A vr*y FINK MUMMY. «* UrtM Altar IW __ ttam Yaara, t *** <><••■ Orbital aoetaty baa 5SSa S’*""1**1” ta **■ aaptara JjJJjA *** AWtaaad . Oarer at taa «aa a prtocily !!?y. wy*M M Jaa la Jachvri, g?.“* ***** A *• A-y. who SJ* ***** WO mn batata Cbrin. *?*.***> *** b«a* ta a tartly mlt, StaV* ontataM tba -- - Oaly Ua J* **• tari raMaty.' u< thtau Ua yWlbttt, ftri.tr bay. haaa wratii aataty ta taitya J*. lay ia T* ”*» ""bill la a brawn llaca !j* b* aa be had baaa ptand 1» U aceordaaca g*-* •* «ba ttaaa. ba baa A -t, aad a toacar (aft T. ' » ayaa aia aad* la ,r* b»« by ami oi TT 7, ---1 at ruaga. Tba *btch ia lux* aad partad down ~ ******. 5? a btalah Hat aaratag " AH *1 ■»« originally bar* tb? 'y* Htal. la tarita *r_A» *** Yota by ■ayptlaa STta. 2? ?*”** Wag .Ugbtly T* ?*+* ** ««n>tlaaa ataap t» **f; —* tba baad raatad oa a tap. 2* "** « A BtUl h w h tb iiLTlL'.—T** *g* *** taiwad toward 1*. - M f™- Two sea** watofeaad MMta tba bogy, aad a UtUa wood** A*a ar» too aartl to pray **** **7 ba Croat mtagb to *ta mr. a a a hut free. -J***** (a a a} nm —*?**'■» —»y» Rrtla« --, ■Ka M*°4 \ **»■>■■jntolnRFwtoJto. *—» R«l *—ton. piint MiMw n w m» ^r^rra.^i14^ !!!?“* ra P***» * wwaaa waiRRR.J^iif-?1!! Hk U » ak a tint fn via ifitt i pRnitam._ trsEgS^ffig^ gg£SS,S£je^ RMnMfJ *--» m^1mdltl«lortb«UMUns(»M. »»ll!lh«ailhn«4 DoHaai*,.. «!»tyrt) tkai **F*****.'*n**r-»11'» (Vnnt Out Olr. jg^TTAWSuB'SSCi: SsSg£23SSx Bfcj& ton, 144..FW tort W^nSiuK! fcSrjs^tc*^ aSSiS^SBBsS Jgj* —F W Mni —4 aa W my -^g^fa^ass jaatgAggA.- »-' aSggitfegtaa.’sgu ArAatAiar*— n worms ghu | BILL ARP, | That* what the Roaiu nu'wluaH* Qradaaa broapbt tboai t- im'i wart of Dm Oreeka whom they cpase »lth C*ta.* 1 aaapoctod Mack w—m **» k* totrodnced Utt bUl. Ba k t Omk aad ha la traaa Ohio, Bowarel ** ko made a had break. Bo waa try lap to pat ahead of Toddy, aad failed. Map la aaothor horac. Mark. Wa were wflUap (or ytmr folks ta imln •ar old darklaa. bat roar blU woeld bar* aallratad ball tha population, nad included tha Ujtto yon stole tfons as before the war. Oar old no P« *" the peat wo hart pot. *ra etin 'Mailt aad treaty. M^wlb banpkt three Wash footnote trva «»• TaMarMty aad pot another to P*t a spUt bottom la a chair. Wa weald .sjoice to aoottaoo old tarw ***** aonio psaaion fconsy. da aid wows, cat CM ywtarday tor b«r ku baad » oaertca. aad 1 stood bar what ho £“•’ aald-ho kept ths om nre of kla ~>-piT la ehlokano all the way frowTohattaaooca to tarsi! aah. Oar old cook, A oat Ann, sold ths stated people were posrerfal fond of chicken, too, aad If her old man oaold not cat a chicken may other way, ha world pa t* town and hoy ane. bm busted oo tke^see problem. He *•* b aotv* It. The north la wore* pnt rt«d over U than over, aad Secretary Root bos spoken oat t* mu Mu and anya that aorlal eqamUty aad oOoo boldlad ha* to b* abeadoaod. Rtahop Tamer dec Urea that tha whole pro lam la la a mom unsettled condition Uan It haa bean la thirty yarn aad they mast be seal hack to Africa Tbet Mali right, bat wa want those who hmmght thorn ham to ha mads to taka them back. Ooohacatc raasaU Hall aad aril It ant tor enough money to brild ooo ate. aad aacac it tha -Jolly wcchsloT." which waa the «mt riava •Ms that braaght thorn harm* Load it down with a cargo of backs and