Clearance Sale At West Brothers. ■ i n . n - _ n ; __ ' We roust clean out all Wiatar Goods at ooat and below coat. Everybody knows what this means : it means that these goods moat go raganlleaa of coat. We do not believe in carrying goods ovor from one season to another, to save money. Coras qniek ; these goods are placed on our bargain counter and will only last for a few days. * a a. < . J. LOOK AT . THESE PRICES ' ^ ^ -v *%. * - - ^ ' -*''■ — - -fc-r. ,\^,?<**^**^**^^^***** * ^'-*** ^ v^i m i fcwir~ia^Marg~f i t*i r anr m i ■ i t ~i Cotton Piece Goads. Good Caliens at Jtyo, worth 6c, Sheeting at 4c, worth 5e, Pee Dee Checks at 4J and 4}, leas than factory coat. Outings at $$, 6J, and 7J, worth 6, 8J and 10c. Burt Ma dras Ginghams at 8$c, worth 10c, fine Merooriiod Sateen at 80e, worth SOc. beautiful patterns. Sliirt Waist Flan nelette at 7fj, worth 10c, Percales at 7$, worth 10c. Wool Goods. Prices from lie to $1.10, was 16c to $1.30. Some of these goods are, selling bolow cost. Wo have the great est variety of Wool Goods that baa ever Iteen shown in Rockingham, such as Brocade, Worsteds, Cashmeres. Hen riettas, Pebble and Granite Cheviots, Serges, light and heavy, Brilliantines, Mohair, Camels Hair. Valour, Moira, Saltings of all kinds, plain, stripped and cbeoked Look at these goods; you will find them on the bargain counter. SSo Cashmeres at 19c, leas than coat. wr ~ ~u^r.v.v.v.v.v-rtAa.- .r r. v. •-yrtyyT'v-vv^ Shirt Waist Silks. Taffeta and Brocades at 35c, leas that) cost, sold at 60o, China, solid colors, 40c, worth 60. Fancy Lace Stripes and Plain Taffetas at :7attern» of the Erahitndered French Flannots and Henri etta Waists which wd will close at $2.50 and $3.00, leas than cost. The other man will charge you $0.00 and $6 50 for the same goods. See them. Flannel Waistings. French Flannels at 40c, leas thanjrost, sold at 50c. Tricot Flannels at 2(lo, lees than coat, sold at 35c. Hen's Vinter Underwear. Men’s Fleece Lined Shirts and Pants 65c per suit, worth $1.0tV-l«M than coal. Bettor grade at 80o per gutfrr worth $1.25. Wright’s Health Underwear, $1.50 per suit. The other man chatges you $2.00 for same goods. Better grade $2.50 per suit. The other man charges you $1.00 Now is your chance to make money. On the bargain counter— you can’t miss them. Boys’ Fleece Lined Vesta and Pants, worth 75c per suit, will go at 40c por suit. Thesu prices were never hoard of before in Rockingham. dent’s Fleece Lined Scrivens, patent underpants, worth 65c, will go at 40c. Ask to see them. Buy flow and save rnonev. A big lot of heavy Merino Undershirts and Drawers, worth 25c, will go at 18c. Pure white Wool Underwear $1 50 |*ersuit, worth $2.00. Cotton Blaukets from 50 to 05c, worth trom 75c to $1 36 per pair. The Elkin W’ool Blankets from $2.45 to $4.05 per pair, less than cost. Worth $4.00 and $6.00. These goods must go. Embroideries and insertions. Yon will find on our bargain counter the biggest lot of these goods that has ever been shown in Rockingham. Prioec from ft to 16c; usually sells at from 10 to S5o per yard. Ladies don't miss this opportunity to buy a bargain | n thgee foods. They are going at half value. We cannot tell you all in print. Call and soe our display. Everything is ou our bargain counters, and it will be worth something to you to look through if you do not buy. These goods will go at the prices. When wo ad vertise a clearance sale our prices do the balance. You have lost money if you do not visit this big clean out sale. THE HEADLIGHT. JOHN H» WALSH. . Burro*. W.VcOYWtTO*. { •trie Ur «Mk la • *P* tMMMtCMeaSteC ioMtof Ooacme *»SSe£ii»irkto*k^*'c' FHIPAT JAHVAMt M, U» mL CQfCAUl Editor Oonaales, of tho Colombia State, who «u •hoi a few days ago by Lieut. Oonnur J. H. Tillman, died on the I9fh instant. If We had epsoe at oqr disposal, wsoonld fill • page, in aom