Bilious? ? Headache? Pain of your eyes? It*a your ! Uee Aycr*a Pllla. THE SEEKING SAVIOR M. MAHAN'S SUN9AT SERMON Tba Sartor, With Toms h HU Eye* tut Tr—bio lb HU Iblrt, Seeks tc Save Bvory Oao ot Uo, Vtv fou Orr.-tU ■raou ol the Bar. Sr. J. Witter Chapman an bow hoard aad read by mare people thaa are Ihtaa al any A marie* a pm pit orator. Hu srrs.“jsi^5,* &s.“S5 Ukre to read ita dieeooraa U the weakly paper. Far thaaa admirer* lb*. Chapman tea preeared tha following sermon, eoti K“Tho Seeking Sarioor and a Sacking m*.” It ie preached from tha texts. "Zaeeteu*. make tette and eooie down” Luke It 7a. "The Son of Man it coma to mtk aad to met ttet wkieh was lost,” Luka It M. Tbaaa two text* form a part of tk* story of the meatier of two man. each eery dif ferent from tha otter. Tha out is Zac etena. the publican, a rich man became he waa tba tax gatherer and bad defrauded tba people. The otter is tba Sou of God. who was rich, yet for our takes became pose. Tha one comes from the presence of God and tba company of the angels, tba otter dorrs from tba eyre mo re tree and from hia doubt. *nd tba result -ot tba Haling of tba seekieg tinner and the seeking Sarioor waa tba eaheticn ot tha srnaer. Thu ha* ahray* been the result. If any oar readme this measure is not a Christian to-day it ia limply because be baa not sought Christ in tba rieht way. Ye shall seek M- aad aball find Me when you tearck far Ms with all your heart. In Urn book at Prorarba when man seek for God aa (bay seek for Mirer or for any hid den trresure then Ha will be found for than. it wm my prm irjr gwr in ho enter what la ea’rad a Docket mine. 1 •aw a man engaged in work there who waa pointed not to me aa a graduate of Bar vard Collage, vet Ira waa toiling away to industriously that Ira did not hear my ap proach in the mine, and when I asked him why he was thus working he aunnly stooped down and gathered tin a handful af dast sad Held it ant at arm’s length «o that the light in his miser’s hat would strike onon it, and there T n* the glisten ing particles of stiver. This was more eln qamt than anything he coo'd hare said, and the wise man stroke truly Put two locomotives upon tbe tame track, both going m the nice direction and at tha same rata of speed, and if tbe tmoh ia long enough one cannot overtake the other ex cept in case of saddest, but it thee are on the same track headed toward each other, sod on* of them ia going with tha voeed of the wind, while the other travels with the proverbial enniV* pace, it win be Mt r short time before they will come together. The Son of Ms" Hm been * seeking Sn v.‘o*~ shram, with ton m HU eyas and sorrow in HU heart He has bepo seeking every one of no. The verv moment we tarn toward Him that moment He will claim os as His own. The division of the New Testament into chapters ia sometimes rmban-saaing. Not iafrcqacntly the division is in the midst ot S story. Sometimes between an introdac tion in the story as is the case hern. Turn back to the dose of tba eighteenth chapter of Luke and von read the story of Barti mama. Mr. -Moody used to describe one of hie friends stooping to any, “I have good news for yon. I have teen -tbe Galilean prophet, and I saw Him eanaa a man blind aa yourself to see. sad Ha ia ooming this way speedily.” W# tan only imagine bow Barti aiseaa listened for the approach of tbe Saviour, but Anally when He did come Mac enough be began to about, “Jeans Thou son of David, bars mercy upon me,” n4 the Master gave him bra sight instant ly. Foilswing this beslinr o/ tba blind * usrtalu rich man in the city bearing af tha approach of this notable character determined to see Him, but as be passed out of Lis office and mingles with tba crowd He realism that tba task ia hope «•••■ He ia a man small of stature and tba others tower bead and abouldera above bun. but suddenly a bright thought strike* ham. H* will go out along the highway and climb some elevation and then behold nhjM He comes near. So Ira climb* tba celebrated sycamore tree and waits for tbe approiebing multitude. At last hla eye HahU upon