ANOTHER MURDER. we nave Hnmerea Prices on Everything in Our Clothing Department, We faimm AffnrH t0* Carry Over Winter Goods Through the Summer. These Goods Have All Been Raced Down Stairs on Our Bargain Counter^ and"WUl Go At a SacriflceTReganUese of Cost ' We'Carr7 In Kxteemely Nice Line of Up-To-Date Clothing, Made to Fit, For Satisfaction in Wear, for Shape and Service, Made for Slims and Stouts _ _ And Regulars. We Also Have the Nicest Line of Pants That Ever Came to Town. _KETA1L PRICES ON PANTS bInoE FROM 80. TO 87.80. RBTAILPR10ES ON SOrTORANU^FROM^^SOTOei'alg" *"*■* A ^ * - v >. --- Now they Will go at all kinds of prices. If you need anything in this line, see us and •are several dollars. This is no fake or catcher at all, these goods must go and will go at the prices. Overcoats at your price. Call and see those goods, if prices are not right, don’t bny. All kinds of Boys Clothing will go along at these trash-moving prices. ss ssass M>seesms>ses > n » s <ws e m m w o THE HEADLIGHT”1 • JOHN H, WALSH, Kwmt. SENATOR OVERMAN. The malt of e few weoka contest gives ua Hon. Lee 8. Overman as U. S. Sena tor, to succeed Senator Pritobard. Wall, we ere satisfied. Hr. Overman, so far as wo‘are informed, waa fairly sleeted, and we shell give him all the support and honor to which, aa a Senator hais entitled. We would have pieferredC. B. Watson, and we think this hoaor should have been conferred upon him for three different reasons: First, because ha Wat the equal In every respect of any other aspirant, second, be came he submitted to the gubernatorial nomination in 1000, hi the very face of de feat, this too. whan it had Uea declined fay at least one ether: thirdly became be wm a gallant veteran who carried a gun, and the only veteran who will probably aver ask for the honor. There la not a Confederate let scan la either branch of Congress, and now we aak, why in it thus? It means something—h is no more heppeneo. la H boeauae the boys who wore the gray are grttiag too grey? Wbjrtbere are enough ir- band now to raise a yell that would strike terror In twice their number w, who never baaed the thrill whistle of a mionie bail or the roar of ter of surprise, as there seems to be a disposition on the |>art of some of the young bloods, to above the veterans to the rear, on the plea that they sure tpo old. We honor youth where honor can bo worthily bestowed, and we like to see onr young men brought to tho front and placed in tho ranks with those who are older and wiser and trained to fill the highest positions in church and State ; but to AH all the offices with young men, man) of whom are totally unquali fieri, is a big venture upon the part of thoee who place them tbore Richmond has a young man in the legisla ture, and we *ro free to sn) that he honors Richmond, a-xl Richmond honors him. But we have digressed some what. Ws thought Mr. Watson shonld have receiv ed tho nomination—and wo still think so. However, we bow to tho will of the major ity. ' Especially do we do this, boeiuue it is good de mocracy to do so Again, we do so bocausu Lee Over man is a great man, and a pure democrat, to tho man ner born. North Carolina has no son, more worthy— none who will sorvj her bat ter. OUR LEGISLATURE. Last Saturday, Hon. A. S. Dockery who represents Richmond in tho legislature, suggested that Saturday should bo a working day, tho same as any other. Hur rah for Settle! It’s a pity that all the members can’t see it in the same light. The legislature has beau in ses sion uearly a month, and pray, what has been donel We shall certainly expect more from this session than was done by the last session ; and that, what may he done, will be done for the benefit of the people at large, witli ont partiality, fear or favor. Great responsibilities rest upon all the members. Their people are watching them closely, and their future popularity will depend upon their votoe upon all import ant matters that may oome Iwfore them. Utley, of Paynttvillo, who wu eonvietod of murder in theaeoond degree, and eeutenced to SO yean •n tho penitentiary, eeeapori from jail taro iiighta ago. He had ♦10,000.00 before bia eeeape. JOHN W. LbGRAND, ATroaurar-AT-Law, Rockingham, N. C. Prompt