! ; » eisejiai intoa iron over IM DM wrttss •» that h has a growths aaN of Made* aat obooata la apa«athy far oar If —ftulap people. aat that Tot TeUy?y rad aa aa aunaoaa jswtoea. ar, aa roe ahU ear, tha leechoes ef aa aaa. If Tettv hat Ueet b Baepeoe'e tap ha weald have leldcat to hara ef aat carried hla i‘J oalr ao. bat It an sow, aat Moot. The bak ot ta aat L. ►/. mbOtti aat other block hd I dealt Uka ta * I at A lotebstluw that hara a raeaalUee ap podatot to riodt latteaaK aat oao what ear panpls are dodec to tha calaeet pnetalatrasa Of coarse, ha wfn ha oa potatet chelrata at the eaeewlttee, bet tt waasr haa teibta ha dea l ao. Ha la aodhfap bat a yaa hap aat a coward. Sir. Tteaiaa mat ta ad bias to roou towa ta Abhawe aat aaa haw tha a«Nto oa Ms Mp plaatatloa were SaMkM am. Ha was britet aat accophad the tavUatlow, bat he tit aat ooaee. He was afrabt Aat tha Ida What tlosoer atae ae a boat say growlas aaasa ot Mapia apurSTtf thapSeisdtlaceay abler why to they seat sack a ae Ucvaat aaa to roatreaet Battaa the aeMhaaaaaa ta ha tha stock la trate ad moot of the aoethora wewhara^Tha vary aeach at _ years aaa ha was oeee aahttoa a Bluer npaat towa hara Mr whteh I wft! aever hcpve hla, bat laMy ha hew aaata a taeaih ad Chtrlahia aat soother h Maw York, la whbh ha taya aoacerabg tha rfcht of a stats to Batata: *tf wo aeaapt tha Ml at Hi M daawarad ok k»n papa kttok ktaaklBal aad an si II darts* tka day. It la a taMhfal aad rhanaia* rrriul at aiikrta k»»« Uta «a a M« ytaatattaa Mara tka war Tka tka war was. wKh Ma dto tnaaa tad Ikrat with thru kat dtad am yarssaa Btract wMh Ultra kaadrad aad eaytaraa bta. aad Miss ■bum taaaaa tcaraa aa a k«ula> la pHhl hut liriM tka rtrrr. aad 5sa ta«aa tka aad atary at ha Darla. lk« traiata aaalkara bara. Iitaat »«t«t hp la th* baaatlfa] atary. aad It win ba a toad Mark tor aar akUdrsa aad ekOdna’a ckBdraa. tor It to tatth tal U tka trtotk at umtoda»ata htotnrar. -Wit At* la A Onto ftoaatt tattoo. P. l-Tto OoaatltMtaa to Mlataaia. WUItaau. who atto that baaatlfa! ■link la N«w York, waa aat aactkaia WIMtat bat ssatbatm WUllaaa#. Ha la Craaa Mtaaaarl. aad aald -wa of tka aodtb." Nat a aarthrra Maa aknyt Cbartea Praaela Adaaaa aaM a Mad word tar wa. aad ba toft owl Mr. Darla. II ha had aaM what WaUaraoa aaM or what aoathara Wllllawi said ha eoodm't bar* ana* bark to Boataa. B. A. TK LKISUTUH . T* __ _ Bates Tnx Oo. To e—4 chapter ltd. Print* Un "* y. l«MMtl«i ti wwHi aad a To appotav a cnaalaH—» for To a triad charter of Aabaem*. To locorpormle the Bpriai Hop* ■aaklM Coapaay. amaUa* af tht Oaa ** fwWd the aaaaofectara aad toj« ot Bd*of la Merpaa township. T* raileee aa-ahtrt* B. W. Hateher ■oa. of Boekfephaa. ^Tb earned tka law rapardtep Bra ta To rater* arlf-poveraaaat to Brwaa wtek. . T° laenaoo cosuataloarr* of Car **r*t wutj. BALD woe Divomcp bill. At tha expiration af the amratap. J”^Jd«ijr tha Baldwlo taUto 3ZZ ap aa lie third —-~p Vt" Ttiiilrnioa ■■Id that ha waa aatlahad that all tha orthOeroite^owBdtar ««d raM keeaBaTthLruSSCtt^rt^^ peoeldad that dlvoreaa eaald haaaaaiwd •wjaaan that ooaawad before the Maapoot tha aaL Ha batlared that If 4 »«•»* aa waa takaa ta tha 8a P^aa Ooart that aoon woald aa d*. Hare. He «ap — awawiinm as a BJBt