Headlight. FEBRUARY 27, 1903. NO~61 i_L ITEMS; J**M*to lUMNUavtuKto M hMMk. WO.000.00 f«* -leriridldhto. hyMnlh Mlil|to) ton* a* 3»Vto4 AyrO 14th. VntofMato8M.ia.hck 7*1* totoi* Wedaeeday. Mi* Qm(M, if Mari to. L O.. * *:* Hlatto* B. A. Johmou. .iSSCsArs&Ki Matobam ad *a bgMatam will fa* mo fay aftor MttoA }lh—Utot*a right. Wa laara that Baaria Oato wilt m tortM « alaa hatoa <a Ua la* la Watoaa ail*. Hmmm Baton flalaiday In Wtottonhato with Ua ttothar and Wa warn yineed to atoat W. K anm* *a* Baldly*" ** av wand ham (Ua aoak to aMaad the au> •«a*i « (Mr atom. Kaa Aaaia. i 53 flkt ia ifae only lady in errr heard of Haa*]f.LMa,Mi D. Aav, Ir.MdltotoM Btoaart, of Laaria ' bar*.itaUa Nataaday oaabaaiaaa «W* BTU ;Da»tt, mm of mi iknmt roof m, kolfllki Blehautod JnfllW »• Unl for • Waste rn Wsiogm to Icon —at tha iwl danse of Mr. W. 1*. Covington, of Bed H—Mg«S —s near being dretroynd by Bee a law days ags. Mr. rank Hlnohar b now os tha M>«b laying la spring stock, whisk to® bn tolling In forthwith. Lates an* for Blanker Bios. Ms greatly agsnbbd a plsaaaat aaB Ism Monday, fioas onr oM friend, X Btogg Owiagos and lua noble dsnahtev. Miss Mands. ■ev.XW. Wallens, of tha K rth ,daf last wars. alaea i la |U< uaua I to tha day*.of rub.to, Bead hie brief report of towsohip school meeting*. Mas. A. M. Me A a lay and dnogbler Mlaa Bottle. an visiting friends in town. Man. MoAnttj’t visit was to Mafe after bar fornitoru lassies so. Bead MgMMHvy anws aw onr ias'-'o yogas. The whiskey ysoblsnt is still bslaadissosBsd, witbsat any probabili ty **» toSItrial absnys from preset. I mv. V, L. Ts was a ud. of Bowtahd, Bobo sea sswaSy, ande as a pleasant sail paatsadoy, kindly eeaawisg km sab aSrtptlae. Mr. Tewnesnd Is a aaliso of Bit has i af aeon Ip. ■Mbs Berths Mclver.wbanow resides with her sister, Mrs. MaLsod of Cbo tsod tbs Marriage of her sister. Miss Annie to Mr. Oltooslj. nsog—gaUsa, Ihnlft township, hr. I for toonrporsHi g | no s. • vs hare P. X, of Payett e I Ms* Friday. D | af Bos. X M. Ha 1 — Whoso ay aalsad our wartn, o It b saM to be a feet that tboas aa<* l and pcafraeiiiml barglors an M_ Ms. Am (Mm, who laaidaa ms Oibaoo BuUoo, diatl Urt Moadaf. Ms bad baan in faabl. fcaaJtk far mm tios. Ms. OiH M mm Its motkar of Mr*. Kd. I4M aotl Mr. ailsoo. of Bobs Aal. Wasps* la seats a sn r* 't - fx Oa Ms ataoln* of Us Mth, Mat., M. WUI Laud, of Maailot. lad to Us bysawal alter, ats nay laOraud. Bde. B. H. D. Wilann. af suloa, mm Us adUaiioff ■MM. MMa Bad UGraml, aMMraf Mm Mda, os said of Imn, odd ioho 0. Doakary, baat bm. «n»ssrtipa aud % Mddssof tko brilVa sotbs. AMm Sffsr tko happy pair MoHad M a hndal trip u. Ms *-•* *- ,fc._ - — ♦. tn IBB pITMVr Bbff BSdl H iTssitk'a. •/ I -**■«•* Heuiy Young, of Kaiulet, is ebarged .with the killing of J. H. Williameoa, a young maa of Ifui . me, »t Hamlet lan Saturday eight. Henry Young wwa arreeted in a harn not far from White’e Store in Anton county, about 4 o’clock, a.'m. on the 24th iuetant, by Homer D. Baldwin, of Rocking ham. Hr. Baldwin took charge of hie primmer and itarted to Manhrille to bring him to the Sheriff of Richmond county, and when near ManhvlUa they tkre overtaken by four men who took the prisoner from Hr. Baldwin aud conveyed him to Hninw and placed him in jell. Soon after Mr. Youwg area placed in Jail, a telegram reached Sheriff Wright, of Richmond, informing him of the a met and nest moraiag he »eot to Monroe, accompanied by hie deputy, Mr. D. M. Horrieon. Considerable opitoaitidn being shown against the bringing of Young to Qookiugham, Shsriff Wright told tin people there that bs did not intend bringing him to Rockingham, but to Laurin burg- Conaideruble sxcitsment prevailed whereupon Sheriff Wright consulted Judge Allen, who waa bolding codrt at Monroe, and loft the matter to him. mere oemg iu mooroe, so eye witness to tbs tragedy, Judge Al tai! docidod to hold a preliminary examination iuto the matter, and ordered the prisoner brought be fore him. The prisoner wae pro duced and through counsel; waiv ing an examination, waa