a fan liter ; I I H. K. (Smith will Mil yim a pig. WuaiirfPUea By imviiL tb* turcim which WM« to bar* bam hold a* St. Fhal’a ohomb, wilt ha ball at Oak dmUAmdmmf, amt I. M. Bog. *** J. H. Wal.b, C. 8. 8. at H. H. Smith’s. M >j' DM at Ugh Potato* Urn. 14th imtoot, Mm. Mary K. the bafcnrod wit* of Mr. T. ft. WiUtaM* ami daagbtor of Mr. aad Mm. D. A. Urate*, <4 ftlahwnsd enmity. Mm. WUttam wm M ymr* of a*> test May. Wha* a girl of only 14 yoanahaaoibraeprf rrtigioo and ■sited wish tbs Mithilirt eharcb. flho wm a aobla Cbriatlan wwaiaw, ■ad It la a gHat aolaaa to Urn to raaaod to (aal that thair daparted teaada** la to.tmt, awoat Mat, i* tha hmmaly ally. Bandy Mr who far (Ispahan In Mlant fwlf at K M. larfihV May yo«r Item at ELM. Smith’s ^0*»teadafastta.aatdfcslle at Wa mat to pattern* MOO MahafMt teat prism paid if A.ir. n£m ft o*. i TJ» maniac* «< Rev. W. J. and Miaa Kata McLean will take glM» of the bride, in oo the 20th ioctant, L No oarda. After want, they will be at dr frieotla in Rock 0. ine Headlight extend* con gratulations in advance, sincerely wishing for the happy couple a pi meant voyage acmes tha tea of Ufa and a aafa anchorage in the port of eternal bliss. Handao«»aJy engtaved oarda, which read aa follows, have been received in Rockingham. Mia M. C. n»mp»<„, leneasas the heaer of jeer preeeaee at the marring* or her daeghlar, „ Mr. Win la Tamar Fulfurd. Wednesday looming, February foorth, nineteen bundled aad Unea. at laa fonj-dve o'clock Am SaCbaiek 8t*et Danville, Virginia. The Headlight extends congrat ulations in advanoe and wishes for its elaver yonng friend and hia bandeome bride a full measure of happiness through many prue pafuna years. Mr. Ben Hudson ind Ilia Hu ll* Holder, of Steele's Mill n I lags wars married on Sunday, tba 18th inat. This union of happy hearts has something of romance con nected with it. It aaasM that tba parties had bean “sweethearts" for some tine and all want well anti I the lady had decided to mors to Georgia. Tina wae too mneh for Um young ataa, and an im mediate marriage wae decided ut»u sad promptly t our province to consider. Law ia law, and mast be obeyed. Where schools have not enough funda for a term of four months, the State will supply the balance re quited, and in obodisooe to in stnctiidM from the State Super intendent, I have already mads application for required amounts. Don't let your schools atop, be fore they have had a term of four months. Whan yon are able to do so, continue as long as the at teodanoe will justify. J. H. Walsh, O. 8. 8. Rotoerdel No. 2. Dear Headlight: I will (It* you * f*w dot* fmm owr now town, which la nearing etapMm rety fact. Tide ea nice location for a fac tory village, and we have a very idea mill Mag Mil. It ia vary nearly eovemd aow and they are repeat log a lot of machinery eooa. There am sixty some odd dwel lings that era completed eserpt palm lag. ||«n are hew drilling and baring far water, and they hope to ha aide to have the mill ready far operation In Ion*. We has* aloe or tan families jtriag heme new. - Btw. Boh Leak preaukuil a my Interesting I STOMP here Baaday at II o’aluak. D.O.H. COUNTY NEWS Great Falls. W. 8. Webb and Dan Newton have both bean on the tick list for aavarat days. Oua marriage last week and rumor says others will follow. A. B. Allan, who has been un well for several days, is abls to be at his post again in- the cloth room. Overseer Frank Terry, of the weave room, is making soma change* in the quality of cloth. He is making some M pick, 40 Inch drill ou part of bis looms. Glad to report Ur. W. J. Dowd improving. Boys, can't we have a good de bating socially? Why not? How is it at Pea Dee No. ST