Headlight. FRIDAY FEBRUARY 20, 1903. ~ ~~ NO~W~ -x | • . i so* W|«lt hup te UO balM IsfSatWimr of tits oM pwmfct. Wisijtt Mtlgnl taaah look Mat up JL1. telppar. «m Hials.it Hark si 1. W. Obringaa’i, ittfams us that he hsplaHitmii. siass hs sotH ulacUartasu AaotVst proof tbal this la sasof Iks halthhrt mm Is tbs testa. Las* track va nH> strip to BctSel sborah. aosr Iks Quay UJjuufc, sat trsfoaad moMy r ate. Wepssaad terraaod op Mssaataui, but how w« MHeuaalr bo cxplalaef by out faltbfsl borar. Ton Thtsapyk IhoMafacaa of oor lltth twnssftttssahw ttwlmt aon OblMant's huots la Ik* ht. aevetaJ areata thaa are eoaM pabilab. If yoa Hark suot as a bMnr u4 II has aot ' 7«» appaataf. tort bs tlscoonpt at sasttyaUMtbaa alt ant wash, SPSalf t* requires an extra ef Hlaa af A SUBURBAN FIRE. The Beautiful Resi dence of C. M. Hobbs Consumed by the Baffin* Fire. Tha handao— —a id— of w. «d Uk CL M. Hobb*’, wn* aotirw ly aunooinad by An on TM*y •boat 4 o’clock p. at. Jaat how tha hoaat took In, U tot poai tiroly . known, hot iudioati U point to • atora room Aoa which *u —ppaaaA to ha in pond ordat. It wM.aoanddM that baton any. ant ijiatnrarad tha An, tha rouf wnt hniainp, ntritj, hiaaing — of (laant, (aaaad apward and onward by brink weaUrrn b—ara, and hoyood tha ranch of th—who hnrrbid to tha aoaaa, with m> faailitiaa foe extinguish lap tha tea. la a faw otomanu It waa diteorared that aothing —Id ha aaaad bnt tha hr — tiaiaa at famitarw Ihtlnnwtfb ly aoatobad (ion* the Ant aoUanc* to-tb« bailding. Tha boat# and •IMoot ita antira oontauta, with tha ham, —n grain and forage, andaniaanrw phaaton are mow —Utriag haapa of aahaa. nr. Uahha waa afaaant “on tha road," halnp a aa—iarri il aaiaaataa, aad am. Uobha, ahildran and aouk ar— plaa ahrint. Marat hart wo mm a htnldiag awn* qoiaklyaow aoaaad. At wna liaa, it waa faot ad that it woald ha Iwpoaaibla In — thia editor** hod**, it bring bnt a Caw—pa sway, and rrvry thlng waa r—rwwd fr— tha bwiid laf.pi—ly da—ping tha forni. tain. Oar ho— waa iajpmd from tha haat of tk* burning building. SrrwraJ than It oaopht Bra. Marta—oly. hath building, with ha fvraitara of *aoh. war la <aiwd. So—did warn n — willing, —iaa, para— — of work—, and to thair htd—Ita hi# aoerpy and pa—a*, U tiua adhor tmw&ky Uw|f ffipcwUlid <■»« fmm || wzmm $5B Wmm mkt COUNTY NEWS k. H. Tilley sprat 8un«Uy in tbe country.. Was Susie Alba returned Satur day night float a vurit to relatives in Moore eouety. Mr. John Capel, of Male*, a pout Saturday nod 8unday with hb •Istar, Mr*. Baldwin, at thia place. Mr. Maneee spent teverul day* at hb old Ivnne k> Moore couuty loot week. Mr. and Mn. Quick, of Osborne are visiting Mr. Hell,at thb place. Mr*. Fa Dale Oibeon and Mbs be Wallace, of Troy, visited et thn home of Mrs. Thoms* laet uuek. Cuol# Billie gus-lkn* spent sev eral hours with ua Sunday after noon. Coma again, it b very in i'roofing to hear you talk of old times. Moody Siasall end LooiaarMan eaa are on the arek lbt thb week. Wa hope they will aoou be well ■gwin. U. V. C. Great Palls. Mbsoa Ads and Mary Dowd and Mbs N'aucy Melton, visitnd Mid way Sunday. Mbs Ftoosb Wailsoe and Mia* Emma Lassiter attended church at Pea Dee Sunday. Snpt- Gore has reduced house rent CO canto a room, a favor that b highly appreciated by the op eratives. Mias Fannie Lenox and Mima Kate and Joe Gurley, of Cordova, eras visiting friends here Sunday. ' A. B. Alien spent Sunday with lib mother at Pas Dec