ML BKYAN TALKS. r i -'W^eru'H — ■ __. % ■5 : *•*•** ta«rlcl.-Ccta*«l W. J. ■tya* wa* la tha city liaadai arise ■aatoBa waa pmM apoa to to caaa politics. Bp tart at Up reoat rial'. ‘ taltawYorttaadadded that tha people ta that Mata thaw ha* ahoat polities ta* thay ta la tha Watt. kar.** haaaM. *irt 1 tart than? JnM aay Batata* aatll I kasw kia stuutds *krt ta wa* a |adf* artuT srartd*aot JMMI" Mr Mai ta dtaroaa political “What ta yao taimk HU Intends ta tar "Wail I thtak Mr. H1U la toaalnc a ■May ta pa* whathar ha ar JUp Par kta WIB rwa. Tha troobta with the plan ta that BUI haa aa aid paoay that ha kta htai aa oftaa that h* dossal taw which art* U haad aad which arts tataO." "What hara yoa to aay retarding tha raeora rt Oaactaaar “What Contras* has dooa ta aaaUy ■crirtalucL Ptaa aat haw moth than n* la tha Traaaory bsfor* tha session Wpaa aad tad oat how pitch than ta MW. Tha waatar U that thay dhlat tahaltaB.” Mr. tana dacKaed to dlacaaa (ha aad candidates ta Ua tat whan I Statement aa idt oa two aad preparation to i rt M. A political party ■art hara Ha principles; and It past •drocot# thoca policies It bcUarsa heat Mr tha people and than traat ta erects ta rtadhate the wtadaca of its none. "* Mu that tha Itaawcrntlt party ka* taken the paaptah tide at Iks p«b Ba tarthp dlsruaasd la UN and In Urt. aad I bailor* it H will aptatsta Ha Intasrlty and allow no deabt to artao ao to Bs Madly ta tha people's •art*. It wfll only bs a aaaattaa of **■*• aad art o Ion* ttas elUsr. before “T’kho- MO h* distasted With Ua path? of ths BapatUcan party *® rt»ta pat tha Dapoentta party to power woo, win from an tka demo of tka mapaMIraa Wo eaaaoc wto • victory by or eovardtor, asd if wo via • victory by rock M bo aa ftooatroa to tko party Clrvotod'o victory la lam to bo.” i'ji << •V. 'v \ii \ /' • r in I ' 'if_ r r v \ \ i r. t t. FLOODS IN TK Win _ l l**«to* P—«« Tbnrtmt at Ran? hM From Mtch Water. Otero, m, BpoctaL—Tk* aba.rrar Jhl tk# waatfcar bang kaa aaat ate , warming, la atom aoatk te Oak* to toy™ tm ml leant M faat at water. Vtetetekaia te tka Obto, Wabaab. Taw Cnbteud Hearn, ate to many ptocaa whora tka rlTor, war* toUto* tbajr ar* riataf acala. A rate tarrttory arouad ate beta* Cairo to ,aow aortrte wltb watar ate aair toman bar* baa* tonte to abaaton toter keana. WblU then u aa lama swa str'ssts.iEs totomtoa kaata Run Flv* Milan in. | |«n4, 1 Xttepkto. Bpacial—Tba rtrar. attar totoatetac atettoaary tor two daya, ba «aa to itoa alowiy acala Th# can* ■arXa H.t taat and aor* water coa Jteb Tk* tor*** remain Intact, ab a tore* ana at lowlatea aontb te Motoikto to aabaorcte. Crmeodec “jjoouatloa, ta Arbmnaaa. an to ateatad and aaaaa dlatna* Is raportad to* “ere. aapacially among negro tomarjkTbo aaoat aartou dUDeolty ta* railroad* an cxparlaadnc la ta ■atotela« acbteu]**. trataa brloc tooaa on* to tkno boura lata. Tbog M4a at paopto Unod tk* hhiff* ben ftog on tig mat anpnna* at water. Kuittatoa boat, gran na tr* mi la* Watar Up In Peurtli trad, at Loulfr Loeleffila. Special.—Tka Ohio dyer **? <***!* tha canal here JJ1 beti of a foot over the daanr I551.,lw‘*w!*iP*cU? °*** 8 Wfoot hUhrat la two year*, wiu WwpehjJ before Ua flood begins to eobdoa- Tba watar u now waUuptn ta Jburth Bract. Tba flood waa eatwad M hoara.™^ *# (kl rtT,r 18 188 Paa* _ Tba Pleod In Kentucky. , 0»«y>0“. Ay.. Special]—The bear T*4 2*5/°L“*V f**1 bare lea *• •Ma t*818* and Jt la o»nr all prarlaua Barks, wrapt tba raeord aC list. Tka emailer 888 at»« *«>«H tha coantry. ***** giro* enooar gyy*t tba altsaUoa ia eery Mrtoba bora and at other peiae alone tha tower Ohio rallry. »toar Tan MOaa Wlda “j bpaetel.