Let n> bear correspondent. Glad to have a pleasant call from oar old true friend, Georgs Warburtou, also from oar friend, T. L. Brown, of Cordova, a few dayi ago. Hurrah for Dockery and Lon don’s bills I They are ou the right line. Jaa. W., Oscar and Colin O' Brien, and W. B. McKensie, of Rohetdel, were visitors at D. F. O'Briens Sunday evening. John Robbins, of Rabbit Hill, ii a frequent oallar upon th« fair wx uf oar village. Sorry to report lfn, D. F. O’ Brian very poorly—worse than sb« has been for seven! weeks, Ernest Webb and A. B. Wal lace spent Sunday at Cordova. Mr. Charlie Jones, of Pee Dee, and Mias Ida Oookmnn, of Great falls, were happily married last Thursday by Rav. Mr. Britt. The following ladies and gentlemen were the waiters: Miss floes is Wallace with Mr. Cfcas. Brady, | Mias Cora Maneee with Mr. Toss | Critooe, Miss Mamie Hancock with Mr. Danford I.ilss, Miss Do ra Cock man with Mr. Masou Me Intoeli, Wise Nelia Hanoock with Mr. Leighton Williams. Misa Maggie Richardson with Mr. Bob Carr, Miss Hattsw Jonra with Mr. Louis mum. We wish the hap py couple a long and happy life. Textile. Black Jack Henry Holt is sums tatter ws are glad tu say. John Driggers, of Cordova, was visiting in this section Sunday. It twins that Boose veil is trying to bnUdoas the South with bears and coons. However a bull never butted so bard bat what he had to rest. Say, Legislators, ws think some mad working would ta in older. We are tired of having to ride in holes, mod and gullies every time ws go to market* John Moore and Luther Stuns from Great Kalla, wars at Ur. Giles Moo tv's Sunday. Jo'm Wright, William Kalford and Miss Kalford, fmta Bucking ham, were at W. 0. Hick’s Sun day. Misses Ullis Dockery and Brent Meocham were at A, J. Harr.ug ton's Monday evening. Mrs. Lunda Webb and Mias Laois Holt spent Mooday evening with their sister, Mrs. Covington. I have bean coulnsd to the house .for three weeks frith my eat foot and have had a tough tints indred. 1 have had good nursing aad hope to get oat wsm. C. Bobcrdd. Boyce Covington, who has been la the Phillipias lalsndr for sev eral mentha. he* retarwsd home. H« soys lm sompMsd a tour a reond the world when ho srrivsd at Monro*. W. T. Baldwin, e{ Mountain Creek, has aeoaptad a poaittoo with the Bek red si Mfg. Co. The risk ok this writing, ws ore glad te*aay are improving. D, M. Kosdaa wants two Iresh sts mt tskasu toga. Bring thorn In boyo. Bo will ghw yow Mo. par hondred. B. T. Pee BW Mrs. C. E. Shag' and family left here Uat Sumay night, fur Union, 8. C.t whereyt»«y will make their future borne.* 1 Mr*. Lillie Oovinttou is visit* ing her sister at Otfih this week. Mr. and Mrs. Haywood were visiting at Mr. Bowtte’ last Son* day. • | John Bowles visits! at Steele* mill last Saturday. Roland W. Raiomater, of Rob. erdel, was visiting ta parent* last Sunday. )|’ y • ‘Thomas Meat ham and wife, of Ooneord, are visaing at Mr. Maacbam'a. T‘ Mias Mamie Hanooyk left 8at arday for Carthage to attend the burial of her sant, 'Mis* Addio Julies. jl. • Bev. Tommy Philip*, of Ghar lotte, filled Rev. T. R Little’* ap pointment here last amday morn ing. 1 J. N. Hasty will ^ooeupy the boose vacated by Mrs) Shaw. Mr*. Collins, of Steal*’* mill, haa moved to this plaie. Mr. and Mi*. 