fHE HEADLIGHT. JOHN H. WALSH, Ehitoh. . w.%. omfffcroa. | nMraimaiiiH' ' 1 Ik |ra <* _ _ _ Thie tone of the Headlight w Nor 52, of volume 2nd. Next week ire will write, Vol. 3., No 1. We are cer tainly gratefUI to the people at large, for the (urge patron age. extended to iu, and we are especially thankful that ffonvutf of onr euhecribers have paid their vubecriptions Through the kindness of the gdod people, wo are In good trim for the voyage of 1903. The Headlight is on a solid foondatiou, with no dobta to encumber it, and good assets ft» sight, to give it an easy sail for the coming year. Wo havo tried to fight the batik* of the Democratic party, mm O party, but have always beep ready to condemn any* thing in individuals, that we thought was calculated to in jura the party. The party is right, but individuals, whoth-! er Democrats or Republicans, Shay in the name of their party, do things to advance their individual interests. s This is not good, honest pol ities, and sooner or later, Such action will injure their party and bring their schemes fo naogbt. * Tins m an off year in poli ties, «nd we hope "the land will have net.” The Hoad light ia tha people’s paper, and it will try to serve them 3T*n -aiJO faithfully than heretofore. No man outside our sanctum, can dictate a course Cor the Headlight to follow. It has no boss, nor Me it any favorites. It Stands for true Democracy under the untyo/ity rule, and a straight party ticket, whetb av ita legal nominees are friends or (bee. The flag we flung to the breese In our first issue, still floats in tri umph at our column head, god to-day, wo stand strong er in the affections of the people than ever before, and more than ever, devoted to the advancement and up building of all the material interest of oounty and State. Ti-i-WB , '■ Ul Tbs Legislature acted wise ly, though glow in it* action, ia providing fog the imme diato payment of tha second $100,000.00 for needy sobools ft is trqs, it is too Into to help these sobools this year, but if ft is paid in to the Co. Treasurers, it will be good far neat year. The L^btow Is being flooded with bilk to incor porate stills and saloons as towns. Is this the outcome Of the so-called temperance kgklatkm—the grandest k*e rsoordod ip North Car Vfllffl nWMIrT * Til# News and Observer of Tuesday, saps: “An oven sne hundred new suheerfh of* Ware pot on the list yoe t*doy.” The Headlight k Mbfaf 'sat ia toe, friend but net quite so I COUNTY NEWSi Black Jack Henry Bult hi recovering from the fever and is able U* rkW about a little. John Welch spent Sunday with •a. Mra. Barrington waa visiting hsr daughter Bn. Kelly Sunday. H. H. Covington is right nick w* hear.* lfissrs Ida Holt and Keilie Bo Kethin were visiting at Bn. Fan nie Tarty’s Saturday night and Sunday. Biss Lizzie Dockery'a school closed Bondsy. Sha treated the children to a lot of uicn candy, apples uta. tiay ye courting people that like to take a Sunday evening rids, widower* included, the land siuk is something worth owing this time sure enough. We are relia bly informed that it is much deep er and larger thou it wua last spring. C. I Robertfel No. 2. We ere hexing beautiful weath er for work. Will Thrower, from Lowell, Meee., whose home is in this coun ty, is here to put in the boiler* andvugiaes. Mr*. Ben Hudson is very sick at this writing. H ipe she will soon be out sgsiu. Gyp Hasty and family went to Deo Dee viuitiug Saturday. I Adem Csdieu received s tele gram Saturday, from Monroe, tolling him to come hxnuo at once tu the bedside of bit inullter. Fred Blackman, wife and liu!« Mollie Melius went to Midway viaitiug Saturday. Mr. Steene mid wife wont to •*« hia brother ami mother, Bun day. Our Sunday school waa very well attended Sunday—that ia right. Come out friend* end neighbor*. Let u* have a good school. A good Sunday school and pious people will be a groat help towards making our village noted for its piuty. D. O. B. Ledbetter’*. There was ainitiug at H. II. Mark*' Sunday evening. A good n tie min nee and good music «,w > the result. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah GShoofi, of this place, were visiting hia broth er Martin Gibson near Grorulske, loot Sunday. 8cm« of our farmer* contain plnle on begin uiug to thru over soil as s uae their li**t nurth* oda oi atralagy or they trill ba ool rir«M. A witlowur’a enwftahMM la gntwrally Tory cooete*. b.rt ■«*t emphatically lo tbu purpoer. Thar* van a aoeral gathering ol yoMMi people at W. 11. Tarrmr'e Wot* tfcUnrday night, and lha ati Mrlalraxtit araa both plaamnt ■ad aajojrabla. It a-miwM a* raty mask nf foeuaar ooaaalooa *• *>•«■» MU daain* tv mm any flat tering euaiplimenM. I Hit th yrting jwojila conanmndad than*. ant«M in good Mtariuwr ami than departed id tbo M oi bano*r. duWnbar. Oridt Fall*. Mka Rath Waltaa* left hat waab (• attend aatwoi at Elina, K.O. Mn. M. J, O'Brien, of Bofaar da), k aialtiag bar aoo, D. r. O’ Brian aod family. antrafing oMmmmm aoWa* ^ Maaam. Jobe Mload. Viator Papier, Mail] lUrtedd*. at *w Dee, and 1’lrs* Covington, of I lie1 Deadlight fume, sere visitors iu , snr town Sunday. Pshaw I H. T.t of. K»!