TJ* knpia» MO haw Kppltfd «• ilhtj—, ttw b w *• h* a *mt «— Ml tot than ahaaaaaa a° wwnto at tha aWtatoa aa aatnloay a Mat l hay tannin. Tha aahfcat af aatnlagjr t> a my aatnctaaa aa* to awat paapla. Tha attWaa aa tonhn hi tha Paraao a). »*•*» hart hat* hn»W Hr I arty nu pstaat avlialatoal, amt lha Maul rW laalatka at caw tint u coutnatto; I ^taaat a caaaplata haaaaccpa. A Inc at j'aaaatlaaa aaf antm aa aatialanr at*-. | (raa ap*n Wtoat. Than aril ha a im: I auah tor thaas hooka. AA yaw laawiai i tot aaa tally hi tin that aia A |ara. Atoan* tha woototfnl woaalta of tha Mwtoat Ckarrh at at aofkte to a Irisaattc liar* of tha Bailor. Mohan . mttoa haaacraUoa haa conrah It with ! whltavmah aa4 *al»t. bat throach It all tka orlitoal pktua oaa ha lastly MnUM._ jsssrsa.'SMissa Fibroid Tumors Cured. A distressing case of Fibroid Tumor, which baffled the skill of Boston doctors. Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, Mass., in the following, letter tells how she was cured, after eveiything else failed, by Lydia E» Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Note the result of Mn. Pinkham’s advice—ah tho^hidia advised Mis. Hayes, of Boston, to take gf ffWfte-whfch she knew would help hot ter letter contained a tnaee of addttional laatruc. SSut Uie*i»sSylrSI»H.*11 01 WWCh to brin* ******* y** Pptoam;.— feomrtime ago I wrota to you tkmcrih snd Mfad your mirk*. Yr*i replied, mad I loUmrol swWlf, ud to-day I am a wltiraau. ^ Lydia B. Plnkham** Vegetable Compound entirely xafi&mnr** tttWDr and •tlw«*boo*4 my whole iyatemTleen walk w-VflS!? "l *>>■»»*“> Vegetable Cent pound fa wo»a flro dol «Ws«SiSr3»ir^2H*Sffl,e,¥r-K:S: a^wopwnaeooii vine fat wkh?at*P"' — »'remedy tor aU the <2S’w*Sn*<iUe1af women^S o«imn trouble*; tumor*; inflammation*; ut-eration, MIW and dfa yfarrnwnti of tfo wood,; backache; irregolaz, eunaeeeed or painful ■raetruedon. Hureiy tie volume anil thandw of the tectimunial fat ImyrobUy jrftdhif in tlte newspaper* tan leave no room lor doubt. vntehfaekwueacn way wnt» fur fuller hif- nuauon about her illne*. ' Mn gradtutle k> lira. Hbikkam and Lydia K. ptnkkaas VnrtaUt Camp*gti< fa »o wnuine aod heart kit that aha think* no trouble U too Srowfewher to taka hi retain for her health and h*ppinex«. . hmid that U fa Lydia It MafchMtfVagetaMe Cow SsTSSiwShS enuM^r^gMwgoUto S3? mHteina; d0B‘l *°r' $5001 « WINCHESTER FACTORY LOADCO 8H0YQUM 8HEU8 N#w Rival" "Loader" "Repeater" C you mo looking for nailable shotgun ara tnunitlon, the kind that shoots where yoa point your gun, buy Winchester Factory Leaded Shotgun Shells: “New Rival," loaded with Black powder; “Leader” and “Repeater" with fVMokelsee Insist noon bavins Winchester Rectory Leaded Shells, and accept no others. p&g&gy METAL IS AN INSPIRATION. M. CIAPMAITS SUNIY SEIMOX Am Frwph That MmM Bhmmw U U Lahar MtthHy I* ft-|WlTUi Wartt Xmr VtMtg.Crrr.