'[tje *J$paoisfi ❖TTeasOre. A NOVEL. St ftsirs. SlizcWlh ©l7l«r, OSAOSLU CMTIUSJ j *• - • • •>'•’ c* ' — T— .— ‘TV-“ ) CBAFTEB XXV. wnutu, ■*I it worial* ba thongU. I ooaUla't believe it if I hadn’t beard M aad nm it for myself; bat I mart gat oat ef this; X Uere not be seen mkgm! Wsgg 90 MM* MM He kssteaed rapidly along the1 etfssl end did not pane* for breath: MU be bed Utruea the oorner into the adjoining svsnae. There he slowed, hie step* lid walked loiter ingly end there ha toad “Carlos Hendon.** anma avo'uH vu late in the mornh)~. A glance showed him that ho wait still undisputed possessor of ths professor’s •pert meet “Where has the old boy fled tor be thought. “As we sey iu England, he has ‘funked it*—I mutt remember to be T*ry English nowl Bat that pretty little fiend. Olive Gsye, will help me eut with that sort of thing— Jovsl What a girll And by thun der! X have forgotten that ths ex pected me beek again last evening to dinner -oonfonnd itl Bat it was im possible any way. X will get some breakfast and oull on her at once. I mistrust she'll make me walk a chalk line fpr awhile—but ril be patient till she's say wife, end if she doesn't find me a match for her than—for, as elevar aa ska is, I am qntta unao qnaiated with the future Earl of ‘Win dermere or ths present Lord Claxsaos Staalsy.” While these reflections, partly id silent thought and pertly in brokeif suutehss of remark, were passing through Stanley's mind, ha was per-i Arming a hasty morning toilet—a matter whieh the professor's limited eonvsaieuoes rendered diScntt. He h urriedly completed his prepara tions 1ST- Si" stnnt, gfrnemi si hr* luggage, not even unstrapped yet, and at ouee decided to get new quarters, whether Ten Tassel bad r*turned or not, wham he should have oomt back again after breakfast A strange and very annsntl feeling of depression took possession of Stan ley whan ho found himself . in ths street, and bo glanced about in e fur tive manner, but without knowing ho did so. He quioksned his steps, turning into e street that, after a little wind ing, brought kirn at ones into a better neighborhood, end then he direeted hie coarse to the restaurant _wbpre fc* had dined with Vhu Tassol; tint ha gave much leas time than usual to hie breakfast. The morciug paper, which he glanced over while wait ing for coffee and rolls, did not give ’him ths satisfaction that he had an ticipated, and it was a distinct disap pointment when he sew that an un known man had rung the ball at tha boose of Baron HelmholU, with the evi dent intention at committing some set the family—doubtless tba beantifal Beroneea Halmbolts, whoa ha had asked for aa “Oeioetine." '■Tha man la erldaatly.e crank, or,. it may ba an escaped laaatio," tha ar ticle continued, "tor whan tha tarri Aad aarrant rafnaod to carry hie mes sage, ha draw a dag gar from hie breast-pocket aad, fioariahing it wildly, declared that ba mast, aad would, aaa tho baroness; because ha ^aad coma from Carlos, Carlos, whom phs adored I Ha than tamed away, and mattering what eoaaded like a prayer tom help, axelaimad: 'Ood, Ood, pity mat Sand soma angel to free aaa from tba daril who poroses mar At this, tha aarrant, who fait instinctively that aha had a i.'a-lmaa to deal with, fled npatain, shrieking lobar mfartrsaa to ba on hsrgnard and to look her door before tha laaatio oould gat to bar. At tha asms mo rn eat, Baron ran Halmbolts, who had |aat an tar ad tha boose aakaown to tha aarrant, asms hastily from tha baok drawing-room Into tha hall; bet waa only in Urns to aaa tha voald ba assassin rushing from tha hour. Baroh Halmbolts pa taxed the man Into tha street, but, 9a arrirlag there, be aew a man and woman dis appearing in ana direction and an other man standing Irresolutely near tha sonar of tha street, in tha other direction. Uncertain what to