far dlTOTt* after Jasoarp 1, auwiJUA or unitjed STATU BETA TOR. At Um boar of If rrtda/ tba batata ays^jassMys aiact • Dal tad btalaa boaetor. Inn >»•* «* wmllobla apaca fat tba kbbtea. a* tba boor aad la tba baOarlaa *M weytad bp ladlaa aad mm, who bad caaw la ba praaaat at tba cloatap ecaae ad tbraa waafca of etraaaeaa, aoaartala aad axcMlap coataat la tba Daoraratle ■A ntfct laat atcbt bad baaa de d la Carer of Boa. Lea A Orar l of Bovaa eamaty. «t Ma mural}. ITaaMcat at tba :| laaatar Korrta, of Waba.' Tba rM oat] raaaltad: Oraraata Iff. nrttabard «L ‘ * ftidlal Tartar tbaa aaaoaasad Laa A OraraaiB bad received a ^^•oSy’uSS* 7LZZ fray **•«* 4U. IMA aatll Mar* M, *fr. Hwdaaaa tbaa aorad Mat tba Jolat a*M*fp adjoant vltboat dor aad tba bodr adJooraad. PAM AO TOtAL RBADIMO. tar rJSn&i'* tMotajaM VtaSrlataoaatMfr* brttteteb •• vliUvir. rSwfiL? =?r?y “ST'S •oald pm Jayara aad atarta of tba la partaarebdp wttb tba Boater RM baa.aa taotaootaraa I ^ -A TtMreday’o lishi ThsreOay tha compulsory school Uw THE MU. Hi (Minna of tha VTT whkb pan •4 tha third rsudlsg an m know*: Bscttoo I. That It ahall ha aalaw fai far aay aanat or raardlaa Urtaa to this Stats to »MVaot at rataaa to rauaa or »ia>ri aay psraoa nr pcraoao who art or aaay ha uadsr lhair con tral aa thatr chtidraa or wants, to at *--^ with tha rake of pohlle or prlaato R» a tom of t4*fcl donas MCh la am __ _ . _ . f um hM tkUlm •» wards art right yaara old aatil thay ■re 1* yesue old. lndoetvs, aalaaa thay ■ay ha prana tad hy ulnar or raaMa mi* thaa two Mika tro« a achool haaaa. or hy raaaoa or already baler prodekat from aUaadta« aach pohlle or prlaato ashoola. aad presided that la aooh cast thay shall ho ncaasd by tha hoard at treaties of tha school district la which said children or wards my Use it the Una at ooch (allarc to attaad aach public or private school or schools ■so. & That aay peraoa or paiaoaa rtoUUac this act shall bo sebtect to a ass ot aat loos the* Bva dollsre. oar ■ora thaa twaaty dollan tor cash aad •aery otrseaa. dald las shall oa ib as.-’.niiRsra the Mass hataa farakhid by two or ■oca crsdltabU wltassoM. aad all taM ao ooUaotad ahall bo plaoad la the achool (aad at tha arhool district la which the dace ora ooUoeted: Pro vldod. That ao praaacoika shall hs *Mt*twtad nadsr this art siospt wpoa ths aSdavlt of oao of ths traits is ot the achool district la which ths oBcad >ac Parent or caardlea rsdda. aad ■och s SI davit may ba mads oa lafor. ■an on sad holkr. BIENNAls 8RBBI0N& Hr. hayaor's bill prOTldln* for bl tamlal ssssloo of Us esasrat assra hly Passed a third readtac aad waa •sal ta the hoaao. havtaE (one hoaao oa keys of itrcacs. Tha Jkaato look up a Taw third raad *ht htna. aad a arahar at soaetad tews ware ratlded. Will ItVNtlftl* Monday a goal amount of business waa gotten through la both House gag Bum. A roaeurrcat reaolattoa waa latrodmcwd to order a full Investigation of tha peal ten II try and tha charge* ad craalty to coartcta working on tha ralboad la tha atom part of tha Mata. Bills rawed Inal readings aa tal lows: A resolution to lareatlgate tha charge* made with reference to remov al of coartcta from Sprues Pine to Martoa. Aa act to regulate tha pay or Jurors la Craraa county An