—Tka rfyer {g.8**? atood nearly it Jy at 10 o’clock. It la believed that a*.rtTy yu contUne to rtea for a wooh. All boats are delayed Tha Hear Sly- and Owensboro le more than 1> miles wlda. Many town* be vWiBlboiu Alla Cairo ir# noor ** »ba «f07 - tha blah Anetfecr Flood Predicted. tBiclnaatiaportaLwn,, owo Hear, Web fall Sunday sight below Ua Banner Una of Mtfaet. haj been rtetoa hare again and It to reported to be rT** .at upper points Sain prevailed throughout Ohio, Indians. Kentschy. Teoeeeenj and waotarn Penasylraala. yU*4 ypthaf r* *" Pta^ctad Ule wank all along tha Ohio Valley. PoBctmoa 3lain -iTfr?*.fOT* **• br°*“ <** uiw I ® Watartury. u a malt of the blab freltop to connection wtth IM strike I «tf tho nxrtorreen and conductors on the street railway tins. Thto time It to aad PfeUremaa Pul Men .*»*. htoaoet uneonectoae. The ■to *hut. Wt hla aad Jotnod their compenPjae outside. Tram tola poire ?•? » mjm*n u4 in cob. tod arable apprebeaetoa. The conduo tor recataed hla feat with difficulty JJ* to the aide of lha wounded “tor. bet he was dead. VltmauiI at Norfolk. Norfolk, tin lal.—a fum vlad ’SSStarJw. E£, gk.’aaa.'ssttBTS te.-afsarcSS N»lf tacapad tha >»»*»» valla. •troaa PnvaooUotloa. xsnassassffi J* aattaloaa vtrb tba popular# and ! hraahtpf of vladova. Mararreabi < wii aih lit Ua poMea bad lvillj , ^*^nt«_«ha davMwatrataaa aad av GORMAN WILL LEAD Deaocritic Forces to Doited States Scaate Nest Tens. WAS CANDIDATE FOR POSITION Optalaf of Estrattdiavy Sfuba fllMtn el Orzulullea—Tba New BaOy. Washington. Special—Arthur Pa* Conan la again final/ seated In tha aaddlt aa leader of the Democratic party lit Coagrena. Ho waa selected at tha Democratic leader In the Ben ate. His waa tha only anaa suggested, aad be waa placed In nomination by Senator Bacon. The Democrats prac tically determined Friday to make Ur. Gorman their leader, aad hie re fusal waa all that could possibly hart stood tn tha way of earrylbg out the programme. When It waa suggested that the Senator would be aa avowed candidate for the Democratic nomina tion tor President and for that rea son hi would nut care to accept the reeponetblllty of becoming chief gnMe In the Senate, a done friend of Ur. Oormaa said: “The Senator baa no Intention of being a candidate tor the presidency Attar tha caucus adjourned Senator Simmons a aid: ‘Tha whole oo unify kaowa what Mr. Carman's leadership means to Democracy. Tne minority will hence forth, under hla guidance, be aggreaalre and wisely effective when unity of purpoee Is demanded. Although he la new to the present Senate. It Is not f ergot ten that ha has had an experience at 18 ysera." While, aa Senator Simmons says, the minority leys great store by the Maryland man’s actions In astuteness la akfrting tagUtaUre ptttalta. a more important political algnigcaaca Is at tached to hie elevation Remembering Ur. Oannanh Intimate associations with tha conservative leaders, there are those who see tn his elevation n tendency of the whole party organisa tion to retain to coesarvaUva Amt principles. Waahlagtoe. Special.