PRESIDENT FULLER JCWlUtlT ISociatiom - - _ Tfc—«■■«* WHM -ffwitf Hiwrtnr *8miin Feel 5 Like a $ Young | Man a Again" Ji ■} •< >■ * \ - WINCHESTER FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS "Hym Rivnf "Uadx^ "Ripyto^ Kyen am looking far roUoble shotgun sn» ■Rnirton, the kJad that shoots where yon . Mint yoar pa, boy Winchester Factory Loaded Sfcoqpn&dU: "New WTaV* loaded with Black powder: "Loader’* and “Repealer," .leaded vkk taakohaa. lnefat npao haring Winchester Factory Leaded ShpUs, and acciapi no-. others. ML BfaUWI KWf Trim_ THE TEST OP OOLD. ^gg&^aggrgfcsrg vssr. wa (*35 St Mr. J-W* fUUer. *P**< «aaa* aiMfla dMlifi fat ** «• •/ l»—< t# rt. W larnywym, aiaMi ay alfaaMma wm aaUa« (a Ml wiiir. )»4Ml<« IWk W1 »H map Mai 1 mat alM aaai •arymtayaad aaMpaaliry ranUi ... »aak M4 af Ika imylalal « latlraly nl Vayiya laaa. ■iUkMfk maU at »f»« laward (JU ■HattaP ipan a< maa'a Itfa 1 am y1""* •» • «MM aaar a*a ramiM, •ad/ml Itta a paawp aaaa a pa to.'*— e a fair dtridn all around and give tha 1 poor anther about 18 canta a copy Stonier Hoar * speech at Chicago la before me. Nothing since the war use so cheered me and Impressed me aa that beautiful speech. Why do can’t every newspaper la th# Booth copy It, or that part of H that pars snrh a tribute to tha Southern peoplo. When 1 inlahed It l would hav* bugged Iho old man. if he had been near anough. Un its -“My Ilf* politically haa been a llfo of raastaaf (trite with the leaden of th« Southern people, yet aa l grow older, I bar* learned not only to re spect and aatcea them, but I love the great quallt!** which b*long to my countrymen of the Southern fltatex. ! They are a noble rate; Wc may well take pattern from them In sotuo of tc* virtue* that give strength and glory to a free people. Their love of home; their chlralroos respect for woman—their constancy which enn abide by aa opin ion or a purpose through adversity sud prosperity and tb rough year* aad gen erations And there la another thing covetonaoea*. corruption aad tha low temptation of money has not yet found fry pine* In Southern politics. “My friaada, ws cannot afford tn live la a stats of estrangement from a peo ple who pom*** tb*o* qualities. They are friend* of ours, bom of our boru lug, laah of oar flesh. blood of our blood sad if I hav* q right lo npaalr for Manachuaetto. will aay, ‘Botreat me sot to leave thee or forsake time, where ■ boo gooot. I will go. Thy pcopl* rhaii be my people, and thy GoJ my Ool.’ * This Is only a part of It I have plac ed it la my scrap book along with tbs admirable editorial comment of The Conciliation. Tha senator spoke truly when be said that corruption T* national poll tire had not yet reached the Soath. If th* caa* had bean rovarsad our mtro bsra would not have s a east ad Butler, bat with th* northern members tha on da Justify tha manna Yaa, I remem ber from away back how tha old man fought us. My father was brought up to bta State and my mother la South Carolina sod whan th* Senator aad I wore la oar early manhood (wa war* bora I nth* asm* year) th* war began between those two States. Yaa. non tbaa fifty years ago, aad haa Saaa bit ter aad unrelenting ever Mae*. This ta tb* fine a go of a returning tease of of Jastie* that has teat from aay great uua of the Old Bay state aad we re late* (hat It he* com* from Senator Hear, th* (ablest