act to work tha public roads la Cheroka# rotalr. Aa act ta regulate fees ot Jastlcaa of tha peace In riaim and Mlrtry pew aadlng* An act to abolish tha August Lsrm ot Macon Superior Court. Aa act tar tha reiltf of Marian Clark, a public school teacher. Aa act tar tha relief of Julia How ard, a public acbool taacbar. Aa net tar Ua relief of Aaale D. Whltted. a public school taacbar. A resolution la reference to taeea llgaltoo of freight dlaerimlaallon tot railroad rompaala*. The folloerlag Mila war* ratlAad: Aa act to taeorporata thrtowa of Shelmerdtne. la Pitt county. Aa act la refer* nr » to lb* territo rial limit* of tha Farmer*' Matual Mr* lasunrmare Company. Aa act to ebaagt the same of the Eastern Insurance Ooaapany to the Raatarn Ufa la la ranee Company of America. Aa act to Incorporate tha town of To** way. Aa act to prevent banting and tak ing la Robersonrilie township. In Mar lon county. A resolution requesting Senators and Representatives In Congress to ase their hast effort* ta sees re an appro print km tar Shallot!* river, la Bruns wick county. An act to allow Hyde county ta levy a special lag. wewrr outamimc*. Urey Belgian* am now preparing to •mlgrato to tb# TraarraaL Bata an bote* wriertnlnttrd at la baotopol to promt tbo apraad ml pUgre. Dm lfolaon, Iowa, boraeahoen bare ■•Be a soecreafal demand (or a ala*, hoar day. Tha Cabaa Houaa of Raprnsstatlrea baa appropriated ***0,000 tor tb* cso •(ruction of a OapitoL Tba right aI Americas* to prospect tor gold aad otbrr alwila to Batten Siberia baa Lena grentoa. Taro tboamad Brlttoh reioateti will anil treat Urcrpool sooa tor Mew BroowM. wbare tfeay wM aettto. It *• prapaBd at Tarmintb. England, to retire tba Oraealaad wbato dabtry fatwtalj carried m from that port. _£ftow nttdy. thocbampb* aprteter, wU) p* abroad again rat mm mar to osBpele tor tbr Mg prtrea la Baglaad aad Irate ad. Tbr Betgtea Ooretatarat baa derided to aaaatraaf a larjw rerUtoe aa tb* •b Lottie Bspoolttoa grenade far BM> gtea exhiMia. Parmare la Austria are balag aaM oat by tba Shari tr far nea-aarmret at mm are . i_men at l hare mado H paaaSda by to aatotdtod there a ~ mfRag aad Tba ally of Otorrteed to to srer BAwan la paMto Impel inmiata i hit yaar. Of fbto asm |S*MM am far tbr aMMtoa of grada rraaalaga. (Mi of tba employ aa af tba Dallaa. Treat, street taitray Mare bare re retrod aa adraara la to law rente as lama twenty Tba Rblaree napertot 1-anal baa toboR a aether atop ta adraa're by appalnitaa a iapaatn trbator af fto Oaettoa. Pr ttnreirtl Hattori. to A ptaf irearmtp la Pmi* aatreretfr. Tb* darter was Is teal r||y darts* lb* that tor to t# he das* «f tbs aobssl ad btrreterv Tb* *w*firtaMBt IS b anaaat of Mi rtoto «d tb* UtoMnOto am* odarator. We Jataa to Tobto is tomsarto* biawott *t(b Jomb* *d» gaMaaM magBede , V taretndB -e • MB SUNDAY SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LEMON COMMENT* TON FEMUARY *. amb at OnWb IWalMr . I Cam Tamm, b-IUCia. I am tba BWi 1 «»>««. i Athena dearnhad la oar lam kseun. "Dr. Parted Paul a mj m Athena waa abort, end be navac ratal aad la tha city. IniaS Natnal Ortare had naomfhlly rejected tba ssttrsu5S Ibbt baiara bia aa-wnrkam amend. Car lath «u the oast of rota at area in boot her a (items, aad at tbia time waa Ilia yoStiral capital and tba midaoee at tba Noam. MW naanL It waa aitaatad oa Iba tatb num abicb soaaaets the two portion oi limn. It waa tba wealthiest and wlehed e»t cRy In all UreacS. and nt tba ant at af every kind of hcaatioasneni and exons. Aad yM,la this wicked tity Thai bad a goedrcneol aad asintdWhnd a Chnattaa . *• “AmUe—Flleelll* .