No. 2. John R. Orta*by and family spent Saturday night aud Sunday with hb abler, Mm. O’Brieu. Glad to have a short visit from T. O. McJCwy, Jamto Bolton and Junb McKay on Sunday. Cognac. Oi we have rain and cloudy weather alt the time. J. A. McDonald vita haa been quite aiek for aometime, ia im proving am ant glad to bear. D. H. McDonald, of Pines, 8. C. u quite sick wo am aorry to bear, and hope ha will be better era this Everybody is quite huay bar* now, ao there ia no news. T«a Roee, Hamlet, waa seen area oat here Taeaday. We think he waa interested ia lumber to iw-Wlld eompfcaa and ice plant at ITamM T. O. Riggan moved in hia new howaa oa Railroad street Friday. Maseru. 3. B. Ooodwin and Haaooek warn aean oa our streets Friday. Mr. and Mm. T. O. Biggan wet* visitors at Mr. J. A. MeDnfBe'a Sunday aftarenoa. - Mies Lula McDonald ia spend inf this weak with Mm. K. 0. Oaaien m. r. K. McDonald, of McDonald » la cMtlng relative* bare. Mr*. J. H. McDaflle I* viaitiag bar Mather, Mr*. T. 0. Rlggan thia vrrvk.^ ’ WIImo Pag* pa*aad tfamagb the city Sunday en route to Hoffmau. M. B. Oa ate non areat ta Ham let Monday. Bar. Mr. Gilteepta will preach at Mark*' Croak flanday, Mod, at S o'clock, y. m. I*Mt Monday moral up. Bardette Reynuld*, after roearol aeeka of etaknaao aith paeumoeia and tbea facer, paaeed away ta bia hoMMly huaro wbare them will bo no alehnaan All emo dona far Mm that eoaid ba deae by pbyei tiam aad Meade, {bat the Load baav Wat. Ha»aa laid U roat at tba Huwa aaoaataey, wham Me father aad mother war* Varied Seek MaMlamm aad Mlro Win. afe Beyaald* mm happily mar MdlartSa^y by «ar. D. 0. # I thank Textile for the naan be sent our baby boy. Probably a wan^bjr that name^eill be unr next president. 8- R. Tutor ha» been elected a delegate to the Woodmen State convention whieh will be held at Kineton the 10th of Xaieh. 8. T. Pew Dee. R*t- Mr. Edward* delivered an excellent eeraion at the chapel last Sunday eveuing. nr. Whitley and Will.are visit ing in Stanley. Quite a crowd of young people vieited.Roberdel Xo. 2_le»t Sun day. Mr. Wiley Candle and family havo muvd to Aneoo, their old home. Mr. Miliiken hat severed hie oounection with the mill aad gone to his home in the country. We saw the widower pate through th*» village laet 8unday evening, Guoa* he railed on hie beat girl. *Ta. Lidia Covington and win Ida visited in the country last Sunday. Min Genie Bowles spent Satur day bight and Sunday with her conein, Min Klin Haywood. A few weeks since, the corres pondent of Great Pells said some thing about the pretty girl* down there. Think some of the boye are going down to find out wheth er this be true or not. That’s right boys, see for yourselves. Sunshine. Rooky Fork. W» believe that old groundhog made a mistake frem the way the weather looks now. | Hurrah fpe tbs postoflcs at Ledbetter’s I It is the very thing we beaded, and let’s here it by all means. We got a hint that we are tu hare a grocery store iu this auc tion in the ucar future. That’s right Mr. mo. go your mutt. We learn that Capt. Everett is eleeoiag away tlm timber, etc., for tlie purpose of building a gristmill and sawmill, which of courts will add something to this section. - Say, xr. Correspondent, of Soot laud, y«u said in yonr ‘items of laet week that all the .Democrats had become on* sisa. If you have got any Democrats down there, you are better off than we an. Both Democratic and Bepnhlieau parties