Miss 'Hapgood tells how she was cured of Fallopian and Ovarian Inflammation— and escaped an awful operation by using Lydia* E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound* “Dear Mrs. Pinkham: —I suffered for four years with what the doctors called Salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes) aDd ova ritis, which are most distressing and painful ailments, affecting all the surrounding parts, undermining the constitution, and sapping the life forces. If you had seen.me a year ago, before I began taking Lydia E. Pink barn’s Vegetable Compound, and had noticed the sunken eyes, sallow complexion, and general emaciated condition, and compared that person with me as I am today, robust, hearty and well, you would not wonder that I fcel thankful to you and your wonderful medicine, which restored me to new .life and health in five months,* and saved me from an awful operation.”—"Miss Irene Hapgood, 1022 Sandwich St, Windsor, Ont Ovaritis or inflammation o’f the ovaries or fallopian tubes which adjoin the Ovaries may result from sudden stopping of the monthly flow, from inflamma tion of the womb, and many other oauses. The slightest indication of trouble With the ovaries, indicated by dull throbbing pain in the side, accompanied by heat and shooting pains, should claim your instant attention. It will not cure itself, and a hospital operation, with all its terrors, may easily result from neglect. i “Dear Mrs. Pineham:—lean truly say that you haws saved jny life, and I cannot express my gratitude to you In words. . “ Before I wrote to you telling now I felt, I had doctored for over two years steady and spent lots of money in medicine besides, but it all fdr, nu orrwid \4 v mAiiHAA did nnfc ft linear in that time, and I suffered much pain. I would daily have fainting spells, headache, backache and bearing down pain, and was so weak that it was hard, for me to do my work. I “I used yohr medicine and treatment as directed, and after taking throe bottles if JbjrMa K. PinVham’s Vegetable Com pound* menses appeary'd, my v.fml ■ traw. bles left me, and I have been regular evet since. I used fourteen bottles of Lydia E. f*ink ham’s Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier , ^ together, and am now restored to perfect health. Had it not been for ' you, I would have been in my grave. win always recommend your wuuucnui ivuicuicp, «uu uvpo «**<»« these few lines'may lead others who suffer as I did to try your remedies.”—Mrs. T. C. Willadbbw, R. R. No. 1, Manning, Iowa. Such unquestionable testimony proves the power of Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound over diseases of women. • Women should remember that they are privileged to consult %\ r^pinifhfl.m at Lynn* Mass«y about their illness* entirely free*. * . . v v So. 27. -— t Want Wider Markets. A petition oS 35.000 business men of New England, most of the Massa chusetts Republicans, declares that “j^tnre industrial and commercial poli cy of ^England depends, upon ob wider markets for the sale of InMftted products.” This great busi wen's petition further declares ttHjMwe market extensions which offer to New England and all other sections of the country the best opportunities for trade increase are to be secured by reciprocity with Canada. •' ___ , Exclusive «f locomotives we man ufacture 30.000 engines of 2,000,000 horse power every year. T -- . A REASON FOR SICKNESS. • * Healthy kidneys take from the blood every twenty-four hours 500 grains of impure, poisonous matter— enough death. kidneys in nine months, and the doctor who attended me said unless i submitted to an operation'for gravel I would never be well. I would not consent to that and so continued to suffer. My back was so weak I could not* stand or walk, and it ached con stantly.' The flrst day after I began using Doan's Kidney Pills I felt re lief, and in a short time I \ras*up and around the same as