* ' Moat dented friawda of l*»id. paraona al inhere and piety It. »). TVr are alwava mentioned together. Fran tbia n-a cnncfaUnt that bear tarnish a happy example el haraioay aad irmpaUry la CtwiMian lift. PriicilU act ten JeTthc'trak Tnd'tcTdv ¥zteyrvteTsjShn astSSLMV'jfraJspi: waa tba twelfth year af bia man “Jew. bn depart. Tbia took place early in A D. M oa account af a MroSt In Judea. Tba Je«T,nwrc vary namerow. at Roma, aad iakabitad a separate district a( the town. Ml the tanks ol the Tiber. They were of tan Tear traablaaoma. aad acre 4-vrr.l hma banlalied from the city. “Tha dacraa did awe rarnam long in fores, for we Hod Aqmiia in Roue not Ion* after I Rota. 1»: |1 aad many Jews raided there when TEL TCoPa method af work fra. ». 41. t. •fbama tra*e.“ Panl’a firm concern whet be entered Corinth was to dad a bom* for hlmmMjnd Kan to enek for employment. IV bo xgntd dream that tbia trarefararaad man. rang Iran ona tanlmakcr's door to another. Melting far work, waa retrying Ut* fatmw of the world baomth bia rota!* H rowght. Peal labeled for lain nwa aun pnrt iugWiaeui (Acta »: M) aad Thcmm Them. *: »), at well as in 4>onnlb (I Car. 4: U). 4. -1 ■ - J J •* rWama Ik. ScnpUres. and (ha petneotl tanUmoaicn al afa wimami Pan! thawed that Jaaaa waa the Mrmtah and tha foepel Into. Tha fiZtSTRSl SJK3 SZStXZ •onaMa It would ba ta Dmn Christiana. Ka acoaht aat bia hkadrad tad made op. portaaiboa ta tall tbam al Christ. ID. 3Vc antral of reiakreeamota It. ‘Jrirtd t”SLT^ fiSCtTlfiS •by lima Theaaalooka and 5it«D up by the intern eetoewt awn of P»nl lu bia work, alter the arrlecl •I Hilda aad Timaaby. when ba waa ••(ion abd hll if hamy/thal said, radljr aad forwror/ to tba Jrwo ia Oarlatb: "I will kroubla you no awn.'1 “Date tbo Urn I doe.' ta Corinth. Ho altorwatd pratklwd to the Jews ia other piano. ■ “A certain aaea’s Stowe.” Card lor (eoebkif and worship. Per bia own lode Uc bo still remained with At)alia aad PriattDa. ' Worshiped Hod.’ A proselyte, not a Jaw by birth No doubt bo boeaoaa a Chrfatun. Nothin* wore ia known ui Juatiia. “Joined — (be rynafofie.” "A rtaadlnr protan to the imbelkl of the Jowa. It woold draw in many who would bo comm* la tba ayaaaeoaa. The owner waa a Gee tile, and would win the attend one* »/tba Gentiles.'* -• voqm. on nm convert tvi* me reW o4 the eynieogue he had left. He de cided emek made the conduct •( other* equally derIdevl. "Chief ruler" A man « hnrnhtg end high character. Hi* eon vceeipa tack him out at>fltce in the Jew ieh ckaieh. "All hi* hover." The Ant re corded htetaace at the eonrenieu at an entire Jewiah family. *. "Then epehe the Lord." It la kkely that Pe*l wm* at thia tone murk di.tre-wd hy the violent oppooirien of the Jena ead ptobabfy hie life nee in danger., end he might hare been enter tailing ocriou* thoughte of eenaiag to ureneh. or of Wring Connlh. To