ANOTHER MURDER. We Have Murdered Prices on Everything in Our Clothing Department, We Cannot Alford to* Carry Over Winter Goods Through the Summer. I!-Thew Go#d* HaT6 111 86611 Pla«6d DowI> Stairs cn Our Bargain Counters, and Will Go At a Sacrifice, Regardless of Cost We Carry an Extremely Nice line of Up-To-Date Clothing, Made to Fit For Satisfaction in Wear, for Shape and Sendee, Made for Slims and Stouts And Regulars We Also H ave te Nicest Line of Pants That Ever Came to Town. ^_RETAIL PRICKS ON PANTS RANGE FROM~~g^'TcT^^^^^RCTAIirPRICEs'o'?rSUlT8*Tr\NGE~FROM~^3^;(^TiY>*||[|y4j^~ Now they Will go at all kinds of prices. If you need anything in this linn, see us and save several dollar*. uo fako or catcher at all, these goods must go and will go «t the price*. Overcoats at your pi ico. Call *ud see these goods, if prices are not right, don't buy. All kinds of Boy* Clothing will go along at those trash-moving prices. * ipvw » wwirw*'» "»■ w s e wwe'n.rri1 v»w vi■ «r» a-t n*r THE HEADLIGHT. JOHN H. WALSH, JEdjtor. I. n. M'AUff, < TV WMBU W. JH. 00V IKOTOl* , I r‘ •WRH^nOI MIX* OmMIw;•*/••*. «*rteUy «•»* to **Ulrmt»to« «MM (>mWw« «w »i nm>AY EBHTJRABY U. MOB the legislature. A hill has been introduced to issue 80 year bonds to the amount of $400,000 00. A bill has been introdncod to appropriate, annually, $200 000.00 for tire public. Schools. A so-cellod temperance bill called the "Watts Hill, hue been introduced in the House Another, called the "London Bill/' will probably bo In troduced in the 8enate today. We can't say what will be the raeult, but from appear ances, the liquor men are in She saddle, or at least, partly io If a prohibitory law Is ever pasted, It will be when our legislators think K will not ''hurl, the party.” And it will ho done by men who are sent there for this purpose. The present legislature can’t Stem the torrent. Thera am some members who can do h. Hot they are In an awful minority. When the quoe Hinson Brothers Are still In the market basis** si ihtiuaud. ffcayUspthetoel st mryihisg M steep a* ssytodjr **a atfoed temll the asm* end* ■ 3 9m Unej Mam l«t totter shape then it 1/and pditoi? sed stwajra with . - mmiKtczs. WmwFW. tion comes up, let evory, member vote so that his; vote may bo recorded. Rich-; mond is listening out for “working roads by taxation —action as to county fence— the appointment of two more county commissioners—tan hoar labor law,” etc , of which we may have more to say later. Richmond will come out “0. Iv.”—wait and see. You will find a batch of lugislature news on our in side pages. The negTooa of Richmond. V»., have repudiated that fellow Haywa who mvde an incendiary apeeclr > nt wcahmgton laat week. Such j g|>eech p* trill prove a (treat rolnroi tv to the upgro race. W. M, KELLY, ATTORN FY-AT-LAW. Rockingham, N. C. JOHN W. LkGRAND, 'Attobicky-at-Law, Rockingham, S. C. Prompt attention given to all law matter*. Ileal Etiato Agent. Office over Richmond County Drug Co’»»to>» ‘Phone #7. $35. Reward! Tho town of HOFFMAN, will pay a reward of £25. 00 for tlie airest and delivery to tho sheriff* of Rhhmoud Couuty, North Ciu-olina. Neal I Austin, who robbed and munlor-d Julia Ann Tarry, (col.) j in the town of Hoffman, on tho night of Docemljer tho 2nd,1902. Description: Ketd Austin is a black negro, 22year* old, heavy not, 5 ft, 8 incea high, weighs about one hundred aixty-live Eoundr, downcarMook, naually wears hi* hat down over is eyes, luu» rough, bumpy face, small mustache. J. w. Butler, Mayor, HofTmau, N. C., Fobrnrary, Otli, 190TJ. Ashcraft’s Condition Powders (Par Neraei and Mule* Only.) ! TMa la the beat remedy ever mana'artnrad tor the r»PM* of pat* lag Saab ea a poor animal, or (Irian an appetite to one la bed condition. * The powder* arc wnrwtorf ally effective bocauee they make the I tloa perfect, eradioeting r;oi etu and paraattee, and thoroncbly clean* Ing die eyaten of all grc*» hu.ncn*. Ajmcaarr'e Condition Fowoeas are wrapped la donee. . In fact In their preparation the aeato care ia need diet a dmggiat would ea erciaa In tba /tiling of a phy«kUa’a prescription. High grade