ANOTHER MURDER. We Have Murdered Prices on Everything jin Our Clothing Department, We Cannot Afford to* Carry Over Winter Ooods Througbthe Sommer. - -___________.__ * l These Goods Have All Been Placed Down Stairs on Our Bargain Counters, and Will Go At aSacrifloe, Regardless of Cost" We Carry an Brtranely Nice Line of Up-To-Date Clothing, Made to Fit, For Satisfaction in Wear, for Shape and Service, Made for Slims and Stouts And Regulars. We Also Have the Nicest line of Pants That Ever Came to Town. _RETAIL PRICES ON PANTS RANGK FROM 5<X- TO 67.50- RKTAIL PRICES ON SUITS RANGE FROM 63 50 TO 818.&T •*••*• •*• *■ ^-*-j*^*-*^ — ^ ^ ■** ■*- -*■■*- ■*- ■* - ^ — — - -*- ■* * • 1 i mi a Now they Will go at all kinds of prioes. If yon nood anything in this line, seetos and save several dollars. This is no fake or catcher at all, these goods must go andwrill go at the prices. Overcoats at your pi ice. Call and see these goods, if prioes kro not right, don’t buy. All kiuds of Boys Clothing will go along at these trash-moving prices. VV WW V V V W V • WW SWWIVWWWWWWWWWWW wv^www w w.www>w I _■ - V y A *eti‘ —-^ THE HEADLIGHT. ptipj i ■uirr nn yi-. 1 .±- — JOitS B. WAl&H. Sdrob. iwcnwwi un) <M dollar pat; rate. itrlellj wk la ^UmnMiI ratal bnkkrd ■ ap JEIii-WII— lM«nd aaonrdiaa lo MX cdOoarma *4fca pool aAea at Raeklaftkaia, S. C. — lima* elan aHHr. TO1UT JCBSCBAKY JO, (we HURTING THE PARTY. It is encouraging to all true Demmrati that logfela* tors bare been elected who ore thoughtful, considerate, Seal one and acrupttlously careful to avoid. doing any thing that eas reaalt in in jury to tbe great Democratic party. Some of thorn are Afraid to tackle the whiskey problem, lest they “hart the partyr ’ and yet, when tbe State has fsilsd to furnish *nonsy promisod to the pub lie schools, they are dumb, and absolutely take bo action to redeem the promise made by the Orest Governor, and other speakers who, from every stump, promised the people of. every county, a bar mouths school term. If this failure don't hurt tbe party," -ws would like to know what would hurt It. Tbe great Democratic party baa beau, and should ever be noted for dlachsrghif its ob ligations. ▲ failure on the part of tbe present legisla ture to famish this money Aad o fear mors such fatal blunder*, will kill the parly. How wo have too much re spect fay our legfaHom to think they eau fail to see their duty efaag this line, or Ink iiuragctc discharge k. But the opportunity, to far as the schools of shisycor am eoussrued, has passed, tt tbe schools bsvs bees sod Art hting closed. However, it in not too late to mako positive provisions for anoth er year. Should this not Ini done, may the legislators ever be troubled hy tbe bit ter reflection that they knew their duty but did it not. Qod save the party from death at the hands of its as sumed friends. Mr. K. F. Fenton and wee gmid-daught*r, Marie, ware wel comed visitor* at oar office laei Saturday. Nicest apples at H. H. Smith’s. Cablwge, potatoes, puu and onion’s ah H. K. Smith's. A lonr-blmUd pnolmt knife for (So at B. B. Smith’*. Fancy Candies at B. U. Smiths Big lot tinware at H. H Smith* Hinson Brothers Air stilt In tbe market bueinre* at the old stand. They keep the beet of everything aechwapue noyludy can afford to toll the tame grade of goods. Oir LtTBTf Basinets was never in better shape than it I* now. We have just received a new lot of buggies and raa fur niah handsome teams at rvaeou abla prices. Corn* to see u* when you need anythin! in either if lines. We will serve you prompt ly and politely and always with the beat. HDEOff BROTHERS. The negroe* of Ric hmond. Va., Imre repudiated that fellow Ha yea who made an inoendiary apoeoh at waahingtou last week. Hunh speeches will prove a groat calami ty to th e negro racw. " " " w. M. KELLY, ATTOKHrr-AT-LAW. Rockingham, N. C. Statement of the ooudiliun of the FARMER’S BANK, of Rockingham, N. C. at the oloae of bnainee* on Pehrn ary 6th, 1006. Cordeiiacd from rvjiort to North Carolina Cnr|iora tiou Conimiaaioa. RESOURCES. Loan* and Diacouute—$63,714.61 Overdraft*--- 2,906.46 Banking Hnuw. .. 