•*> • •• • , _<Lt . 1 -- Headlight. I— I ■■■ - —_X ■■ ■ ■■ —— —-— »_ u , _ROCKINGHAM, N. Q.. FRIDAY MARCH 8, 1903. N(J r,2 LOCAL ITEMS. B. L. Steel* is .Biting UtUe Kook. Aik ^Mutelr, of Scotland, was here Oerekfrlrnl.f.L Gallow.y was ktre last Saturday. *• Balder in, of Kile Mills, was a » nitor to our town last Friday. Hie* Bat It lean KeBnyer, of Shelby, “ batting MBs Elmo Covington. Uia* Maui* Lyon, of BHsabetklowa. is visiting Mtet Bessie Everett ltaen.LV.Ua| and the Butler brothers were here on Monday. Mr*. Phillips, of Chapel mu. is rie ls in* her daughter, Mis. Unwell. Wo at* pleased to leans that the aropa of small grain look promising. :*~r. A. B. HUI sad Mr W. H. Ever •m Wfi Friday night for Bow York. . Mr end Mm. Fred Dickinson. *f MrOoU, 3. C-, spent Bttuday lu the Olif Mr*. Drawer, of Freak Ha too, Va.. I* ▼leiting her daughter. Mr*. Gland Use*. A beautiful monument baa been ereeled over the grace of the late A. B. Shaw Mr. do* Everett, of Beaustlevlile, | * 0- epant nvsal day* last woek with V. F. Ohio. Mbs Georgia Loo, who ha* bees rie ftiag Mies Anal* Wall, has ratanaed to bar bourn in Charlotte. Wo wars pineeii to moot Mr. C. O. Covington on the street* last Friday. He has bees quite tick. W* am pleased to lean that Mias Boa Smith. who baa bean onnell for »nn Mate, b Improving. Una of oar young mm was seen In FcaoUand a low days ago—a nice young lady was along too. Wo bam with pious or* that our old friendM.C. I3b.be, who has bum qdt# risk, h abb to bo out again. Wo am pltaoad to Iron* that oat old friend, C. B. Lindsay, of LileerUic, is rueoevriug Inan an attack of jpneemon la. nan. a. w. uw and w. r. Lot la and X. D. Helmut, of Mineral Wpriagr tueroehip, wren here aa Mon day. Kiaak Anafcld, *aq., aa attorney of Hannah who will *—* la rie/rae . calJoa if Haary Yebug. ■ attending I Quart ttk week. Oar aM friend, John C. Cortagt a, •are ta a p If am lit oail laat Tfaumday. It gave aa plaaaam le aea iiiaa able to aralk aa Me neended foot. W. U. Cooper tuM been rr-apyoiatrd patawirr at Iaartalnrg. "Couch kaaniadw agoCd otcar and no doubt ludahuf will bo pleated. Wo are glad to report that Nr. bad Wat. B. O. Wateun, aka daughter*. Mlmm HeaHr aad Jeaaie, hare rreer arad front attaaka of ’grippe. aaraaa. M. A. lackey, C. C Smith. O. J. ymiertan, 1. A. nedlla. Dr. Kin*. man aad a. C. Kieeman, of Hamlet, wean attending aourt mb Tuoaday. Jflaa May LMe, who ekaed her reboot ra Mineral Spring* townebip, jieaard ahrnntdt tona oa Monday ua her way ta 9t. WllUr—nti’a pimaaat botue. We am glad to aae that one of oar tVeer towuemen, who thought ha n> del, rroovered rapidly after the Dr. aoM Hat ha aaa only (tightly anaell. \ lutaraga front oar old Uma friend, Hoe. Joke W. Itagia. of Thomaerllle. tin., bring* thr plea rant Information that Me health m gnod, for anold man. M. K. (tragery bat mored hi* abrek of geode to the ataad rraoally moated Irf Mantra. WMttaak amt Merriaon, they haring Mated the Botnietie Meat work wo will wrunir the puh lleailan of oar S peg* paper, greatly laprwrd la ndwa taepea*. W« thaek ear aahrarfbem for enabling aa to doth Ig Mmer*. T. 0. Klrt titan. A- Hadley, X A. aad a d. HutaMaana, W. Shop herd, S. IT. Key, W. ■. Or limp aad Dr. Brawn,of appar Blcaktend, warn beta Boa. A. 8. Dockery is at borne to at tend soon. Ool- W. U. Pfekott, of Alton, was here on Tecaday last. 0. M Uobinsou, now of Hickory, has ntanted to hie haute. D». J. II. diutlll haa fouc North foe ■peelal medical attention. Dr. Wat Aaberef t, of Mourns, mu a pleasant rial tor last Tuesday. L. P. McLean, of tieotllnd, who al waa attend* our eourta, la her* tbla week. Maaarn. E. P. Heater and M. V. Me Donald weia business rial ton here on Monday. Mr. Coir, agent of tho Wades boro MAI, spent several days this week in our town. Meosn. 