_Voozouncs. i»t 1 KICHMOND COUXTY DEM > OCKATIC TICKET. 4 4 > For Uw Hoon. 4 | A. «J. DOCKEKY. 4 I Ear OWrk SoporW Ooart, 4 I JOHX L. EV*«UCTT. '4 > For SArrOT. 4 \ THOMAS tf. WEIGHT. . 4 I WALT** 'it THUMAtL „ | > For Omnrr 4 t V4XIEL GAY. 4 * For Sonrjyor, 4 I X. A. GEAR AM. 4 * ~ f For Ooantf CotnmiMkmrra, 4 > W.C. LEAK, E D. WHIT- 4 > LOCK, EG.TBKKY. 4 ' Ledbetter**. Some of BobrnM’i best men have been over and rendered good service in oar meeting. Thank* you gentlemen—we appreciate yoar presence. There was singing at J. ▲. Sul* lirsn’s Sunday evening, in which both old and young participated, it waa a pleasant and enjoyable occasion. We state with great pleasure that oar Bandar school yesterday, outnumbered any attendance we have had in six months. Through the medium of the church we ought to have a good and well .attended Sunday achool. The cordial hand of welcome is extent - ed to all who are within reach. The freshet last Thursday, which fell in this community, caused an overflush iu the stream* and the tfood work which was re cently completed on the factory dam was literally swept off, leav ing only the old brick structure. iWe very much regret it. By the •aid uf the engine the mill is mak ing time and will ooutinue to run if possible uutil arrangements can be made to replace the work. It is very evident to us that great interest is being manifested in ths meeting which has been in progress here for a week and is still going on. In fact it is a glorioaa revival in avery sens# of the term, Church members have been revived and strengthened, while ainnere have yielded to the power and influence of the goept ] and. are making professions daily. Subscriber. On aocouut National Ere imj • moot Grand Army of the T epnbli , Washington, D. C-, October fl-li. IttOB, the Seaboard will aell round trip tickets to Washington sod New York and return si follows, To Washington, $10.00, to New York, *20.00. Tickets on sale October ted, 4th, ith and 6th, final luait Oct. 16th. R. F. Brewer, Agrnt. H. t!. WATSON, UNDERTAKER. Our arrangement* for furniah ing funerala are oomplete in every Kne. Kvery department of the business ie etriotly up-to-date in every reepeot. We bare a cooling hoard, ehureh truck and every thing needed. Oaf line of eofflne and eaekete embrace* every else sod quality, and will be eold at abort margins. With every casket sold, the hearer will be furnished without extra charge. When desired to do so, we will take charge of the eorpeo at death end' oomplete ell arrangements for the intorment. Cell co W. T. Telford, salesman, at any hoar of day of night. At night he can be found at the reel* deoee of Bev. W. J. TuHorA, on Bandolph street. Prompt and faithful deftlee at the lewsd living rates, to our motto. Greatly appreciating our Mge patronage in the pad, we will endeavor to merit gfmtor favor*. 's i . "ft ' ■ Fresh Heat Market M e respectfully remind the people f>f Rockingham and surrounding country, that we are.running a Hint-class Fresh Heat Market in the Bed Store, the old T. B. Covington ■stand. We will keep the best stock the market afford*, and serve our customers promptly, at the shortest uotice. Thankful for past patronage. LASSITER & SON. -EgBga HU BgHEBS— EH— Benaettsville-Dillon Marble Works, J. W. McELWEK Proprietor. Bennettsvllle, I. C. ’Phone No 06. Vnf Monuments, Tombstones and Tablets, in fact, ererythihg needed in marble, call on my Agent C. C. Smith, Hamlet N C or write me . direct for Jwigni and prisea Thankful for poet patronage, I solicit your future trade Respectfully, J. W. McELWEE, Proprietor, W. W. PATE, Manager. af—PW—a—Mpaa—— New Beef Market. It give* me pleasure to inform the people of the community that I have opened '. A FRESH MEAT MARKET At the Candle stand under the store of W. T. Covington A Co. I hare brought down a large drove of the finest beef cattle ever brought to this market, and will furnish choice beef at reasonable prices, giv ing full weights in every instance. Send me vour order* and I will tarve you promptly aud faithfully. Jutt try me—that is all I ask. J. T. D'BERRY. i — 1 i-J 11—i. —— 1 MB a LookOut! You Will Miss a Bargain tf you fail to see Little Brothers before you buy your * 1 For we have just got what you want, and our prices are below all competition. Our large sample room and stor age house is just packed full Of bargains in everything you need to furnish your house from kitchen to parlor. Have you seen our COOK STOVES? We have them from $8. 50 up. Also a nice line of Heaters from |8.00 up. If yon want a bargain in a SEWING MACHINE, just come and get one of our light running NEW HOMES, or a NEW IDEAL. Satisfaction guaranteed. Thanking you one and all for your liberal patronage in the past, and asking a continuance of same, we are, Yours to please, LITTLE BROS. Public Examination. 