SISTERS OF CHARITY My M ft ni-na M Fight Cataitb, Cnghs, i bids and Grip. ...—. L_ SISTES s BEATS UL by Dr. XaitaM tram HMr MA, u« W. MU kwt, j m<lt**************M<<^ B. A B. hrmaii, OlArtWb «*>*•■• **•«• Sln-«f MWtfl Ml IM HJ»t U fH«M •/ rw ,u JUU I : *•*««••/ « rMrerf wo »r tm:«rr* •/ Uk* («<•«■ mf fmrrr ymr»> mm«U ! Mi I «»M «•• kMt te<» «4lknM U /»r It kWm| j ■KnKMOT^fHj^MdAiAmmtniAltlMMiOM | Mtarr* lt«t M «M ■<( car*. >>—J/ariUI IMHIX Interesting Letters Front | Catholic Institu tions. ,wu«ss. ts I«STCBS|X^ fo 'm^ST 25*S Itnaa a Bai-t'Wil-s aihf-H' TLSrs/Ej Mr.M.£ Marias**, MuitHOMli »r >—■'**# VMM** tin whs nss4IAsrseunswsssmf*Hmtfr*m. tsTymitttssmSI—ssfmsiss. Thsr* smUsJtks IrKNuMMuwanX*. isstsrw. tks (MnU vtwa* rslUf, M4 a/*M-/*rtk*r mss sftks msdisims wa AapaiataaMatamyaft* to nNnty smrsd.o-mstm sfOtmrUy. Bromo-Seltzer Promptly cures mil Headaches « >>• ■%issBissmimmmsssis——m— Banlbarn Rtodcaia'a (old aatput la May was tba skcsaat nafM. belaa •war 1>>» onacaa_ mijdasam/iuiiljrtMuuww jiHTiiiwaiM. .vxiriii uducuid ti hum t m jgjtVaJKSLstisist 5X toaMMMjMakMtfcaaaw^radMnJaJaauaia1 SS3S>i?*,«aJ?aiii'l ubi. Jm5S8» ''Bb Jw* •• wall IW m Wk always teat^ST °!”*M - *■"« IMOMfebiM aktMwviaassaM W(»riimr Italy laal task o»W» «Uk »3R&Jirazsss?sax$2B: aJ{yM?S»wwiSww!V*"“l) ** I*Ml ' P»iMa Is u lur as waikkaa wbaa myti taawn OTSk an A I CteMrt Llurde. There la as piece Hke Ike deeert far Heard*. As a etna ndee through : tba white Made ar ever the black anL •pal teedntatea la Arteoad or Boo th reaten CalUormla aad aaaa tba Saab aad scarry at tbaaa brlHtaat aad gracafal crsatnroa tba anas ration o( death aad aotltade la hrokaa. aad. bab»ld*hd aa muck Ufa. be la broasht te woader If tba eooatry la really a daaart ar oaly a lead to which a man la net adapted, aeya the Loadoa h*. Nr bare era aatautle which aarar drlak. rat Mak about through thoraa i «Mtaa aad fattaa am tba bitter 1 pleats. Homy a daaart proa pert or has lata daw* ertth hla barm «e dte aad aaaa am tba reeks eboot.kln tba ' af tba CbadMraUa lte the bnsea aky. The Mrda In MMMntw. am tela tbe teMa aad woods mbs aaaay day to liwlalir aad watch Ike Mrda. It is vary merited to acta tea vartoaa teathada by whlah cat •mar birds ala tba pnblsai at lad. at. Aad. after a*. they dad H tba aast dte Oa tba sootrary, area la tba •. yao wfll tad as an a lassos at I _ Wtert tba drril b teas to tab# tba ttemaai ba win sot tear to taka tbe ———wBmmi— T-- ~ u I U r I t ■— m*m ill i ———■—— TO GET OUR REWARD IL MARIAN'S SUNDAY SEIIO Ha Shaw* to w tha Oraat flcrey at ChrUt Wba Oraat* a* • Reward and well-known evangelht, the Bee. Ur. J. & ^rst*zsa itrwsaras? teO. Wits the Otin ot thw l£. that So nay piear* him who hath cHoeoii kha to he a aoldicr. Ami it a man aim atnrw tor uaalnin, ywt ta he see rrwww.t, eampt b* etrire low fully." J Tuaatby, Ui D, ©a It m not enough .imply tvperform what •UI'll be called mod Jmda, in the entlau tma of tin world, ter one wight receive the turn, and wlm hi* reward at tha keek at ttod. Neither ie it enough fbnt at ehaatd be to girra t. aernre Uil he wight win tha apple ore et people weary wbetv Threw M oo epecul premia* m bed* word wnttew fee ike mea wire h alinplT (eithiel ut wutwnrj evrrioe, Pan! uuiet bare hid tbU in mind when be mirl: **t '* be not crow wed earrpt he eirirw lawfully." It a a goo.I thin* lor the ikiiv <iin to ryeare bin rite, bulk public and pri rair, km inocreiou ihoughu, and tka lud eua ei bie heart, by the word ot Ood, V> — ..M A* «V Ph»» be I* falhng i.» !»»