evw, free from backache.” , A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney medicine which cured Mrs. Bowles will be mailed to any part of the United States. Address Foster-Mil burn Co., Buffalo, N. T. Sold by all dealers, price fifty cents per box. i V r .! i v . Narrow Street* tn Japan. Most of the Japanese cities are Very old and their streets are too narrow for street railways. To rebuild the streets for the use of the street railways is not an easy matter. __ Stats or Ohio, Citt or Toledo, i Lucas County. ) Frank J. Cheney make oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. :Cheney A Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred dol lars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cork. . Frajhc J. Chrney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my , . presence,- this 6th day ot Decem Ibeal. i ber,A.D.,18S6. A.W. GlEasoh, t —,— I KotarytTublic. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and mutous sur faces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F.’J. Chrn*y A Co., Tolftdo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for oonstlpation. American Shoe* in Denmark. The American-made shoe is popular in Denmark. Two ot the foremost shoe stores- in Copenhagen use the American shoe for a “leader” in their splendid show window exhibits. FITS permanently cured. NTo fits or nervous ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great NervftRost orcr, 12trial bottle and treatise free Dr. R.H.Kusk, Ltd., 931 Aroh St., Phil a., Pa Every vear 5000 tone of Congo rubber ar* told in the market of Antwerp. Ladles Can Wear Sheas One slze smaller after using Allen's Foot. Ease, a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easy.’ Cores.swollen, hot, sweating, aching feet Ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. At all druggists and shot stores, 25o. Don’t ac cept any substitute. Trial package Fan by mall. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N.Y. -■-—v— . > Lidiom, made of compressed eork, is used for making furniture, etc. v Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup forehlldrtn teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain,cures wind oollo, 25c.abottle Saxony has seven schools for training f locksmiths and blacksmiths. I do not believe Plso’s Cure for Consump tion has unequal for coughs and colds.—Jons F.Borxn, Trinity Springs, Ind,, Feb. 15,1900. Russia has almost three times the pop ulation of Japan. We take pleasure in calling attention to the advertisement of the Southern Denful I College, Atlanta, Ga. It is recommended aa one of the best dental colleges in the eons try. Thoroughly equipped In every wag. THE SUNDAY SCHOOI INTERNATIONAL LESSON COMMENTS FOR JULY 3. Subject: The Kingdom Divided, I King! xll., 12-20—Golden Text. Prov. xvi., 18—Memory Verxei, 12-14—Coinmen. tary on the Da;’* tenon. I. A demand by the people (vs. 1-11). When Rehoboam found himself the succes sor to the throne he met the leaders of the nation at Shechem. While this assembly was called ostensibly for the purpose of confirming Rehoboam in his kingdom, yet the people had determined to exact cer tain reforms as the condition of their alle giance. They had many grievances: 1. The burden of taxation was very great. It was especially hard upqp the northern tribes who were solar removed from Jeru salem that they could not share in the wealth which filled the coffers of the lead ers. 2. The people were bitterly op pressed. The forced free labor for Solo mon’s great works was exceedingly burden some. “Although they had been^ dazzled by the splendor and display of Solomon, yet ere long they waked up to the bitter realization of the fact that all this glitter waa not gold, and that the just policy of David no longer guided the thjrone. II. Rehoboam s decisiofi (vs. 12-lo). 