THE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS iphe Week's Happenings Faithfully Gathered and Correctly Told. Ocrtto* MMisl points higher, now 8 15 lMiiiuUj1**1 *M * T hi tor at Mr. J.LOamphall spent lest Monday the family of Mr. W. F. Long. _Mr. and Mrs. T. i. Onriagtoo an vMMagMr. Osetaglaa's mother Mrs. The Ooanty Beard of Bdocailon wUl . ■■■> la regular anion on ted Monday ed January. Man’s Call senad the tax notice of IhartC Wright and don't dai) to oall on Meant anna. I aU ad her ehildnn with her. It waa a i ad mimfac Springs on Monday, the killed I night by the *, Biyak Liles, apent > with hla inaoa friaaria and Iffelt _1 the 37 th fey Bar. W. J. MdJtoQuiklMniT1 Lnorlnburg, VelMOi that J.M Yoaag received Ike Soak Baage gives by Wart Bros, ft* the pooeeaeor of (be lucky ticket. J. V. PeBen'i^, we law, hae pomkaa Bahamaf* ** U|abered fatad in or TrtrfaBb ready for yoa-ootuo •Xftrt it. 1 have mom beautiful 'I**1* i-MOrt get. almoat jrt taad family, af ^feMbftiftanmd* to Mr. Lenta, of Stealy.aad Mr. Mathe •* Meatgwaixy, were recant vial ftomto the famine* ad Mmie. Y. M. Bggumdi.llkBeny. Mr. and lire. F. F. Gibaon, of Dillon. M. IX, «*d Mim Frankie Masoa.of CHb Mft.A