• Ood* tdctx end the Holy Obm/t guidance Wlwn John, U K.reUlion, wrote. "Let ao wan lake tky crown," be pm tea ted wbul to my mind It one of tha moat ealeaia eabjeeta in ell the Bible, namely, that. one might be eared, hare bu un* fomiiwo, atand het-we tied puided, he. perfectly mere of being ultimately re rated rale Hu preretire, and hr meed IbTvmgbrvDt eternity, end yet mine kit re ward and lorn lua crown, . Tala chapter ie a note at naming aud a iwurt ery io people everywhere to march their irv*», aided by >b* Spirit, lo aah Uod •jdoa‘r«T,‘bmwughly with them era* thtneeh tbw dux hug may mean the cutting “* of wjtoc .try much loeed aiu or the gxr uie up of tome long ehurieboil plan. I. All errvice nut bu prompted by right motirea. •* » “"> w much Wow the work apparel mtWmrdly that et*m.nend* il to God-in <!>•» Hi* jadgmemt ia giteu diflerently tram that at mat, but it ia alloyaihar a goauttun M j? back »( it ail, prompted tba «*•. Tha girmg of Lho widow', nit* and II. hearty acorptaaua bp ot> kUatar *a Ml iLuitmioo af thi* tael, fur ru tba dw '»• lhal prompted lb* gdi waa fond tbat which waa af tom tboaaond lima. man talu* than lbo gift it*If. Ob* mgkt |«ntk tba gospel gad wig bBBdiod. at loam far Cbrnt, and the mix tins tbat proeaptod tha preaatuag bo wnmg. Un* night twpanatead a Monday actaal with macb eaceeaa. ba a taarbor at auknowkedgwd ability, lmu tba young pao ido o wwrk io tba ebareb, ba a cfaam load «r ol tba m lemon work, lad upon all than Pkoitiwaa bar* tba teal at the approval at »™ and tba, plaudit. nt tba winSfitode be ,or acknowledged aunaaa, and yet mmeroVy fail at tba gnat day of award, to raaaira om -ogle cron a for [iitkiutaan ^Mmpb bacaaaa tha work waa born ia Mi na ian and eaxnad uc ia pride. It « yot done fur tba glory of God. but rat bar for tba glorr of nan. On* aught build ebareb*., gad for hii rappoood ganaroeiry bo bigb^ ratenaad of noa, and ywt rw »»* a rrbak. fvoia tba Upa of tba riaan Chnat. (W might endow aehoafa widen Uod would uaa lor tba bettenaamt of ao cily and for Ibo aceompllahaeral of HU own purpose. or tba working of Hia own pmaa, and yai bara no rrengwltioo on the greet day at award.. Oua might giro ha »un*T to rla* h* tka poor and faad tba h»» PT;. ha might fa known wherever tha Kugkafc laagaaga U apokwa, tor ha rhirit *b*o work*, and when the great day of award* lion Id oma might hear tba Uaa tar my: ''Datmrt. for I bbotot know job." Hii .oal ia aired, but bia Ufa ia loat. All of thoao thing, aro trm, bonauao, wfaila outwardly tiir mrrice ww. woadarfol wad tba auretaa gnat, tba aaotira that prompt ad. U all wa. mlfldi. Jaaaa HinUoU baa onid that tbera uux.'J fa Km who •baeild u»: “Tyird, bar. wa not preafa aaad Ir Thy aaaur, auil ia Tby rum done many wonderful wotfcai" Than tba loadi ng heroine, aaore* aod tba komoa nor. atarthag, tor ana might eran think tbat ha waa ahaping bia h> •'wording to 'CTrib*7 nun tba WbBUB Paul wrota bia fixat latter la tba Cfaiatliiaae fa Bud: "For otbar foaada tkaa ran an man ley than tbat ia laid, gif i tiZHS*.Ljf ke KimjeU •hall be »rtd; y*t «o am by i*c- Hi* U rery fhwfr, to My mhwJ. a Iwm (o (hriiiiu worktr* ia fniftl, hot Jo mioiitm in p*i t»mlnr. Tho formditiem U the MM* for in Je*u* Ckn»t. but Om npminu-tw* mny bm rrty different. Il i* m mo*t nlrma thoafV.