the Saviour. A strange faeein »«•» must have held him until suddenly •Mi standing underneath tba tree looks up and says. “Zaecbrua, make baste aao f°— fowa. tor today X must abide at thy JJM, Ira mads baste and asms omfaaaad that he waa a sinner, sad kfMdlately tba Saviour mid. “Tbe Sou *M»n ia <mma to aaak and to save tbai V ■■assets o( plwnrt, bat ab.diag peeee ta not hie. Wi are lost to heaven. It ta not possible ta find a tart of Scripture In which there is tba slightest indication given, if this text be taken in Us proper connection, which would indiasta that a nun may er« cuter into heuvea la aay other way than through Christ. A mother took her little child into an eye infirmary in the city of Chieago. When the doctor had 'looked at the srm of tbe chitd he gave the child hack to hie mother and ebook his head, and in answer to her inquire said. “The child would be atone Mind in three months." 8b« drew her tit tle one up against her heart and then fell upon tbe floor v-ith n shriek. "My Cod, ray baby Mind.” .rail this would bo an .aw ful calamity, bat then tbe Saviour baa said, “It ia better to be maimed and halt and bind rather then to he lost,” and every me ia lost without Christ; for all itch the Sou of Man has come seeking. n. Zaccheue. When our Saviour stood be ocatii the tree He looked no full in tbe face of Zaccheue and an id. “Come down,” and he came down from the sycamore tree and from his curiosity, down from bis pride and bia doubt, down to tbe feet of Jeans, and be found salvation. The beat thing that Zeeeheua ever did was to coma down, and so eriO it be for every one of you. What can I do to be saved* Soma one is even now asking, and there is do more important question. According td the Scripture you can merely live because of your good works, and while in tba on* place it is mid. “Work out yonr own sal ration with fear and trembling." twe things must be remembered. First, this la God’s message to Christians, sad second, are can only work out what has already been worked in. "Working aril! not save me. Purest deeds that I can do, Honest thoughts and feelings, too, Cannot form my soul anew. Working will not save me ” We must first of all come down it we woold he eared. It ia only by childlike trust in Him and absolute confidence in His word that are pern from death to Me With tom* there must he a coming down from pride. We n)ust reach tbe plr where we will not fear what the world t.. .a. young man xn • torraer congrcgat-on promised me that ha would give up gamb ling and accept Chriet. He assured me that, his difficulty was bis evil companions, sad be would oarer be able to lire a Christian life util be could lure them. He was afraid of what they would say, but at last gave to* hi* promise that he would confess Christ the next morning- With one of his friends whose influence over him wss always bad be walked to bia place of business the next morning, trying all the nay to nuke hia con fear ion, until at last the store was entered and the words were net spoken. Finally- by great effort ha made his way into toe store, called hia friend back and said, "I have made up my mind to be a Christian, nnd unless you will go with ms I shall bare to part company with you." Tears came into hia friend's eyes end be said, “It is Um best thing you ever did; is there any hope for me." There is no one really north haring as your friend but what would aay the same thing. If any one whore eye lights upon this page should aeeept Chri»t and confses Him the same is a ecming down from morality, for whet tba world calls morality does not my we are not saved because we are good, bnt be cause Christ is and always has been and onr faith is in Him, and every so-called moral man out of the church ie against the preaching of the minister and may be a dangerous friend for the mao who ie weaker than himaalf, for wa arv oar broth er's hoe par whether we will or not. With the moot of as it is a coming down from sin. and wa mast give that up, lor if we regard iniquity in onr hearts God will not bear us, neither can He save ns, bnt