THE HEADLIGHT. *r j JOHN K. WALSH, £ono>. WCUVA Mm*. < **■■•*»'"■»■* JF.. ■-... MBMtottsrma um Mvdtlhurfirfnr. tu-ietly oaafc in ^Adivftlil*C hum (unfaM on tp •meurtiai^y^mrtotCorngnm «*^mo«4-c1im ntUitr. raiDAY. AUUCtfT ini. BJCHlfoKD COUKTY DKil OCKAT1C TICKET. For the Ho caw, A. a bOCKEUY. For Clerk Superior Court, JOHK L. EVKUETT. For Sheriff, TftoMAS a WRIGHT. For Urpirtrr of IVedr. WALTER a THOMAS. Fur Coroner DAK IE I, OAY. For Surveyor. K. A. OKAHAM. For County Commi«utoner», Yf. C. LEAK. E D. WHIT LOCK. E C. TKUUY. REPLY TO THE AX GLO-8AXON. Ibke YOiTr Crow, Neighbor. Last week the Angle Saxon, ihe wonld be oracle of Demo cracy, and self-constituted and conceited dictator of the Richmond Democratic party, hadsometbing to say of the jjlesdKgheff spurious .Democ racy ; of its spreading itself in an effort to stir up opposi tion to Democracy in its own ranks; of it having to take its doss of crow ; that it did hops it would change its tank somewhat after, (in sub stance) the primary. Then In another sentence, it con tradicts itself by saying, we didn't expect it. We didn’t -even suspect it. Now which -doesit mean? It can't mean both. Can it be suffering from a fit of lunacy?, or is it because it doesn’t know when it oontradicta itself? Or li it because it has no regard for what it says? We deny tits charge emphatically. Now we demand that our contemporary prove what it has uttered here, for its asser tions are absolutely of no weight. Ws offer sny and every issue of tbe Headlight to refute tbaae false asser -*-• • - • •» ii --- ——a Democracy of Richmond to victory or to liades-Hind to ■hades it will go if that paper papists in it* course. Ty rauy has tio place in Demo cracy. The voice of the peo ple is the voice of God—lot the will of the majority rule, we say, but you would say, “if its my will”—“My will, uot-tiiine, be done.” We love pemocracy, and all the insinuating slurs of the Anglo-Saxon can’t drive us out of the party, nor pre vent us from voting for its nominees, aud this is uOt “a dose of crow for us, for be fore the primary, we decided to support the nominees, and said so before and after the primary, but it is a nauseous draught to see the Anglo Saxon ]»erched upon an im aginary, self-erected throne, as a Kimi oi lAmiocratic Deity. Tlie former won’t gag us—the latter dors. If this wouldn’t make anyone sick, what would do it? . We don’t want to fight our party. No, God forbid. Nor do we wish to wound the feelings of many of the good Democrats who have seen proper to differ with us on some minor points, but we do wish to hurl back into the teeth of the Anglo-Saxon, the unkind, unfair, unfound ed criticisms it has made in reference to the Headlight, aud to show to the world how foolish, vain, arrogant it is. Now, as to onr editorial of last week, we are willing that every man, woraaik and child in Rishmond should read it, and if any two persons, not connected with the- Anglo Saxon, will say it smacks of independentism, then we’ll admit we are not much'wiser than the Anglo-Saxon. We leave the whole matter to the decision of the people. We regret to take this space from our readers, bat this is the third unprovoked attack that paper has made upou us • We have never' criticised it except in defend ing its attacks upon us, but as it seems to mean war, we say let it oome, and we’ll amuse it indefinitely, and hereafter, we shall feel at liberty to fire a shell into its camp at our pleasure, and hereafter will be aggressive, and take special delight in calling our contemporary down as occasion arrives, but we will always have the TRUTH on our side. The following is the editorial upon which the Anglo-Haxon baaed ita unjust and dieoonrteboe attack upon the Headlight. Wa want the people to read, and wa leave them to do thair own thinking: . 'BICHXOVD COUHTY I OLITICO." “Tka primaries have baan bald, and wa had hoped that all Demo crats would vote in tham and ba satisfied with the result. In this however, wa have baan disappoint ed, as abost one-third of the Dem ocratic voter* of the ounoty, among srhom are some of our beet eitimns, did not vote, and some of tham aaa alamoroaa for aa inde pendent thkti That tha Bepub Ueaaa ahoald deaira to pat oat a iiakrt, mama perfectly aataral, bat that there should ba two Dam oahntta tickets mm to ba rat bar add. and M for tha beat internet of the Democrat is party. It ba beeves all food' DWmoerats to puli logit her and present a solid froot to our summon enemy, the Bapablicaa party. It la aoi im4, aa coma may auppnaa. And it too. now Mb to be “Illy white.” and amny of these people who votadwwb aa Is 1006 