remand ed to the join at Monroe to be held until Richmond court which con venes next wash, Judge Allen to be presiding judge. We greatly regret the occurence. The Williamsons are good people. We have known Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Young for many years and they hare always stood well wherever they have lived. Wo forbear to make any con - msnts whatever upon tbs fecta or even reports in circulation, but do not hesitate to say that our sympathies are with all who are Involved in or affected by the sad tragedy. ■elveHhaseUy. Mias Annie MoZver, of our town and Mr. W. O. Connelly, of Thomasville, Oa., were happily married oa tbs evening of the 25th instant. Rev. M. N. solver father of the bride, officiated. wise sattis McLeod, of Keyser, was maid of honor and Mr. James Mcrhail, of Shannon, best man. After the anpner the happy par ty started for their home iu Thom asville, Oa. The Headlight extends eongrat ■latioua and best wishes to the happy couple. Him Pboelm Watkins’ school will gin an antertammaot at Ml. Pleasant ohureh on tba eight ot tka S9th inst. Pnblie cordially inritsd. Miss Pbcfcs’s entertain* meats arc always itrietly flrrt olaaa. Thanks f-r invitation to ba proaaut Ed. Hm hkaal >aajr. It now seams pretty sorts in tint the legialatnro will dsrlaa moans to ralaa, at onoa, tba second 9190,000.00 for nssdy acJtooia. Wa an glad to belies* it. XoStaata tbo Oberrhee of lack fa«rbam Clrenit. ■•a. J. W. Gorgeous baa girrn up tils work of tha Bockingham eiroait and Bar. ”IUb” Leak will RU tbs regular appoint meet# an t.l a pastor can be procured. Baspaottalty, W 8. Born, P. K. __’ « AOardaf Tbawh*. Wa twrmrttk tandar oar beat fait thanks to oil who <■ any pmpsrtv from damage doing the boning of oa hnnso on tbs 17th 0. M. Hobbs and family. Bnr yoar gardon and at H. H. Smith. . COUNTY JSTESWS Poo Doe. Mm. Harris is visiting her daughter at Ohio. Walter Boggnn visited Orest Fails last Sunday. Mr. Buggan and family hars moved into tbe house vacated by Mr. Caudle. The viaaea Watkins have pur chased the house and lot on Hus lingtou street belougiog to Dr. Staneiil. Little Priscilla Alden fell into the fire last Saturday evening and was right badly burned. Right many of our young peo ple have been attending the Lehr William* opera. They teemed to have enjoyed it finely. The young people did some very niee singing at vr. Hasty's last Sunday night, but than is room for improvement yet. We would be glad to hare Prof. Key come buck. Sunshine. Pee Dee No. 2. Martin Bennett, of Moore coun ty, tM visiting here last week. John and Willie Thrower spent Saturday night and Sunday in the Beaver Dam section. John Carr and sister, Lena, end Mies M iiinie Thoutaa, spent Mon day with Mr*. Baldwiu, at Melee. Arob Parsons has severed bit connection with this mill tnd goue to Raleigh. We wish them much success In their new home, Mr*. W. W. Aaldwinsnd daugh ter, Mias Maggie, have both been suffering u ith la grippe for the past week. We are glad to hear they are improving. Mrs. Kirkln, of Cheraw, is vis iting her father, Mr. Williams, at thia place. We noticed Mr Haneucker call, ing over this way Bunnay alter noon. V. S. C. Ledbetter**. W. A. (Jffeeon and daughter Mias Cora were visiting at Kelson Gibson’s last Sunday. The rvceDt void were has girnt ly increased the demand for wood, though nnr present stock is fast decreasing. Liston out for E. T. Bounds about colt->n plinth g time, se he hse Ijcen passing heavily loaded with cotton seed meal. Raiford Dawkini, who has been < employed at tbls mill for three yean, is now workiug a notice in ; order to take charge of a position j st McBse, 8. C. Our Sunday school continues to moot in regular order sod is pret-! ty well attended considering the sold and unpleasant wither, the average attends net being 40 out jf 70. A good number of our village people, Including the writer, at* tended preaching at Ureenlake church I net Bnuday. Wa had tbo pleasure of benring an excellen ■ sermon by the Presiding Klder, Dr. Koue. It would