12. “All the people.” This probably has refer ence to the ten tribes; Judah and Benja min clung to ReJjoboam; “The third day.” Rehoboam had asked the people to wajt three days for his decision (v. 5)._ “Thfl seemed reasonable on the face of it, and yet this was one of the questions which a light heart would have decided instantly. It was •nly because there was a contest be tween his conscience and his desires that delay was needed. This was the turning point in the life of King Rehoboam. On his decision hung his destiny as king and the welfare of the nation.” 13. “Rough ly.” He was harsh and insolent. “For sook—counsel.” Rehoboam first consulted with the old men (v. 6). They were the men of wisdom and ability whom Solomon in his wisdom had chosen for his advisers. See Prov. 11:14; 15:22. But'their counsel did not suit the young king. They advised Rehoboam to grant the request oi me peo ple and “speak good words to them” (v. 7). But he was proud, haughty and con ceited and forsook tneir counsel. He should have followed it because, 1. It was right. 2. It was good for the people. 3. It would bring the highest prosperity and glory to the kingdom. 4. It would render the Government more stable. 5. It would bind the people to him. 14. “Young m was given two gallons or less. Wari ous people are now selling firing ter, running lines of wagons. The regular supply has been rendered un fit for drinking by drought. THE RUSSIANS HEAVY LOSERS Heavy Loss to Russian Fleet Report ed—Battleship Sunk. ■ Tokio, Special—Admirel Togo :r® porta an engagement at Port Arthur a*t Thursday in which a battleship of the Peresviet type was sunk and a battleship of the Sevastopol typo aad a first-class cruiser of the Diana type were damaged. The Japanese fleet was practically undamaged. Russian Cavalry Ineffective. General Kuroki’s Headquarters In the Field, via Fusan, Thursday,—(Delay ed in Transmission)—A Russian ca valry division commanded by General Rennenkampff opposes the Japanese right flank. The country Is mouneain ous and almost impossible for cavalry operations, although it is Ideal for in fantry movements, hence the cavalry forays upon which the Russians have greatly depended to harass the Japan ese have proved ineffective. Junction of Japanese Armies, h Liao' Yang, By Cable—It Is report nd that Generals Oku and Kuroki have Joined forces and are attacking from the direction of Vafangow. There is talk of a serious engage ment shortly. It is also rumored that the Japanese forces which were re cently advancing In this direction have fallen back on Feng Wang Cheng. Vessels for Far East. St. Petersburg, By Cable—It is stated that the ice-breaker Yermak designated by the late Vice-Admiral Makaroff, is preparing to start for the far east. • Naval Battle Reported. ' Tokio, By Cable—It is reported that the Port Arthur fleet came out of the Jiarbor Thursday and engaged the Ja panese fleet. Double Tragedy. Detroit, Mich., Special—A small pri vate office In a suite on the eleventh floor of the Chamber of Commerce Building, at the corner of Griswold and State streets, was the scene of a most thrilling tragedy, when Chas. A. Swayse, an Insurance agent, fought with Miss Effie Alvord for several min utes In an attempt to throw her out of the window, then shot her twice and plunged himself from the window to the brick pavement of State street, be ing almost instantly killed. Miss Al vord was shot twice in the* neck and badly, beaten about the head and face by Swayse, but her physician said to night that she Is not dangerously hurt Every bone in ^tvayse’s body below his peck was broken by his faU «f 165 feet. Despite the teiriflc tall, a mint flick ering - of lift remained when he picked up, but it Went out as his broken, body was b^Ing carried to the'lobby of. the building- Back of the tragedy lies a tale of intimacy between Miss Alvord and Swayse, who was 51 years old, married, and the father of two young daughters; .. .Sweeping Cabinet Changes. Washington. Special— A ■ sweeping change in the cabinet of President Roosevelt was announced officially at Khe White House Friday. The an HbuneemtgJSanie in the form of a brief Ijy" statement issued by Sec trt as follows: Slowing cabinet appointments "are qfenouneedr “WlRlam H. Moody. _of Massachu- I setts, Attorney GetMMfc^^ ^ "Paul ^Horton. of^^>'■*'' the Navy. ■ r ‘Victor H. Metcfll^of ^aUfofflia, Secretary of Commerced n^LalJer. ‘The resignations of Secretary Qor telyon-and Attorney Genial Knox hav*e been accepted, to take eTffect July 1st.” * ________-_——. The Visible Supply. >' viw Orleans, Special.—Secretary H«ter’s statement of the world's vlsi yf supply of cotton, issued Friday, llhows the -total supRly to be 2,120,886. 'against 2,250,032 last week and 2,29a, 432 last year. Of this the tola: Amer ican stock Is 1^36,888, against 1,197 032 last* week and 1,192,432 last year, and of all other kinds including Egypt. Brazil, India, etc.. 9S4.009, against 1, 1 053,000 last week Of the world’s visible bujfc’jtv of ««t oon there Is now atloa.t. and -jbeld In •Great Britain and contmeoUfl Europe tub* 000, against 1,282,000 la3t year. m Egypt 121,000, agabffit 34,000 last »ear;Jn India. .483,000, against 607,000 last year, and in the United States ,320,7)00, against 302,0(finfart • ^ Cave-In ^ijso^tt.ern. Columbus, Oa., ; fecial.—With a crash, 40 feet of theifloutbern Railway tunnel at Pine Mountain, near Warm Springs,- caved lh at one o’clock Fri day morning, blocking the track. The cause of the cave-ln ft a mystery, as rfa. train was passing to Jar the earth. aKeral weeks ago thtf wood-work In thS* Mnjier •.barned, aifd In replacing it onty^heibtbutest timbers were used arid the/ipp of the tunnel was thor 'bughly crlbbCA • Superintendent Suspended. ' Richmond, Va., Specihl.—John S RUey, dlvlslop superintendent of the schools of the county of Bedford, was suspended by the.gtate {>oard of edu cation. The charge against Mr, Riley fa that he has been guilty of subordin Mlon of perjury In connection with 3El insurance policies on his house. JDfca was burned some time ago. ■■ey has been Indicted for the of ^nJand Is under bond. • WHY HOT WEATHER MIXES HOMED HERYOOSJ A Well Known Canadian Lady Sends Letter of Endorsement to Pe-ru-na. Miss Mary Burns, 28 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, N. S., writes: ‘‘Having used Peruna for indigestion and stomach trouble and to build up a broken down system with the very best results,. I am pleased to state my experience with this excellent medicine. 1 had been troubled noth stomach trouble and poor digestion for some years, and although 1 tried many remedies and dieting, nothing seemed to restore my health until I used Peruna. In three months 1 had entirely recov ered my health and strength.’'—Mary Bums. f • I Suggestions by Dr. Hartman—H to Combat the Nervous Deoression, Incident to Warm Weather. -- I Nervousness ts very comi | women. This conditiop is due ! nerve centers. The nerve the reservoir for nerve vital centers become bloodleu for t— proper nutrition. This condition is especially notices hi* during the warm season. Every suBu rner an hrmy of invalids are produced a# a direct result of weak nervous systems. * This could easily be overcome by tb# use of Peruna. Peruna strikes at tbt root of the trouble by correcting tb# digestion. Perfect digestion furnishes i* creased^ nutrition for the nerve centre* Perfectly digested food gives these rrsar voirs of life a vitality which creates.strong steady nerves, and in this manner fortifies and nourishes life. Miss,Blanche Grev, a prominent young society woman of Memphis, Penn., in • recent letter from 174 Alabama street writes: “To a society woman whose ner vous force is often taxed to the utrno^ from lack of rest and irregular 'meal*, 1 know of nothing which taof so much benefit rin Peruna. I took it a few months ago when I felt my strength giv ing way, and Itaoon made ttaelf mun ifeat in giving me new strength uiu* health.”