—on* 01 th* mo*( foltnn 1 ka6ir—ikAt wWn tka «r*«t omj of nr* *h*'\ mmo every bub'i work •nil be tnri. of vhlt *art it k. Th* mb* ielty of the rn*n whom the vorU botarrd . ia tba kiah print (awt kia hrathrem, apoat wrhoea mead tka anoint* <*f «tl waa pare ad. aad that. U cwoaearutcd neither shall ka pa oat at tba aanclaarv, are protoaa tka Maataory at kia (Jod: fur Uaa araara of tka uureUag oil of Ua Cod ia ream turns 1 aaa tba Load.'' (Isr.t.rna ■at* tO-U). How ciaoo tkii teaching io, «d haw coaaplataty many of a. are (a* I dawtaad aa wa apply it to oor ora Katal Aad rat titan la uo raoooo for dtseoar ogciuent Ia tka olden limes, a hen tha prioaU or ths proitls varr io touch with no. the oaken at tka rad heu'er wore* rpriuksd opoe tkatn (or darnaing, and iaaaaadialuly thny atonpad bask into tel ls rah. p, sod Uod slotted tha as aritk pow er. In aba New Titleroeat a batter trert area ia auda—Hebrews Id: "i'or tf tka Ittaod of buds and of faera, aad tka aahra a»f oa heifer sprinkling ihe unclean. aanctHlatk to tha purdiine of the Maah; how mock atom shall tha blood of Cliri.t, who tbroork tha Spirit nffnrd HiaiaaU without ape'. unto God, purgn paar ooaamusea boat dead works, to serro tha kruta God*’ f hare not been a hia In Prut io Um lit sr Testament. with the cixeplioB n{ ths Lord*! Prayer, say placa where it ia arid that tba Conation maai lilt tor foapivuMaa of tire, bat I do toad in 1 John 1: 1, S. St "If wa walk la the light, an Hr la (a lire "•M* Vi hart fiUov*hi|» 0Bi vith iiDothtr, !W bW of J™. Ckmt HU 8axi rlcmnwth m bom »U no IJ Vi my ttut vo Kim no am v« owtira otrvloa, ana ttm lruth w nok in am. If vo covioi vur *t»i. Hi i« faithful u»l Jnat to forgciii it* oar mtiM, oud to cVutt im from all un nfhtooatiUBMM 1 Uim l\rn (hat if | oonfoM my «im Hb in faitktu) auU ioat to f^roUmm and nUmva nv porfecUjr, nod wWa He forpvci am Ha oKrtyt forycti it. Ood Mi *« Mote. God darn not art the Wm acainat the greater, m wo do; Ha acta Inc greater afunat the Um. that fas HU way. Who mU n«t ear: BUaseil la Hi* love? Xian being Email, being patty at Lie k Highest. X»da a Sew. Thus the wine fool talk*: Ha ia bvovet, bo ia wise, be ia rifted; ho ia, on the whole, a man of uoiablr intellectual a to torn and influence. but—man thiaka Ua it elcvar urban be dbcorvTu a tint. Ha natbrr* hiipsali up i a to Pbarimic perpan- I dicnlanty and oy* . I discovered ihu, 1 pointed oat that trout), 1 aaw it. Tlirrs «n be no Nt deep enough for a wretch Uhe that. HnW doth Gad apeak? Thoa. boar the mute of mdute loro: He baa Mtny. be has bw« onfaithfal ha b»« Utmed Midi from Ma a thousand times, ho baa done the thing* he owebt not to baeo dona; yet—that ii tbo ditfsreuce be tween tinman Judgment and divine juda ment iu relation to that greatest of all myatoria*. human character. H ia better to fall into (be bands cf God than into the panda of men. Your bretMvn like to -**»«- against yon. to have discovered a peccadillo, nne little mn and to bar# 6n |Sre dainty ewougli to pick oat that lilile hair and to be able Is say: 'Ten got it!