHOHES OF HAVANA FAH AWAY. Many homes are wrecked with aadneas ” A , aJtdwhb sorrow)- m Many heart* are torn with anguish and with pain. And a nation that ia draped in deepest mourning, •" For the horoea of our battleship the Maino. « Borne an sleeping ’nealh tbs waters of the harbor, home repose beneath a mound of Bpanish clay; And their spirits seSmed to cry aloud ■ for vengeance, OB th» shore* of Havana far away. Gileses: Oh! the moon shine* down tonight upon the waters. Where the heroes of our Maino in silanee lay. May. they rest in peace, the loved ones who are sleeping, OB the shores of Havana far away. Some were thinking of their mothers, wives and sweethearts, • Some were dreaming of the loved ones left at home; And perhaps some lad who’d left th* old folks grioving, ' Was Just writing them from far serosa the foam. When suddenly there cam* a great exqloaiou, Like a stray wreck sh« sank down in tha bay. Where two hundred noble hearted soldier* perishod. OB tha shore* of Havana far away. M. F. H. Bkavxb Dam. Dear Mr. Edi tor-Will yon allow me >paoe in jonr columns to talk with ail of the couaine a little. I am a very ■mall girl a little over three yeare old and have three brother*, but no eiatere. I have been with my Grand mama Harrie ever einoe May and haven't eeen mama or papa einoe, bat oh, I want to eee them all *o ranch I I have a very niee time running the calve* off the yard and keeping the ohicken* out of the hoaee, and playing with the little kittene, 1 have been with grandma ai a vWit to her ■ieter’e in Scotland county and had a niee time. M/ aunt i* writing this for me, bat 1 hope to be able to r*ed and writ# well tome day. WeH, I gaem 1 have written enough for my Ant time. Plcaee pHut tide, for I want to adrpriev grand mama and grmid* papa. Yonr littU friend, Olndjr* McDonald. % COUNTY NEWS. Lke ItViitt* (inthorod by (Mir Faithful Coi respOndenth i - . • Pee Dee Mis* Minnie Hancock has re [ turned lumio after a few week* visit in Darlington, 8. C. Mrs Saiiir Lovin is spending a while a* Rllerbe springs. H. 1) Hart spent last week in Greenslioro and Burlington. Arthur Davis has accepted a position in Porter's store. Rev. Thomas .Little filled his regular appointment here last Saturday night and Sunday morn ing. ML«'^T.iixie Bolton spent last week in the conutry. Beuk HaH, of Cordova, was n visitor (are last Sunday. Mr., ^liee Little, who has been sick for boum time, k able to be out nf-.In. Hie Mary Anderson has been visiting relatives iu Mocksville. Our ipill is running on regular time ii.iw and all of the hands look much better from their rest. Sunshine. Laurel Hill. Onr clever S. A. L. agent Mr. J. T. Fly tile, it off on a visit to his old home.. Thero’i a lot of our people off for a vacation, souse to the sea sjiofej aofDe Jo the mountains aud some t« isit friends. ^7) in n««t JiTH of op|. «£ as to.the crop. A num | her of who buvd been piok ing say'that the erbp is hot going to be near as heavy as they once thought. Our public school committae men are now on the alert. Mr. John, thfe County Superintendent, ** doing a great work, and J think the people are goirg to fall in with himandtry to bring Scotland’s schools up to n high standard. Scotland county is under obli gations to the Headlight for its recent etaiid in behalf of fair treat ment to nil people. Because s* me folks have power to do a certain thing, it doean’t nt all follow that it’s right that they should do it. Where does the golden rule apply, Bro? On Saturday, BOth, Scotland will have a good roads meeting. We hope that the people will at tend and give Lhe subject caiefu) consideration. It’s easily possi ble for us to have good roads at a very small cost, because the coun try is so level. ?▼ ilaw uni ufxrvrzirj oi tne tiou of oue of yonr correspon dents,' “to discnee farming.” That ia tha moat difficult subject to tackle in the whole bnsineea. It’s awful hard to toll a farmer anything. I suppose that’s be ceaee be’e always had ic work out hit owh agricultural salvation. Some one spoke of the Lippe pro oeae. Some of oar (aimers who need it are bragging right along about it.' They aay that a thon aaadf pounds psr sort of Lipps and 600 pounds psr acre of goods that soet 92260, need side by aide, would fool the best Judgs to de cide which was hast. Cordova. J. M. Morton, of Columbia, 8. 