Roman of Ik mu all. Its Influence will reach from Chicago to Boston and Its geaarou* scatlamoto will thrill every breast la th* South land I can aotkias tor Mr. Mooatralt nor lil* lata lattar. t an too old la ba da erfrad by wordy paragraph* Win hr rrtract* bla alaadara oa MTaraon Davla aad apotaglam tv bla widow ! will bar# aoaar an add anc* la bt* boov ar.d bla proftaaad good latrntlonr. but aot a*til Uca If ba la a gaotfmaa ha will do that. If ba Is M • caatlraan bo woart. and that la all thara la la ll. Tboaao ItMaow Pag* aad Harry Mill* wall ltd ward* aad tfe* Matbodtot praaabar at Otaclaaatt. to tha runtrary rotwUhataodln* Sawator Hear wrmld ant hava attarad and pufaliahad thorn ataodara aad If hr bad door U sawrtt tlagly, ba wowld bar* long if* nod* tha Wiati baaorakla. 'Hlaadar I* rharprr tbaa lb* awnrd. It* braath rldra oa tha porting wtada aad It* loogn* Mtrmaa *N tba worm of t*a Nit*.1* Muaaaratt la a atabboru. res • rltrd patltMas. Ha pralhaara to hr > frlasd to tba doatb. wbaa ba la aat. If wr arsd a aaaaal to a foratgn minty aad tbay da aat Ilka ktsi h# la re raltad baaaaa* ba la ~aaa mats arr as**." Haw Mark atarr carats! rain'd •ba praHdiat ba «a agganat ao oar to odist who la aat craladol to oar owa gaunt*. H Roonrrrtt I* a frlaad what athn Mai bra# aa ibaatag Dr. Crao aa lha »•«*•» of a grant rlty Mho rarrimtaa. AM tba aagra la aa rrro Industrial Mature At Ocala. Fla., last weak ti. W. Goelha A Cix, of Colllua. Ox. parchas *1 1* 000 acrci of timber Ui-tJ tiom N. W. Kill* for 110POO. Another aala la reported at 10.000 acres by W. W. Ut mao to Pa;ersoa A Koitnda lor lha um consideration. Tba turpentine and tim ber Industry In tbs Ocala. section at prssant la remarkably active Tbs '.umberman of Memphis. Tenn., have determined to begin shipping -heir fialthad product to New Orleans by Dtui of bat pan on account of the freight goitssailoii. A local Insurance aK*rt last week was asked ^o place marine 1naors*» on three barges with o»»r a million feet of lumbar consigned to Maw Orlorra for export. Ths On.v-hita Loth her Co. of Ara na*. Ark., was Incorporated last weak, with a capital slock of ptiiCCn Tlio company will n-ecu taolu re ond sell lumber and tlnibdr and bundle real relate The oUteein of the company are Luther Crests on. president. J T. Hit Cord. vice-president. J. L. Whltchnrat. unitary, and D W Chandlrc. trees nver. U !» stated that Mi. C. R. Sharill of t'aiSurxh. Ky- au cxteoalve Inmbcr o>tn who **« hc«a on a trip down thu Gulf St Ship It'lan I Railroad, has auulr 9iutra.'U wlih a luge number of mill* alonst that line of railroad lor their entire output of lumber. Krona March 1 ratil June 1 Mr. Sharill expects to ahlp St>a exiluvta of lumber a month to the North. The Scotland Mttls Co , with head quarter* In darloneirlllc, Fix., has been .-bartered, with a taplml XjOek of SJO. 000. The company proposes tu buy. sell end hnnule fur lla own ne. ui un elmmlvlon timber. lumber and all Hilda of Bay-mill product*. etc. The Iseurpoi store of « deserted the Democratic mrly, died on Thura dty last at his home in Valley View, IVnaxylvanix. axed 7« years. He went away to the civil war a Democrat, and when ho returned the Idcntled himself with the Republican parly. When toe Bible Ibe guide of men all men will knew It la the gift of God. Ho" iii*u? YS m offer Uii*> Huadfrvt l>oilm I’, award