peevent thte end eomfoet him Uad n*a plea red ta gira him thn nun. "B* not afraid." "Iaalatma Irani hi* onn pwolt, phymcnl nenkaaaa ead the alonweae of the peopln ta hehavc. beaidm the danger of eaddan permeation or death, mode Pent qamtiea I ho modem nf further effort In Corinth, emee la other pleoae ha had with drawn when opposition maw. Fear oTv er* W anmat fafth. and Oad forbade tt " ML "With thee.1' Ta aaauin thaa ra trial, t»ia«ttnun In tbe 8pwH. to SU *!f2r »~L“ST teat thaa from beilfto eaamiae, and la make thaa rietar la aeeeyeanfHct. though atea any am and leave than, I will net, Thaa tba nil man r»m» la tha barn- oi j thee " S7L2 I aboil appaaa or condemn thaa, ta da*troy wca. f» tpa ■*$ «« «nt death at that “ Imratew *BB gn^Wv# iSmvJafi'ijA Ood’t nil! waa W da It. Ha feared not with a prSL af help ae'.tled *'7do”bu and gave raoraga for the madartebfn*. Tear and rtx month* Daring tbn lima ha wrote the aanand letter ta tba Tbaaaa JMriMM. f • ^_ UWl TllWhblng Learn. 'PcncfngL nanafng. wnneinn. QntMty and baagy the Mattie ho Thrown Thn Mine mad tMoo ua iM^taak, A* nwbte MHnerlau. TWyaoth. am pema aaa oannaoore. _lmmt vmw,ta tha gmga ha wm MUnr. wNfc mat fbrni* tnttaf. It* w!tS. *** mm «M tcaa the Hmtile ha them*. PRODIGAL’S FATHER Dl CHAPMAN'S SUNDAY SEIKO*. An Uplifting UUcoors* on l Ortlt Pillnl Meet by tbo Famous Filter Ev*i|ilbt Knw Yonn CITY.—The following sermon •ttfiiW "IV I'roJigal'* h'elhvr.” h ».tw* cl a aeries fccpsivd for th* or*** by the die tfogwwbod rvange.Mt, the Rev. IV J. WIS* bnr Cteinu, It was (uvmrUd irwu the toil:, "wi wove bu nu yet « great way ofl hta bluer »aw bin • • • uuA bad napielw and rau * * * ami kissed bun • • • a*ul aatd la bu unaufo, Bnng forth tbe heel rolie and pot it or\ bin. an*l pal a nag or bU band «ud »hc«<« on hi* InL and bring kitber the fatted calf and kl* II - Uke zr: *>-». Of iwAking many *enm*u» on the prodigal M there inasni to hare let a no tad. Y*4 I waa in the miakuy Ilf 1**0 year* be fore 1 wuaebed Irma any pail of ibe para ak. Tbsie stay Im many rraeoiM why, as n rate, wo lull atr.iy from it. ll may he that the picture ia uk> realistic. 1 wm standing in the prison chapel nt Jolwt. Illmo.t, when a in|UHt was mad* that I should wawdaet a aarrvet for lb* eow v*cte. Just si 1 was Uavia* the buildiug the adirrr said to toe, “By tbc way, il yon ahaukfl come da not preach upon any pari •f Iht prodigal. Wo hare had la-enfy-ionr miwwitara here by actual munt. and every •« W theta aare na the prodigal eon, and ♦h—a poor xeQows have bad about as mach prodigal aa they can stand.'’ It may also be that we have turned away from il became it is such familiar around that it has lost its charm for us. I eras sweeping through Ibe magnificent Rocky Mountain scenery utue time ago, and wtum we had pkaagrd into the Royal Gorge, amt later awpng into the Giand Canon it •owned to me that oCenety more sublima •onM not be found in all the world, and if I had never been unp/vased before writh th# exHtanee *f God I should havo cried a.i aaI. n._ i. » w- .i___.. •to peak*. I noticed that awry ora la the oar, with one angle exception, waa gating in rapt admiration. Thi. no# women waa latently reading a book, aid to wy cor tala knowledge dm di-l