-Tha (allowing mraoa ■atUhd. A Nou of Warming.” wao *«*«h»a V* •*" *"•' araagtdial, tin Hat. Vh^12rJT6oJ,h.tHahmta HU word aim* w mpauf haittaita of moa who him Ultra, that thaj might mrta ta a wanting tad thaw mn ftlhtm ha n lupin Uoa u a It amid timtUr mUtthrt. Oh nut not mad tht atory of •brow y «t gnt parwnta tad tha taadar oca at Oo.l m Ho cnad atat ia tht earn el tha dtvt "HUttr art tLaaT Wa cam oat Mttdh (ha Bit aad oharaetar ei MoU nth awt bat tag imprmaad with tha tut that • mill a.ight U ward of Ood to-day, than Im marrow wtadar taw to Ur from Him M to mtfct (titvoat mat oka*. Tht whom ol the Old Tartamtat it t ery to thoat who btto wtadetoj mij from Oad ta ratara. In thru wtoderitga wo got owr ltoaaaa. tod In Uo.1’. ny wt ham arrUfat tridlait that tbowg-t wv auo ham UK tad, yat Ha H *lwi>o toady to pat aar nil tort/ from Hum tMd from.or. One of the boat lllnotfoiMat im tha Old Teitaarat, t» my miad, it that af Baal. Ua made a aplandtd apprartnot at a ktaa. \Vhoo tht copula drmandtd t king Oad Mat Saowel ta look one oat. and hi d Still, whom appotmaaw an Lin« if math itt »U* rorammaadad ban a tbroil* lhit did. Tha Ant Ibiag tl did wit m pout tka aanintlag sQ apon km I brad, whirli not ui iadjeaUoa that Gad **' t ikm*. him fa H» own. aad thua aiaratLng him boat the world. A litth •tl** a read tint tha •‘pirit ol the Lord rnaa "pan Soul, and it look* at if ka mint hire hemt (Uod wuk Hi* nraaancw, aud jgtf&sa? ftaESfet “** h«tary the an* af Clod aupaara ta bin. uytug: “Ood ia with tha*. thaw •afghty maa. ' And wt ham reaat ta tha yylw—U. aa wa look apaa him. that it U indrrd trw. and wbaa Urn propl* rry eat for tin king aad Baal U caSrd forth, ka ataadi brad aad thaoldat a aham tha maa pat hand about him. and iarotaatartly tha l.'-H’lr. wUm tkry look upon him. »m dtllTN In «iarh MtKudikaan that lUr A ---♦ “MUD PAVK THK KINO “ Artmatd, when ha ml to Gibeah, 'l-era Mthaml mend Mot "a hand af rotn wboM heart* Gad had towchod." Tha. the dory tea* oa, wit* baal nuia «ar kighci aad harbor ia tha popular *•■ head—rrally, la (hr aifht of dad. a w data*. Oa* raaaot read rath * doty u thl* watheat Uetabliae, aad ll ia ter each m •> a* to-day Ural tha Bible are* written, that are Might know God, aad that wa Might know oaraataee. 1 hat* kaaraed (mat thia alary of Seal, (he king, that it it poem hie tar ear la be burn of Ibe Spirit, really la ba to rad, end I temalier prearhro* ia ooe of tha riUaa af Indiana. Fee I oar daya tha church •M crowded bat a crowd ta oat ua ia “ cation al a Mceaiag. Nat lnfutraaa tly i prracaac af a ctawd ta aa tadtaahaa of dntaat, for preacher* era ip uch drenmoUaem to put their_fa Mew, rather that ia GodT During *0 tha four day* uat a band wa* Utod tar pray**, ho* a wngte indication giraa that than Might be ea a a riming ea the part of the (Anattao peoph. The teU 1 waa next to tabor ia aimneii take ready tar the (tor raet end la the preparatory ernicee away People a ere being to red. I called tha aton Irtcn at tha Indian* rite together aad adied them ta (ira me tha priritag* of woHtuto of Cad’a Sfdriri aad that ? fall Wheat I preached a* If 1 waa baud with chain*. After a little cooienwo* aaa of tha mfatatara mpmeMi that the decretal be w-ifbhcld far O little, that ho Celt Mere that he knew when tS dlMewhy waa. Ae