For M.v of Catarrh I but eoeoot bo rnrad h/ HaU’a Cauirri* Corr. V. 1. (‘aotit A U.. Preps.. Triads, 0. We, thenndereito. H. ta% -• '.wray.J.Cba ■•y ?orth«la>i. !fc*aeh, aH i>clt*ve hju n#r -tiT a?nomb:e t.i aft Uurin*4 cxesoctfoat lard ftpaaeielly »h>t« iajttj out oblige tiro mala by tl*oo Dcvggjats .Toledo, WJALBTXA. b»>AA*XUVa. Fll04Ml< Dnt> fjU. Toledo. Oalo. Beil'a Oaten b Oureia Lskta Internally, act • h'f dtreatly *pou Un Uoo4 end loiiCMaMO faoee of the ayaUoa. Price, 7#r. per bottle. Sold fcnr ell Dxtajpclsto. TaaSlraouJaii troe. Heira Finally pule are tba beat. lt'e no hiu for « woman to suhsr if etn has to MtVer in illaaoa. P7T* nenfittaartv ^hn*«.py«li or narm ve aaea after first day a esa of Dr. 3:U.a> Greet | Kerre Jteetofer.tlwl el boltieeed treatise frwi • Dr.^K. Kura, Ufi.. m Ard»tH..Pbl^.Po. I Tbe girl »bo war He* in baste fa «ouiC iunsA obliged to walk boma. M*». Wlaelowa (ieothlaf ajrray fo» child ran loth incf,nof leu tike Kama, radar*** Inreazm t^a,nlie>aya1n ,mireewtadaolL\3Ac. ebottf* Tbe »an with roe foot to the grace finally Rate there wivh both fast. Oua far Oooaaapthm li ia lafUHbla nadkina tor eosglaa end colds.—*. W. Gasoil Oca mo qwra 1J.. Tab. IT. 190J. * flirt. Enmeip, saved from ■ an operatiou Isr Ovaritis, tells how she waa cured by Lydia E. Ptakhaa'a VefttaWe Compound. "liaae plane*t with the nwalte I obtained from I.jtla B. Ptaiihui'i VeuetftkU Conpownd that I (Ml It a dot; aad a privilege to writ* you about It. *• I wfmd lor over Sro yean with ovarian troubles, coring an aa plManm dlrekerge. a groat waabaoaa, and at Uao a fatntooaa wonld oome oror aw which no • mount of medicine, I diet, or Caere lee Warned to correct. { Yoor Vegetable Compound found Ibo nwk a pot. botrercr. within e few w«k. —and noted me from an operation — Ml my trouble bed dis appeared. rod I fmied myeelf ones more healthy end wo1!. Word, fell to describe the real, true grrlcfal feeling that U in nay heart, upd I rrr.ot to tru every deb and nuncring ihtrr, Don’t dally with medicluM yon know nrth •af a boat, but teiie T./dja B Pink hone's VegutaUe Cenironad, and teke uiy word hr It. yon will bo a different woman la a abort time."— Msa r.Atma Kwjtara, ITalkerrlllc. OU cttar— **•' rwt hredlate te write to Mrs. Plakham If them la anything a bent year cnee which yen Ho awt under.m ml. Hhw will treat yea with klmlnc sod her nil- I Tlr" Is free. KMl sarjiM!.7!*r *• -* nMagrgtmm^amNw, I The presence of beef trie in die n tore of the Mississippi Illver st 81. Louie was asserted before Special Halt ed State* Supreme Court Oonmls stoaer Frank 8. Bright, la the hearing of the Chicago Drainage Canal case to tter. Dr. A maud Harold told of tests taken two rears ago. showing tell a bacteria In slat sen drops o( water taken from lb* Chain of Kocka, eigh teen miles north of 8t. Loots. “The de structive power of this number of bac teria la all eafflcltat to causa serious A woman can hate what a man does, yet lova him for doing It There la nothing so knnlllitlag to a woman at to faint when eh* Isn't dressed for If. A girl gets at much axcHrmaat out of aa encagemiut aa a man dona out of a stock marksf panic. Any woman would cheerfully wear shoe* with kolas la the sole* to be able to print a fashionable street number os her rutting cord. Every wife has an Idea that If aha ooeld Induce her husband to sleep