bock ■*« thirty years of age. Wbca Targar heglas to skip ’em from this Part Of the coantry wa want I* took Thar* are a boat flity trifling bhfl»t ™»*c bauglag ■ round Uda town u*4 wa can't kill ha off with cmaU pox or aaythtoff clan Two of oar doc tors we at to tho. Bigger school to rsc riacto 'am aad took tha polka and lucked the doors, bat the coons all Jumped oat of tie windows sad com* ran under the bouse aad soars mo home and noma hid la a hollow log or bah lad reams aad the doctor did ant ■at half df them. Bat «i am getting along fairly wall with oar aegrccd. oar beaeehold servants, tho cook aad arasher woman and choir children. They war* an brooght up ham aad vaccinated. Nagraan la dally coat*et ulth their white employees give so truabl*. They am respectful aad la doatrloaa. They do not want to go to Atotoaaad they am not going. It Is this rssUaac floating population that ** want to got rid of. There am yowag whit* men oot mack better, aad the Phttipptoct Just salts them exactly. Kit l aa easy now, getting better— except oo relay days when the coat wtad prevails—tha tame old cast wind that oat of Joh’l Meads complained •boat when be arid. "Should a wla# man HU hi* tolly with Us east win.. I am getting stranger in ay ixmler ptoa. Not long ago they warn swotlra a badly that away la the dead hoars of tha. right, while I sms aeddag la my chair, 1 got up to see what lima 11 waa; I tost my perpendicular and my legs gam way aad 1 fall la the drs with the chair on top of me. My wife hoard tho racket aad Jc oped from her tod aad pulled ms out I did nut pvt burned, but bruised up my shoulder ■tor* | struck the grata. Aad last night while I was suffering In tha pb duariaal regions ah* got a hot water tag aad placed U wham It could do maut good aad I weal off to riaap aad Meat tha sleep of tha Just until break tori time, whan an of a sodden Us hag bunt and tha hot water scalded ma iweeing before I could wake op. I halloed tor brio aad took* up to* breakfast, fur they all coma turning aad had to strip off my garments aad chaag* the sheets sad svarythlag. aad had IIbad to hare skinned a* as claaa pa* hog. for tho water was aUll in hot a* fra. Aad eo between Sr* and hot w*Ur | aourider myself aa lsjurad per son, bat my wife thinks tha scalding did ma good aad iaeraand tha alacrity of my movements. •M tha good nadlag mt ata IT *y gaod trlaada. Or. J. Win J«m «*d T. K. Ogtoaby. Both hook* ara —atarly rladUtlhma of tha Booth aad hatwaaa thaM twwata IMlItolaa aaiaad hatwaaa Um Milan of Htrcalaa ■Wary trath Is doabla platad aad arary rl*M dWaahad Thaa than la my good old triaad. Dr. Ward, of Wlaoaa. HIM-, who ata a da la tha broach aad dMaada aa bon all aaaaalts. Wa hava aat had ataea tha war ao Much goad goathara ntaratan aa wa bara bow. Than an Oaotga C. Baailh aad Dr. Manay aad Am Calloway aad Wallace Pataaa Raid, who an fan at wmnortM of tha •Bad oM Haul aad tha food old pao pta. Bow awaaliy dM Dr. Maaaay'a •hatch at Jadga WHliam a Dowaaa tarn ma hack to My aoOaga days wbaa hla hoys. Oscar aad Edgar, wan My aaadaa aad tha gaold aid Maa M at oar aobta Maa an MM dattahtfal nadtac. aniMdEy IB Ban who Uha MyoMf wan tha earn MMfirtiiif mm of Um. —HU Af|| ta AUfetti CotaiMvUo*. 