>enlel, ware jrou expecting that the working people would get any relief from thia swaimi of the legislature. Didn't you know that the Cones, McAdotu, Odells and Tompkins influence was greater than all we factory people combined, except during a campaign. Mieses klary and Wilmer Daw kins ,md Miss Dollie Ormtby, of Uoberdel. were visiting Mrs. O’ Brien Sunday. Miss' Pattis Gibson, of MuJitoii, and Mias Sue Sanford were visit ing Mrs. O'Brien Sunday, Miss Ttrrie Dowd and Mr. John Hiury went to Gibson a few days ago. Miss Dowd went to have Dr. McT-enn do some dental work. -Qubler scents to be iu the lead fur tobacco tags. Boys ship him Schnapps, iUm Horns and all others you Have. Misses Retie Gal ledge anil Kale A Iden, of Curdova, were visitors in this section Sunday. Textile. Pee Oee. Mr. Parsons and family have1 moved to their home iu the cuuu Ujr Festns Frye and Mist Kan Hor tons wur» married last Saturday night at the residence of Mrs. Howell, W. L. Hteele officiating. Rev. W*. T. Rainwater is very •irk. We hope fur him a' speedy recovery. W# regret to Irani that Mrs. Hasty it on the sick list. Rev. D. C. Bntt preached an i able sermon at the Presbyterian church last Suuday evening, Sunshine. Brown Creek. The weekly visits of the Head light are looked forward to with much plmMuru by the writer. As its items contain much interesting information far her, will endeavor to give it a few fragments of aewt from Anson. We are glad to say t he chain gang ie making ranid program macadamizing the Concord rood through this part of Anwm. which will, we hope, bo a great benefit to oar people. Wc ard now trying for a free delivery Hope wv will succeed iu getting it hy the time the road is completed. Mr. Milton Tsai mid family, of Hot Springs, Ark., ore visiting relatives in this county. He ■ speaks of making this his faU.rt home. Rev. A-. B. Caudle, of Wadvs !>oru, is |>aitor of Brown Crick church,—his regular time is tlm second Sunday and Saturday bc fore. Mr. McDuuald, of your town ntid Mias Farr Hitnlly, one of Anson's moat charming young ladies were mnrriod on the even ing of Feb. Ufa h. in the Baptist ohurch at Polkton. The writor extend* many congratulations. The farmer* am making slow pAigresa toward another crop, owing to so much rain. A Frlsrid, Poo Dm No. 1. Mr. aud Mm. Ale*. William* am railing their aon at Tfuy thi* week. Mr*. Alien was mtaamonerl (>■ Moore county Jatt work to attend the funeral of her aged mother, Mr*. McKinnon. A. A. Hi-k* a pent Sunday with iia lit'illcr in the country. Mil SH.«lair, aper “deadbeat” nnl ntiasvd hiiu. Hi* t-xcnsed his l>ad mark utanship bv saying it tnku* an cx lrug Co'atto'c ' Phone 87 MOKMSON or not. A penny suvod is a penny made Trade with us and you’ll save the pennies. We feel very grateful to our friends for past favors and hope to merit their continued favors. Y M BOCCAN & CO. THE FARMER’S BANK, Rockingham N. C. Respectfully solicits your patronage and banking business. We guarantee absolute Security, Promptness, Accuracy and all Accomoda tions consistent with safe banking. Call and see us when in town ROUT. L. STEELE, President, LEAKE S. COVINGTON, Cashier. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Hon* shoeing amt doing Iron Work on Btiggjia oin Wagon* urn in my lin» of baain'***, anil 1 guui-iuti-t work auit prices to *uit. Work done promptly. Brine all yonr old iron*, hnwa and cop|i«r to me and I wi.l give you the highest market price* for it. _ Ed. B. Terry. Thankful. We want to thank our many friends and customers for their liberal patronage for tlm past year and solicit the same for the coming year. We fuel sure that we have pnt forth an honest effort to please our customers in prices and guoode, and will strive to pi vo lowor prices and letter goods | han we havo ovor douo !•: the past. We wish you all u happy and prosperous New Year, and will advise you whim yon want bargains to cotno and trade with BLACKER RROS., for the least money of any store in town. Yours, for straight, legitimate business, Blacker Brothers. Leading firm of Rockingham. Sand ford Building, neat to Riclimond Co. Drug Co. Polite attention to all. TMtfTIC(3/IcSTllNE „ ^^IncRpUOHFARf orl^ivfcu. ^—Between the— North ^nd South Florida-Cuba. A passenger service unexcelled for luxury and comfort, equipped with the latest Pullman Dtafatf. Sleeping and Thoroughfare Cars. For rates, Schedule, flap* or any taformn Uon. write la WM. A CRAM. Wilmington, PL C.