1. On tbo eeoond Thursday in Ckw tober, at 10 o’olock a. m., *' fifK public examination will bo laid in the oonit boom for applioaa^a to teaeh in tbs white public schools. On the day follswfe* those desiring to Its~h in tbttit* orsd Sehoole, will prsesrrt Ibafc •site* for examine*ton. Teachers whose sertlfioatss will reqnire renewal Wore tbs first mf Marsh, »90fi, oaaaot bs smptoyed in the sehoole. Let all refer to thedateof theta"eertiAfefc* and be governed thereby, lee Bohbol Law, eoettoo fig. 1. H. Walah, O. fi. 8, fini Wwf , I dsefav to rent tor nest year, my (am near Capet's Mt)U. laid farm, to a two hone farm, hat 1 haws good tenant boildiugs and will divide farm, if desired. The land is goad and lisa well. Water, U pleuttfal and floe. w- V££fTv 9 0 0 * I - Tha Ooahty Board of Education vfll out bn tha aaaonid Monday la^otoha*, (ltth,) la ragalar Tha Board will b* pUaaad to aay application* for oooaoJIdation of aohoola, or propo iEusiba*** — F. 0. Whitloek, Oh ta. 9. B. Walsh, Baa. t • _ STATEMENT OF CONDITION The Farmers' Bank, OF ROCKINGHASt N. C, A* the Ook of Boatnarf Byemfa 15th, ftttL Ooodonoed from Ho port to North ClftHItia Corporation CoUuaMioM'. RESOURCES. Loan* and Diaoonnt*—f&9,119.87 Ovar Draft* (ifcurcd) 74.17 Bkg Hi'uw Fur. ft Fix. - 6,800.00 Caxh on haud ft in Bka. 57,088.48 8102,079.62 LIABILITIES Capital Stock--$16,000.00 Undivided P/oflta...... 2,180.8$ Dapoaita-- 84,928.70 $109,0f9;68 - •_- - I, L. 8. Covington, Cashier of The Farmers’ Bank, solemnly •Wear the above statement to be true to the beet of my knpwfedge and belief. L. g. Covibutok. _ , , „ Cashier. 8arom and subscribed to before me this 26th day of Sept., 1902. ___ J. L Bundy, Notary Public Corrwct attest: RECORD BREAKER. {£**• *• Circus Day is Always A Show Day and it will be a sure day for yon iiyou call at onr store and examine mammoth stock of Dry Goods which havs baen coming in from the Northern markets for the past two weeks. We can a mu re oar customers that we have tbs lar gest and moat complete stock we have ever carried. Ws wisii to call yonr attention to onr complete line of DRESS GOODS. V e havo a large variety to select from and call yonr at tention to the following specialties. 28 inch Flannels, all colors, only 00c. worth 86. 42 inch Cheviot Serge, all colors, only 66c, worth 76e. 80 inch Veuetiau Cloth, bhly 66c, worth 76e. 86 inch Fancy Stripe, only 60c, worth 06o We aleo have a veiy select line of all-wool Suitings, a nice selection of Silks from 00c to 86c j>er yard. We also have a swell line of Shirt Waist Goods. Good Outing at 6o i>er yard, better gtades at 0. 8, 10. 124c. Aleo a complete line of Southern Silks. Calico and Pee Dee Plaids 6c per yd. Notions and Men’s Furnishings. You can always find what you jrant hers in this iiue, os we give you an enormous stock to select from. Don’t buy your Shirts, Collsrs, Cuff*, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Hos- . lery. Neckwear, and all thorn little articles, until you see our bargains. Pants Clothe We have a big line of Pant# Cloth which it wiH pay you ' to examine before purchasing. . Hats. ' All of tWe newest-styles, in Hate. Please examine our large and select line of hats before buying, and w« guaran tee to save you at least 26 per cent. Shoes. If you buy your shoes this full before seeing onr stock you wili certainly lose money. We sell the Old Virginia, Battle-Axe, Westover, Nelson’s,—in fact anything you want * SPECIAL: For the next week we will sell a good Brogan Shoe, toe one you usually pay $1.26 for, for only 69c; only one pair to a customer. Clothing. We have the largest and most select line of slothing this year we have ever carried. Suite anywhere from $1 to $18. 8PEOIAL : We have bought a job lot of clothing Which we will eell at record-breaking prioee. * Single coats • fro in $2 to $4, coats And vests from $8 to $0; Finally. W« have g complete line of everything yon oaU find io a Dry Goods Store, Umbrellas, Underwear,, Lad lea’ Ready- ‘ made Waists, Skirts, Jewelry, Toilet Articles, eto. ' Please give us a oall and your wants will reoeive prompt attention from our courteous salesmen. H. C. WATSON If. B. We have speolal presents for our rortom.re, and with every $6.00 purchase, we are going t6 give sway free a substantial Egg-Carrier. DON’T GO TO CHARLOTTE. To Hm Yt«r Sadtiaery Rapairad. The people of Richmond and adjoining ootmtia* are eepectfully informed that I am fully prepared to do any kind of repairing to Engines, Machinery, do., also in the Furniture linq. No use to send your work to Charlotte, when you oan have it done by your home meohanioe better, quicker and cheaper. Consult your own interest sad Send me ydor work and it will be done well, promptly and sat sfsctorily. L C SHARPE Pegging aw i 5 Still Pegging Away. I am still at my stand ovsr A. W. Portar 4 Co's store pegging and sewing shoes for the good people who have been patronizing me for years past. I Still do my work faithfully and promptly and at the lowest living prices. If yon have never tried me, corns now. J. D. YOUNG. a , / , I • , , 9 t

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