0 .A Frtaad la Head. Wltag>'aMh<,|w>rN•*" I A VENERABLE'PASTOR CURED BY PE-RU-NA. toro-M ts a Catarrhal Taak Eapaeially A«a|M ta the Dacl la(a| Pawara af Old Age. Tha Plant Man ia Aanriaa At tHhataa Rta Loaa Uft and Baai Haatth t* fw»-M. Ur. lau Mroak, *t Mnlenana Cook It, id ffSh* •* .** **“• UnW turn ‘After a awi baa Head la the world m Urn# aa I hare be eafht ta bar* foaad oat i ‘ lhin*n by tlytrifim. I think _ aa. tha thine* 1 ham foand ant to my cn Lin * tin for baa la tha rrofwr moody tor allmrini. dan diractly to tha effect* of tha eli sor 114 yeara I ham atkkakaod tha -tb.^Ud^tm'&Cj't&i!: 1 barn Woo a mat may r*mdl*S hr «imha. caida nlnrrk and drarrhaaa. I £Tx nr 1 W*. been raadinc Dr.TJart ““ faT®®**- •** V*? »“*3frfrcne the* am tbiaa ia partiralar. That thana if fata lean are tha aat, aad that tbay an W^rty mBKjoatarrb. _ “Aa lor Dr. Hartman n mmedy. Parana. 1 il ta,W t aliaaa* entire nally tahubio to aU prop la, althmak I toUSytA.1-* “—d f0T ,bt A Mow Xu aa »». W- "H I m pnfraioulV • atraapir eon* .'Ktf «feji “Cp ta a taw ware ap> I Mt m qmJ to *•* wjaadieiaJ potency. bat lately wbao ■7 eyeteta needed ft, jw Parana n Harad me of aiv eatarrkat trovWaa. Hoaia taw jwt lio I waaabad SM panada, but W! away down to M poaada. aad bated a low of Anb I waa aobfart to atataarU lirniUm. fadlyMtim. U of appetite, he' •omnia. aiyki awaata. and a (orebodin* of! *y entire aratara mil of onto. Iteria« mi MMlba I nee Parana a fair rateUM!* * T°— -•‘"•I TiUr-^lsa; TMe leada ta partial loot of be.ria* ■wan and Ulb. aa weB aa dliaatraa d» Peraaa cerreeta all Ikia to tea tewdti ■u nmd Vlnmt M Ik* In *1 >H|kir*iiiik Bcr. J. S. Parker, tfrt*. N. Y.. writ**: “/h Jmi, 1091, I lamtmv **n*c a/ krmrin* entirely. My muring hi* hmiaraiinkal Impair** far wwnil --’ "" " f #U< I MUM MM mHTN Mlk My fc,u ** my «k all *■**, &j| tCfdLtiwT lM «*P«W oTeatarrk *T Ik* xoneck **** bm* have ifinupaaffl. I will rac o«m«J « U all iii i im^oly. 1 •> •o wall I »«• ooaleaplatiaa a trip la Tal low Stone Park the cnmlnj- Mow * tkat lee one T1 year, oklf*_ I .In e leier loiter ahe eaya: “1 am only too Inaakfsl to »«u for your kind advice end lor the food health that I an rn^'oi wholly from the nvn i t • WmWarful Narva of a Mayor la .a University Baseball Team. Bom* Are yean ago a group of Col- 1 Itco men, la which wan many mem bers of tbs Yale sad Prlaeetoa bam ball teams, waa dlacuaMag tba name of tba sea* day. wbtofa waa to decide tba champfaaablp. -Slugger- Salty. Iba hardest bitter oo the Jmway nine predicted la Iba ooorea of tba eon voraatloa. that ha weald gat a home nm la tba comtag game. Tba Tale pitcher toned toward him and sited bow cartels ha waa of that bona run. Kelly replied that be was sen to the eitaat of *8,000 tad- the Tala pitcher remarked that ha waa convinced of tba opposite to a like degree the two players shook bands oo the wager aad west borne to bed. During the Are! aKht tamings Kelly came to the bat •*a times ud Are times be got his haaa on bolls, tba Tala awn taktag care to sad la do ball that Kelly oouM touch. When the “slogger" came to the bat la tba Us* bait of the miath Use* wore two M oat tad aa eager tiger was berating o* Ant boa. Kelly knew that It waa his last chance to bit the ban ead as the Ant ban pitch 'd came Aylog down Ur to owe aide of tba plale the -stagger- stepped away screes tba rubber aad hie bat mat tba ball with a sharp crack. The asst seeoad the broken bat waa lying oa tba grnaad aad Kelly waa Aytmg •rawed tba dlamead. He reached home with tba winning run about a aaeoad bafoaw tba be* leaded In tba catcher's beads, aad sc ha brushed tba dot , from Ms shirt be calaaty remark *0 *1 know I could da ft." WKhoat aatarlax teta tba batatlon ot Ua Bormltty of batttac. that part of j •Dim la wbat la aiafaf today hr tba j thbte. Nat tba eoaeatt of Ua mb wte daiadaa Uauatf wtU a aacallad Dtetaaa af bla on abOittaa. bat Ua eataa aartatetr af tba oaa wba fcwowa wbat ba «aa da Bad Intaoda to <« It Tba world trwaU tba a»aa wbo j trwata blawatf. Wanted a D<*r. A alabbora horee la fen annoying Croats ra under any arcunducei, hot the etory of an li£idect which happened dorlu* a rerfmcntal drill aaleoa the qnciUoo whether each a horac may aut dmittf* be orarcoa •does, Tbo turn blared down aa a told of bat. tired bonaa and axrttad nee, all wallln* for a U*. raw-hooad animal to neenmb lo the urgtnga of the •tartar anil sat lata Iteo. "Brins up that koraa!'' aboated ooa of U>a offleeci at laat. hla patience harlot tlraa ont "TouH eat Into trouble If yoa doa’t." The youthful rtder of tha refractory home looked at hla offloar deopalr •»«iy. “I'm aa tired of It •• yoa are. dr.” ha (aid. with dolt roalgnatloa, "bat I can’t help It Baa a cab koraa. air; tbat'a what be la. Ha weal dart till he heart the deor abut; dr, and I haven't got aay door to abet."—fid Blta. I Whan I ha TMa la In. Tha boat* lay atrandad aa tha baaoh. Taagtod with Mwaad. dark had (raaa; A daaalau amd draary anaat. Aa far aa tha ajra aaa Id roach; Tha Uda waa cat. Haw chaos ad tha rlaw whad day la daaa Tha haata rada ga/ty la tha data, Thalr whlta aalla laddx aa la title Khwad by tha aattlag aaa; Tha tMa waa In. Thna many a Ufa, la wash aad waa IS*4^-** tW Wrr“ dnn, ■at dad la Oad fmrrr am; Taka ratiranai far wa kaad Tha llda U ooaalag in . Aod Uftad from tba nti aad ahaals WaM nyoa tba nalk Am; night ay aaa aa atwnlij i *•« "d tor waary wtik Tba Uda la la. —fVaak U ktaatam ■oalbara RhodaaU a goM Htfal la May waa I bo btggaat raoqrdad. balag pyar I >.*00 ottaaka. The Meslcaa doe has no hair. The hat climate makes sect a coverlnj superfluous. Canadian trade with Great Britain has Increased over Jf.eoo.ooo the past rear. | Colds Cured ♦ I-sOrtppo awl Neuralgia Baataked X NTUlWSf l CAPUDINE X m ■ as4 ISO. at Diva Stores. WANTED a BO Toun* Men *i«ss to avstitr *o>- govs imiuom wsm* ws WIU (MniM Is mill men o SS.OUO OopoMi toproo.nl, ptooar, in«a The Ca.*Ala. Bus. College, macok. ocokoia. __!MT|MTM»(M SoVAt LAW) WARRANTS wLH it »t3H»V o.W«VeSU. w* CONTINENTAL GIN COMPANY. BWMMOHAM. ALABAMA. Mm Mm, Mi, Moon, CMm tana, Eifka Ml Mkn. 00 00 wimm-Brabi umtmmb worn on. mtibia mm iwnnMi lumen to «n»toto • msm lmk| erf* m’rnm t* tmhm tm «ti k< uurn pm mi »;tr'n vim •«. »««:•««■ M it •«*»,,. kmi Mr »w |li*M rMktrt mBi rtarf*. I'H« to u m<«» m m SPRING PURIFICATION of the Skin and Blood Should Begin NOW BLOOD HUMOURS, Skin Humours, Scalp Humours, Baby Humours snd every kind of Humour from Pimples to Scrofula, with Premature Loss of llair, may now be speedily, permanently and economically cured by Cuticura Resolvent, greatest