an apparently dead. in this country and the whole shout ing match gone fishing. W. F. L, 8 tool* waa cm tat I. T. Bound*' last week, sod says ba laaa hi* tohacoo bed sown amt the logs rat to build his barn, When men who hare stock in cotton mills ant quitting cotton and going into something alas, why not tha mt of at* quit cotton? But let’s watch Mr. dteela's to bacco patch. While tha legislature is work ing to da away with "liquor,M a* some folks call it, w* think they cmght to do away with anwte of tbe oM roads io this country and cut out new one*, for if it keep* on Mining wa will hare Io lcara the roada and Ule to tbe bog paths. Buy, d*ar friands, white Mr. Hordan, ef ftolmrdel, want* two iambs I* tobacco tag* K. T. Brands wanu about a peek, and will pay fTetc. par hand red f..r them. Bring on your lags boy*. Gabbler. *Uok Branoh. Mm. Klim Tarry happened to a very had aaeidewt ttatwrday last. Bb* fall and was baft very badly, b»t w* Sops aba will aooo raeoear. W# sea glad to know that Mm. Betray Maimed la improving Hop* aba will aeon ha able to walk BJilB. ■labatind aounty laaa a boom. Mr.«. A. MaJUill iagdog b> to ffJatafaillu 4. There was » sociable at Mr. Archie IWwood's Saturday u%ht, whietj, was enjoyed very mnh by the4oung people of the eoasmunity. I] Mias Lillie£oviagt<>n was visit* ia* at Archk^leywoud's Saturday uight aud Sutday. 8iualt grab is looking very nil. 1 __MLn Lank; Bolt is guing to sobool at Elk i Mr. and Mia C. W. Gibson, of Roberdel, wen visiting it L, 8. Gibson's, intis village last Sun day. Miss Ida K eholaoa left last Thursday for # Broadway, Moors oounty, instsm of 8anfonl, as we previously stated. Sume of oor neighbors made a | beginning eowiig cabbage seeds on tbe 14th. Ala k frequently tbe reanlt of <Mt without faith. Mrs. Julia Sjhnders and Mrs. G. L. Bellivani were visiting at Mrs. Margaret {McDonald’s last Tiiday. j Than was a s ciabk given for tbe yoeng prof e at Mn. Julia Saunders' last 8 ktufday night, to which a large irowd assembled and enjoyed tl imselrss in the usual manner. Wm. MePhe son, of Marks' Creek, and PhilQp Oaraeron, of Scotland, were Peasant visitors in our village M ; Sunday. Mr. Cameron k an < Id acquaintance of on re, and ia c Wish'd by his jovial ioclinatioi i to drive off tbs blues from a fell w who k subject to melancholy. Rev. 8. E.'Mei »er Oiled his reg ular appoint men here last Sunday morning, hk lisoonra* being founded on the I tat chap Ur and ninth verse of lUnwi. We re peat for tbe heudf. of three who may forget that fire appointment* for tbia plaeOelfrecy third San day moraiDg *t"tl o'clock. Provi dence permitting. We are now placed iu a posit ion to hope for better times in the fu ture. There k oee public road in the county which was worked last Saturday, leading from this mill t» Beaver*Dam. flow that the ioe is broken, who else will follow? There are plenty of young men between 18 and 48 alio would mach rather work roade than fall iu to gullies trying to get to their beet girl’s boose, <nd It’s squally : as rough on uld btiue and blind unlee. Subscriber. Blaokr Jaok The member* of Cartledge Creek chnrch are nqueetod tt meet at II o’ekiok neat Sunday for tho purpose nf calling a pat tor. Miaa Melon Covington, from Midway, waa vialtkig in tbia aoe lion Sunday. 1 John Meaebam tnd PreJ Rob ioaon, of Robert!