0. BP. TVrry, of'CKbroti’aMllI, ami I. A. White, of Capel's Mill* were hero this week. Two subscribers Saturday, three Monday, and taro Tuesday, it our re cord lor three days. KaaSaide cemetery is one of Ihs neat est, olrears! and prattisat wu liavo seen fora long while. We regret that Waller 8. Thomas, Register of Deeds, has bean quite un well for teeaiml days. Tire grounds around tht Methodist church hare recently boot cleared off aud graded—s nice Job. « . .v. twreu aniM aorta, laying la a heavy spring .took for the dry goods and hardware stores. Mr. sad Mi*. J. L. Randy hare mov ed to the Dr. Webb residence, recently known aa the Bachelor'* Retreat. We ware phased to meet this week, oar Irlead, l> A. Hail^wSostored from this county to Charlotte not long ago. Mis* Vara Ratcliff, at Rllcrba. waa awaided by ths committor, the honor of having ths baa* caaay at tht Mineral Tbn llamlct Beal KstaM Loan and Treat Company la a new institution at llauilot. Th# iaeorpominre ara.G. J. Freeman, A. 8. Cowan M. C. Kieeuuta. Capital stock IBOUO.uu. We had pleasant calls on Tuesday from aonn. 8. 8. Hutehitunn and J. A. Hutchinson, of Corlitgkm. Joseph Wiggins, Sr., of Oaboreu, and M. A. Davw, of Mlneml Spring*. Tboir name* are ‘ O. JC." on oar books. One ad our correspondent* in last baa* waa In error In leaving oat Dts mooting. It was represented by the teacher. MJm Lola Robert* and aeeer al pupils. M«W County ComrulmlONera. Mriura. X. (3. Nicholson and N. D. McDonald, who were recent ly appointed County Conimiaaipn era, qaalrllnd last Monday ami took aeais with the other members of tlic Board. Mi. Dockery i* to be commended for aolecling I Irene gentlemen, aa non* better could I hare boau found in ths county. . Mr. Worley Honored. Tracy W. Worley, we or# plena etl to leant', baa been appointed assistant book-keeper (or Hope Mill Factory Co. Quito an honor for our youi g friend, and yet it is a well-merited one. Ho has also been assigned to an impoiUnt onoition in the cornet trend a that plaoc. Tltia la another honor and jot he t* a» well prepared ”lo toot hi* own horn," aa any Imi-d amaWr w* know of. Me boot ItatertaiiuMont. The entertainment given Uy via* Phehe Watkinaand her *c bon I at at. Pleasant, certainly baa been greatly commended. Wa re gret we or add not attend, ae wa bad purpdaod doing. However, wa ate informed by persona who were there that everything paaaad off pleasantly and that the pro gram wa* excel boil and creditably rendered. Wa Congratulate teach era and pepil* apon tbeir asooaaa. What the Type* l*UL The types made n* nay, last await, “that the Hup*, received a nice latter from me. Linie Wab ater, lu reference to the Htaala’a township mhnfil meatlmc." It waa are. l/bib Wheelar, ebo *o kind ly reported the meeting. We had detailed report* from Cilerbe, by tea*bars, O. Cl. Reynolds and A. D. tbaiban, and owe from Beaver Dam, by I. 9. Tarry, tbo teacher They wart all highly appreciated and wa would g*adly bare publish ed tham II wa eonld ban had Baat Hoar at H. H. hmllh’c. m. f. T. Lyon offers a baigtln h* a good lop boggy, aaafly aaw. Court In Session. Judge Allen presides with dig nity and fairness and hold* the •cale# of justice with a steady hand. He is oim of our best judges. Solicitor Robinson guard* ably and carefully the interests of the State in awry iudictincut Its project, ten Besides the resident attorneys, we find within the bar, J, D. Shaw K»q., of I.Hnrinlmrg, J. A. Lock hart, of Wadeshoro, and Frank Armfield, of Monroe, Less speaking would enable the court to make belter progress in dispatching buaiuess. H»m vocjro. Tho grand jury found a true bill against Henry Young. He waa araigned on an indictment for murder and Sittorday has lawn set for hearing a motion from the prosecution to remove tho trial to nuotlier couuty. Green McDonald, indicted for assault, with intent to commit ra{Mf, was convicted. Mr. Phelps, tho 'railroad detect ive who shot a mt. Hendrix, at Hamlet, aev.ral months ago, waa indicted and convicted. Tho sen tence was a fine of $200.00 and ouati. Co. Commissioners. The following list of jurymen were drawn to arrve at the second March term of court, beginning on the 28rd: FIRST WEEK, W C l.'seery, * M Sharje*, J T Shepherd, \V R Smith, GO Tliom aa, T C Gibson, \V R hlallock, Clyde Liles, John D Dawkins, M C Gillie, A J Guinn, J D McDuffie J W Nicholson, E A Weatherlv, K L Smith, J J Wall, Jno T Dob bius, 1C L Rainwater. Mcsm WXBK Y C Morton, D W Bedbeny. A F AfiSu,'—owe, a.