ocrtaiuly be delightful to hear s'ioh a sermon W times a year. Bonteone is eery anxious fortlie legislator* to pane a law requiring the public made to be worked by taxation. It looks unfair and un |sst to tax mrn who hare already worked the roads for IT years, and who the law aays is five from road service. E*< u a one-eyed man can see the bole where the hog went tbroegh. The teacher's meeting tree held according to the announcement at Beaver Dam last Friday, and waa eery well oossdasctaii considering ilMalssmoe <>f the ru peril) tendent Duly four school distriete were reptuesatsd, nemelv: Him. 1,1, 6, and 6. We simply give this as an euil lam, ae we eupeet to eee a full account la detail. Subscriber. flou. one asked whet bed the legieletoru doee. Noth lug, only to era us p the working man harder. Would we wet fed good If we ecu Id votg tbe right min there on* time—on* who~ would do boom thing for tbe liinnug people. Koch baa been taid put little tluue. We wae thinking* the Gobbler had been killed on Rocky Fork. Glnd to hedJhim gobbling again. Ae for tobioeo Uga. takr them to him boye, llge U tbe high ret bidder, f Don’t forget to«i|pie out to tbe Acodemy Setucday^night. Tbe band ia going to giih aome more free mneio. Everybody invited. The eick people «e tome better we are glad to aay,. S. S. Steele nt^l a bueineae trip to Philadelphia! thia weak. The band wante#* aek the good people uot to oomi'to the baud ro.im while they gM practicing. Will let yoo kuow dbea to omne. ' “ J a. T. Rob*rdel No. 8. Out well compWbfi—it it three hundred and eixty^ko feet deup. Some machinery lbre and more expected thit week., John Hailey andi if* and Mia Ophelia Hu mucker tore viaiting their titter, Mrt. Sila Riddle Sun day. j Mn. Sallio Hale V d Mine Lnn dy Riddle were a led flailing Mr. aud Mrt. Silat Ridf ... U. S. Webb and gi >d wife Mrt. Annie, wore viaiting t Gyp Ha* ty'e Saturday nighv md Sunday. Mr. Webb condi cted prayer meeting for nt Satuj ay night. Tom Litt and wife were at Mr. McRae’s Sunday, op lota of viti tnr«, but it Wou~ require too much apace to ua m all. R» v Mr. loiviu bed ua n very giH>d sermon ,y morn ing, and left an a ;nt for every second Bun _janftig *tl half past three o’clock. Thit it very kind and wo all appreciate bit ttrvice iuid thunk tint good man for volunteering to preach for nt. May God bountifully blew hiui in Ilia work D. 0. R. Mt. Olive. Archie Meek* eras veiling hi* beet girl Sunday weening. Mix Emma Long is very tick at this writing. W« wieh for her a apredy recovery. Tha writer and i. T. l«ong at tended preaching at Roberdel No. t Sunday. Mixes Corr and Callio Meeks trees visiting at Mr. Washington Long's Sunday. We hear Mr. William Gamer is going to move np the country to farm with Mr. MeNair. Tracy Moore, eolnred, loet his hooae by Are last Friday night. Hs saved the most Of hi* things. It seems like ro^ working is greatly needed in this part of the country. Th# roads hsve got so bad that the wsgot.viw have had to ires pax on tlx farmers' onttou patcln.-s. We are ready anytime to work if the overseer will sat so. Maypon. Covington. Cotton ho* rrnoberi ton cent* at laet and the farmer* are preparing for another large crop of cotton and corn. Small grain crop* are looking fine at thia eoaeon of the year. The high triude >if laet l!m;i olgiit kept everylwdy fr>im ele»p lag. W. 8. Crump, our con«tai>l«, he* had a good deal of l*^*iu* e* to attend to of Iain. A good many of out Iwyi ex pect to be at onnrt neat week. ■lack Jaok Her. 0. 