*., were at J. J. Mew ham'i Sundays* >1r. Snead and q£r Miaa Klla, from Montgomery county, were at William L’amry’* Saturday night and Sunday. Mienan Eiiia and Bert'ia Hay wood gar* ■ pound party Satur day eight, which waa well attend ed. Thorn peveent report a nice time. John Kichobon, .from Roberdnl, wan at W. B. Covington . Sunday evening. Mb* Mary Thom**, who it I teeehing the Haywood - aehool, •iwmt Hatnrday and Sunday with lb* home folk*. Mr*. Lisaie and Min Id* Cov ington, of Pa* Dee, agent Satur day night and 8nt>4*y at Martin Haywood'*. The Writer al*o took dinner witk them Sunday. Mb*** Lillb Covington nod Ownb Bow be agent Saturday night *ud Sunday at Aruhia Hay wmd'g. 0. mDMbl ih We need the Louden Mil—let Woyh b *01 going on. O. B. StMlnbtha right amn in the p*m. He keep• thing* moving. Mr. Jam** Qay Imi been at Roherdel No. 1 fur mew day* with hia paint brush. The Weather keep* ao wet the painter cannot make much head way, but they ar* making ua a pretty village. Remember Sunday will be preaching day. Ur. Hicka and family were Wa iting hia lister, nr*. Jam** day, Sunday. There ia a good deal of cold and grippe about, but as a general thing the health of this place ha* bttu very good. D. O. K. Fair Drownd. Claude Hiatt, of High Point, spent a few days with his brother, Dr, J. T. Hiatt, last week. John McKaiu and family, of Star, bar* moved to our village, and Mr*. J. S. Teal and family, uf Byhalia, Mka., have alan moved to our village and we would lie pleated to welcome eeveral oilier good families among ua. Mia* Xonie Spivey ia vi.iting bar aunt, Mrs. V. L, Riolmnleon, near Taylorsville. We are pleased to know that Ui*» Amanda Currie, of Rnljerdel, haa quite a large number of nuiaic atudeuta at Xllarbe Spring* bigb school. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. LovIl Jr., of Brightaville, 8. C., spent a few days with hia father lust week. E. Sully, Eaq., uf Rockingham, ■pent surer*! day* with O. G. Rat liff laat wreck bird hunting. We •uppoae from thaamnuntuf «h«ot iag that wraa do no, they caught lots uf birds. U. Teal, who has accepted a position with J. Little, Jr., at Lit tle's milla, wa* Waiting hia mother Sunday. It look* af ia th* old Pair Ground is destined to be a manu facturing town yet, aa there ia al ready three boilers and engine* on the ground. John Bennett and wifu were Wa iting their oonsina, nr. aud Mr*. P. O' Brien. last week. GbmoV* Mill. Dear Editor— Aa I hav* been reading n many nice Utters in the Children's Col umn, I thought I would write on* too. I am a little girl nine year* uld. Ieujoy reading tha child ren’* letter* Tory much. I am going to school. My teacher's ■•am* la Mr. Soarboru and I like him vary much. My studies are •palling, reading and arithmetic. My desk mate is Cussis O’Urien and wa have a nice time. Little Bthal Bounds is so she can be up all tha time, but ia not able to go school. I (to wish she oould go. Two of my littl* oousius. came to •a# me a few Saturday nights ago and ws had a uiee tim*. I am always glad to fee any of my lit tls oouaiits coma, ns 1 am all tha little one here. I will cluee liy ssking a riddle i Under water, orer water and nut touching wa ter. Beet wiahae to tit# Ueadlight end all Ute children. ‘ T. R. A. Httvau Res. Dear Headlight— I will write for aiy first time, 1 have I wen going to school but it ia uwt now. I a at vary sorry. I caught ten rabbits and nineteen partridges this winter. Be* if any other boy aau beat that. I win eivse with bust wishes to the Hand ‘%ht. _White Frost. Oumlc. Dear Headlight—I will write for my second time. ) am a littia girt nine years old. My ssbooi U oat. My teacher was Mr*. A. 0. MeMsill. Abe was very kind to os. I bare five brother* hut no sister*. 