—pi«u TVrrj, O W Booker, R A Johnson, B F Lowdvirailk, K K Ingram, E D Stognar, R 8 I<edbettcr, G P Green, 8 J Webb, 0 G Webb, W R Wamor, J M Dockery, W T Dabba, N T Keynolde. Thin jury so* drawn at t.hu Keb mary meeting bu4 mit publiahed. The following [wrsnnv were al lowed three dollars each: 8 A Driggers, Cain Arnold, TImiuios lloggaii, Caroline Chavis, Chancy Cole, David Cvviuglou, Rachel Covington, Khoda Coviug toti, Biers Crump, it J Farmer, 8:in Ingram, Charlie Jaeotje /or toother, Elisa Kirby, Sarah Leak, Mollis l.eak, Boon LsQrond, An gelins Morrison, Jim MrLer.dnn. Betsy Russell, Jans Wall, Rufus Watkins, 8 J White. Richmond Covington, Jacob Dockery, Wilbur UcRse, Dallas Caiiiplwll, Nancy Webb, Mary Basse. R J Hnsty. The following $4.80 awh : W A Giilii, for Kate Aldred, S T Harrenvtinc, Wm Covington, xiltie Thompson, 0 A Barrington for child $3.00, Alfred Bowikn and wife $0.00, Ben die Lot in $0.00, J W O'Urion and wife I18.H), Show Coming. Tha Mile. Orton'* big 20c. R R Show will rannli Rockingham on Wad. warcli 11th and will gir* two performance, daily, with the ••cat cheap price abow in the aonlh. Trained honor*. ponie*. mule*, dog* and Mionkoya, acmlaita, nor* iallata, gynuta.U, lingers ami tlanaer.; a ltd everything pertain ing to a Antrl.M taated exhibi tion. No fakir*, gambler*, or gnat*, of ehaaev tolerated with nr •■.nit tha .hoir nr ground*. A atrictly moral r-flood *how, con darted uti hoaeat Imeioea* princi pal*—a .how for tha ladira, a •how for tha children. Door* open at i and 7, pat formaoee* 8, sud 8 p. an. Adults Ms, Chit drwn I Be. Don't rniaa it. Mam Fas Mala. A young dark hay bom 7 pan old, good traveler, very fastis. aaMsbla for lad las la Mr*. Would aatt s dnstor. ss than* is so danger is Waring him suMtsb od. U. C. Kllerhe. R«t. L. JvLmwa on the WntU'l Liquor mil. To the Editor: The Watts bill •h* not what the tcmprruncw poo pk> wauled, nor whst they had a right to vxpect. As it waa Aral introduced it waa enti dy unsat isfactory. Several amendment* were proposed, bnt only mi of them—the privilege of voting for dispensaries—*» passed. It w»* urged that the number of inhabi tants uerensnry to secure the in oorporatioa of a town, shonhl be designated. Tbit wae not done, but we were assund that there was no danger at that point, ae it would be safeguarded by the Log. isluturw which alone had- the pow er of incorporating towns. The temperance people were willing t<> accept the Watts bill in good fuith. While it was not all they wanted, it seemed to lie the hest they could get, aud they determined to make.the bast of it. But let ns see stinte later his tory: A distiller comes before the Legislature oivtfi taka that bia distillery be iiK4$rporat*d, aud the hill [tasscs. That simply lets tbs gap down fur tho incorpora tion of every distillery in the Slate. What have we left of the Watts bill? Nothing, absolutely noth ing that we did not have before. Tbe right to vote ou a dispensary, as provided by tho Watts bill, simply saves a little trouble, under tbe old law, any communi ty which will go to the trouble can secure an eleetiou. The Legislature, after all tbe noise and bluster which it mads. after1 all the time spent in dis cnsiiou, winds up by nullifying the pitiable temperauce legisla tion which it gave/ Like the not ed king of Kranue, it “marched up the hill aud down again," and we ars left just whs— ws were at the begjuiiiiiy. .I^V, “* »*w«a6k ars think that tbe temperance people in this State are s set of simpleton*, who oan be duped in tbe broad daytime? lliat they will accept a mere Inutilea> something