—The Demo cratlc »»vtortal caucus which met Fet ter organised by electing Senator Oor maa to bin old poet tie* as chairman ol the caucus. This Ip a permanent Place and assures him the occupancy ad tha Democratic conference room, one of the moat commodious and beat located committee rooms la tb« Sen ate and of the eapltol. Ha mada a brief speech In assuming the chair, and the conference then proceeded to other hnslnres There were present lb of tbs S3 Democratic Senators. Senator Dor man's nomination aa chairman was suggested by Senator Bacon, and thsfs was ao opposition to his selection. In taking the chair, he thanked the Sen ators for the honor conferred, but did not make aa extended speAeh. The remaining time of the session was de voted largely to tha dla canal on of tha present attention In tha Senate sad tha necessity for Democratic harmony and unity of action. There waa a gen eral feeling that the vacs mein caused by tha retirement of Democratic Sen ators from commlttlcca which have to deal with gaeatiema before the pres ent call saaatoa should be B11M. and 9 was decided that the designation of the members of them committees teased be made by a steering commit tee, to bo appointed by the chairman Of the caucus, bat that tbalr salccllon should later be rattled by the eiacos. The »leering committee for the past Congress hag numbered only 7 mem bers, but flanstoi Dorman recanted that tha asm her should be Increased to t. which waa tha number In the day* of bit previous chairmanship, aad this la crease was decided open. Wilt Net Be Released. Washington, Special.—The A asocial ad Press la authorised by the British embassy at Washington to state that there la no foundation for the reports that Mis. Mayhrich'a release la con templated by tha British asthurlliw; that thero has been no recent corre spondence on tha subject between Washington and London, aad ao rep resentation whatsoever to the State Department, and that sons Is con temptai ad. Callaae In Rrsprien. Colima. Meg.. Special.—The volcano it again la eruption. The people at Tax pern are la consternation. Accord ing to ndrleca (ism that point ths erup tion eras accompanied by abowara of ashes and danse clouds darkening the sky. Soma have Bed to neighboring blits Many bouses and storm have been closed. Moot* HI* Brother. Chari—toe, a O., Itperlal.—A apeclal to The Nan ul Cooriar anyi that Friday moralag new Holly Kill. In ■—May eonaty, Frag Martin, a youg . white farmer, who Ihraa II mil— away, —do ay to the field who— hi* brother wag pleaching, aad without a word of warning, grad a long of boekebnt Into the abouldar at Ma broth—, Joel Mar tin. kllliad him loatantty. Ha lb— golrkty roga off, —marking that hla broth— had 'only gotten what he de earreg long ago.” Frag Martin rlilraa that hla broth— bad be— crlmlaall; Intimate with Me (Fred’s) wife. Castro'* Star? it a Da* Piasldaat Castro of Voaasoala >!■ a clnaa of tho l*M William Pot •rr M Ph'M/.eCphla. Who hod rauaaH* bmtoata latoroota ia Booth America Areord'ap to Mr. Pot In, Oaetrv It «<-r? bed of animal*. aad Impale* to hit B*la tha moat remarkable qnalh t»*». lalliag of lhato qtmlltioa prarelr, dion«h act n poet lac. perhaps, ta ht llfooetter believed. *i hato a do*" PraaIdeal CBetm sometime* baplas, "Bad im day I MW aa? 4a* carry lap a lira two rare fall? la hi* mootfa. I paaaad to aa* shat wool* happen. Tha dap pto'*< ifc* haa la his hoc aad aha hamadl aUlf MM aa opp than Ida ala M, ah* h el pad hstoaV ia (ha wo* daMrata ltd Mi* M. bM (aod U*r, aad a frw no *Mf*U Mlar departed Thereafter I kept ft «l* oa Uma. aad I aaeertalawt Aa Me wheaerer aa* Pad at *PP Record stated that Vslen ttaa Bliss Of Scraatoa. Pa, had do ddtd to eetahllab a branch atlk mtJ •t Roanoke, v.x, tnrssuxg shunt 110, 0*0, A aultabla building having bvcu Secured, a portion of the machinery bai been Installed, and Uu upora Uves begun work this week. There nr* twelve throwing machism Is position at present, but forty uioru Uavu lract|lrta| Co. hat decided upon aahin* extensive tnproTemanta to tta plant Thase Improvements were stated to laclede tha reminding of tta dam and retain* ewe