HKB rr ..ii -■ —i-i. j WW.M H. WAL8H, Sane*. K HID AT AfAHOH The headlight's anni versary. The Headlight celebrates its second anniversary today. This is done through the kindness ef friends Who have jpven us 0 very large sub* ■sbription list, one of whioh are are justly proud. Our &»onty circuhttion is eepeci dudly large, and we have a jjood number of subscribers to {fee adjoining counties of tfo* States, with about 150 Id As other States. It is read in Dsleware, N. Y., Ve. tfia., Ala., Miss. Tenn., Ark.,-i “Tews, Mo. and Arisons. Jim circulation commends MAS all advertisers, as a very desirable medium for ex pending l heir business. . Ad heretofore, this paper priH labor for iha advanoe* pwS of all the material- in* kereata of county and State, dnd will bo the advocate of peoe Democratic doctrine. M*t while it will be “Derao dratlo to Jthe oore," it willal frays aaaerd to o vorvbody the privilege At freedom of Abonght. freedom of speooh’, freedom At action, and the right to oberieh, enjoy, and Advocate their religious and political views. Absolute Akirfcess to everybody, is its Jhofts. ft frill claim and exercise, ■frig necessary, the right to ♦ritiotae the pnMie acta of jfflriihof any party, State and ooanty, belt ring that so called public officer*, are merely Utenavajm of their LORDS and MASTERS, the PBO Mf; but under no circum ♦Mncea, Fill it reflect on pri watachatacter, or permit any one to do to through its eol jtutae. We lore oar friends, And while we don’t care a fig far pur enomioa, we wish ♦hem no harm. And now for a Bail over ♦he sea of 1903, over waters which today, are calm, and leaned by gentle breeze*. Bat era We reach the port of • 1904, the winds may howl ♦nd waves ran strong and Jrigli. May this not be so, frot par craft ia water tight, And storm-proof, and believ ing that aha is abundantly Able to weather the gale, we ArfW in oar anehur, unfurl frer aplls, ggd let her go. to Vkd«M we say to axpreee Mr appreciation Of the kind and rained eerrieea rendered by ogr e*ael|eftt correepood ante, a* **«»** tnd word* that «ri)l gjra adequate ex praaskm I® onr gratitude far ymirlhJprfnem, ?promptness dod regularity in this work. X uply are tee indebuc. to «rwf far the phenomenal *oc> aeaeaf the Headlight. if |f taro years old today, a>d Jf Jr strong aod ready to Mart ewt on He third. Will yts net e f tg to of as we allot to yon? Wo heifer* yoo will, aod we will always etMMO aaekto ulelte m1aL J«Kir WMKlf yiciui w^f) pleaaeot feelings, god a liaastw tf . e ^11 m4i f ij-m. . tl^ofej ItWUliy^iJl WwKXlMI We SfppOftfally, oordially, AM ffroeMly In rite ail **r a trees pendents to write op jterly. ?a; - ■■ " .. . TO OIK UtJll/JUKN Colt* BRRPDNDKm Well, children, when we a*ve yon a column in the Headlight, wo thought we were doing tana groat favor, hut later, we ascertained that you were of more service to us thau we were to you. Our relations havo been mutually pleasant, and mutually bone ficial. Your letters havo been a help to the paper, and they have helped you too. Now we extend our heart felt thanks to you all, hop ing that you will continue to use your portion of the (ta per. There is one thing you sometimes neglect-it is this,—you fail to answer some of the questions asked by others. Now, when a cousin asks a qumti in, let any one who can answer it do so. It does not matter if all answer at the aame time. Let ua all try to do our parts still better this year When we write, let ua do our beet, every time, and it will | improve ua more than we can imagine. Hurrah tor tho Headlight and tho doar chil dren, for 1903! Children’s Letters Kockimham. Dear Headlight: I will oorne iu the CbiMni’i Col umn for my fourth time. I will ■newer Sharper’s qurttn n', I think itiaaditcb. I naked a riddle once, but no one anawervd it. Tie* riddle wee—’*Ahd for this dull country. WiM some one please send me the wont* iif lie song, “Oo and leave mo if you want to. lkirtn Haywood. Ellxbbb. Deur Mr. Editor— I liuve divided to write a few lines | to the Children's Column for the |second tiros, at my first eecu|wd , the Watts bail at. I have no pots except a little biotin,r who ia to cute trying to tulle. Sister and I are going to school at Ellurbo i Springs and euj y it so much. | The teachers meeting ni held with our school at the springs not long since. Wus sorry our super iuteudeut could not be with ut. There were f«nr other schools present. We had spelling, essays, and speeches. Our school spelt afaiust the other four schools and f am glad to say they did-dot beat u*. 