8*wi II, of 8*n furd, am visiting at }l is place, Think some of the I oya am gu ing on a farm fur oj other year, aa they am breaking th ox. That'* right go it B. H. I have been rcqqe«Aed to ask some one to plesao seal for pub cation, th*song: “Thfa’U Come a Time, Ac." Bumlimw Ledbettff*. The school pupilp art getting rsnj auxiou* this odld| wjath. r'to see smoke at the new suh<*, of lliia place, and Mia* Ida Cock man, «f (treat Falla, am re happily married laat Wedneaday night at the home of t ha liride, Wa extend hearty wm gratalatloii*. John Thmarer, arhn Itaa barn quite sick the pant week, it we are glad to nay, impoivi ig. W* are pmod to *ay that moat of th* voter* of this plao* have ■igned the petition favoring th# UodoeMlI. V. 8. c. All kiodaof garden seed at R. H. SraiUi’a. t. D BOP IBPOP, L B. WILLfAMg T. U CAtmuc. LAWTKHg. Am lm Iwtn (otra. (Mae la Peak BeOdtea. ■AMUR, P. C, Wade«boro News. The powera that be have built a peat house in thaim module ueigli Itoud of the house when* th* a mall pox broke out. The disease i* still confined to this family. The eont(act has, or will be let out at an early day, for the erec tion of seven hautlaome buildings in our town. Dr. K. A. Ashe builds ou what ia called the goat place, L. J. Huutly and L. D. Robinson will build on tie* Dr. Ashe place. The old building -*»H bc removed at an enrly day. Editor J. G. Bojlin is building a handsome residence on his place south of town. I am not at lib arty in name the others who con template building. There is only one tier-room awning, at this time, inonr town. The liquor holiness will bn again tackled in Hay. Til Iumn, the murderer nf Gnn aalee, is receiving the censure of the whole country. Pilu it on. Make his life sn odious, that if the law does liot hang him, he, lika Julian, will hang himself. 1 would like for your ynnng c«.mn|>«indents to write on the life of the lion. Jefferson Davis. I would like for tbs children to lie more conversant with this great citixen of ths South. I would like for them to l>s acquainted with bis services, os a statesman ; hia gal mi try as a warrior; his grand eur aa President nf the Confeder ate States; his fortitude iu bear ing his vicarious punishments, and hie patirucs iu his life of vol untary retirement, hat the moth ers of ths children of your county nncouratte tliein in tliia matter. Teach them that the boy* who wore the gray huvegiven no North Carolina a heritage that will last aa long aa time; that these men are patriots and that they ought to 1m called together at leaat onou a year in m-tniion. Richmond county ia aadly remiss in this duty. _ E. F. F. Oranges, apples and Bananas at U. H. Smith's. Notice. Application will be made in the Gen eral Assembly o» North Carolina at Its sessiou In 1908, to incorporate and obarter the Rank of Hamlet with its principal older and place of business in the town of Hamlet, Uielinibud ouonty. North Carolina. This Dee. XI. IKK. Notice. The undersigned haring ipMdlflrd la fore ths Clerk of tkc Hoperior Court of Richmond County as administrator nf the estate nf Anderson Hrllle. de ceased. notice la hsrvby given to all p rsous bidding claims against said es tate to present litem to me duly veri fied am or before the first day of Janu ary. 1804, or this uotloe will be pleaded In liar of their recovery. .All person* indebted m said estate will please make Immediate payment to me. lirorpr \V. .Ib-ho is. Administrator of And c least Settle ds reasod. Th • 1>< n'l cr 81, 18Qt ■ Mortgagee's Sale ol Land By virtue of U.o power contained In • certain deed of mcrf|pi>ie) executed to A. II. Oorpettlug and J. \V. Klimp, oo the Srd Jay of March 1883, liy Jno. MoPhcrson, aiad recorded In Book HUB. |«ye 222. hi the office of The Kegiater of Doeds for lllchmond Coun ty ; end whereas liie internal of the aoid J. \V. Hlluip list been assigned to me, I will iti Monday the of 2nd day of March, 1003, between Uie boon of 10 a. m. ond I p m., offer for tale at public auotiou. for cash, tho following described tract or parcel of loud, lo an ti _ Fine met. Beginning at a plow