do, ha retarmed to the honae and seat a tale phone alarm to the a ear eat poitee s lotion. Bat no traoe of tha fanatic has boon found, and no slew to what may hare bean his intentions in re gard to tha beenUfat baroness, who remains, happily, aabarmed, aad not area alarmed si what looks rsry like/ aa aHsmpt’en her life.” Stanley was not prepared for the feeling of bitter disappointment that took possession of him aa ba read tha share paragraph, at flrot hastily, and than with alow aad eerefel precision, weighing tha rales of sack sea Uses aa ba read it. Until than, ha had not known hew meeb ha had iepeaded on 1 A' WRuStfj pre&S1} bnL notwithstanding the fast that ba had ndtented the Idea from the drat, aad had bean wall disposed to sarse erary apaaiaa at oeenlt knowledge id ler hie osparionoo with Dolores, his awn myatariona power orsr Taa Tea eat iataroeUJ Mat mere than ha knew, aad he had eeaSdeatlr expected to get rid af tha beantifal Celestiae far ever tbroach the egansy af bar half-erasy fU wilfaijf mD«*«d Us mUm, baalaas4 to fu Tms«1’s roe—s, to wUab IWr oiglHl mmt 1*4 set jrs* rstora>4. a*4 sa baas latot bs waa saHlal la aa abaaara, frpb aaa fartabla betel, aa4 ri|liUrn iinUr aa aaaaaaa4 a a—a; las 1m 4atomlae4 iaraaaala M a law 4ay« liaaar la Xaw Task, a*4 to laava aa mm by wblab Maty ■aaitlaa's fatbat aaa!4 8a niairtr M rraata total s«b (*|J* 111* ttm Ik* m*4 I***— W^a* e^w 8^^— w^8^8 to to totUMalatoM Utaattoali eat to art aa Ua brUttMl l*an) but, happily, ha did not look so; and ka waa glad to think that Oliva would ba satisfied with hia appearance. "I shall waste do tune la making ' arouses for yesterday," ha said to ihitneelf, aa ka aeernd harbouaa; aad, glaooipg up at it, saw a dark, laugh ing fact looking toward him from the drawing-room window. "By Jovel There aha ia, aad not a bit offended.** And when ha ranched the door it waa instantly opened, before he had time to touch the bell. ' “Come rat" said Oliva, merrily, "I waghl to eootd yoa, bat I ean imagine that yon were very busy las* evening ■and probably forgot all aboat tea. I fcav* iuat parted from oar { baa-raUaf «lla eoaarad la Jtgypa »blck abowa hew »ba oUaliaka aad other laraa mtair litha ware taraaaported frota tkaqaerrr lo their alia. The atoh* la dapiatad . The method *f data ah jag a a*ie> Mik frota tha aattw raak (a alao at pUiaed hjr a aaaai-daUaUad Moah la boa of tha qaarrlaa Mljaat. Alla* .haWag baaa hava elear oa Ihraa aid**, a deep grata va* eat lata the iim li fk# mi|l *- -•— aaM -a-a «-*- _ai*L * wiw w«f fiPWif mw wBMtk ary wdaa paga waredrttaa. Thapaga war* thaa vetoed, aad tha weed la evelllag braha af tha ■irr“1b tram ah# gaawy.—yhfladalpbU Beeard. naaaaahtrdta abaamwi aatha Maa lake* Tba large*! ~a *'** A NOVEL. Sv C£rs. SlizobaiH (J. (ISABELLA CABTELAX4 IM m4 ubs, bjr Bomr lovin,i Bmmj CHATTED XXVIL ooxrmuxp. "She ia e siogular girl,’* at last alio acid, "and if the mania ao completely infatuated with her ae you *ay, an al liance of any aotl between them might be dangerous to onr plane. I dislike bar, and have no coafillenoe in her airs of superiority and virtue; bnt she will inevitably find out from Ten Tea eel the whole story of your pretended identity with Lord Clarenoe Stanley, and onr only safety in regard to him lias in the faot that we ere on guard against him and we ean more eaaily prove him to be a Aangerone Innatio than he ean prove yon to be other than the man whose name yon beer. I do not think we need to be alarmed on this subject Bnt I must find out whether that Mendose girl bee left the Hamilton family. I cannot go there personally, for Polly dislikes and mistrusts me, end I don't like her. To confess the troth, Lord Clarenoe, I am inclined to be jealous of her. In yonr inmost heart, my dear Clarenoe, or what passes for that organ, I believe that yon ere