the vary moment we are ready and willing to forsake all knowa sin Ha gives us the, strength to do it. Just as the mao witty the withered head bad do power to stretch forth his hand, that is in himself, but the moment be bed the wfll to do it Chriet gave him the power and immediately he waa healed. m 1M nrai n nen Jem wml to the bom* of Zaccbaus u He entered He mid, •Thie day ie salvation come to tbia hoese. The greatest heritage a Chrletian child ever bad left to him ia a Christian home. There muat hare been a great change in Zecchcas before be met the Saviour. I doubt not ha waa selfish. I know ha waa sinful. After kis meeting with Christ hia whole family came to know God. There could bn no bettor position for any father to taka than that taken by Zeccbeus. "I will wait until my boys grow op,** mid a gentleman to me recently, "and then we will all become Christiana together." 1 told h'm what donbtloaa be already kaew that Noah took bia boya into tha ark by going in first himself. The mddast thing in tha world ia te see a family divided, nnd dividwdbytbo most aaered thing* in the world. In (targe MacDonald's great book on Robert Fanfltener there ia a ttory said to bo founded upon tact of the father of Robert Faulkeoer, whose Ufe wee irrelig Hie wife had done everything aba could to lead him te the knowledge of the Seviosr. Finally just before the died ilg had a dream. She left the dream for be* husband which resulted in bis conversion. Sbs a»id. "I dreamed that I had died and entered into the other world, and I aaarehed everywhere for you, Andrew, but I could uot find yon. At lest I came to an abyss that was, oh, so very deep, but not to very wide, and It arm tinted with blue like the blue of the aky, whan suddenly an the other side 1 eaw you. 1 gave a cry that aD the nniverae must bare h.ird, when sudden.y tenting about I saw one coming toward me. He bad a wonderful fate. He had an a garment which came »« Hia feat, and ae Ha same eetrer » «w j* Hi* bands and feet the print of I knew who He waa. tod I fall at Hia (eat and cried out. Oh. Lord, my husband, mr haaband!' and He took am by the hand and led me out over the fbr«a »»d put our hands toother, and tben Ha l*d ua buck agate asd we were r*hy. In tha itory which she left bar haaband she cautloeed him to m MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Cared by Pe-ru-na of Systematic Catarrh. _ -— An Interesting Letter From ■re. M. K. Bouech, ol Richmond, end Her Little Daughter. Pearl ' baby I contraetad catarrh, and wa> doc -ored by Mvrro) good physician*, but non* lid me any good. My mother sat taking I’crun* at the time and gave some ol it to me, and I soon began to improve, and am now w*U and (at a* a little pig. I am twehra rear* old. The doctors told mother I had the consumption, but it was oaty ca tarrh."—Mis* Pearl Bousrh. It it no longer a question aa to whether reruns can be relied on to cure all such vwaes. Daring the many year* in which ;Perun* has been pat to last in all form* •and stage* of acute and chronic catarrh no one year haa pat this remedy to greater teat than the past year. l'enina is the acknowledged catarrh rem edy ol the age. Dr. Hartman, the com pounder of PcniDa, has written a book on the phase* of catarrh peculiar to women, entitled. "Health and Beauty." It will he seat free to any address by The Wruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. If yon do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Penina, wnte at once to Dr. Hartman, givtru a full statement of your case and be will be pleased to give you hie valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of lb* Hartman baiutarium, Columbus, Ob.o. vxt&y Mr*- M. K. Boaach, Richmond, V* , "I had catarrh oil thranyh ay aya Un far twta yaara and mil yet mo relief. 