1, for one, did not have to tit duwn at all, and it was decid ed by the committee that my sis ter had the boat essay. My little frieuds, Oniric and Bennie Hialtt, sud'inyaulf, went with {Mips on a little bird hunt not long since and Oh 1 what fun to see tbs dog set the birds and see them fall when shot. 1 will ask a question, what is the oldest town in the United Stales, aud by whom settled. ' • Tut. Last Notice. All persons who have nvt |Mid their land taxoa nre hereby noti fied tliut nnloaa they pay thl*m be fore the first Monday in April, the aaid lni:d» will be advertised fur sale first Mnndnv in Mnv next. T. 8. WlilQHT, SliorilT. L. OeiiObiKdON, L U. W'fLLiAMb T. 1., CAUDLE. LAWVE..8. A an Kan Zhtati lgi«n Office in Bauk Unildlne, HAMLET. K.C. JOHN W. LbGRAXD, Attohnkv-at-Law, Rockingham. N. C. Prompt attention given to all Ian liulhn. Hvnl Ratal* Agent. OUta ovrr Hlehmond County Drug fWi »io a •J1ow«7 MORRISON & WHITLOCK ArmwiypAr-Li#, turn nut BarriTn lortr*. hrtrklrghain. K. C. A. ft. DOCKERY, ATTOKTirr-AT-tAW, KOCKIKOILAM, N. C. W. M. KELLY, ATTOkWFY-AT-LAW. Rockingham. N. 0. JACK RABBITS Ar* *o*ruo in this non km, bn: tlvtro i* noec»rdty ul grocery store*. Hotrorer, tx>!iiud the Coort House is now liMult|it«rt«r» for HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES, Country produce, He. I haodla cotton »aad hulh, maal, ahip-atufT, tinware of aM, fruits, nnta and candies. I also carry the beet grades of floor, sugar, coffee, maal and molasses. Respectfully, Henry H. Smith. Hinson Brothers Are wtill in the market hnainnw at I ha old aland. They keep i he boat ef everything ua cheap aa anybody van nflual to aell live aaua grade of good*. Oar Livery Business wta novar in butter ahape than it it now. We have juat receiv'd a uew lot nf bnggia* uud can fur ni*h handeomo teaiua at renaoii nhle price*. Come to aee ua when yoa need anything in either of tinea. We will eerve you prompt ly end politely and always with the beet. HINSON BROTHERS. Land Sale. Ty virtue ol the power contained In adeed of trust executed by Calvin CCiol.olsou and wlfu Haley Nioltolscn loG. F. Morris, Jr.. A. B Morris eel try qne trust, sad duly recorded In the eWer nl the Uegiaierof Heedr fur Hleb miutd county, in book HUH. prvgcSM, 1 will on Monday the 80th day of March, 1908, between the hours of 11 a. m.and8p m.. sell to the highert tedder for cash at the renrt house door In Hjcltinirliam, the follow in* ascribed tract or lircel of liu.a. towit: Begin ning st a stake black jack pointers and thou West 16 SO to the run Of Hell's enreh, then down said creek to Annin 0oTinft. il'* Hue, then with licr line K 21 chains to tlie beginning contaiu- J lug IT acre* Fora fuller description j see buck >' K N, page 32 of public rce- I or of Uicltinond County. G. F Morris Jr., trnatrp. I K. X. Foolc, Aut. | This Feb 21, 1006. We Have Just Opened The Dixie Grocery Co., $ikI Hitt now roady for business and o&n serve you in any shape or form. We have a complete' line of heavy and fancy Groceries at tho very lowest prices. Will he glad to solicit your trade. Call and lot us make you sonvt interesting prices. Dixie Grocery Co., T. A. COVINGTON, Mgr. A LIE NAILED. It iSsaid'by some that merchant with limited cnpi tal can’t cape with men of large means in offering bar gains. It Is not so, and I’ll prove it if you’ll call at my store, whet* I have a hue litis of all kinds of Heavyj arid Fancy Groceries. I’vdgot to sell, and I’m going to soil, and if you don’t get thp bonoht of my IX)W prices, ita your own fault Come in a iun. ‘ E. W. WALLACE. k -■* I ; . ' * -...