0. Britt preached an able aarmon at Oertiedge Creek Hoixlay. The ahprch gave him a nnaniatom call ta eerre them foi i the remaining part of thia ymr. | lie will prcaeh there the third Sunday iu March at S:89 o'eh-ek I and wL« then luiutu. the } whether he can eerre them rr :>ot. John B. Covington took dinner with Mr. Harrington Sited ty. Mbs Lima Meaehnm wits visit ing m Ananss Sanilnjr. B. 9. Dockery ms right feeble we liesr. Jeff Key, of B«b«mM. attended preaching at Cart ledge’. Creek, Sunday. Franklin Covingtno spent Sat urday night at Rrberdct. Mimt Lillie Covington was visit ing at VV. B. Covington's Sunday. Mr. Alex Quick spout Monday night at H. C. Covington's, 11 illiam Norton nud family moved to R. B. Holt’s Tuesday. Buy legislature, the people want need and expect eoaie improve ment in tlie present makeshift road law. You had better bred wbiloyoucan. Th* people or* tired of mud knee deep. Give us the chwingwug or something bet ter. C. Great Palls. Qtad tv report Mr. Dowd still impromog. Sam Bobbins !ut been rick for eovsral days. Will Doan war on the sick list Saturday. • lire. Ormsby and daughter spent auroral days with Mrs. O’ Brien last week. Sorry to state that Mrs. O'Brieh continue* qaito sick. Colin O'Brien and Henry Clay of Roberriul, were down Sunday. Great. Falls j* ready for a joint debate with any mil! boys on the creek. Send in your challenge boys. Say Sttushiue, I believe some of tho Pec Dee hoys havo found what 1 sold about the Great Falla girls is true. Anyway they have been tv see nml keep coming. John Msoro, of Ellxrbe, was down sport iug around Sunday. Textile. Wadesboro News. Our rough-rider president, Tbd dy; present* a not very enviable spectacle to this country. par enting iu hit efforts to humiliate the south, be has made a failure that will damn him not only in the south, but by the beat men of hia own party, a victim of his own prejudice, be stands to-day with-' out a parallel. No bail for Tillman! Exactly right. When linmtu life can be taken like Tillman took the life of Qonxnlew, there is Imt one al ternative)—justice, stern relentless justice should be speedily meted. We honor the judge that denied him bail. Tho fight over otir post*)flic* ia getting to be interesting. Odoui'i character h..» (wen impeaohed and on inquiry a* tn the fnllity or truth of the charge will he held at an.early day. Hand*off, “Them «aa two cat* of Killkenny,” etc. “ I met, in my recant riiit to your thriving town, many A neon iaite, who am now rceidenti of y< ur county. Among them wero Sheriff Wright, Billy Oarrin, Jus. Carry and Will Flowers. W rl Flowers i* now proprietor of tli • Hotel Richmond and I must any that ho. together with hi* mom i amiable wife, are making a an.. Com of I Heir new venture, nr. Flower* area out? of our must pTo gt<«*iv» citiscna ami liea many friend* lu this country. Sorry t« hear of the late fire In your 'own, but glad to learn I hot you saved your wearing apparel. 1 think yon were very fortunate, n* there ia no iuMallment clntln ing eetoMiihmentin Rockingham. Yi n see I know eonioUHtig about oorntry editors. New houvea continue to go np iu oar thriving town and won am being let out. W* want about oot thousand young, ambitious men; yoeng men who turn up something and who do not wait for eometbing to turn up. Tn such (her* ia a fin* field to work. Kvery enterpei«» that has been heron (• , M.t v, v ,»e»*^e C . ■■■>>.'. •*li l ;i fi: jruide*, hut thi* veri'e, aod he mil j ho sixty-one in Mnruh and in bumpered by the lust of an arm. P. 9. Do yon wont a one-arm nd printer. (Nil until we get nn installment clothing afore—Kd) . E F. F. Township Schools Meeting*. Having completed my appoint ments for these uneHings, I nm prepared to maka the following idieenratiotis: That the people at large, are mult interested in publio educe tfvu titan in previous years. This ia et tdeucvd try tire large audieno ■ of jssrenU and children which have greeted us at all three meet ing*. Again, the exercise* on these occasions showed that the chil dren bed been carefully taught in the different brunettes. Again, that the letter* and ee «aye written by t lie shrlidrvn obuw »d good penmanship, a thing here tofore much neglected, good psinc tinti.m, and faultless ofthngra >>hv. I Id wot be pruper to ihtiglinte those entitled to a|mcial .iionli.Hi when all ao<|uiUed them selves *o creditably. being providently prevented I'rem attending the meetings at Covington, EUerbc, and Beater •Aim. I am greatly pleased to know that tlie teacher* held the meetings, aud that they were so