from a batcht I of bar to ton feet. During the prea eat week John W. Hey a of Peterv bar*. Ve, wea eagnged to prepare Plans and specification* for' theta water-power improvement*. Tha corn p«ajr wlH alao carry out It* plea, na MPVtoaatp announced, to Install ISO loom* la order to manufacture It* jraraa lato doth. There arc C 000 spIDdUa la tha alB. About ICt.tOO i* beta* expended tor tha addlllooal mn ehlaery. It* Third Silk Mill. A din patch from Fayetteville, w. C. ntata* that the Aahley A Bailey Co. will build another aUk mill In that city, Bakin* ka third plant there. Site ha* been bought for tha third mill. Thin company 1* now operetta* 16.000 ■ptadlea and. 1,300 loom* at Fayette etUa tha drat plant haring been e* tabllahad eereral years ago, and the second on* hat year Only negrues are amnleyad la the company * Southern Bill*. The eoBpaay baa largo mill* al Paterson, M. and In several Penn sylvania town*. Textile Notes It la staled that M. W. Conway of Now Tork city. white la Jacksonville, Fla., receatl y. purchased 2.0*4.000 croasttea from dealers In that city. Thaaa ties an to be used In tba con struction of-an electric railroad from CatahlU to oraill. which t* 10 he com pleted by July 1 nest. Mr. Contra; pronounces tha yellow-pine heart crom Hoa of Florida well adapted for hie purponea. Tha door, sash, blind and building material business of the late Mr. John R Neoly pf Norfolk has been acquired by a Mock company which was char tered last wwek. The new company will bo known aa the Hawke-Maupla Com pany, and will begin business with a capital of S1MC0. Tha officers of Iks company are Judge L. R. Watts, prvwl dtnt; Mr. & W. Manpln, Jr., treaaurer, and B. 0. Hawks, aecrstary. C. a Men gel. Jr.. A Bro. Co. o( Louis rills announce that within (he next few months they will Import throogh Pensacola 1.000,000 feet of ma hngaay toga, the first cargo of which la now here. The mahogany le com.a* from Honduras, aad 2*0,000 feet ol togs la const is red a good cargo for a vessel- The product will be shipped to th« eompsay's box fxetory at Louis ville. Several vessels are now sn route there. Ta Fight Combine. Richmond, Spatial—It la reported ta Aasnelal circles here that the American Locomotive Work* la back tag tha ffsamcUf arrangements for the settlement of tha affairs ol tha Wo. R. Tries Skip-Ballding Company and thit this la tha baginning of as organisa tion of a shipyards to flgbt the Autsii eaa 8hip-Building Company. Lumber Notee. The ahipmenta of lumber from the poet of Jackaoarllle. TU, for tba mouth of February am out tad to 13, Tll.Gll foot, agnlaat 11.031,0X1 feet for February, loot, an tucraaae of 3> HUM foot. The largo new planing am and aorehr worta of the Dous'ua Mima larturlng Co. of Douglaaa. Ga. matted up laat week. The company turn* uH ntylae of woodwork, and haa or darn for mouths ahead. A charter has been granted to tie Haynee Furniture Co. of Franklin eoaaty. Teaaeeaee. with a capital ■fork of I11.060 The Ineorporatorn are i C Hameajr. A. J. Bar see. w. W Tocher and Fiord bun. The export, at lumber from the port of Mobile Inat week aggregated 1AM.731 feet, and tar the etaaoo IP, 177,1*7 loot, agaiaet M.eM.00] f«.t Met eeaaon. The abtpmeuta at aawn Umber Met wiek aggregated U7.1U e«Mc feeL Among the ahipmenta of lumber from the port of Uhartantae, a. 0. Met week were the atoamahlp ft. T. Morgan for Phttodcipuie with i.a#*r •00 feet. The ateemehlp Apeehe clear ed with Hill leaf among her earn for New Tart The Powell Farntter. Oo. of .Norfolk ▼». haa beau chartored. within rapi lnl deck at **A00 to HAM. fTbe of be at the company