of real value? If that i* opinion, they will find out before the world grows much older how woefully they have boon mistaken. The temperance peopM have boon pa tient, wonderfully patient. Thou-I sands of them bnvs suffered in | silence liccatiee conditions were suoli that tli:y could rmt preen tboir clci ms, but Ui*v feel now that the time lias come wlmn they should be heard. Tliay have ask ed for bread and hove been given a atone; but a day of m-kouiug will come. mo temperance tentimont in the Slate ha* grown man "lonely within th* Inet year, und H will, grow more rapidly in the year lee- ] fore ue. Tim agitation will lie kept up, and will leronw more in* tenae. The religion* donominr liona or* not going into politic*, but they are going to diacitaa the anbject of teni|ieranee, became it ia a moral question. Christian JWnple will lie urg'd (Kit to give their *np|Hirt to any man who U not in favor of tern |ieratio* legit* lation. We predict that many of tlione who, hi the cloving hour* of tli# legislative eemion, voted to preetirally nullify what little waa done III answer to the demand* of the moral force* nf the State, will be at ruck by I id* I war* of t"in* pvrauc* two year* from now, and swept into |ioliti<*ul oblivion. A* la tam|wrar<en man mid a IVnn* cvnt. I <bwlr* to enter thi* vunmet prutcat I.ivhigetnn Johnson Raleigh. S, C.. warrle 4, IttH. »n»« in* «ruwi iaii«, try a •Mil*. To tl*o l*4l« of UlrlimtruU Co. I will •«* in Rooking ham in a fow daya with a Urge (apply of osrabUng bmome. Your order* ia the meantime oau bo loft with Btldwin 4k Oo. or I<eabe8. Coring, tow—thay will bo promptly AIM. Thanking you lot paat forora m4 •till oolloliiaf your or don foe one of the moot prop I too I kwoohoM avtielm erer aoid. ■ooMtfully. i D 0. LIIJC8. Mins Arena CuMt, We arc pained t<> unuounce the death of tl is excellent, Christian young Indy, which occurred at the home of her father. R. A. Gaddy, Iasi Saturday. Mina Arena had been feeble for quite awhile, and it was evident mouth* ago that her stay in this world would bo uuuuiured Iiv months if not l>y days. All that medical skill could do, was of uo avail, for death hsd marked her for his vic tim. Slut had no fear of death (or she hod l>een assured thut, to her, death would be but tho be ginning of a new, holier and Imp pier life, whore storm clouds use er rise, and lovod ones tire never parted. 8be assured her friends that she was ready tor the mun itions, but if the will of God, would prefer to remain longer with tho loved ones at home. But tho Saviour called, and angelic messengers bore her fair spirit lo the golden city. Our tender,-at sympathy is with the bereaved. 1 would Dot live slwsj : uo-—welcome llte touih; Since Jesus hath tain there, l dread mil its gloom: There sweet be my reel, till Ilo bids me arils. To hail Uiui in triumph disoendUig Hi* skies. Died. On Fsbrunsry 10th, 191)8. tlic deathdvuth angel visited our home and took from our uiidst our dear ly beloved little brother, Roy Burdette Reynolds. Our do ir fattier and mother deported this life several years ago, and he too baa gone to Joiu tho angelic hosts above. “Asleep in Jeaua, hi cased sleep, from which none ever wake! to weep.” Burdette was a vary bright child sad was a joy and comfort to our grand-parents. Dear little Bur dette hat gone to rest. Jesus for of sor1” *<-' the of (rod. tve will ever be gmte ful to our dear grnudiiatvnta for their unwavering fortitude during his illness. We greatly thank the good people uf Itoberdel for tho kindness shown us through bis, entire sickliest. I never saw niy dear brother while he was sick, hut thank God I I am going to strivo to meet liiui on Canaan’s fair and happy shore. May God grant us a coal piste family reunion in henvnu some sweet day. J. C. Keyuolds. A l!Ye<l Mettle Dockery. One of tho youngeat, if nut the )oougoat, mid mott useful me ru in'ra of the lower Uouao of the General Auerubtr now in aettiou, it