smertaiiiiug to ths large number nf visitor* present. A nice letter from Mrs. Lizzie Webster informs m« that Covington Hid henvlf proud through the eTo'Is of its excellent teacher, Miss May Runs. She had the academy handsomely and srtisticly decorated with a profusion of wreathes and flowars and they had a gala-day turnout. We suppose that the meetings at, Ellerljc and Beaver Dam were equally pleasant and entertaining. Kobvnlt-I, Hamlet, Ojkil.il* and Bethel could nut lie excelled. At. the last four schools no competi tive exnrnises warn held except an old-time spelling match at Oak ■lalo, which was a victory to both sides. At Eller be. Master Kill* Haywood of Mias Mamin Thomas' school, was awarded the honor oi lieing the l>e*t *|>eakrr, age con-1 side red, and at Beaver Dnm lliel hnuor wns awarded to Master H. R. Thrower, of Mrs. McNeill’s' school, aod the best essay to Mian Laura McLcau, of Mr. Sandford’s school. Wish we had space to say mors al>nut our schools, but we will say that our ax|tectaliona were move than realised. Richmond public school* are growing better and better. J. H. Walsh, C. 9. S. Wood’s earliest seed |xitatove at H. II. Smith’s. * When the scowl fails, try ^d smile. V Mortgagee's Sale of Land. By virtue of the power oontained In ■ certain dcod uf mortgagee, executed t« A O. Corpvnlng and ,f. W. Blimp, mi the 3rd Jay of March IK03. t>y Jno. Mcl’hbraon, and recorded in Book B B B, page 132. In Vila olfico of the Kegister of Dorde for ltlohmoud Coun ty ; and wlirrwu thn hit»r**t of tbe ■aid J. W. Blimp haa Leva wigiml to nia, I will on Monday tbe of 2nd day of March, 1 ItXl, between the houia of 10 a. in. aud 2 p m., offer for aalc at public auction, furcaah, the following described tractor parcel of laud, to wlt: Plrat tract. Beginning at a pine three pine pointer* near the old road leading from McLean’t bridge to the fulling mill and an the we»t tide of the head of laiug branch aud run* ft 3) P. 36chains to a cumer; thence 70 K*»t tOoliaioa to a oorntr: thence N. SO, \V. 28 chain* to a corner, thence direct to the beg.lining, containing 100 acre* granted to Duncan McPherson on tbe 27th day of Noyember 18*8. Second tract Beginning at a pine among pointer*, the fourth corner of Duncan MePhereon’a 100 acre survey and mu north 10 W 20 chain* in a oornar, thence South 70 W 40 chain, to a oomur; thenee Sooth X) East 18 chain* to a cjra.r; thence South 70 IV. 4 chains to a corner; thenoe South 16 K 10 chain* to a owner; thence » 67 tv. 13. 60 chains to an oak two pine pointer* In hi* own line; thence 8. M K 28 chain* to the T-ong branch ; tlieoce op the meander* ol aaid branch to aaid Mcl’heraon line; thence as aaid Ilu* rvvemad K 20 tV 17 chains to a pin# 8 pine pointer* Ui« beginning comer of raid McPharann’a anrrey, throe* the home lit o of -aid t irr*y reversed N 7t> K 40 ohaina to tbu beginning eontaiu •ng 1(Dacr*aexocpiing 1 acres that aiu now enclosed and in cultivation. A. G. Con ailing asd J. W. Blimp, Mortgagee#. A- G Corpening, aaalg***, M_ ‘ J. VV, LeOrand. Ally. Ij^^^ayorj^k^nr DON’T THINK? If you call once and do not find wliat you waut do not think. 1 will not have it next time. I have now goods com ing in ovory’ day, and if yours are not in one lot, they may be in the next. I have determined to keep what the peo ple want. So continue to call and I assure you that you will got fresh goo is a*, reasonable prices. Big lot of "slutl” just ordered. They are all freah from the factories or mills. (iivo mo a call before buying. I will make it to your nterest. 1 BUY Butter, Chickens amt Kggn, Corn, Pass ami tlmst anything tbs farmers raise, ynurs to serve, With a Free Delivery. Henry H Smith. Behind the Court IIouhc. h V. ROBIKROK, 1. R. WU.l.TAWft T. L. OAUDLK. LAWYERS. Awo R*ai. Ear*** A <>**▼« Of« ,'n B*uk Hti ldiBg, HAMLET. L.a I JOHN W. LkGRAND, ATTO*X»r-AT-I.AW, Rocki»irHam, K. C. Fru»ct alteiittoa (ft* mi to all lav maitatt. Seal Katate A#an». Ofllaa w«rlU«>aory| Oooaif Drag CVaataw.

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