—Miss Blanche Grey. Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics. One reason why Peruna has found per manent use in so many homes is that ifc contains no narcotic of any kind. Tcnin* is perfectly harmless. It can be used any] length of time without acauiring a drug habit. Peruna does not produce temporary results. It is permanent in its effect. It has no bad effect upon the system^ and gradually eliminates catarrh by re moving the cause of catarrh. There are m multitude of homes where Peruna has bee* used off and on lor twenty years. Such ah thing could not he possible if IVruna con tained any drugs of a narcotic nature. , At this season of the year we are pe culiarly liable to inflammations of thw stomach and bowels. It is the part of wis dom to learn how to treat them short an# in the easiest and quickest manner. Pe runa does this by its peculiar power over all forms of catarrhal troubles. I _ In Vue SO Yearn. Fonltlve Cure for ALL STOMACH TROUBLES. Lor: TONER’S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY &u" I ** “ “ REGULAR f>0('SI'/.i:. Write n» aiour Cano. I'. Boa l-'IH, Atlanta, Ge. 1 iinmwlmni———— — —p—IMfc——»g—— SOUTHERN DENTAL COLLEGE, If you are Interested In obtaining h dental education, write for free catalogue of full ln>ti'tictlou» * Amman DR. S. W FOSTER, Dean, 100 NORTH BUTLER STREET, ATLANTA. GEORGIA* An Anti-Sea-Sick Vessel. . Lieut. Turc, of the French navy, has after much study devised a plan for a ship the pasengers on which will, as he imagines, be proof against sea sicknesses. fle has caught the idea from the motion of a swing. As a general rule, 'vessels are only set roil ing from ten to fifteen seconds at a time, and as his tvould have a regular swing of twenty-two seconds, he cal culates that the effect of* {he waves would, thus be counteracted. MfTure’s model fsliip wotlld be of about 6,000 tons burden, and would "sail at a speed of nineteen knots. All the cabins would be well out of the water, as they would be constructed on a deck more than thirty feet above the sea level. It takes a fast man to beat a board bill. • : . So. 27. „ Or. Biggere’ Huckleberry Cordial The Greet Southern Remedy. * Cures all Slomnen and Bowel Troubles, nucli n.M Chronic Dysentery. Cholera Mm* bus. Bloody Flux, and also children teething. It seldom falls to make quick nrd permanent cures of all stomach and bowel diseases See testimonial of the kite HESnty W. G'RA'DV. Dr. Walter A. Taylor, Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir: Thlc Is the first certlhcate that I have ever given as to the merits .of any medicine, but I take pleasure In W**y>mmervdng Dr. Bigger*' Huckleberry I CcToial. I consider it the beet remedy '.that I have ever used Jn my family for Ptomachi and Bowel Troubles. SCc in vested In a bottle of this medicine to be used In the beginning of any stomach trouble wjll often save life as well as a large doctor's bill. I have a friend whose life was, In my opinion, saved by the prompt use of Dr. Blggers' Huckleberry Cordial. For sale by all Druggists, 25 and SOc per bottle. (Signed) HENRY V/. GRADY. Atlanta, Ga„ May 23. 1C87. Haltiwanger-Taylor Drug Co., Prop., Atlanta, Ga. ""Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Carn and Mullein will cure Corvt.s. Q-*■:;> and Consumption P-w "V.tult: iW ■Welt Worth Seeing. One of the moet interesting exhibits among the many of a# Irinas at the Louis iana i’urehase KxpaisitioB in §t. Louis is that of the Winene.sbrt\|tepeirting Arms, L'f rupany, of Nnr Hi®, Gonn.. simiv 1»a'm,..th of sapeavng-■lie. and *boijpit>» kinds of ajaunu«t,’0u. The ex mo.. jeailines*"dtid whs opened on the ■*(, ; Inf of ttic fair, a faH*ii^t clear.)' ilh. "ele# Ate c.iterpri e uud up-to-date uittliods of tWvfl|»joary behind it. It is the aim of. fhe vftnejiester Repeating Arm* Company to siuury^t