1 hsvo no pot* aneept a littl* oai(mid eons ciuefc fttis. 1 help mama when J am at home. 1 will close for this time, hoping to tee this in print. Willa P. McKar. Bravo. Dear Mr. Editor—1 will join ths Children's Column for my third time. I have aeeii to many uioe letters from the girls and buys and thought 1 would writa on* too. My teaclmr'i natuc is Mr. Colvin Terry. We all like him very w*ll. My studiee are history, spelling, grammar, geog raphy and arithmetic. I have no l*eta except a avert little sister. Her name ia Mionie. We had a spelling snatch last Friday even ing. My beaktnito ia Mias Cora Jcrnigan. Well, I will cl<«e by asking a question: What was the first miracle Christ performed? Your friend, Ajice McLean. Ro-'KUnna*. Dear Headlight— I will ooms into the Children's Column for my third time. I urn a Imy tm years old. I have three brothers and taro sisters. I am going to school and have a tig time. 1 have one bmtlier and on* sister who are going to school. My brothers and sisters’ names are Johu. Albert, Daniel, Elisa and Island*. My studies are ge ography, grammar, arithmetic, history and spelling. I will cluee by asking aquaslion.How long did the waters stay on tlie earth when the flood came? Best wish es to the Headlight. W. T. Smith. Gnaoit'a Uiu*. Dear Mr. Edi tor and couaina. mar I join yonr happy hand? 1 am only aiz yoara old. I hava taro brot hera aud two aiatara all younger than I. I am going to achool at Beavtrdam, with Aunt May, but I yraa aick to day and had to atay av home. Mr. Ran Terry ia mv teacher and I like him ip mdd We all entd apeechaa laat Friday arming. 1 apoka, my teacher aaid, very wall. Ob I I do lera to go to achool, I hare a rery nice time here at Grandma Harria’ playing with the little goate. .Well, I wilt cloee aaking aotueooe to acini rite worda of "Why did they dig Moth er’a Orurp au Deep?” Erer your friend, Fred McDonald. When the acuwl faila, try a ■mile. L. D. UOBIgt ON. b. B. W ILLUaTs T. I.. CA0DLU. L.WVYK 8. Ako Itau Earm Aazxra. Ofllcc la Bank Building, HAMLET. N. C. Notice. Application will hr made In the Om •ral Aan-aibly of North Oamlina at lu •cwtori In laoa. In incorporate and ebartrr tbe Hack of HamWt with lie principal oflloe and plaoc of buelnne in the town nf Hanilui, Richmond eonnty, Knrtli Carolina. Thla D-c. Ml. IHO. Sale of Land. By virtue of the power crsHalnrd ia a Certain deed of mortgager, «xeetited to A O. Corpenli.g and J. W. Mint's on the 3rd day nf March MU, by Jins McPherson, and rvoorded In Book B B B, page fit iu the nlUoo af tbe BrigUtor of lived* Mr II kit. new! Cnou ly;am| a bo era* Ur tatrreat of tha •aid J. W. Blimp lias been assigned to mv, I will on Mraiday Ibr nf Aid day of March, T904, be two*'n tint house of 10a. m.andfp in., oMer for vats aa poblla auction, for cash, ibr following described tract or paceut of land, to wn : Pint tract. Beginning at • pfcm tbrac pint petatsrv naar the old mad leading from McLean‘a bridge to the fulling mill and «n the wvac aids of lbs head of Long branch and runt 3 So B °* chains to a comer; tbenos 70 Baa* ♦ochains toannun thence N. AX \V. ■ ohains to a comer, tbenos direct la the beginning, containing 100 acres granted to Duncan McPherson on tbs -7th