Ik* IraArr at caw fen* *f peraoaal work era w* bad aaw W the mnaiiri of thta _l __._t. T* throa«hoat hw m State, aad a jadipe at aaa oi alM hi*toe£ mrta. Baowtav It ptapla. Front tb* tonfnrtan of mi on tort tba putar a? tUa ehareo went Into tha aflet of thia aid Jid*. aad aaid to bha: “I Wav a lawn War In* ruiaora aa tba atratta fat a Wo* tuaa that roar Ilia ia mot daaa aad I ban enaw to a; that U tbaaa raanan art aolraa I daain la taka oat oabik aaaad akb roa to eoatndtet them, bat 1 hart ttoo oorao to aar tb»a if they at* hue I wit) »Uad aanr to r*a than a brother, aad help roa to tot iroa from tba power ot roar bmattiaa att.” g&SS&izTsarjZi. doth tod aab bod oat; "They are all tew*, aad aon.* Ia a moment they one* aa tbair kaan bt ptaoor, aad It ni bat a-‘ moot r^Tr^.b0.^ ZZS**'™* “• 'J K^^uSrtfch‘l'rjS?SS! when tba ehareh d«w opaaad and tba old jndga etna in. }Larina lifted bio band to aab nonunion to opart ha nado Ibla autnaont: “My reload*. I hare boon kaon far TT!* ** mmsS' ,lw —1W»« of tba chooh Mtoarthar la aay eitjr. Hat I bar# JgJJttJMJSttiTtSB Tb* Malta nan was aaad* with arba. ■••ikiri MHM Xb 1mm. TvUi iMiy arg m“m rnmta* 'SMIC ' I bit ad Whiw b da' Kraalhr iatn! 14 u J*Cb* fmrt <<nurfn tiik mm TV Vf t* r*«4i b * IHW <Vr. It It jb.■ ' vT> '.■•■*** /* b 1 5tASBIS* at tba araaa toe ' a. It knot ta ttinMl ana. sSSSiS tpnauM l-—,___rtbtloa. It ■ amply tha day whaa fh -atcr. baior* whan tha canard* af ar Kraa tea laid hara, ahall p't tw at tUt reward 1st oar ”»«—,** ol tart ta familiar, aad 1 an that aac atand tac Wfora Hit* with peat arpactaocy. Thra th* hf talar anaha with Util role* that John tclla *• rnaad) Uk* th* Sow af ■aa ny water*, that Tola* that atiUad th* t*ntwat taaaad an, tad ataaad I Ararat t* brail tin liaada of death. 1 baar Hat ratah. Tha acawaa ar* trail Mud tap. and th« drat aaa ia tha'crown af Hfa I htnr Bin any t Thin ta *iv*Q to tha dM wha haa dona might ha a* had it bnt yaa faikd in your rsla Zft&?u?j33rJttz n«ht kara apohao, bat na kit it amaaid. Th* rap of cold water ran new tiara. Von might hara had th* n*a ot Kf*. hut it ha* bant tahm ta rant Ur.** - 1 aaa Hha hold aloit tha wend crown. "TW' II* ray*, "ta draa ta th* au* who ha* done hard worn for Ma 1 anf f«*d th* nans of Oathaanaa* aad th* mocking* of the crowd, aad tha atrtpaa ui th* Uoaaa dapaihlar, aad tha patna ol Ml ajxra th* no**. Thu drown ta far tku raw Who haa and and *0 thinga U aaiy Uy taw might hra bra adrauad. But ahwl when I War* cant* a tuna whan tha churrh warned aNnit In aar* forward <m aapnaf it Whan thnmami* of ..ata might hara haan cmrtrtM year prtyudlco Yaa aught hat* had the crown, hUt JLB •thtt ki tibn it." I m Hjia hioW tioil tk# IkirO crown, i*»hnjUnj wkh >*wak. AO the angvJj "TKU a tha aouj-wianac'i crown” Than haa alwa/a barn ky ia tint pea. raea of tha awgrbr af 0*4 *a*r thoac r* «*bm from tin. , "\*0 ought bavt bed kb crown, bat Marl you on I tor*. yAi iaat«llrcti»l rtrrmfth aad yw eoaiuPportion new woa a ml far Ur Tb* isembtr* «( your own hoaaaahald wan lod lid* Uy kingdom by otkrrr. Tho peop'-s la year own atom