three pine pointers naar the old road Wading from McLcnu’s bridge to thu fulling mill and on the treat aide of the head of Ixmg branch and rout j JO B 28 chains to a corner; thence 70 East *0 ehnins to a oomer: thsuos direct to the beginning, containing 100 acres granted to Duncan McPherson oo tho 77th dsy of Noyembor Ukfl.' Second tract Beginning at a pins ainoog pointers, the fourth comer of Duncan McPhmson'a 100 sera surra/ and run* north 20 W 20 chains to a cornsr, Uieiioa South 70 W SO chaina to t sonic r ; tlisnoc South 3D feast It Chaina to a oomer; thence South TO W. 4 chains to a oomer; choice South IB E 10eliains to a corner; thence 8 87 W. I|. 80 chaina to an oak two pine pointers in his own line; thence 8 SO K 2V chains to the Long branch ; thsncu np tlaa meaudera of aaid branch to aaid MuPberenn line; thence sa aaid Hue nirersud N 201V 17 chaina to a pine 3 pins points is tin beginning comer of said McPheraou'a surrey, tlitnes the home line of aaid surrey reversed K 70 K «l eliains to tbs beginning contain ing IDO serve excepting 3 scira that aru now eocluasd and in cultivation. A. G. Corpmiing and J. W. Blimp, Mortgagees. A. U Corpcning, assignee, J. TV. 1. HI rand. Aliy. Tliia tbe 34 daj of January 4908. Cramugieners Sale of Laid. Bj virtue of she power eoaulaed In ■ decree of llto Superior ouurt of Rich* mood County N C., mode bp Ju. L. Itrrull Ckit, wi Ibr IS day of Janu ary 1M, in a certain special or export* proceedings wherein W K IUyuultia and other heirs-at-law of John Rey nold* deceased are petitioner*, I will on hlunday the Xml day of Prbrurnrp, IKK) at U o'clock noon in front of the Court House door iu ihu town of Kink ingham in aaid State and county, offer for sale for aaali to the highest bidder, the following described landa. the •saw being the land* described in the petition In aaid special pmoeedingi. A tract of laud situated, lying and lin ing In Steele’s township in aaid Slato and county adjoining the Coleman tract and other landa. Beginning at a chestnut oak on the Sugar Loaf Moun tain, supposed to be a Burner nf the Coleman land and runs as a Hue of aaid land boot - 9S W. 11 chains to a staee: thence N. 80 W 22 chains and 90 links to Coleman’s Creak: tlienoe up the various courses of aaid creek shout 80 chain* to a stake bp a stoop ing maple and 2 plno pointer*: thumw South 1IK70 chains and BO link*, pass ing through a small clearing mad* bp \t m- Meaehani to a stake by a black gum and dead sassafras: thence 8 it IV 2B chains to a pine In the Oolcmau line: thence with said line If It \V It chains and 10 links to tbo beginning, coutalcing 280 acres mors or lass. Jului P. Cameron, Commissioner. January 2Tth 1208. DON’T THINK. If you rail onro and do not And what yon want do not think ( will not have it noxt time. I have new goods com* ing in every day, and if Toura are not in ono tot, thoy may be in the next. I have determined to keep what the peo ple want. Ho continue to call and I assure you that you will get freeh goo (a at reasonable prices. Big lot of‘‘stuff” Just ordered. They are all fresh from the factories or mills. ' Give me s call before buying. I will make it to your n tercet. | BUY Butter, Chickens and Eggs, Cora, Peaa •lid almost anything Ihs farmers rains. yours to arret, With a Free Delivery. Henry H Smith. __Behind the Court Hotige. Notice. This W to (ria «at aaatlan. to will tba (barter at tba Tear* at iaatletbaai Jeaoarjr IM., in. Bond Hsytitlxni Tbs road inptprlson id Wolf Pit township m requoetsd U ■set at tbs Oskdals sohool bouse, near K. M Hoag*"'* residence, oa the first fUturday in February si 10 o’eluck a. m. A fall meeting is greatly desired. Oheiriuen.