not lilt hor ejee otww frmn tbo printed page while wo worn ia that aroculorlul teener?. \Vbon wo bad mag owt la to tha mat table land I etwt beard her any Id a tnowd, ‘'Tbia u the thir taantb lima I have tnanl Ike amnntaina. The Aral time I could not hoop the toon from rolling down my eheckt, to iraprereed Wee I. bat BOW," eke mid, “I know it eo well that I frequently go theoigk tha wkola range with eeereehr a glance ceat uni of tkn ajain." It ia tku. alee' that *. read Ood'a wen), and that -which fill* haar*n wUh wwador, aad funUhee tha an gola a theme for never-ending pewiao, wo reed with indifference or (ail to read at all. Aad ret my owe oonfeaaioci ia that I never ham had entil rareatly the beat of tbia •tKtffirWi-*eu.ftha yonngrr mb Bid an b*cH it would ba a VMMtf# to Mckdidcn, aad while Ihii ii om ptr* of the tatwpcctation it u not bv tbt brat pin. The* it occurred to um tbo atoir might hive bc« f r*i ub tbit wo ihoold like wuraing from the nc> fiaVwai of the ckWc bcntW. hot I coo •wired nob a dulilcv for ibn character tbit I nerer r«r«r) to consider him even for a moment. But it hat in ibcna Inter dan become to mo or* of the ivntnt portion a of all the Now Tcatatnr&l bccannc I hetinrn tbo parable ru written that n might U% too oor m npon tbo iatber of the parable aad Ut that fatbnr gat a glimpoo of God. Did it over aocar to yoo that m the pie torao of tbo father* of tbo BihJe yon were alway* on* a of ooc port of tha ■atvo dOodf Jacob crying oot. ’Ma Yc Jo** barafl of my rkiklrm; Joseph i« not. Amma* in ant, aad now Ton will take Ben lamia from me," ia aa illimIraUon of God "»« ie B> great tewrtaroma arer the W. David axrlaming. "Oil, Abaalom. my !S*' .CT ,r'Jdd (h*<1 » had died for ihm, ia tact a butt aa to Iko war God (“*» nveg Hie lent own (or whan Hu Boa haa really died. Aad ret better iCaa lav pictnrc of a father u the .rtreJetiea of Bid ia the bfe oi the Son ef God town whom Hea we have keerd throe aeed., "Hr that hath aeea Me hath earn the h'nihei-." ^t.pvttiog all them thing, together, end ra i^e ^ht of them reading the itory ol tha prodgml, anr heart, barn witlun ue a i in aea Ood. T. “BUT WHEN ^HE^WApSY ET A CHEAT Tbrae word, aut hare a wonderful ■ukIbl lor the neawrement h from OmI'e aiandpemt. It would be aa awful tataa to bo a peat way off according to maa a conception, but when it ia tba com putation of One wba if inhaite wa ara atartlad. aad rot oar eoaramant firm w„y taataaUy to adoration, foe w* ara told that a»a« If wa art ao great a dtinner from Bp wa ara ao* to ba duronraged. In Aeta U: M. we read that the premier ia ■alo "all teat an afar HI” and in Kpbe. ataaa ii: U, IT, tea an tott that "Tr who ramatmea wan hr off ara mad* mgh by tba blood ef Chriat” and that Jnu. Chile* aad nr.aehrd pear* to yon which —M *!*? •• well aa to them that ““ alab. H aarar i. awy onaatloa with Ood a. fa bow deeply one bee warned It » ‘ftaNnbahl* thing that tbroochmt tba who* Bible He haa erer cboaco the meet roaapicaaa. fin. and tba moat Magnat ala aaratkat Ha aught prtaeoi lo oa Hie wil UapM to |or|irf, ^ "MMm» b"» An tblap if wa wwaM toow Him la thia wag. Slim I beer mart ba a wrUHag mind la Wi »• “ M. "U ?• baVSES aad cot the good of tUo ffi-c “ *“» "** M, “H