with a stocking around bit throat It would bo a aura cur* ter hi* roll Charles J. Capes *culor master of the Boston Lstln flrhool. has bees t teacher In that lastltntlon for fifty year* Last week bis friend* presented the school with n handsome portrait In oil of the votaraa Instructor. While Mr. Cepsn'a record U remarkable, that of Miss Harriet Caryl, of the earn* my la more to Mias Caryl entered the high school *a s pupil In IkU, the rear the tegtltntlog was founded, and three year* later beremo a teacher. She has remained la that position eoatlnaoualy ever #*»«• Asthma "Oaa •» my ImMri bad a tarribla aaaa at utbaia. Va Mad afaaott aasryibiad, bat adtbate ft Had. Va tbaa triad Ayar'a Cbarry hatartl tad tbraa aad aaa bah ggp§4 htr.M —Imm ita# ■Maritadtr, LtajariMa, O. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral comtnlycurcs many esses of Ittfaoi. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night oooghs, and hs£d cokls. WITH NERVES UNSTRUNG AND HEADS THAT ACHE WISE WOMEN BROMO - SELTZER TAKE TRIAL BOTTLE lO CENTS DROPSY i ti tur ninor nu. jEfcNrareaas t?~n. tiL Kir^-a oral, I r T'f u nizxL^ cu. ! $95 Every Day! Well Auburn to Drills | OlfBUllSdolohPfHinn'nl W# • Cl «n)/K..»«rv •! rt«» T1 *■ VTsti v«r OM Im«-Jsll4«| ] lows MixvmE co , nn, owo. A broken Record Young Dunderhead's proud molarr toll* her friend* that be baa certainly broken the record. (Inly lour yearn oul ' of college- that la, of conrae, be didn't , graduate, hnt he left four yep.ra ago, you know—and here he In purchasing agent lor International Ivory at a sal ary of $I3,0Od. She soya she baa often remarked to her husband, who has the coatrolling Interest In I ale.'national, that she does not believe there was aver torn an Instance of rapid rdvanra tnent of the yonsg mao under the re gime of competition. -4 All women are good ar’icvse* off the I stage; and mighty few oa !l. "^"GoldefT^uIe™^^ of Agriculture: B« coed to jrctir land anrl your crop will be er>o«J. Plenty of Potash in the fertilise. quality am) quantity in the bar* * west. WitlC cs tin) Ay we will send you, jti /r/r, by next mail, our iTMtuey winning books. Ofctnv* iuu wxt, Jj 9# Rum Urn*. 1 o m/ The Great Spring Komvdy. AA» lUe ripn «f *>o:« M l*k y«u are l«Ua I* r«*l ih im I «f * twitr, liuUtt ltd BLOOD PURIFIER. VOW WANT TUI; WOT, OF COUR'.i; ; Til VI H RHEUM ACIDE. ■ ■■ «■ u * t-t aMBHanaiarsi ., _, „ K-wa-fcaOy r(fn^*nM)Ml f rulU «a-s»cl» *t tmim, «,« uJ*. MaMwil*i«ertU9 1*4*4/ Tr*Jhmr *»4 *.i J^wiart uk^g Crvm iTft7-'l-«.f 1 “ 1 r ctn.ig h. iy.y.. *"•■" •**"« w-*** » What the Wat 3a«Mr«. A lawyer who ha* rhara* of the i roflet-Uon of rant* of a lar»* tenon rat on (bn anat able waa re-.* oily »laited by aa old lr*ab woman, who. after tnnrh permaalott had bean la-lnred to root* down Iowa and pay her rent Tbe law) *! '• r.fltof waa oa om o( lit# a peer door* of a targe <,«<•* building After tbe rent had bear |>nfd aad tbe raeotpt glvra. Uia old wotnaa waa therwn out lato Ike baitway hy the (dice boy. Tbe lawyer fonad bar la tba • lew rha itoa later, wbaa be ban ooenafon In ro la* iiii-i tn-tm - l» iL« iMTpaitou nf II ^#*|! f... /.«:.«» Itlit itnbt ! TV '»«'» «'/ ■Of' kta>p i» b# rtpkln* Uati t,*it opinion. pfvoaa mwfmm ALL WEAKM Or r« lOHtt Tint's 0,i«a?r J _J Uk *# 4m^CCC tow* 'm Mb 44VM W tft» *«J»t «4» L n a MS 4U g«4/* MJftCttllMpirtlflWlI*