of Blood and Skin Purifiers, assisted by the external use o( Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Soap. Thousands of the world's best people have found instant relief and speedy cure by the use of Cuticura Resolvent, Ointment and Soap m the roost torturing and disfiguring of I TCHING, BURN ING. and SCAI.Y HUMOURS. ECZEMAS, RASHES, ITCH. INGS and INFLAMMATIONS. Thousands of Tired, Fretted Mothers, of Skin-Tortured and Disfigured Babies, of all ages and conditions, have certified to almost miraculous cures by the Cuticura Remedies when the best medical ■kill has failed to relieve, much less cure. Cuticura Treatment is local and constitutional—complete and perfect, pure, sweet and wholesome. Bathe the affected surfaces vdth Cuticura Soap and Hot Water to cleanse the skin of Crusts and Scales and Soften the Thickened Cuticle, dry without Irani rubbing, and apply Cuticura Ointment freely to allay Itching, Irritation, and Inflammation, and Soothe nnd Ileal, and lastly take Cuticura Resolvent to Cool and Cleanse the Blood, and put every function In a state of healthy activity. To those who have suffered long nnd hopelessly front Humours of the Blood, Sirin and Scalp, and who have lost faith in doctors, medicines, and all things human, Cuticura Remedies appeal with a force hardly to be realized. Every hope, every cx|>cctation awakened by them has been more than fulfilled. More grfailures of Simple, Scrofulous, and Hereditary Humours arc daily made by them than by *11 other Blood and Skin Remedies combined, a single set being i often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails. OCTKXRS BKumnsi tr* ►.« tt.iUM wu rsicss- gxm* bd. mt •*« K> kMtta ru tta tarn M Pill*. Mr. Kf .dl d «. Ollkvs OtMBir. Bftr. prf la*. Oitirjia Amp, XU. pat cake. far ibt l*Nl wrh. “RwMn t>4 tto Hln*4. «.!• »•* Nr»lp. im Hww r* Cars Turn." to Ps*»». 100 Dla ' «M»«. ntfc inwirtilw*. TftBsstltU. sad Dtrertfaaa la oil kspirw, torl*4lo« Jtj>**»«s rai GkUrtas SHIM Dtpmt. 77-79 Ckart.TtMsc H. Ixsko, A V. Frsat% SHpto. $ Am | Am la Pals. Fart*. A.*rails, [kwpol. XL Town* A Os.. Mar. t*OTTBA DftCO AND CBAU j tOAls OOATOAATION. Ada hudsvas, Boat an, 0. ft. A. I Depression Does’nt that word ex press your condition P Aren’t you depressed, tired and all fagged out? Ever stop to figure out i why you feel that way, I and how you can get over D it? Well, we have done ■ the thinking for you and I can give you relief. For w 60 years DR. THACHER’S LIVER AND DLOOD SYRUP bne been wring people afflicted juet aa you are We the greatest preparation for toning 19 the ejrriem. budding new blood end muedea What yea need e >utt the medtdna and ft'o your advantage aa well aa aura that you taka * at onca Commence taking It today. •0c Md 1100 nar bottle. Dr. Thachere Li.er Medicine < Ay HEX Tea few erugglet eefls h. Be eure iVa Dr. TliaUhar a though Write our Cemuftatioo Department, explaining eympboma and raadea free oanridaathl advice. lunn KSNIK SO., CMtaneega Tea Fan* raaaa. Mauninjiitkum ; na*«MMi ru>t« •a»n timm ] I I I I I I 9UJM0 UVUO SJUMtUZCU? Hriai w. L. lUMtu Siyr ?r?!.vT? 1 pn*K> bt ita3T it ■ lotnr WI Umb mW n*. J f*/M. wfckk nbli i Iimn * gL«P *••• tar IM 3 HM Mai la rnrr A •»•»>» -'■* 3 A *Unr.fll«,l »ntt> w. u InmIm M T) ■