mendation of Oonaales, but PCI a word for his murderer. All men are equal before the lam lei justice he done though ths heavens fell. A thousand lives of Tillman •snoot stone for the loss of M- Q. Oonaales, one of the Sonib’s ablest edJton and •os of her noblest eitisens. We take the following from the Charlotte Observer. That part of the public which was mads acquainted yesterday with the new* of the death of Mr. N. O. Oon •alm. lata editor of the Col umbia State, was not unpro pared for it, and to that part: which the intelligence will reach for tho drat tints to day it will not bo a surprise. Tbo tragedy was one of tho, meet shocking snd most la-1 amataMsin tbo hieu>n of tho Sooth. It worn nsetCwe to iss it for whst it of tbs It directed at tlie ■layer or the deed can re-ani mate the clay from which a brave, prouJ spirit has taken flight. His cotmtry, and especially his State, Is poor er today for the death of N. G Gonzales. for neithor is no rich in men of hrain and courage and character that any can he spared. All these qualities had Mr. Till mm's victim in rich abundance. Tho public will mine him much: his profession, in which, in the Houtii. his e Suale can he oonnted on the agent of one hand, will miss tha inspiration of his pen. rt was s ead day which wit nessed his death ; a sombre event hia passing. Wo offer to those immediately bereav ed the ajeuranco of sincore condolence, and drop the curtain.-Chariotto Observer. Rottce. The tax itiDft be paid. I hare gone to all my appointment# to hunt you. It I pay a deputy to go to you, rou muet pay him pay him. t aball not *r to ms and I will give yon the highest market prioee for it. Ed. B. Terry. ^l>^ '■- 1 -r -aggg^* Thankful. Wo want to thank onr many frienda and customer* for th4ir littoral patronage for the past year and solicit tho lame lor the coming year. We feel sure that we havo pot forth tn lioneat effort to pleaae our customers in prices and gooods, and will strive to give lower prices and better good* than wd have ever done i*: the past. We wish you all a happy and prosperous Now Year, and will advise you when yon waut bargain* to emno and i • • trade with BLACKER BROS., for the least moniiy of any store in town. Yours, for straight, legitimate business, Blacker Brothers. • e Lending Arm of Rockingham. 0flT’8andford Building, next to Richmond Co. Drug Co. PoUt# attention to all. ■ ■ i A. 8. DOCKERY, inoaiinr-Aruir, ROCKINGHAM, If. 0. OMm a^tUin, RMmUI 'mU4w* MORRISON A WHIT LOOK Anww»r»A»U«, in nu win nwi, Udj*klm$tmm, I. 0. To Our Friends and | the Public: On the threshold of a new year wo greet yon and thank you for the patrouage which has made our business a success. It shall continue lo Ik> our aim to koep in Rockingham a drugstore which shall consider the wants and ncods of |u>nple, and shall share with them overy hmufit with which fortuno favors us. Very Respectively, Dr.N. C. Hunter &Bro. DRUCCI8T8, Rockingham, N. O. YOU CAN 8AVE MONEY By trading with me. Wo keep everything in the eating line and a little saved on everything used on the table, will onablo you to live cheap er and hotter. \Ve keep Canned Goods, Bacon, Flour, Sugar, CofTmi, Rice, Fish, Cheese, But ter, Cabbage, potatoes, Apples, Bananas. Jn o'dier words, I keep a full line of Heavy and Fancy Groceritm. Call on roe. We would like to show you around, whether you wish to Imy or not. A penny saved is a penny niado Trade with us and you'll save tho pennies. Wo fool very grateful to our friends fov past favors and hope to merit their continued favors. Y M BOCCAN &CO. THE FARMER'S BANK, K«ckla|hai M. C. Respectfully solicits your patronage and tanking business. Wo guarantee absolute Security, Promptness, Accuracy and all Accomoda tions consistent with safe banking. Call and see us when in town ItOBT. L. STEELE, President, LEAKE B. COVINGTON, Cashier.