did lot It Don yoa were Mitr.” I rrmember rmer holding a who. o( saeetmm to Pork, IlUoob. Ia walking down the tlntt with one at my aarietaatr 1 board Mm lelktnO with a yoaag mas, aafciag Mm to bo a OrriMma, bit be made m taproioi aapua bim. 1 baud bim tap, "Year mot liar waste you to ban time a Ckrietiao, dom aba not* And the yoaag mea began to tty. Tbea'I beard bim aek, Yoer father waato yoa to hititml u CVrietian. dom ho aatf* Aad theta woe ao aaemr. Bet taaa I bmrd Mm make tbie etotemamt: lit IttWis an oOMcr in tba ebareb aad my nisthsAta a WaBer in Ik* work at thr roata’a aoctaty ia tho church, bat neither at theta baa ever tpo ke* to me about my mo!.** i 1 habere away a father abd meeker will •tawri ker.w. Jadgn oe tit gnat day of awatda aad mar lb* wordaiE "Yen ant rraarabaa. Tool children war* net a*red, aa if they were, ia Ibair mlra tka yoa ban had no port Yoa Bugkt jure^ jud tkm troana, bad aaotbar baa 1 caa aaa Bim bolding akt tb* fourth rrowa, the mown of glory. Icaa bear Him aietsr* bow awe cam* (am tb* ebatrch framjraaitafOha al aba; Sow bar eoaatitar band rtaan aad word, aad a brother's a amt to tka aad. Aad I Bim my: “M aa am aad witkrd will <a tka aaara. or VX fcnSm-fcT-v r With Christ aad whoa be exclaimed ia aarpriar: mart.’ * _ . _ i p> uki imp uwi oa tia ram, aa uJiSt b*t I aaa Him bold aloft tbaflfUi aod Mot crowa-tha cron of riihaamaw, I ' Did? aot pwwaiaa that I aaald rawae again? UU aot I writ Wo it ant aad owrr aaa IB ia tka book? Waa aot Ike addrd to Baa, autaaaant added to Mafiat. that ia bka taaoBar aa I arat kray 1 ebook) earn# bark? Were aot all tka provbecao* at VIj coaainc falMlrd, nrra u tka Wat de tail, at Mr *W, Mr aaffarmg aad My tlllk? Did yea aot Sara liitb that if oao propbeey waa Aa til lad tka otbera aught Sira baaa (aMlled alao!" dad then that croaa. akJek (a to aaa tka scat beaaiafal. tka brfabtaat and the iMtUr to* token 14" Wc ruy mb* tto In erdra by ou/ uu fttUfetmi, jret we Mr to Meed, **m m by lie.'* Het mm tktoff net to: we nn*t MM Him tot to fece. to Ito orty of iMtompcck • eektoeUd Stf" brwagkt u IadUaapolta, tad tbta Quaker waa aabad to Mad a rpacitUat who aoadd aoronafullv traat him. Wark aa aaw aaa lowed. Whaa tka operatkm bad baaa fiaiabrd ha raaoaaaad that the boy would mother, whom lie had aevar kouwn but by fcf taoeh. Tka author befit daara to •aa aha waa to be recuarnhad, n-yiag mat: “Oh, my ml my arm! . SgSffijSSS'ES tCt Aa ear rWUm akalTJ?maorad, and wa ahall aaa Bhn (aaa to, Waa. Wa apay fa amrr aaaa ■■♦ladal ia tka Mow 1dHsFlniS. ITthmf h^-^a, Zi gajvauri'aFrb 'mfakt^barujwd aha aroas, bait Wat taatmg will it ba that ahall pauaa, llSggSr-1 ^ ftmm deanarard maty , 1 A PASTOR «* ™ WBPBft. SAVED BY PE-RU-NA. MV, , . brnhanroll. of Jtikkoru, Mu, it I Bettor of tlio k'oeiigollml f.nilicrun M. JohnoUmtrhof tletj,U.