Mr. Alfred Settle Dockery, of Kidmiond. Mr. Dockery cornua of g-khI thick on both tide*', hit grand-father, for whom he waa in part named, Hon. AlfredTlookery, came near being olictcd governor over Bragg in I860, aud hi* groat node, Thouia* Settle, led the for lorn hope of tlic Ropnhlicana for the govemoralirp in 1874, when Vitnoe wut elected. Both tetrad term* in cougtvta. Bat while young Dockery't nncattum were moat ly, if not altogether, nppoead to the Democratic party, lie taw ni to niign nimwii witn <n* op pnaite party to that which hi* father, C. 8. Marshal Dockery, belong*, anil Ha elect Sou wo. cpiiie a triumph for tin young man'a youthful political aapin tioo*. and iec»ot event* have demon* tiMeil the wlattom of the Hue of potior the young n an chnlketl down tu follow in the political world.—Spirit of the , Snath. Wimd'l enrlh-el a*ed |*>tet> at at H. H. Smith’*. Appreciated Kledwea* During thu long ttlueea of our daoeaued daughter, oar neighbor* have been very attentive and ex tremely kind to m, and we em brace thi* opportunity to extend to theta our warmest thauka and grateful remembrance of aun«. R. A. Oaddy and family. Call om A. M. Palmer, at Ouy*. w I. Ever***'* ***re for gewlne tfarbi; a Read lee, OU, asd all attMkumal*. Children’s Letters SiLvea Ru.v. Dear Mr. Walsh— I will come again niter a long alwenoc. Our school closed last Tuesday, Keb. 10th, and I wa* very sorry to part with my tchisd mates and good teacher. Mrs. Kale McNeill. We will not be out of school long. Mrs. Kata will W gin teaching in our home Monday Febrnrary 10th, and 1 expect to learn all I can. W# Imd a nice tune riding over to Bcavpr Duui Feb. 1th, but was sadly di*a]e |H>iuled when we did not ruccl yon, Mr. Walsh. I hud a nice lime Nonas visiting relatives iu Paliu.tv ills, Htr.nlev county and Concord, Cabarrus county. On my way home I spent n plwitanl night ailh my friends Brnwu Kyea aud sister. Papa it off on a business tTip to New York, and other points. We would all be glad to ace laiin return home. Come ngum, Annie Austin and Brcvia McDonald, Much love to all the children and Mr. Walsh. Hattie B. Marka. Ki.t.xnmt. IXar Head light — 1 will write to the Children's Col umn for tuy second time. I am eight veer* old. I am going to school Hour. My teacher is Mr. O. G. Reynold* ami I like him very much. My Htudics are arith metic, geography, fourth reader, grammar, selling and writing, and am going to take up music. g» &E,;i‘iot,"of nioc presents. My nicest ones are a rocking cheir, a glove hu ami a curly-haired doll. Oneof Mama's cousins ha* moved next door to u* und he has two sweet tittle girl* and a little boy. We will have s nice time playing. We are ex |iHct,ti|i Uncle Claud Hiutt to night. I will answer Kntio Bos tick's riddle. It wax it hawk eat ing a ehickcu up in a pine tree, t will clime by asking a riddle. Hicknmore hackamoro, on the King'* kitchen door; all the king's horse* and all the kivg' mej can’t ilrive hickamore luicka niun off the king’* kitchen door. With best wishes to the Heml ight. Bennie Hiatt. Bxsno. Dear Mr. Editor—1 will now grasp tlm opjmrtunity of writing a short letter. It seem* tike winter ha* started of n new to-day. I have I wen going to school about three months and s half. My teacher's name is Mr. W. C. Terry. I like to go to • ;hool flue. Thn school house i* about thrso hundred yard* from our house and I can gu home ev ery day and get » werm dinner. Of course I don’t mind that. 1 study (lev different »t ml its and l*» tisvo speeches every two weeks Well, onr seined will lie or.t nlxml the last of Maroh. I will clow . Alice McLean. Dear Headlight—1 will come In to Your colli unit for Him Ural time. I thought I tint I worth! tell yon that there ».i« three rone rabbit» in Richmond—one be tween I.nil I let ter'« and HolierdeJ one on the Dear hmncli and on< tOibann'a Mill#—mid one at|uir rel. Mr. W. A. Currie mid thor> ' w.H two. hut he killed one of tliein Well I will