more then half in love with Polly Hamilton, end yon era sorry now that yon have lost the ohanea of marrying her." "Whet, when I have the choioe ot yon insteadP* exoleiznod Stanley. “My dearest girl I How can you do yourself such injustice?" Olive Gaye felt her check redden apgrily. There was an insolent free dom in the man's tone which she re sen tod with suppressed but bitter fury. “The men is not e gentlemen," ■he thought, “not even in outward eoeming. How oonld the Hamilton* havo been deceived ia him ell these years? Bat how handsome I I sup pose Polly wee quite made about him, and, of conns, that would blind her father end mother. Bnt I mast get some hold on him even stronger thud my knowledge of his early life: for when I have married him, it will be ae much to my intarest an to his own to preserve hie secret; and, devil that he is, he knows that as well aa I do." While these thoughts were passing through the shrewd mind of Miss Gaye, the wee looking np into her lovar’e face with the ingennons end childlike smile which deoeived moat men end was not wholly without efTect even in the keen eyes now observing her; while the glowing crimson of her cheek might well enoagh pass for the blush of pi ess ore in listening to n 'Atbpiitfnilntf' ihe lipe of the »>»» whom aha loved. Detplte hit tdmirttion for Oliro Onje’e portion Ur kind of o1it«dhi ana her quite extraordinary axecu tire ability, Stonlay oould never rid himself of the feeling that he had been oaptored end was held, like any other captive animal, with a chain long anoagh for apparent freedom, it is trae, end loose enough to make him almost unconscious of ita presence, bat whan he eoaght to evade it he was made to feel, in an onmUtakable manner, that it waa there. “But I shall marry her," he thought. ‘That or the wild West and freedom is now my only alternative; end I am afraid I am spoiled for the prairies end oanyona. Too much civilisation end laxary have made the necessity for their oontijauanoa imperative, h or der to possess them I must merry her; and when I do—” Stanley did not oomptete the sen tenoe; and oould Miss Gaya have seen his fees at that laomant, the expres sion of It might have robbed tbe eoro net of the prospective oounless of gmoh of its luster. Outside her own family, no one knetr or remotely suspected the en gagement of Olive to Clareooe Stanley, with the single exception of Berthe Befton; and lilts Osye bed only taken her friend into her eonfidesoa when aha realised the danger of not oon fldlng la her. Berthe had already ascertained all that had been required in reward to Dolores having absented herself suddenly, end, aa it seemed, mysteriously, from the Hamilton family; and in that way Olive end Stanley knew that aha had never re turned there after her meeting with Van Tassel.. “They have rone to California to gether,’* sold Stanley. “I feel they neve done ae in qnrst of the Santiago Canyon, of which he knows the lo cality; and by this time they have arrived there and are doubtless search ing for tbe treasure.” w pw—W| uarnn; iu«y will not Aad H,” Mid Oliva. “Ton alot.a ■OM—a the Meret, aad aa that airt'a ••♦her loethie life (a tba saaroh for it, to* may be qwita aerUia aha la io no •ante to risk hat*— do—not X Imth tkroaah Barth* that aka kaa left tha Haaatttoaa* far aaUraly dfffrrant rat aoaa—fa whisk Polly kalivaa, hot to tabfak Mr*. Hamilton doe* not put tha Una* faith. Th* dear mothar aa tba eamtaary, haa last aii aoaAdanea la tha wonderfal Spanish) aaao/IU, la tka ballad that bar anddan aad myatarooa Aaawmwaaa la aaplalaad by tha eqnaUy anddan aad myetarlone die apniarann ad Lard Olaraaaa Stanley —m abort, Mr*. Hamilton Is Irmly aoavfneed that Pally** late *weal!iaai I, and raaaatly aaqoired aUtsr bare aio pad tagrtkar." "Than they da net easpeet tkat X nmrttn In new Tarkf** aal