will natur ally return to thair AM love. Then too, ninny of the Populists | who came from the Republican j peity. will go b- ' to it. If these tl i g. be tm , th Republicans j may be more .. ons »han onef might suppose, and he ,ct* tlu*i iiHceeaity for Democrnte to stick! together. But, nays one, 1 don’t) like the way the primaries w»m managed, and 1 ain't support its nominees. Well, this is a fiv*> country, and the negro has I men practically eliminated from poli tics, and >nu have the right to vote, or not' vote, and if you vote, you can vote as you please, But if you don’t vote for the domi noes of your party, you ought to have a good reason for net doing so. These are things that should have our ueribus consideration. The nomination* generally, were not uuamuiou* Some of the candidates were outvoted for, end some voted against, by the sub stitution of othbr names, blit all received majorities ib the county primary. This was' a- great sur prise to the people' at large, for they expected a second primary. While the majority is not always right, it ehuufd be so, therefore the will of the majority should rule unless good cause call lie shown to the Contrary.” JL’8T UHTRH TO THE AN* OLO-SAXOJf. Last week it said', “Tlie Democratic party in Rich-, mood county has not been more united, bettor satisfied, and with less cause for dis satisfaction since the war,” and turned up its holy nose at the Headlight because it said there was some dissatis faction. My, my ! Gone off half-cocked again. Why, that paper is only about 3 years old, and- the editor, where, oh where has he been for the last 37 years?—not in Richmond we knoyr. Then the paper dou’t know anything about what it says. But we do know what we said and know it to be tri\4, and will prove it hy -th^ statement of _?ome ,ofl county's best citizens, sotae of whom1 were born in Rich mond “befo de wah” and have always lived in it, and voted in it, and have always voted the democratic ticket. We regret ‘hat we are forced to this measure, for we would not willingly hurt our dear old party, but we feel it our privilege and our duty to provb that our statement is true. We wrote several parties at different post offices in the the county and have state ments from them that there is much dissatisfaction. These we may publish next week or later. In the mean time anybody can see them by calling at our office. nrDBFENDKNT TIG'KKT. We shall take no part in an independent movement, but we have heard a great many people say that there will be an independent tick et for all, or nearly all, the county office*. * We hear, also, that the Republicans will put out ’a ticket. We can’t tell how it will be, but should there be an independ ent ticket that would be evi dence of dissatisfaction. As much as w* regret it, it is no use to deny the fact, or to try to hid# it. If everything oonnected with thd primary was open sod fair, which w* do pot question, whet bsv* we to fear? Why not reoog niss the true situation and fight for the suooess of tbs ticket nominated? It’s no use to doss our ayes against the fact that, there will be a bard contact. NO DfMMATIKI'AimON. All 1 No dissatisfaction 1 Would the Republican* have dared' to iimrslml their fun;** had tliejs rtlit1 own time there whs di.**ntipfutttfhri> in the Democratic ranks? Nil’in deed, nnd the sooner th« Anglo Saxon admits the fact, and enters upou the work of pacifying dissat isfied Democrats, and using every possible means to unite the grand old party, the letter for it nud the purty. You may drive Democrats out of the {tarty, hut you cuu't force them to remain in. Now, neighbor, change your tune and sing, “Come all ye dissatisfied Democrats, and let ua make a grand charge ugaiust our oommun enemy. We have tried to “cuss” you out, but we need you now. Help ns once more, otid we’ll turn you loose until we need you again. PBACK, SWEET PEACE. The Anglo- Saxon may sing its “Syreu Song” of “Peace. Sweet iWoe,” in the faoe of an organis ed enemy, and “ouss out” every Democrat that does not worship at its shrine, but if it persists in this snicidnl course, it must fold its righteous hands nnd close its eyes to the result nnd continue to enjoy peace, sweet peace. Tho Anglo-Saxon Rays, “Tho very people whom it, (the Headlight) falsely’ claim ed to represent in its cam paign of discontent walked right up to the ballot boxes and voted solidly for the old order of things.” Well,- a large portion of them did vo e, and some who did, say they are sorry they did it. We honestly regret that there is considerable dissatisfac tion throughout the county, but it is true, and there's no use to deny it, and if the Saxon can’t see it now, we hope it never will1. We wish were mistaken. * ________ The Anglo-Says, “Some of the candidates who had been heeding the Headlight’s fairy tales of discontent, may have been disappointed in the number of votes they re ceived.” If that paper has any backbone let it give the names of the parties to which it alludes. It is due the par ties, who, of course are de feated candidates. The Anglo-Saxon says, “We are enjoying the fruits of that victory now.” Yes y6u are at the tune of a little five dollars a day job in the legislature. “Oh.