cloee for thin time. Mr. J. H Holton. ElAglRR. Dear Headlight—! will write for my firat time. I an a little boy 11 year* old. I an going to nehool to O. U. Reynold and Ilka him rery maeh. He t kind to tt« all. I am atudyini arithmetic, fourth-reader, a pel I ing and writing. Wa atw goir>| ta organ lea a Holiday aoheol at th bpring*. My papa, who haa I wet •way from home all the wlnte I wu»Hng in th* ml mill at Row ^ laud, will iwin be at home. We will be glad to see him. Mr. John Crouvh will leave ur. and we chil dren will tuias him very much. I will rh'se for this tiius. Ho[>e l will »ee my Mlur in print. Clydp Townsend. Eu.Mi*it Dear Editor—This i* the third time I hmn written to ytmr pa|ier. 1 am onlv nine year* old. 1 have two niau-m nml two brothers. I am going to8un day school thia evening at tho Springs and liope to son nil of my schoolmates thore. Aunt Fan nie Webb and children, and cous in Kate Howtick *| ant last Mihi dny with mama. I nm going to *i>end a week w ith uiy ciu.ain, Connie Cupel soon. I will clow? uiy ahort letter. flood bye Mr. editor. Ora Townsend. Wadesboro News. Mr. John Hnllivau and Win. Uoggttu. col., had some words in a l>ar room. Boggsn mvittsd Sul livan outside to settle matters. Sumetitne afterward Sullivan went outside the bar and waa ou hi* way to srenre bis horse for tfnr purjiose of going to his home. While |>aasing through a durk alley, ha waa abut through the liowela by Hoggtvu. Boggnn was arrested by Capt. Blake, after emptying his revolver at his cap tor. Sullivan will die. Uogguis ia now in juil. Murder iu North Carol).is is a common evil wild the oue least punished. Murder in Chnrlottn, murder in Raleigh, murder in Uainlet, murder in Maxtou. Where will it end? Justice when rightly meted is never or md, then let justice, swift and terrible lie meted to thoou men slayers. Whiskey in the Hamlet case, whiskey in the Maxtou case, whiskey in tlia ,.C|yutalte cose. “ Hr*lift j. U randy, teilw uf Ilfs. duurc* of lurnaMl. loll nod strife. • U I would half l.ty evils u-11; Tltevsiul* would laud the* naf* in bell." Thu Legislature will l>e rlsisod in history as the liody which at tempted much, bat but accom plisbed nothing. But they cost, the Old North State the usual per diem. Bill Arji, the Georgia sage, is going to die game. We wore a frsid llu»t lie would weaken ns th» end approaches. His latest on Ted and the puritans is one of hiu best. Billy dou’t weaken. To hates Yankee is go d religion down south. I don't mean a good Yank, (there is mighty few of them,) but these Mayflower fol lows; the fellows that lie on us; the fellows t hat steal from tu; tho ones that roll us of our good' name; the ones that slander uur ! dtuid. These fellows are tbs ones that no Southern man or woman should counternance. Go it, Hill, Bs Ornt and I'll forgive you that yarn you told nlmut getting up at midnight and adtniuiatarihg Bato man deops to one of your col icy grand-ohildren. You have made one-half the women love you for your t#iider care of the kids, but 1 don't Ijclicve yoti in that partic ular, Hill. But I’ll forgive you if you will go on cussing these miserable, money-loving slander ona Yanks sud their pig-headed president. I say, gn on Hill, and i’ll try and imitate you in. the pdrsgoric proceeding. A petition will be proven led to cnuuiy conimiaaionera to-day (Monday) praying for an election inMayfortlie purpoae of naoer turning Mta wiabca of our people in regard to whiekey. four mor< linen*** were granted by the town oommieaionara to retail on Satur day. Tbia moane via liar-room* in our town. What tha reault [ will ha, ia not kuowu by thia i aerlbe. March entera like a lamb. Will i it go out like a lion? Pretty i weather now nnd vegetation ia t jnat putting oat. P. B Harry ap the iuetell I ment hotaae. I am ont at the •) i bnr and hare to ait'down orben , wa hare company. F. r Bay your garden wed at H H. > Smith.

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