and r mat Merit la the tnt con.Merallon. A«h»aft‘» Powdcn conata of entail doaea. prepared front tha Bar eat aad highly tomiNrtlil iagrodienta, aaceaaary for correcting aa animal'e dlgaetlve argatM. Tha pewdera fatten bat never bloat By (be nee of two or three doaea a week yoer boree or mole will •et be aabfatt to eotie and blind stagger*. ZSc. Package. Sold by > A. M. FLOWERS. | Use Lipps Fertilizer This fertiliter ha* been used extensively in this, and other sec tions of the country for two year*, with grent satisfaction lo all who have used it. For further information iu> U. itB volus, enclose stamp to tho following gent lumen: Ri-rhiogham, NT. C., M. L. Hinson, W. Little Steele, John S. Covington; Roberdul, J. W. O'Brien, E. C, Terry; Cordova, T. Berry Liles; Diggs. Dr. J. H. Williamson. Chemicals can bj^bonght of W. I. Everett, B. H. Ledbetter. For receipts for preparing this fertilizer apply to, E. M, Dog-gan, Cordova, N. C., Y. M!. Boggnii, Rockingham, N. C. D W. Watson, Rockingham, N. C. Thankful. Wo want to thank our mauy friends and customers for their liberal patronage for the past year and solicit tho same for tlio coming year. We feel sure that we have put forth an honest otfort to please our customers in prices anil gooods, and will strive to give lower prices and better goods ban wj have ovor done i" the post. We w'ith you all a happy and prosperous Now Year, and will advise you when yon want bargains to come and trade with BLACKER BR08., for tho least money of any storo in town. Yours, for straight, legitimate hnaincts, Blacker Brothers. landing firm of Rockingham.* gjgfSand ford Building, next to Richmond Co. Drug Co. I'olite attention to all. Pegging away Still Pegging Away. I am still at my stand over A. W. Porter A Co's »tore ponging and sawing shoo* for the /food people who have lx*n patronizing tin For year* past. I still do iny work faithfully and promptly mid at the lowest living prill*. If you have never tried mo, rome now. J D. YOUNG Motto*. Tltii I* to ala* notion that ap pUentwoD vIlT bo mad* to th* Oea »ral Aaaamhly of North Carolina, it ita pramut mono*, to amend Ao ebartar of tb* town of Uamlrt, Board r I OommVaionora of town of Hamlat. By ft. ft. Untar. Clark to Board Tbia Janaary 7.100B. M0RRI8ON A WiiiTLOCK, <n mu Wat* mm*, Utmkkvifrmtn, K. O. A. 8. DOCKKRY, ATTOEJIFY-AT-I.AW, ROCKINGHAM, K. C. rMBe* *i>-*i«ir», SUutill 'gilding To Our Friends and | the Public: On the threshold of a new year we greet yon and thank you for the’patronage which has made j our business a success. It shall continue to ho onr aim to keep in ? Rockingham a drugstore which shall consider the wants and needs of people, and shall share with them every benefit with which fortune favors us. Very Respectively, Dr.N. C. Hunter&Bro. ORUCCIGTfi, Rockingham, N. C. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By trading with mo. We keop everything in the eating line and a little saved on everything used on tho table, will onable yon to live cheap er and better. We keep Canned Goods, Bacon, Flour, Kugar, Coffee, Rice, Fish, Cheese. P.,i ter, Cabbage, potatoes, Apples, Banan/x Ir; o’.her words, I keep a full line of Heavy an Fancy Groceries. Call on me. We vvonid lib to show yon around, whether you wish to buy or not. A penny saved is a penny made. Trad*, with us and you’ll save the ponnies. Wo feel very grateful toonr friends tor past favors and liojie to merit their continued favors. V M BOCGAN &CO. THE FAMSa'S BiK, Rosilaftnai N. C. Respectfully solicits yonr patronage and linking business. Wo guarantee absolute fteenrity, Promptness, Accuracy and all Accomoda tions consistent with safe (tanking. Cull and see us when in town ROUT. L. STEELE, President, LEAKE 3. COVINGTON, Cashier. H0B8E SHOEING A SPECIALTY. ~ Huts* ahualng and doing Iron Work on Bnggla* and Wagon* are in a»y Ima of boaiooaa. and I gaarantoe work and prtcaa U> *«H. Work dona promptly. Bring all ynar old Iron*, braoa and onfvpar to mo and I will give y«m tk* hlglimt mark at prlcaa for it. Ed. B. Terry.

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