-o Her Mahan roll U IU poaeraaor ol two Biblca pir-eulcd to kim by reopen*- \t lUipm of Ucnnony. Upon Iha fly of one ol tho Bibloa (I* Eatprror boo m-illon in Me own haitddr.iinu a mi. honored patter, iu a nrrnt Iriur to Tito lVruno Madicina af Caltuubaa, Ohio, ejyi concerning tbair famona catarrh remedy, Picninu: Tkt> Frraaa JfadfdaaCa, (VI.imbue. Ohio. G-itllowort: •« I Mad hc-aarrto 9.,, »y Iha Inaye far a lonj lima, and all daapa lrada/ma I leak Puraiea aaJ too a on rod. II pane too orro*,rk and saatropr, and tatnlo haallhp, pare bleed. H l.tnrreeed aap iratphl, para a to a health, oatar, and I /col troll. II u iha ho-I medicine In lAa too rid. 1/ aawi-vana kepi Parana in Iha hanaa M tea aid .are man,/earn death erne pear '*—IT. STL BO ro/.T. JlMuaaoU* ot jwople bare catarrh who would be *urpna*d fo know it, berauae tl baa Imko vaiiad aome other name thm ch tanh. The fart la catarrh m raiairi) wkr ever totaled; and anutlirr feet which i« of equally great importance. i« that tVrooa cure* catarrh wherever located. I It yon do not tiorir* proniit ad utuuo I lory nanalla from lhe ««c of Cvninj. wnto [ at onto to |)r. Hartman, |ivibi • full *<uio I mini of your cuv uiJ ho will bo ploanod to i givo jrou bio valuable odrioc groin AddrCo* 1>. Ilarlam, lYooijenl ot I bo U.tMa*;u» ^omtunurL. (.'o.uoitu*. 0 ASK YOUR ORU8R/ST FOR 4 FREE PE-RU-RA ALMANAC. To Cotton Dinners. MSRK-S PRATT, WINSHIP, MUNGER, EAGLE, SMITH. ▼t alto auk. Liatirs lor Oil Mills, Engines and Bsilsrs. *• *lM Mil MtqlblH MCMMTT It MB^tlt I Mtan ttaaiaj Otilil tod It mil mi cm tamnjHtk fall Athilta pliu tad ai ItrU Mill far mmIiaUii of uhuvi St mm fir tv pltali rllkotf Mtn tfcsrgt. The Continental Gin Company, I Inti HIM. All. waits roa ora uiui ctruotta , . <V.L.Oau alia makM ana asm stars* MAO MOM than any oth.r two nu.insi.aa In tn. world, wtiton thajr or* worn Or morn OOOBIO U oil niattona oi liro toon ony Othormaha. J TWaisa \V. I.. ISt^bt I Uiliolanpvi manalui inrvr I ho cob l*ur * bearer and f ptxxJum liU %'iavica nl a I loorar com than other com J which nnblc\ bUO io nail ahoaa fivr (3JO ami . Banal in or*™ A way U) iLum« *ukl •whBT* u.ytMi,; jv>r.H W. L. OoocIiM ft V)HV I har»b**a paving$1 amt K£,iiut b+llavlec rb»y could <«( a tr*l<i*at *l»oe f. r 59 60 or S3 c*». II* ha* ron-rtnnad iUcbi Dial I lie Mylr, fit, . and l ot of hi* aoJ S3 Tit »4»ovt U Jo*' i wr«H. Mot44 »>tl« by aide It la Impaadblo | **>•*©**/ diffuratK*. A (rial mil convtor*. I W. L yuetill M-OO OUT INI UNI, WOmiMilOMnBUUMWOlMrlUM: Jfca *M* i*io«*faa «*¥ 4mr¥rmtt laaf*«r«. M«v § a*** c*//. r«Miw. !«> ck»//.pa//, rw m. o»«*« . Co ft, oj0 Mm 1*19/ fiMVM AwfjV*r PmM. cuttm: vr«r!a^*7.a!sr jresiir j Money Snvln’ Catalog lor « Postil ** Whin everything la Hely. A recent traveler In Africa write* of the aatlv* town of Sheik Huoelo: • Everything in and near Sheik Huaeiu la holy and belongs to Ike dead all elk. It la uot permitted to eat wood near tha town, do cattle are sold and we war* Hiked not to shoot birds. On* of my Sana] having caught two bate with n butterfly net la tha holy tomb c largo assembly was held and the poor follow sad myself ware cursed by tho Imam an Hi 1 gnvw him some dollar* to appease the wrath of lbs | dead sheik." \ J.