** Tha Lord aaith: ‘'You have wuuudrd 111 ' and disappointed Ma and gone awar Iron* | hit. ret—-now can tI give ibcc up. He iorn! * That 1a U« dirt even oe octn-uen vtnrr human theories and iba ft i eat Di vine idea of redemption—God nlwaya are tag tbo best, IiIm His eyea opon ike nl vebW point*, looking to thus* e!emenva that are still left oat of wh.rh Ho can rear manhood. Ha arid not qweotli iba smoking flax. He will not break the bruised reed. --Joseph Parker. D. D. *• Bomlnde H* of Jaoua." One famihar with the working* and avacy-day life of James Ch aimer*. that great Scotch divine, relates a beautiful lit tle incident which same toiler I n observe- . tion; and which riTtfUjr portrava the OhiivG 1 XXanatn.w of this man of God. Ha up: a Gna day 1 went into a house where one of bU paopla was bedridden. bhe had barn in treat pain far AM* years. and as I w«u! ■aid, *rou know I hare had Mr. Chalmers thia afternoon, and. dn yon know, lie u.-ver comm but when ke ia gune I think that ia |oat hnw J**s* Christ woe Id have coup to ece me. When ha aits and looks at ma I think that la how Jama would have Welted, and wbvn ho opens bis month and *cmk« to mo I think that U how Jeaus would Hero spoken, and when be prays I tsa almost kmr the rare awe of my Miurr praying aw, and be aWay* ash* foe the thing* that I think Jeans above everything *W would hho me to have. He uc> cr aous but bo leavea behind tbo imprmamn that it ; has been like a vUt from Je*cu. He re miada me of Jens.” ttolTHto Fni. Dr. Theodore 1> Curler, in «liniUii| what h* ilwi to ha aar want rrmy in thia life, aajra: "Daogmom aa tha drrfl ta, oaaauiyaa aa worldly aimaomoanto an, tha mo«t dongmu enrmy that we often have lo rtmnnUr walka in anr own ahon. That r-owth toomed heart <W»0, aalf. u tha lo* that need* Uw moat eaoataat watching and tubwcla u* to thu want defeat*. ‘Tha Saak loatath aga.ut Urn April, and tka Bphtt aaviast theScah, and thaw era contrary tha on* la tha •thar. Paol had a tnwdoaa battle than* Man. boating duwa bh carnal Bator* tay hard him. and tha aid hero waa.ahle at laat lo ahoat: 'I bar* (ought a «ood fight; hanoaforth than ta laid ap for *wa o avow* of rixhtaomaaaar Whoever haa. by Coda help, laid kit datura, hie B*“»r too porpom hit property, and, abov* *D, too pwa will at tha foot ot fma Chriat. ia already on* of the maranmai*. H* already hagiaa I* tear clean raimaet, and tha emalaaiant ay* of God dlorarno on Uptown tho lint fiaabiam of the victor'* crown!” __ Tka Load I.CmO, Tha Lord ia pood. Bomatium wa forget It. Boaortjmra w* lad It. Always w* kaaw it. raw an an really afcoatbal aa ta the anodwaas of Urn mat Ood who ia at lb* heart of the whale aairvrao aa in Min. w* pity the maw, i. wfc haa loot all faith in id faith la Cod Tha land la to Iran*!*!* that dac . y Writ into term* of a nor mal nparlnn, to tarry U with awe aa a daily Marietta* and comfort, tod to hvo la o oonataae atfaoayifwt# of praam and iwajrrr to too spirit *1 tbs Psalmist, who | 'tael* rad I wiTI hives tha Tord at nil limn.”—Khi* York Obwivvr. Oar llifi Thwwahca. I If on a wake* in y oar Ini i era) an I ary thought* are of <1*4. or mm* sweat Krriw tav* p-vmiaa, wa ahall aater upon ihc do lma of I ho doy wall TH« NAIL ROAM OF AUSTRALIA Thoro ho*mo to So Something Wrong With tho Bytom. Not long ago tho mat* railway *a IhorlUoo fa Mclbograa. AnstraH* had to InvaaCgal* g raao of a gnard'o tent • [**-* big van. walking along tho foot tola*, clam boring sp tho ongiao, and ■ahlag S faetoua aaonF. upon (he dm*», too (min going ol fall spood ad tho whtlo. They are now inquiring tala nuotoor rerkm* Incident. In Ik la mo* aoeaokndy forgot to da lira «mp Itogg hot won tog aagto* and iho fmto. Whoa lira signal waa given tho ; angina steamed out ol tho station by ttnalf. touring oarrtoj a gad perww gars In tog torri Onard. afattonmaa lor, portori gaft ppwctatnra yellMI. hot wKhotst fleet Tha woglaa ran for oIt ■llua hoiora M was dlarorvrvd that It hod nothing bohlnd ft. Tk- moat dir yd of too fftotarw of lira larMont W». Itort M pgggah govgml signal hose, wllltrmt rorohrteg tap working In Mag. /Vets G«r\lly* /Vets pie&,satt\tlyt /Vets Beneficially* /Vets trvily as a Laxative.. Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the well-informed and to tire healthy, because tts com ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be cause it acts without disturbing the natural func tions, as it is wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, ns they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs arc obtained from ah excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects—buy the genuine—manufactured by the Louieville, Ry^-n-vreiaco.-Cal.w Vork;„.Y. f*' b/ *11 dru^iata. Price- fifty cent* per-bottle. SlOr T1VI flD’C Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein SEXs*,0;?; Vpc I A I LUn V Coughs, Colds, LaOrippe ft l£r£Si.\%S£ 8l(uoc Pina claim* that ala new In vention. the hydroaeoye. will enable one to sao clearly nay object la the water down Co tbo bod of tho tan. aar practically at any damb. Brat Taut W■ offer Oae Handled Dollar* Howard for •ay 'am of Catarrh that caaaot b* oared by flail'*Catarrh Care. V. I. Caaaar * Co., Pro pa.. ToUdo, O. era. tha aadarmgned. bare known P J.ra*. aay lortfcalaac It yaaa.ud babavehUa tar. leal/ huaurmWo In all bwainou trurannu and BnuoUlly able to terry eat lay obits* tkm mode by Ikatr Bnn. Wan A Taaaa.WkolaaaieDrafglata.Tolado, Vnntio, XnrwuAH*nTur,Wbole*aleDray> (tit*. Toledo, Ohio. Hair* Catarrh Caret* Ukea Internally .aot • lag dlreetly upon the Mood end maooea «n leeee of to. >y*cea. Prior. 7So. pm bortm. •old by Ml Dianfore. Teoumoalala from Halra Family ftlle are the bag. 8oiae mu opennel their wire* to re •P««h them, nn if tbry have to do it with a clab. • ^MmH^mmiMaaMdMwaamwmeaammi WHY BUFFER HEADACHE OR LA GRIPPE? CURB VOURMLP WITH CAPUDINE NO BAD EFFECTS. Bald at an Drviaetarea A dolden Rule of Agriculture: Be read to your lead and yoor erwp will be good. Plenty of Potash la tke bn Kwr epalla quality I and qaantKy In tba fear- .>( mat. Write aa and aa wWI aand yon, fjn /rrt. by Beat Ball, KW oor money itiaaiaK vffl boaka. " 5nJt*1 . 31 F MOTT TIM*, HatMUTALflMi muwHaai pt,*ma. naoc.aiHU siapi) Tim AaPAiAir* IT*'. Capsicum Vaseline Put Mil CaHanaiM* Tabta. CffiKlMMI liNCfACTllM C4, IT IM>MnM,>«• T«rt Chf ~M f. ~ ' — DROPSY N UtrnUUMT MU. I&S&5S&S3 Bm B Atlwu. Q*. i mi »roT cam m nt ■"SSWr* land warrants POTATOES S5 ppp5s£25si T mH ■ MTtarlta. B M rwl V lMM, <H*Th* < •» CumCWtW. iu mu »>*d ICtfMfr. < AMtlA.IAUUCKCUOftUOMM,Wli. < WWWWWWWWWWWWP I oi»r« nnissn&s LADY ON EDITORIAL STAFF OF LEADING RELIGIOUS WEEKLY -^ Sends the Following Grand Testimonial tc the Merits of Cutlcura Remedies In the Treatment of Humours of the Blood, Skin and Scalp. 