0., is visiting relatives at Cordo va this week. is*. B. K. Meroar filled hie reg ain* appointment bare Sunday by preaching a moat able and im Ureetiag sermon to a largo coo Colon anil Oscar O'Brien wore visitor* at I>. F. OBrien's Sunday. Our, recently elected chief nl police, James Gaddy, was mas querading the town Saturday night in seroh of those who should dare to violate onr town ordi nance*. -Look out hoys, A little fun, Especially at night, Is not considered A lawful right. If no ill luck should befall T. L. Brown's beautiful hogs, he can laugh in defiance of meat trust* so far as his smoke house is con cerned. D. F. O’Brien, who has been been quite sick, is improving we arc glad to learn. Typhoid fever, that cruel and unwelcome visitor, who has been lpcatiug in our town for tome time, ia still among us. Some new .caise* suspected this week. Those who have been suffering with this dreaded disease are 'pro gressing fairly well. Leon. Black Jack There was preaching at Cart lodge’s Creek Sunday. A. J Har rington was appointed os a dele gate to the union,'to be held at Deep Creek in Anson, next Sun day. Misses Fannie and Lizzie Dock ery were visiting at Wade*.boro lust week. Miss Brent Meacbam was visit ing in Auaou a few days ago. Mrs. Webb spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Mollis Holt. Mr. Harrington and Miss Effle .were riiiting relative* on th* riv-1 r • - x ax. V. J ipuuv OUfllWJ evening at B. F. Dockery’s. Nathaniel P. Evans and Hamp ton Covington, from Marlboro County, S. C., spent Saturday night with the writer and attend ed preaching Sunday. About a dozeu from this com munity, attended preaching at Green Lake Sunday. Mr. Uuj tou preached two good sermons. The meeting will continue several days. There was a gathering of young people at Mr. Meachum’s Satur day night. All hud a nice time indeed. Hope they will have an other aoon. The.committee for district No. 2, white, will meet the first Sat urday in Oct. 2, p. m., for the purpose of employing a teacher for said school. Will meet at Sandy Grove the second Saturday in Oct., 2 p. m., to employ the colored teacher for said school. John C. Covington, secretary of committee. Don’t nak so many useless ques tions, as we don’t care to answer them. Mrs. Theodoeia Moore, from Charlotte, is visiting her father, R. B. Holt this week. Melons and peaches have altout played out. Hcnppemongs will be on hand next month. J. C. C. Roberdftl. Fodder pulling U now in fnll blaat. Cotton ia beginning to open aome. A good many from here attend ed prone hing at Qreenlake Sun day. Tliere waa a large crowd present, among whom we notioed the N ichole lioye and the Coving ton bo ye, from the Zion neighbor hood. Mr. Guyton will doubtleee oontinne tlie meeting on through the week, Meagre. W. R and Norrie Cov ington and A L. Lothn attended the reunion of the old eoldier* at Green eboro laet weak; and alao William Smith ami daughter. Miss Mol lie. Miss Annie Brewer, from ne^t McColl, S. C., is a visitor at the' homo of A. Easterling tht* week. On ucconut of the aickueas of Mr*. D. C. Britt, tliere was u.t preaching here Saturday night. Mrs. Lewis Webb, from mar Hasty, N. C., is visiting relatne* in our town thi* week. Glad to learn Mrs. M. J. O’ Brien is still improving, also lira. A. C. Covington. Znck Cooper and. family, id Steele’s Mill*, moved track her* * Saturday. Don’t forget t he big pie-ine nr. Ellerbe nest Saturday. If you don’t go you will mias n treat. Rev. Mr. Thompson, from Ooldsboro, ia now visiting hit daughter, Mra. S. E. Mercer. There was a sociable at Mrs. Mary Ballard’s Sat urday, night. Hnmp LeGruud, of Wades boro, is spending this week with his father, R. H. LeGruud, of thia place. Miss Esther Aumtn, of R*e ford, is spending this week with Miss Lena Loflin. Dr. Garrett left Tuesday f»»r Red Springs. Garlm Covington, of Pekin, after spending several day* with relatives st this place, returned home Monday. Press, you must have a better understanding next time. Mia* Alice Gibson is visiting * this week iu tbe Gibson Mill vi cinity. I. A. M. ' Upper Wolf m. -W'« oo^idl. ^Tbe protracted meeting pah cloetil last Friday. ®ev*lN£^ Mercer, the pastor, ia prutTacJ^f at St. Paul's this week. Mrs. Jerome Williams contin ues quite sick. Miss Sue Dawkins, of Midway, been visiting relatives in this vi cinity. Watch ouv little man with the spectacles on,—there's another aspirant in the field. Misses. Hattie and 11a Boggan have returned from Montgomery. We were pleased to see TJwdma, 3*our excellent oorrea|tondent from Pvgnes, in this viciuity last Sat urday. It’s often inspiring to hear the aspirant for office rhapsodise over hie love for the dear old State and county—he loves her majestic mountains, her pictureeqae land scapes, her magnifloeut forests with their stately oaks of faultless symmetry, he loves her brave, he roic men, her lovely, beautiful women—for the sactity of whose homes he would sacrifice his right arin—yea his very heart's blood. Election comes on—defeated his ecstocee are siieuced. Elected he loves them still according to what he gets out of the office. Monster. Great Fall*. Miaa tiuaie Smith apent Sunday with frionda in Hamlet. Mm. Annie Hart, of Hope Mill*, N. 0., ia viaiting her mother. Uta. Hnlea, of thia plane. Miaa Tarry Dowd ia visiting frianda in Moore oonnty thia wwek. Mleeea Maggie Brown and Can* nie Stogner were viaiUog at Pea Dee 8undny. E. H. Stogrter, of Roberdal, wae here Sunday. Johnfl. Pender gram. ftev. Mr. Oajtaa'a Maetlay. Rer. N. H. Gnytoo will bagia a meeting at the Pair Oround Am Sunday in September, at 11 a. m. there will be two aanunaa la Ma day and ooa at night. / * 1