— -[ • A Disintegrating Bachelor. A pood-looking well-to-do Spring Said bachelor who was being teased by tbs young women of the rlub tor not marrying, offered to tabs tliw girl whom 'he dab should elect his wife Inst to show them that be waa not averse to matrimony. Each girl want to a corner an wrote bar choir* on n piece of paper, disguising her hand writing There wets nine members I of the dub. aad thr result ahowed an* I vet* tor each. The young man Is I still * bachelor, but the club le broken np and Its members are all man at each City Star. Tha twentieth rentnry movement of the Pres byte-ten Junday-srhoole la the United State* duiing the past two aad a half yean gat .lireJ la more than lOO.OM children; but It la said that It required prat about that number to 111 up tha gap made by those who left the schools daring Ih* tame period. HairSplits " I bars aatd Avar's Hair Vigor for thirty years, it fa aleggnt lor a hair dressing and for keeping the hair tram aplittiaa at tha end*.”— J. A.GrnananfaWer.Gnaefark, III. Hairsplitting splits friendships. If tne nsir i splitting is done on your own bead, it loses friends i for yoo, for every hair of 1 your bead is u friend. Ayer's Hair Vigor In advance will prevent the splitting. If tbo splitting has began, it will stop it. J^ttessrssrsuxi miiMM isssrsssiritsihs sssm • !«* luvaN. I1M. l b« readers of this paper will ba pleaaod lo earo that tboro la ml least cn« denuded dte moo that adaooa has been able to cum In all iu stagea, and that Is Catarrh. flair* Catarrh •his Is the omty poaikn run now ksova to ib® medical fraternity. Catarrh trlrvg a con* nituUoaeJ disease, mqelren a constitutional treatment. KaU't CaiarrhCum Sr takes loUr •ally, acting dlmstly apoa tb® Wood and ram* cone snrfasse of tka system. thumb y dentror* ng Ua lousdattoo of the disease, and git in** the pattest stmegth by hall ding up the era* rtltui'o* and awuKJag nature la doing iu work. fbe proprietor ham so math faitu la Its fkisltw powers that they offer Oor Hun - drod Dollars for aay case that lr falls to cure. t sad for 11# I of tsotlutualato. Addn*®* V. 1. CeaMtr A Oo.. Toledo. Q. ■ KoM by OfUMte, Tte. MalUrraafl^iai am lAn bat. WHY SUFFIR HEADACHE OR LA ORIPPS? CURE YOURSELF WITH CAPUDINE NO BAO EFFECTS ME •< all DrxjgatarM So. 4. Is the Standard Rheumatic Remedy. Tfc* ONLY Mopaind •* tke market that wn tkle terrible Meene without dolai Irrtporakle Una to tba di|eattva erfaae. UNEQUALLED as a BLOOD PURIFIER. CHCcnrvkLr mcoMMiNDa it. aniKAfi. a. c.. Au(. u. Iona. Ginlieiaw:.] kad HrunetUa (or nlmut ivalve yeara. Q reel Orel or therla* I kad to uao orutrkeeorvOM. Wee cor.UneJ to brd, oeorlr helr'oae. three awMke ai ■ tloe.revere! uevee Lett tprina 1 bona tekilr - HvrovACioB." 7 tue.ltvt> bottfeo bo tore 7 Milord ii.r beuem. Aitotretber 1 end eotrrrt bo tr lee atxl the eara eome to be eoatplotr. ee I hoe* kiut un aytoptoat of rbeomMem also*. I eea okoertully rrroraraird your otodldoe. B. P. THKIOAIt. For talc by DruggiMi. or amt riper..!