1 aaa advlacd ta try Forma, and 1 haaa token fl»a bet tie am/ tf and "nc mil and better non than I haaa bean far yaara. I can advlaa any ana teha hoe antnrrh #/ any yart of the body ta taka Parana. My little girt, «aha <a aiavaa yaara old, had catarrh, hat waa eared by Parana. Bar'-re 1 bayan ta taka Parana 1 tcaa *tr.. nil tha Mata, bnl hota ! am entire.y cm rad and alt nralne lidiuFtrt no. ’>—Mrs. M. 1. Iimac*. Him Pearl Banach write*: “Winn 1 wu Women Who Work 1 In home, ahop or factory can make i . their work much easier ft they wear ■ • comfortable co-act*. Vbe i StraJjrbt Froot 1 f Roynl Worcester ' BopiTop Corsets i | ComUnt Comfort, S*m ewrf Ekganct. ■ I . Aak your dealer to «Ww them to jva. ■ Ripl Wvitstv tout C#., Vawte, Mm, ~ ®LAREMONf College, «w> w> mumc. n*unnn CAiAiotug ran. AND ENGINES ___ T»«k*. • took•, Kua*. ZSa °n*, »°y- cM«!ir5„ r"7*” l^^WTfl rwdry. MaghlM m4 M«U»r Work*. AufViU. ok. SKIfi-TORTURED BABIES | Sleep for skin-tortured Babies and rest for ] tnred, fretted Mothers in warm baths with CtmcuRA Soap, and gentle anointings with . Cuticura OfflrmwT, purest of emollients and greatest of skin cures, to be followed in aererecaees by mild doses of Ounce RA Ra SOLvrwr Pills. This is the purest, sweetest, most speedy, permanent, and economical of treatments for torturing, disfiguring, Itch ing,, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humours, with loss of h^ir, of infants and children, as well as adults. millions of mothers Vm Cvtvovia sow, whM hr atatw*, tor rrMmiw.rartlftar.M4 ■» a* mwa •* a* mm. haa, i Waaaa aa Canon* Hue la sm •MtaM, »a/Uy«y»«. a«4 SM COMPLETE TREATMENT POt EVERY HUMOUR MEW PENSION LAWSnuJ *—»> *• *4wmS^m " o'"0’"* » *. U, I l£3t 'ZtTZi | Th—p MJ»> Iff V»\tt i 1 Situations Secured lor gnhwto m iwinic W rtf* Bt oocr It# csmhRivtf »nj «unt>) >4tM. Massey 8SBST iHiltWa Ky. Kko:p*o>ar.. ft*. HmiM. Tat. CekiftH. '# K'ciiaand. Va. klteileehxn Ala. lnHereTta. FR Ricimond Female Seminaiv A SELECT HO.IE SCHOOT. For YoftMit Ladle*. Kcm t»rm* and catalog a* addrua C. P. WILLI AJTSON, Prc».. No.3 East Onto. SL, RICHHONP. VA. Episcopal male academy,^ HOUSTON. V4. BionnftMtzK.. in itoa •laXeau a all Deaealaatto.ia KaceTa'. Coama.™'** ctritoin l*SJ £}.u3 gw bsrs£r.« Bp&tts Tergal-*. fttoreuwluuar.ft el MltH*j4lr aa T«.Oa. J. UULKa [coraeli Uaftv.) raMau. 0»0M0M0lK0li0lt0ti0ta0M0*otK>*cte I HEADACHE, ««*.1 o M FEVERISH CONOtTWCiS £ S II AND COLDS CURED BY « ? UC APU D IN K o tt fc>l4 Ayr all DraigfeO. 8 IIOROROROROROKOKtOROROROROrrf Medical coi lege of ntaiNUL „ V4T4BLIKHB* IAIC. 1 ba AllftfTliUi >»loi aril! raaiamaa He Dte inker 30,fc l*U llayaiWatiig Brdlcta*. HantUtrr ftai rkamaif. V\ »U eaiilppad Laburatarle*. tj>:* 414 i.o-r*” lei InclUtlae red eauo-iance of i l airaai ma terial afford unexcelled ryii><rtiertre fair Srartlcal Wnrk. For Aen<a»ctmeatan4C* fter Inform,*loa, ai.lnta. rki aia ,*ar Tan»rklue.!K. II.. fftrata. flrcuao, a* Va COBBnaU. COLUBE OF lOmJCIT0B1HUBV uxnnan kv— ATLANTA C0LLE6E CF PBAMUCf. Krna Dltpenanrr. naly r Hryeie Urn t.X.w trailoi* a ilrujt b»o.-p Dftuond lnr XT alor ttiMD wm run rtij pty. Arftlrnai UfeO. P. PAY.ML HblirkaU. AtUa A Royal Flush: $3.50 ! “King Bee” Shoes. SWIFT"CREEK Stock and Dviry Hb« for Fdriaalsnrr mmm a. — --T— ir - rinnai _r*£rS£*i jaw ape. Mini. P»>lJaWD?OM?ir* BaiiIBB C. FOR MALARIA. CHILLS AttEtVEft; TAKE LIXM BABFX. fOLEAlANWAGENEff v HARDWARE CO., IOS King llrral, CHARLESTON. S. C. orrtc*K» j{S£*^SK%£KSi« (I U BALL.bset r tfMu DROPSY it KrrnuTickT nc n.tul»Enwrif4I^H» - . . ORGANS We »rc tf frrloj* sf& ciaftabce beats ui -.ON Pianos and Organs Writ* tor oar Catalogs and Ek*r hratM Tuu Wa can tall yaau S*w I* boy aa laatrnnaat at IM t*w*W Caai prlaa aod pay tor K aa«y. FURNITURE AND CARPETS Special Clraranca Sara, - ALL THE MONTH OF ACQUaT. WrHtfiw aaml trim-urn. Asdrcwi Fsmitore ft MisJc Cfc, _BHfiArm, w.<-. To »«y iIn*t I am nurvriood n iMr •ciloa will conroy i.ut a illfU ktrm of tl>« valit* I act r.|wn Klpaaa TkW oli»a. I lUrhi-ii limiK'diala l>ru.flt aad to Illpaoa Tnbutra am itw^ly in<J*tn»d for frrllni ao I do to-dar. If tin- of iItl« roaatry kiww tlic rCJrmy of lllp-tn* tar »(oo34< b unit tiwl irtnbln l>WT ooobl Ik- rtlK-tvd from un-u> af Mlctloaa. l t*a* l»*l m i-naorK Vraw •ntmarr t> **«i*u. | bv t-mm.'r Imu'o .. **n<*- **—tarn* a —pplf far a ymm.

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