are J. P. Powell, eftrla* rice pnatomM: R. L. Powell, laoretary and traeeurof The John ■ ftaatiea Lembar Co 6t Part Worth, Ter a. haa been char laced, with n cardial ateck ef MiAOO The tocerpnearw* at* t. C. Conway \4 Cathie. Robert Craig at CMb-nia. M W Hewktca of VMMtoaa John K (fuertea aad li W. Uper of Vdrtk. LEGISLATIVE ADJOUINS A Lot at tulmii irewM Into ttis Cloalat Heura. Th« Oroeral Acsimbly adjourned Monday. The Bouse art at • o’clock and wee evened with prayer by Roe Oeorne F. Eatlh. paetor of Bdtnton Btreei Merit, odlet church. Tbt Journal wae read and ape roved. Mr. Watts Introduced a hill to pro vide for tha appointment of election Oflccra for municipal tlrcUoaj in Ire dell county. The blU was bussed nnder sntpeaalon of tha rules Mr. Wllllama Introduced a hill to hotter regulate the number of employe* of the Houae and to he their ealartei TU# asm* wna passed. Mr. Drtwry Introduced a hill to pay the sum of $S extra to laborers and employes of tha Houae. To appolat a Justice of the Peace for county %raa pautd Mr. Dougbton Introduced a bill to author]!* tha Stale Treasurer to pay Interest on corUln Indabtedneaa and the eama waa paaaad. Other bllla paaaed: To protect camera of lira slock In Tyrrell county. For »»>• tullcf of O. F, Kannedy. To appropriate Ald.000 for an exhibit at the 81 Lsnla Exposition To repeal the law establishing the Tarboro dispensary waa laid on the liM®, To •1X1 Power the com mission era of Duplin countlea to hire roovlcln. A bill to provide for the rnglctrattoa of hooka told In North Carolina wna wfutat, To appoint W. J. UcLeold a Justice of the pence for Bad Rprtngs township. Robeson eoanty. General Davidson offend a reeolu tlon (o appoint a conmlaaloo to reprs a«K th* State at tha 8t Lou I a Export, tlfin. Paaaed Ita lereral resolutions A reaolutlon in behalf of the lagtlto tlon* for the Deaf. Dumb and Blind, to pay mileage to directors. Passed. A resolution to pay actual railroad r*r* 5? *?* **«« « the House, and to W p- Portln IS for services to tha finance committee waa paaaed. A reaolutlon to pay IS extra to the laborers of the House was passed To provide a stenographer for the Supreme Court at a coot not to exceed H.fifiO was passsd. . TlL!“corPm'*« the town of Ronds, in WUkst county. A resolution to pay tbs pages U ex tra each. w **’ *°con To regulate the management of Bios eom’a ferry pasted final reading A roaelstion to apply tbs proceeds of too bond Ipbdf. ...**r- King, of Pitt, moved to have bis bill to proovlds for a constitutional amendment to divide the school fnnd between the races tsken up. The mo wn failed Mil ht entered hit protest. OoTtmor Dougbtoe In b b«B.urlfU) peeeh. presented to Speaker Oettla a ancdsoniB silrer B*rvtc« on b«hall of tne members of th« House. Mr. OnltlB reiipoodcfl In a most feeling manner. wblu *J® House chtared every word. self presented In an eloqueot ipjeeh a beautiful gold-beaded cane to Prlnrlpal Clark Hackett. to which Me. Darken fittingly responded, and In dclng so he paid a graceful tribute to his aaslitanu la tha dark's office. Mr Smith, on behalf of tha pagri and laborers of tbs House, presented a pretty gold-headed cane to Captsla Korr. door-keeper. Captsla Karr a re aponse was couched la feeling termi of tbanha to those with whom be had teas associated In the discharge of fata duties. CoL Loess, on behalf of the colored employes presented to Captain Kerr a pretty set of ehlnaware. This gift Captain Kerr accepted with thanks to his colored friends. Mr. Nswlmnd made s beautiful ■peerb la presenting a pretty gold headed ease to Captain Uneberry. as sistant