1 "1 wish to fix my txUmnnj to the efficiency of the Cuticura Bcmc dice In what eeetne to me two enme what remarkable cases. I had a number of skin tumours — small ones—on my arma which had nerrr fixu me (serious trouble : hut about two years ago one tamo on my throat. At dret it was only shout aa largo aa n piuhead. but. aa It was In a position -where my collar. If not Inst right, would Irritate it, it soon became eery sensitive and began to grow rapidly. I.mi spring It was aa Urge, if not larger, than n bean. A Uttle nnuaual Irritation of my eoUar started it to swelling, and in a day or two It was aa large aa bait aa orange. I waa wary much alarmed, and eras at a loss to de tarmiDe whether It wee a carbuncle or a malignant tumor. tended down Into my chest was all gone, end mv neck now seeas to be perfectly well. “ About fire or ala years ago my sister had a similar experience. She had two largo lamps corns under her right arm. the result of a sprain. They grew rapidly, and our physi cian wanted to oat them out. I would not listen to it. add che tried the Cut'enra He in edict (at 1 did a few months ago) with taaginal effect In six weeks’ time the lumpe had entirely disappeared,and bare never returned. ** 1 base greet faith In the Cntteora Remedies, and I believe they might be aa elHcnclons to similar easea with nthar people and thus sere much suffering, and perhaps life. I hare derived so much benefit tram tho nee of them myself that I am constantly advising others to nee them. Re cently 1 ntonnndsd them to an office boy for , hie father, wko wee dls 1 a bled with salt rhaam. The manta feet were ' swollen to an enormona dec, and he had not ! worked for eta weeks. Two bottles of Oatlcnra Resolvent and two bores of Cotlearn Ointment worked a perfect ears. You never saw a more ■ grateful men Inyoocl'ia "I aa very muck la* , forested la another ease whore I have recom mended Cut tears tost DOW. My Housemaid’* 1 mother ass a goitre which had reached a very dangerous point. The doctors told bar that noth lag could bo doao i that she could 11 so cal/ two or thrso weeks, sad list she would die of strum gelation. Shu was eouflaed to her bad. to consult my phpaldea I hot dread that ha woald laaiat on aria* tha half., I woald aot manat to ro. Instead I got a email bottle of (at loan Kreoteent and a boa of Co tleera Olatwant. I took tha former noeordlop to dlraotloaa, aad spread a thick la ror at tha Oialsaent an a 1'uwn dvta and placed it on the awelllaf. On tanawlaf H I would hatha far aaah la rara warm water aad Ortkwra kaa fa a few date tha Cello art Otaimaat had draw a tba awaUlaf to n haad, when It bruha. Kerry mom I an It waa opened with a lam eurfllsrd needle, aoeeewd and bathed, and fresh Ointment Ml an. Pet and blood, and a fallow, oh rear, lenorna matter eamr eat. la shots! three or four sraaha* Mom this treatment completely ellastaatad hot*, and tnmor The sersnsts that bed oa wa wee u«*bio to >p«Lk, «nn Mr denghttr, at my eeneetlon, triad U» iff vet of tbo Cetlcara Ointment aadCatlearm BwoliuV llliii hi •ay, aha wan Terr abortly tattered of the aaoat dl ilraaalait ay mptoma Tbo •wattlaf are lead to ho oatortoriaafL and aha la aon ahla to ba aroaad bar buuac, and eaa talk M trail aa •?*r. " It wa> to m that 1 kata /ratty rood frovada for boltovtaf that futluura Rraaadlee will /rota no- ' raawfol la tha aauit dialreeataf faraia of blood a ad ahla humour a, aad If you wlah to baa any tratloioolal aa haraia lad lea tad, I am wUtlof that you ahould do to, with tha farther /rtrltege of re rrella* my Mai aad Kddrraa toaoak parauua aa amy wlah In aahataallalo the alow atato* IMOBU by peranaal latter to aa* China go Vat. It, ItOt. rmm*11nu. t«« ■><»>«.>•»< m «n '4<i^riH«hi (mmrmMMmR MA Dmm. IMi li. 1/rV^u R. C Dw.****^^ r 4#. r*lM IM.RJH DM. > T«4« * U. MM|. RtiM UlH Uf (Wuru LMNUM«« UR hifUMR Um.

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