thc,r exhibit the high development Which they have reached in the makirig't\f«suns and amrru nition, and one needs only to see the ex hibit to realize bow near tj -perfection that development has corn*. There ran he seen the new automatic repeating rifles all kmds of shotguns, the modern smoke .less powder shotgun shells and rifle car 'tridgeg; m fact everything thfct c*p interest the devotees of hinting and trap and tkr g(*t shooting* Don’t fad to see the exhibit at t.bc Manufacturers and Fish and Game Buildings. It’s well worth your while. Municipal pawnshops are projected in Londoa. . ft. : > ODD botanic i ;; D.D.D. BLOOD BALM ;; i * Tfco'Gveat Tested Remedy for the speedy l i i > and permanent cure of Scrofula, Rheum a 4 > 4> tism, Catarrh, Ulcer % Eczema, Sores Erup- 4► 4 1 uoufl, Weakness, Nervousness, and all J; BL000 m SKIM DISEASES. * 0 It is by far the best building up Tonic and , > t Blood Purifier ever o'Tcr-.d to the world. It , k . makes new. rich blood,i.cpa«U renewed vi .. talitv. and possesses almost miraculous X . . heal'* properties. Writo for Book Of WOO- I . derful Cures* font free on application. , X . If not kept bv ybur local druggist, send ^ . . $1.00 for a large bottle, or $5.00 for six bottle*, Iy> ( t and medicine will be sent, freight paid, by |X (> BLOOD BALM GO., Atlanta, Ga. K "T have been using Caaearta for Jnaoniala, vlU| which 1 hove been afflicted for over twenty y*-a0L> ami ! can am* that Caacarcta have gntn me in or* relief than any other remedr I have ever tried. I 1 si.rill cert.iinly recon.m-*ud Ibemto iff friend* mm being all ihog are ret-rai.cnted.” * Tiioa. Gir.arQ, tig in. lILi 1’ » ! * Plena ant Palntable. Potent. Taete Good. DeGi >4r |T>ver Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 2'*c. 50c. Never anhl In bulk.. The genuine tablet * tain pad t'L'O. Guaranteed to euro or ycur money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N. Y, 597 ANNUAL SALE. TEN MILLION BOXES 'FR& to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of In structions absolutely Free and Post paid, enough to prove the • value of PaxtineToiief Antiseptic raauno lb in pwwr form fo dissolve la waters— nop-poiaonow* and far superior to liquid antiseptics containing alcohol which Irritates In Harried aprfacet, and have no clean*iin?p»ufv eriics. The contents of every box makes more Antiseptic Solu tion— laefs longer , goca further—has mors | use* In the family and doe * m ore good th a n *07 antiseptic preparation you can huy. f a ■ n ‘ 1 I . • • I ijc iui uuiui ui a nuccu uusiuu and used with £re*t success ((.* Vaginal Wash, for LeuccrriKta, PeivicCatarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes," Coifr . and all soreness of mucus mcthhraiife •’? " In local treatment of female itts l’.ixtiroin Invaluable. Used as a Vaginal AT Ash wa c hallenge the world to produce its dinal for thoroughness Itisari vi lationln cleansing «d healing power;, it kills all gems wbicp' • cr.uhe inilarm.-nt;* and discharges. '■* All leaiiSng4r' ffl!ija‘ keep PaulniJ prf 1 j ourstlofwnoVseDd to I40 for take a substitute — the rets nothing like 1 WrKetorlksiYee Uoi of i^illu B. PAX'i'OH CO., 7 Pops Bid?., Boat/ ( DropsyEl itcnsovts all awelling m R loM days; effect* a permanent rime Jnjoto6odatra.Trialtre.itrn I given free. Not haive* n be fait • Write Dr. M. M. Cntn’t Son*. Snonlallrtt. Box H .Atlanta, & ELIXIR BA BEK J* The Quick end. Sure Cura for MALARIA. CHILL3. FCVER AND •LA GRIPPE. It u ft powerful tonic ftnd app*< ter • Will mire that tired reeling Palua In Back, IJmbm and^aad. 1» ft ©urely vi-prub e c« mpound. qo4 coBtftlB* Uto Qnlntne or Araenlc. Prepared by KleOCZEirSHI A ry>.,Wa«hlaftMlD.e *IPAySTAmn.ESi»r«tte Vrtdyft pcpjua i e-'.iob o cTcr nu-uie .•)■»»• dred m'li.o. aot th w Lava bean i*,J4 taa alrrjrla y.*ar. CotiabtKitVm. hi*rt~ \ boro, bd bi adAcbc, limaaaa^ —0 breath, ro thio. tard .every ffiw arioin* fr m r.