*, how we apples float,” and we’re de termined to float on and on— mind ye ( The sooner the Anglo-Sax on finds out that it can’t dominate the people of Rich mond county, the better it may be for it. If the Anglo-Saxon would serve its party to advantage we suggest that; it fight Republicanism in stead of Democrats—that it strive to LEAD, instead of DRIVE. KEV BLACKSMITH SHOP. SUhs sad Masses he vs erased a A rat class shop on the A. M. Lons livery lot—CDs Beet place for coir business In tbs lows. Ws are saeh thankful, for the ptUasifs reeelrsd Is oar raepsot He shops, sad sow, St will both do all Is dwfpower to pieces oar natrons. Ws Will fire yes lbs best work, promptly, as Mmt rates. Will do asy work fa osr Use. bet Will stake horse-shoeing a spsitajiy. Call os ss sad ws will do you good * IAn £ Mums. H: 0. Watson’s is tho pises to g*t yoor syrmps, maple and Osor gWldMS. All take a look at Watson’s ci gar ease. Is it yon will find the finest cigars and sofokisg tobaeoo. * "■ t % * The Best is the Cheapest.' The Eveett Hardware co. Soil t4i«t grade at the price you pay for inferior good*. Hotfr'datltliey do thia? Because they buy in large quanti ties, gfet big discounts and ait) satisfied with small profits. : They lmndio the McCoVltick Harvesting Mach ns. Don’t do aii3' painting before seeing, their prices Everything for the Farm and Househld And the best part of it is that, tho prices are so near the cost margin, everybody can afford to purchaso the bee arm equipments. t -WE HAVE THE Ice Cream Freezers, Lemon Squeezers, Agate Ware, Plows, Wagons, Baggies, Wire Fencing, Wire Netting, Tin and Tinware, Paints, Electrical Supplies, Etc. Now, just come and see for yourself, for the half has • not been told you. As to prices—well you can have a say-so here. Everett Hardware company BennettsviUe-Dillon Marble Works, J. W. HrELWEE Proprietor. Bennettsvllto, 8. C. ........ ’Ph0rt«r*>95. For Monuments, '’KmiSstone* til'd TfttTTfts. tn fact," everythibe needed in marble, call on my Agent C. C. Smith, Hamlet N C or write me diwct for design* and prise* Thankful for past pn^ronagn, 1 solicit your future trade Respectfully, J. W. McELWEE, Proprietor, W. W. PATE, Manager. THE NORTH A ROT AN A STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. LITERARY CLASSICAL 8CJKHT1FIJ COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL PEDAGOGICAL MUSICAL wta-team Sosslon open* September 18th. Expense* 1100 to 1140; for non-re*idenM of the State 4lfl0. Faculty of M members. Fraction and Observation School connected with the College Correspondence invited from those desirinjf competent teachers and stenographer*. Tosecnruboard in the dormi tories all free tuition applications should be made before I July 16th. For catalogue and other information addreee President Charles D. elver, Greensboro, N! Don’t t Neglect1 Your Eyes’ * * We have just received a complete stock of Hawke*' Crystalled Spectacles, fur which we* have the exclusive agency, and can give you a perfect fit. Our Mr. Richardson, who is an experienced Opti-1 cian will give your eyes a thorough test, for which no extra charge is made, and will give an absolute guarantee on every pair sold. If your eye sight is railing be sure to see us. We are still headquarters for everything in the Drug line. If you don’t believe it come ana see. If it's s good thing and sold in s drug store we have it. Richmond County Drag Co. W. L. RICHARDSON, Mamaabb. Happp Time In Okl Town. •'We felt eerp happy” wrliea R X. Baelll, Old Town, Va.. "whan Boah ton'e A rata* Bale* wholly eared our daughter at a bad aaan of «eaM hand." I» dalighla all Who nee It for Oula, Oome, Dana, Krwlea*. Bella, Ulaaia, Kraptkxia. Infallible for Pllra. Only We at all druggiate. Filthy Tempi** In I Ad I*. Saarad *ow» often dad* India* **• pi**, hot war** pi I* a body that'* polufd by Bo—tlpnilBA. Don't pm It. Olaana* year *y*t*m wHIt Dr. Kina'* Maw Ufa Fllk and a raid on told ailaary. Tbty fir* itaaty Hrara, aatlra bowel*, pond dlpaatkM, fla* if. petUa, Only *o at all druppUta,