day of Xeysmbsr ILI. Bsemrd tract. Beginning at a plus among pointers, the fourth comer of Dunean McPhersons mi acta survey aud rum* north K W JO chains to a corner, thence Booth 70 XV 40 ohains tosaaraer; thence Booth 30 Bast 14 chains to a nurser; throes Booth 74 XV. 4 chains to a saner i thenar Booth 10 K 10 chains to a corner ; thence it *7 XV. IJ. 10 chains to an oak taro pigs pointers iu kb earn tins ; theses B. 94 K 24 chains to the Luagbeaach ; tlismm up tbs meanders of said branch to said McPherson line; thence aa said Una rctenwd N JO XV 17 chains to a pine 9 pine pointers the beginning comer of raid McPherson's surrey, tliennn the home line of said survey reversed N 70 K 40chains to tho beginning sonlaln lug 100 scree oxeepslug 2 acres that arm no* enclosed aad ill ealtlrmtlnn. A. O. Corjs'itiug and J. XV. Blimp, Mortgagees. A. O Corps mug, assignee, J. XV. LcOrand. Airy. This tbe 1M dly of January 1W8. Ca*mlssio*fir,8 Sal* of Lml. By slrtuu of l)<d power contained In a decree of the Ha|»rior court of Ulcti uioud Oomuy K. O., mad* by Jao. L. Kservll Clerk, uu Uia 16 day of Janu m,J IK*. In a certain ipaelalorcapons proceedings w be rain "\V. U Keya>>Ua and other belra-ot-law of John Bry •>otda denearrd nre petitioners, 1 will on Monday the 3ml day of March, 11)08 at 13 o'alook noun In front of the Court lloutc door In tlio town of Kock itikh&m In mid Sluts and inuntp offer fur sale for oath to the highest bidder, the following dcacribod land*, the MMtn* being the land* described in the petition in lt d special proceeding*. A tract of Innd sitnated. Is lag and be ing in Utrillo's township in mid 3 tat a and county adjoining the Coleman tract nmlutbrr landa. Beginning at a chestnut oak on tho Huger Loaf Moon lain, supposed to be a uormr of tha Ooleinaa land and run* aa a line at •aid land Soul - 66 IV. 13 chain* to a staae: thenec N. 60 W 33 chains and V) links to Oolemnn's Creak i tbeaoo up the sarloua oooraca or said creek •boot *0 chains to a stake by a stoop, but maple and 3 pine pointers: thence 8outb «6 K 70ehaiBasadao links, nam. (ng through a small o Macing made by Wm. Meachau teaamUT^ a hlark giuw and dead aaasafrwa: thaws (f ti " 26 chains to a plno In Utu Oolemaa linei thenec with said llw-M 36 W II chain* and 10 link* to tbs.. begmning. ecaitalnlag 2DU acres inner os Was. John P. Cameron. . __Cotnmlaaloner. January 37th IHI. DON’T THINK. ft , If you call once and do not find what yon want do not think 1 will not have it next time. I have new goods com* ing in evory day, and if you re are not in one lot, they may lie in the next. I have determined to keep what the peo ple want. So continue to call and I assure you that you will get frosh good* at reasonable prioes. Big lot of “stuff” just ordered. They are all fresh from the factories or mills. Give me a oall before buying. I will mako it to yonr uterest. 7 I BUY BntOr, Chiekans and Eggs, Cara, Pane and sJmuvt anything ths farmsri raise. yours tu srrvs, With a Free Delivery. Henry H Smith. Behind the Court House. Notice. TMttatagfv* aaUaa Umi tifflkm *HI h* mad* M the flnmtl A» mmMj at NorMi CWmUM, .1 |U •»* irulM, la tmrtMl Ifca chart* at Mir Taw* at l(/>«klti£Wn. J MW try H.k, M, -| B—4 ftoporvtawr'a Wootlow. Tho Mprnrlaon of Wolf Hi townakip will moot at Oak* 4al» AaaxWmy, mar K. M. Hog HalnnUjr, r#h. *1. AU ur*(v »w «ro «xy-<*<1 to l;r jirow

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