door-keeper, from the laborers and pages. Captain Uneberry thank, rd bis friends, especially as It was an honor onutoal to an assistant door keeper. At the close of tha prsesntstlon speeches the members of Urn House sang Carolina, Carolina. Hesvea'a Blessings Attend Her." A Mil to Increase the salary of tbs teller In the Treasury Department from |7M to $t)t a year was lost. A Joint resolution waa adopted that tha Legislature adjourn aloe die at 1 o'clock, A message waa received from Ibe Senate ttaaam It ting the Information that the Sen ala had adoptsd the report of tha eootaranea commit tea oa tha ap propriations MIL The last ro>l-eal] showed 78 members present, and many of them made feel ing parting remark! During a recess waiting for tha transmission of final matt era from the Senatf many more songs ware snog, there was a season of general hand shaking sad good fellowship SENATE. Whoo the Senate course ad at t o'clock tkla morning If Senator! were praeent. Tha resolution by Mr. Lon. don appropriating llt.OOO from tha State Treasury, for an exhibit at St Lou In. provided the Oorvernor and his council Sad that there will be no de Belt la tha Treasury, was offered aad advocated by Mr. London aad Mr Brown aad oppoeod by Mr. Mitchell. r*saet Mr. Itoay the bill •ciendtn* ti e cl-srtcr of HanClftnaa wax recallod and tabled. It wee fjand tbai It taxed cveiy dug. rblikru and auexe In tbo town $j. Mr.* Aaron fnlruduced a bill the commlaxloiiirv of Wayne power In itsih it\v UirliJiy. Too Hour* bill to provide tnunlcIpM election ofllccia to.' tcwui in Iiudull pue-.ol. Mr. Webb off ere 4 a bill w pa>- 8. J. trie I too $ 17.30. Ido c*:.c u> itrlelga and euyxd three ,K;a expecting n Joe aou be tnu'dy;l.t ihnt be should bo remembered. Senators B.owu. bycacev Pax: i au.i toher* had a I r.i f ar cum so tnoy voice! tbe bill down. Tbo Hcueo till tn.lhorix.ud lLr.81.4H Treasurer to pa;, Intern; on rertaln Indebtedness parsed wltBojt debate. I l-uteasnt Clvveinor Tamer up pointed Evuctor Norris on the Joint vunurl'te* for enlarging the caplioi. The House bill to l*Uur rvauiate legislative ueiplnyee. Tble re.trletid iLe pngre In tho Honcc to II. to be retorted by Ue Bpcr.Ler fiom each congiexalunal dlafrlc; cn.l on» from Uie State at larpo. The pages In tbe Banatc shall l*o 7. The employe* la the Hause shall be IS, and m the Ben nie 10. This bill was offered hr lha Jolni committee. Hr. and Mr. T Lay or advocated the bill An am-nd m«n» by Mr. Brown giving the dour keepors and krot asslsfsulx mileage was adopted. by a vote of 13 to IS. The hill then passed. Mr. Sprolll hail th* olll to levy a special lux In Tyrrell re called sold tub led. Tbe House bill to appoint L. K. Hummel a Just lee of tho peace In Uvaovllle peered. The House resolution to pay Georg-' F. Kennedy for running the ttcera besting ptsat during tbe sasslon was passed. Tbe House hills to appoint Jnxtfre* of the pexco Is Pamlico end Cxudrn eon dice pcsacd. Tbe Huuse hill to Rppotut W. M. Surratt a Jostle* of the peace In Davidson passed. After the conclusion of the bnrlnsss on band the Senate adjourned cine die. NEWSY GLEANINGS. Ttoller polo li gaining a atrong foot hold la Indiana. The American Motor Boat Associa tion la to he formrd. President Roosevelt will climb Motto! 