4.300 U; Pur nil urn and fixture* l.HOO.OO Cub on hand A in Bka. 4ft.888.21l $101.966.9ti LIABILITIES. Capital-16 000.00 Undivided profit*- 8 881.61 Dapoeta subject to check 86.074.48 $104.ii6600 I, L. 8. Covington, Cashier of t he Parmer'* Bank, solemnly awear the above statement to be true to 1 he beat of knowledge and belief. L. 8. Conxerros, Cashier. State of North Carolina, ( Richmond County, ) Sworn and attfaaerihed tu before me (hi* lllhdny February, 1006. i. L. Brain', Notary Public, Coaaacv Attx»t : R. L. Bteele,} 1 i. W. Saiith, > Director*. J. B. Cai dle, ) Ashcraft’s Condition Powders (Per Kmm and «Wm Only.) This Is the best remedy star manufactured for the purpose of pouta* Sash oa a poor aafcaai, or (trine an appetite to ona in bad eootlltioo. The powder* ara wooderfally e feet Ire becanaa (boy make the diges tion perfect, rradlratlat worm* and parasites, aad tboroagbly ■'— tag tba systaat of an gn>M humors. A*aca*rr’a Coamt not* Pownuas ara wrapped hi doses. To fact ta lhair praparaltna the aaa ears to need that a druggist would ea oiatsa la the Uiag of * ahyaieiaa'a praacrtptiea. High grade aad paal merit is the fret ©ontideratloo. Ashcraft's Powder* rentiat of Md doaaa, prepared from the pur oat aad Mabfy Boacnefcrataf birr«diaata, aaraa*ary for oorreetiag as SojowTa digaadro organa. The powdaca fatten bat aarar Moat B^ha use of taro or three doaaa a wadyrair boras or undo wfll A. M. FLOWERS. I Use Lipps Fertilizer Thfe fertiliser has been ueed extensively in this, arwl other eeo tiona of]the country for two years, with greet satisfaction to all who hero uld it. For further information as to its value. enclose stamp to the allowing gentlemens Rockingham, N. C., M. L. Hinson, W. l.ittla£ toots, John 9. Covington; Robsrdel, J. W. O’Brien, E. C, Terry; jloninva. T. Berry Lilee; Diggs, Dr. /. H. Williauieun. Chemicals can b«. bought of W. I. Everett, B. 8. LodlwUsr. Fo* Receipt* for preparing this fertiliser apply to, f E. M, 'Boggart, Cordova, N-. 0, I Y. M. Boggnn, Rockingham, N. C. D W. Wataon, Rockingham, N.C. Thankful. We want to thank our many friends and customers I for their liberal patronage for the past year and solicit the same for the coming year. We feel enro that wo have put forth ap honest effort to please onr customers iu prices and gooods, and will strive to give lower prices and belter goods han wj.htvj evir don * i n the past. We wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year, and will advise you when yon want bargains to coma and trade with BLACKER BROS., for the least money of any ■tore i4 town. Yours, for straight, legitimate business, \ • Blacker Brothers. leading Ann of Rockingham. £J^*Skndford Building, next to Richmond Co. Drug Co. Polite attention to all. Pegging away Still Pegging Awa. I am still at my stand over A. W. Porter A Co's store pegging and sowing shoes for the good people who have been patronising nm for years past. 1 still do my work faithfully and promptly and at the lowest living prices. If yon have never tried me, come now. J D. YOU NQ ViNn. TbbtotofWo oottoo that ap plication will bo it do to tha Ooo arml Aoaaaabty of North Oaroliua. at Ua paaaaat aaaatow, to omand tho anartar of thatoora ofHaailat. Board c f OomnUoioaart of town of Haalat. By 1.1. Baatar, Clark to Board. This Jaaaary 7,100t. MORRISON A WHITLOCK until MtATS tMnt, tohlnctoa, M. 0. ■ A. 8. DOCKERY, ATTOmjTWT-AT-LAW, ROCK I NO HAM, K. C. I I 9fo$iU ANNOUNCEMENT OF -"""Removal.. Wo wish to announce the removal of oui Drug Rusi* uess to the stand formerly occupied by McRAE’S DRUG STORE. We are well prepared to serve you here and are mak aome desirable additions to our stock especially in Stationery, Toilet Goods, Tobaccos and Cigars. . . Our general stock of— DRUGS, MEDICINES ■*„ SUNDRIES is also kept complete We WILL SUPPLY THE DEMAND, and if its something from a Drug Store you want we will not disappoint you. Dr.N. C. Hunter &Bro. DRUGGISTS, Rockingham, N. C. YOU CAN SAE MONEY By trading with me. We keep everything in the eating line and a little saved on everything used on the taldo, will enable you to live cheap er and better. We keep Canned Goods, Bacon, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Fish, Cheese, But ter, Cabbage, potatoes, Apples, Bananas. In o',her words, ] keep a full line of Heavy and Fancy Grooeriea. Call on roe. We would like to show you around, whether yon wish to buy or not. A penny saved is a penny made Trade with ub and you’ll savo the pennies. Wo feel very grateful to our friends for past favors and hope to merit their continued favors. Y M BOGCAN &CO. THE FARMER’S BINi, Rockingham M. C. Respectfully solicits your patronage and tanking business. We guarantee nlsdute .Security, Promptness, Accuracy and all Acooinodu tions consistent with safe banking. Call and see ns when in town ROBT. L. 8TKKLE, President, LEAKE B. COVINGTON, Cashier. HOBSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. =“ Bon*' (hoeing and doing Iron Work on Baggie* and Wagon* ar* in my lira) of basin***, and I gaaiant** work and price* to *ait. Work doo* promptly. Bring all yoor old iron*, bra** and oepper to m* and I will five you U»* highest mark** price* for it. Ed. B. Teny.

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