** prrpii.t oa receipt uf ft.oo. BottbtU Cham leal Co . _. Bahtotoro, AC Tan lea far Tlrod Woman. With each year ran in It boater, baaea tha (to* tb ol the "yl«t nc-un" habit, aays the Pittsburg TMepntch. With tha lot rnua of tbalr duttn. to I Hal a»d oth-iwlaa. contra the noecn , •lty for lomellilr.g to braco up tired , caress and enable the "weaker tea I •ell" alwaya to lace the world a Ith a ; toiling, happy (are. A alp of cognac, a glass of Hrnedlr tina, or tha -tiniest drop" of grant Chartrer.r* producaa remarkabla ef focta tba Prat lias used. The raault K tha ‘•pick-me-up" soon bet ones an indtapanaable port ol tba day'* pro gram To each an artant has tha custom grows that fashionable modistes hasp a bottle and a dainty glass la a ••9 Bettered (pot aad obligingly coma forward with a ’drop" of something to via the gretltade of the pstrns and Insure bar ratmra. Tba tmrteee of Imka roreat College. III., hare offered a prlac of M.0«0 for tha hast booh written lu defcore of lb* Christian faith Tha offar In "open to aaldatlfle mao. Christina philosopher* aad hlatorisaa of all aatlous," aad tha laaaaacrlpt must ha 1a before Jane I, I Ml. WANTED BOO Young Men At *A<rm it> qualify far flood | ml Done which we will fOanr.nle* to vrltlflf under • 98,000 J*p«*ii » promptly piocu e thaw. The Qa.-Ala. Bus. College. _MACOW, OKOKOIA. Capsicum Vaseline Put up In ColUpulbl* Tub*#. A iiibatlt«»r far and kwrlnr to Hosier* or any other plaeiar. aid will not d'^iav the moat Aafkntr aJua. Tha pal;« »1laytna aiid ro/atlr* ooait(le« of this artJrle am wotv4»/fsd U will atop the too*ha^’m at once and relfere Hoad •ear aj«d oet**tca. Wr rttoswiMflJ I: It U*e heat an*I eafaat «t tanal eouMtat I'rttaat knows. alao M aa as ternal remedy far jalM In tjm eb<»t and • low er hands I'. rHeuir.ettr^Murtlgic an4 sooty #«ft plaint* A trial will proto wisat wo claim for It Ed It will br fr.«ad to l* ltmluablo Jo tU Hoooohold. Hi"/ people »T “II H tha boot of "VlS* atafi Anwpr.rM or other def ers, or by w ntsinn this lunotrnt w.%* in saotafl* stamp* wn will mad you a tube by m*H. Hon'llj!* should be aerrpjed Py the WOPHo nnloao lb« aarne carrtee oar label, aa othtrwlao CBEStMOMI RAKCFACTCHM Gt, IT H1»»l««t»lwT»A OH*._ I FAT •rVT OAIR Ml "OVA, LAND WARRANTS s&Sii»i«KfteSaE.r Phcwl Salts and Castor Oil! Why take sickening salts or repulsive castor oil? "Goes through you 1 like a dose of salts" means violence, grips, gripes, gases, soreness, irritation, and leaves your stomach and bowels weak and burnt out. Might just as well take concentrated lyc. Then there's castor oil, disgusting, nauseating truck that your stomach refuses unless vou disguise the taste. Fool your own stomach, eh? Don't ever believe that anything offensive to your taste or smell is going to do you real good. Nature makes certain things repulsive, so you will not take them. Force yourself to nauseous doses, and you ruin your digestion, weaken your bowels, destroy your health. On the other hand see what a delight ful, palatable, perfect modem laxative, liver regulator and bowel tonic you find in j-Ti M jOfl- 1 T TIVI flD’C £*•«*•• Remedy of ~8w«it CiimTaruI A.ulteln ^jv/TT? 'wt IHTLUn o Cotijctu, o>id*, Laortppe s?, Rnlk’fisi

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