8haa*a'i peek wlen lie v isits the West The entries for live Brighton Bench stake strata title yenr arn 17IV1, against 027 a year sn. The fulled Rlalc* Supreme Court lute nlllrnud the ralldltr of the Mtclr Itran law rc-rulnting the practice of medicines The Hoesbm Imperial Academy of Science wHI semi nil expedition In seek Huron Tell, who Is exploring the Siber ian roast line. A lil.isxi gift for a Ultrary at Haao rer Oollcee. XodUou. Ind., has I teen made by Mrs. Kllnn Hendrick*, widow of the former Vice-President. Tbs country school teachers of I' win dratrar • (kaaaaad laaana la a alngla far, aad M*T ftkar Wrda wtl) da aa mUk. • RAM'S HORN BLASIS. HI broad olid will not bare the bis bead. The trot man aaaa lo dlfltculty n nil to endeavor. Naturallaji it an* cMxral to the eplr ltual man Stolen (rulta nra awect only to a da ran bed appetite. To pander to the lower feculUee It to paralyse the higher. Every erual blow aeara tha atrlkar's heart. The indolgencc ot tha flveh ilwarta the spirit. l ie men who never begins never has to break off It it May to mistake high spirits for the Holy Spirit External forms of rsllgloo often mark Ite extinct Urea. What we gain In form we may loos lo force. Misfortunes art Cod's call to now ■nlulstrica. Home people are planning already to mow (or a change of administration when they get to heaven. Earth weepa whan tha plough oota her IxJhom In tha spring, hot aha smiles when the resultant harvest ha gathered In. It la easier to sweep off tha snow of an act than to break the Ice of habits. Many pr.t aero Into tha rollectlon and then complain that the church la cold. The pedestal of professionalism will not give the preacher much leverage with the people. Tha world loses faith In tha church when the Christian treats It as a rad. Solitude la as neaeccary to tha soul as companionship la to the character. The grass wood of innocence burns Quickly amongst the dry Kicks of Tice. One of The Ruslan railway cony* laiils bu built a ipeciil Pallmao .ar, containing luxuriously fitted dia log, enioklng. elUIng and sleeping .-onapartmenta, tor (be note us of how er"iao» nonplea SEABOARD 'Air Line Railway Coub!« Dairy Sarvlc*. Edna Ktv Ink, Tups, AUuu, In (rims ud Mils EuU ttd VaL IN KEkKcr JANUARY 11. IDifi. " bOUlilWAUD. £>•11? Dolly No. ti htK n Lt. Now Tort. P. N.1L j J It pm It It o« Lt. PhllodMIpliU, *• *• 4 44 pm 7 30 Am I.Y DalUmorn “ ** 7 It pra ¥$imrn Lt. WoobloBtoo, W.B.Hy. • to p«o Jt 4f • » Lt. mohinood. B A. L. Jlttom lilpo Lv. Potoemorg. “ M l It 4m’ry.A. A W. I1, S M ss lt U es Ar. R.biki, LAN.. S II ns Ar. New OrlsisU A N . IlSys Ar. KsaTUIa.M.1 .A tX.L. in.e lUpn Ar. M»spbA_“ lllpn"»iu< XOttTUWAlUl ^ Mir Pali; Ko fa Hu. a I Lt. MmnphKH.CA ML. llUamaa 4 HI pm Lt. }4a«h>lila. " i~H | o »at am Lt. n*v o.'lmuM, L4K. • 1* pm . Lt. NuMU, L. A It. II 40 am . Lt. Muui^am'ry.A.AW.P 144 am |M|.m Lt. Baaoa, CL a(Ua."..T.' 4 DO am 4 44 pm Lt. Aurora. U.4W.O. lIHia ....'..... Lt, AUaMa, { B.A.L. 17 TO un I I# pm 2rAtAaaa, • 147pm UMpm At OtaaawoaA, 4 II pm t M am At. OAaaCar, 717 pm 4 IA am I^TWloiU:-*-Tlipm fTTnm It'' WUmiagtua, 3 I au taa_........ Lt. Thmlat. ~ 14 li pm I ol am Lt. luillna Plata. 3 ii la pm I Mam Lt. HaMaU, • I Mam II Ham L». Baadar***. * S 44 am 17»4|-m LT.kaHl.a a 14|am 1441 m Lt. W«ldoa. a 4 44am •*> ia At. FoippimII. a 110 am 144 pm At. WaAWVA W.ak..:..... a U\m At. BaMhooro.BlI.P.Oo.. 14*44»■ Ar.SamT»rt,OP« n.C«.. ttaa >-m At. PbHa'ahla, H.M’.AHt 144pm 4H« At. Mew York, » 114 pa IM *m Ho. 44 H». 41 La. Tampa, B. A- t. H;. 148 |m a 4 41 pm 11* -a a M 44pm 144 am Plaaa, " II la pm I 44.1 a • 144am 11(4.m a 144 am 1 It m a 4II am i:4m a ■!• am 147 pm a 114 am 4 44 ■ t W.4.B;. 7 44 am It ia 7U 14 lam mi m . A" “ t? M pm IHll _ ..jTw*. " a III pm 1I..4 >Ha tPaBp, mwapt Hamltp.-' 1 Coat rat ftma | tmafa Tiara |a.r l” a A. flAUNBV. Agin*, Rachlagfcami, N C. ABERDEEN & ASHEBMO R. IL ookukMtn ■ ncouL ■*. a •am IM AM It AM i9 \z V 1 Tuum, omTm^T