attention gtooa to alt taw otaUnr*. UmI Betatw Apnt. OSn over KUaml Covutj Drog.Oo’a atom 'Phono m. ASHCRAFTS Colic flixture Wrw and molea ■rad wftaa t Colie attack* ao i i ao savers!y t aw to relievo i i in coder to eaea its life. AaaKSurr'aCoMc Mnrrvmn |Wm relM ••••ddy and enrely, leaving no bad after adtoeta. It hna nail the teat far IS years. —vmfmw irMfi. A. III. FLOWERS._ Usq Lipps Fertiliser fertiliser has been used extensively in this, and other lec tions ef t^e country for two years, with great aatisfaction to all who fiave used it. For further information as to ita value, enclose stump to the following gentlemen : Rockingham, X. C.. M. L. Hinson, W. Little Steels, John 8. Covington; Roberdel, J. W. O’Brien, R. C, Terry; Cordova, T. Berry Lilee; Diggs, Dr. J. H. Williamson. ChemicajjAap be bought of W. I. Everett, B. 8. Ledbetter. For receipts for preparing this fertiliser apply to, E. M, Boggun, Cordova, N. O, Y. M. Boggau, Rockingham, N. C. D W. Watflon, Rockingham, N.C. Thankful. We went to thauk our many friends and customers for their liberal patronage for the past year and solicit the same for the coming year. We feel suro that we have put forth an honest effort to please our customers in prices and gooods, and will strivo to give lower prices and better goods han wo have over done in the past. We wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year, and will advise you when yon want bargains to come and trade with BLACKER BROS., for the loast money of any atore in U>wn. Yours, for straight, legitimate buRin<»s, Blacker Brothers. Leading firm of Rockingham. |0" Sand ford Building, next to Richmond Co. Drug Co. Polite attention to all. Pegging away Still Pegging Away. I am still at my stand over A. W. Porter A Co's atom pegging and sewing shoos for the good people who hero heen patronising me for yoan» past. I-still do my work faithfully and promptly and at the lowest living prieea. If you have never tried me, come now. J D.YOUNC Xctln Thl* la |q nive iodic* that nj» pliNtinii aril I ha mad* to tb* G*b »rml Aaaaihly of {forth Carolina, at I la pfiatai ararloa, fn amend the charter of thaUmn »f Manila*. Board of Coataritaioaota of town Of Hamlet By K. 9. Beater, Clark to Board. TMa Janaary 7,100*. MORRISON A WHI^r/>CK A'mnxrra-Ar-I.A#, »• atiL anil** wiiuna. kor<3. C A. 8. DOCKKRY, ATTOUKWV-AT-I.AW, ROCKIXOHAM. IT. 0. Otto* np-atain, Jtuiwill ImiUlmf To Our Friends and | the Public: On the threshold of a new year we greet you and thank you for the'patronage which has made our business 9 success. It shall continue to be our aim to keep in Rockingham a drugstore which shall oonsider the wants and needs of people, and shall Bhare with them every benefit with which fortune favors u ;. j ! Very Respectively, , j Dr.N. C. Hunter&Bro. j DRUGGISTS, Rockingham, N. C. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By trading with me. We keep everything in the eating lino and a little saved on everything used on the table, will enable you to live che*t> er and better. Wo koep Canned Goods, Bacon, Floor, Sugar, Coffne, Rice, Fiah, Cheese, But ter, Cabbage, potatoes, Apples, Bananas. In other words, I koop n full line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries. Call on me. We would like to sin^w j’on around, whether you wish to bny or not. A penny saves! is a penny made. Trade with ua and you’ll save the pennies. We fool very grateful to our friends for post favors and hope to merit their continued favors. V M BQCQAN & CO. THE FARMER’S BANK, Rockingham N. C. Respectfully solicits your patronage and banking business. We grarantco absolute Security, Promptness, Accuracy and all Accomoda tions consistent with safe hanking. Call and boo us when in town ROnT. I.; STEELE, President. LEAKE tt. COVINGTON, Csshisr. H0B8E SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Hnrm abortus and doing Iron Work on Rngj(l#t aiu) Wagnti* are in my line of bnainsw, and I guarantee work and pricea to suit. Work dona promptly. Bring alt your old Imna, braaa and ooppar to ma and I will gira you tba highaat market prim for ft. Ed. B. Terry.

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