{) m WOMAN! Stop* pbyingthd'high time pticoet, when you1 can the very snirna Clothing, Shoos, Hats and Dry Goods less than half tho price. It is very easy lg Inty on time, while you H^e buying, but hitter as rod popper on pay day. Remember i wo do no time* hminoss, and don’t Joso on one and have to \ make upon you. Btri fitly low prices for higli grade good* Come and be eon vineed for yourself w—mum .. m. j'«r j—ij.r-g- I Yours for Buaiuosa, Arenson Sc Stissman. JRV"Next door to Lilli* Rrotlun. How to Fatten a Poos* Hor$v For fattening amt j/vbi" I'fa and Mronglh to horse or rt.nlo la poor condition ono 25-cict package of Ashcraft’:! Coalition Powder* Is a qua! fo 10 bushels of cord. The powders hy correcting the diges tion creates n herlthy appetite, then all tl>e food is assimilated and nothing peases through the animal undigested. , Ashcraft’s Condition Powders la a strictly high grade preparation aad every stockman who uses It gels full valae for his money. "I had aa old horse la vary bad eoadMoa generally. Ha wee thin aad had a Mmd diaaaaa which we* ceasing the hair to ooase off. I neve hr Mil three does* of Ashcraft's CoadMoo Poerdere a day for 7 day* and fed Mm Kberelly. The nppetita of the animal Hn pro red from the And few ddses and he gained 52 pounds in flcM daring the week, aad ha eras made almost a new horse. I moat heartily recoin ■aad Ashcraft’s Condition Powder*.—C. C. Siena, Liverymen and Parnsss, Meases, N. C.” 25c. Pickets. Sold by A. VI, FLOWERS. ANNOUNCEMENT OF “■“““Removal. We wish to announoe the removal of our Drug IJusi nees to tlio stand formerly occupied l»y McRAE’S DRUG STORE. Wo aro woll prepared to serve you here nnd are mak aomo desirable additions to our stock especially in Stationery, Toilet Goods, ■ Tobaccos and Cigars. . . Our genera] stock of— DRUGS, MEDICINES »„ SUNDRIES is also kept complete We WILL SUPPLY THE DEMAND, and if its something from a Drug Store you want we will not disappoint you. Dr.N. C. Hunter&Bro. DRUGGISTS, Rockingham, N. C. YOU CAN SAE MONEY By truding with nin. Wo keop everything in the «mting line mid h little saved on everything used on the table, will enable yon to live cheap er uud butter. We keep Cullliod Goods, Huron, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Fish, Cheese, But ter, Cabbage, potatoes, Apples, Bananas. In other words, I keep a full line of Heavy and Fancy Grocori«-s. Call on me. We would like to show you around, whether yon wish to buy or not. A penny saved is a penny made Trade with us and you’ll save the .pennies. Wo feel very grateful to our friends tor past favor* and hope to merit their continued favors. Y M BOCGAN &. CO, THE FARMER’S M'il, Rockingham N. C. Respectfully solicits yonr patronage and banking business. We guarantee absolute Security, Promptness, Accuracy and all Accomoda tions consistent with safe banking. Call and see ua when in town ROBT. L. STEELE, President, LEAKE S. COVINGTON, Cashier. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY. Horan shoeing nml doing Iron Work on Bnggios and Wn;»nns are in my line of liuainnaa, nml I gtmrnnltn work nml |>rict« to nuit. Work done promptly. •11 your old ir«M, bmsa m.J topper to me und I will give yon the highest market price* for it. Ed. B. Terry. Thankful, Wo want to thank on: many (Vioinla an I customers for thoir lihoral patronage for the past year and solicit the same for the coming year. We fool suit: that w«) have put forth an honest effort to please our customers in prices and gooods, and will strive to give lower prices anJ Letter goods Itan vtj have c*v:r don) in tha past. We wish yon all u happy and prosperous Now Year, and will advire you when yon-want bargains to coma wnd trade with BLACKER DKOr-., for the least monoy of any store in town. Your)!, for straight, legitimate* husinois, Blacker Brothers. Leading firm ol Rockingham. ®6f“.Sandford Building, next to Richmond Co. Drug Co. l’ollte attention to all. TMHTiG (g/lST LlNEr ^^TneRjuahFARpaT^iVcu ^—Between Itle— North .and South Florida-Cuba. A passenger service unexcelled for luxury and comfort, equipped with the latest Pullman Dining, Sleeping and Thoroughfare Cars. Per rates. Schedule, flaps or any Informa tion, write to WM. f, CRAIO, Wilmington, N. C,