THE HEADLIGHT. ^ * ‘V* i-x ... . - * .-■ ■ --T —~ .JOHN H. WALSH, 1 ’ ' EDITOR. . . " 1 * . f fv.H. covnJgroir.1 t ' x « * . » ' » • Entered according to act of Congres st the poet hftlec at Rockingham, ». t sa second-class matter. 1 ^ .. FRIDAY. JULY i 1904 MUl> SLINGING. . '__ ’ * .It is certainly gratifying to our order-1 oving people to ! believe that there will be no mud slinging in this cam 1 paign. We cannot afford to allow it, and he. who begins * it, will be the greatest suf ferer thereby. Lot OAery candidate be considered a gentleman and treated as such, and let him treat his opponent in the same man ner. Another favorable in dication in the campaign is that there will no bull-doz ing or intimidation at the polls. Every man will vote as he desires to do without any fear of losing his job. If there ever was a time when employers had a right to ex .pect employes to vote as they did, and even to require them to do so, that time has gone by, and now, we are all, free indeed, and will not submit to being dominated, " or even dictated to by any body. A man may sell his labor *nd his time, but he does not sell his religion or ’his politics. The employee may not see fit to vote with his employer, and yet lie may be just as good a man, and both oe:pg in party, and voting for dif ferent men of the same party, where is the harm of each one voting to suit himself. It has been charged that when tho negro should be eliminated from politics the poor white man would be brought into political slav ery. This cannot be. and the great democratic party must not bo charged with so heinous a crime. The very poorest white man is -as much a sovereign, as the wealthiest man. We are all free, and no person can or shall influ ence our vote by purchase, or intimidation. Public sen timent demands a fair and free election, and an honest count, and any deviation ■ * t | from this order of thiugs, 'will bring disgrace to tho party in power; and untold trouble to any who engage in' a contrary policy. TRINITY COLLEGE. f>ne hundred and seventy graduate and undergraduate courses of study in departments of Literature, History, Science and Philosophy. Well equip ped laboratories in all departments of science. Large library facilities. Gym nasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for w orthy young men. Broad and national spirit. Trinity College has the largest eniowment of any college in -the South Atlantic States. For catalo;,xio and further informa tion, address D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar. Durham, N. C. Dissolution of Copartnership. The copartnership heretofore existing between us ns grocers &c. doing business under the style and firm name of Davis & Jernigan. was, on the 18th of June dissolved by mutual consent, with the agree ment that Mr. R. L. S. Davis pays all indebtedness and collects all claims. R. L. S. Davis, J. C. Jernigan, Keep Tnese Things Before You, as Your Money Buys jHere as it buys Nowhere Else. „ «* \ Another lot of Madras Ginghams have just arrived ,The colors are in neat effects, suitable for Ladies Dresses. Shirtwaisting and Men’s Shirts. .This lot of ginghams is well worth 10 cents per yard. Our price as lpng as it last will be 5c per yard. ' Call at once. Another large lot of Embroidery Just Opened up, and will be sold at prices that will supprise you. Call early. Don’t wait until it is closed Also lots of other nice goods have arrived this week in Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, and Notions. Ask to see my stock of - UMBRELLAS land save yourself 25 to 50 cents, as I think that a fast Aickle is better than a slow dime. A word to the wise. 1 Very respectfully, Vhe New York Racket \ A A WILLIAMS, Proprietor. LOOK FOR THE YELLOW FRONT. Rockingham, N\ 0. Report of tlie condition of the ; i FARMER'S BANK, . —OF— Roddnghm, N. C AT ROCKINGHAM, N. C. In the State of North Carolina, nt the close of business June 9,tb 1904. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts-.09,775.00 Overdrafts*Secured.. 2,850.81 Premium Bonds. 5.125.00 Banking House... 5,500.00 Due from Banks and Bankers,__’82,410.85 Cash.'...:.J 7,810.44 Total_—8122.478.20 LIABILITIES Capital_:.... 15,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, 8.828.54 Individual deposits sub ject to check,...98.649 00 Total..$122,478.20 State of North Carolina, ( County of Richmond, j I, L. S, Covington, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemn ly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L. S. Covington, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 21st day of June, 1904. J S Bishop, Notary Public Correct Attest: W.F. L. Steele ) J. M. Smith, [ Directors J. B. Caudle, ) Report of the Condition of The Bank of Hamlet, At Hamlet, N. C. In the State of North Carolina, at the close of business June 9th, 1904. RESOTRCES. Loans and Discounts, . $33,225.27 Overdrafts, secured . 201.68 Banking Honse furniture and fixtures, . . •' 3.378 90 Duo from banks and bankers, 16.423.81 Checks and other cash items 905.90 National Baiuc notes and other U. S. notes, . 7.033.80 Total . . $61.169>36 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in . $0,500 00 Undivided profits, less expen ses and taxes paid, . 2.272^.26 Individual deposits subject to checK, . . • 51.768.66 Cashier’s cheeks outstanding 628.44 Total, . . $61.169 36 State of North Carolina 1 County of Richmond. ) I, J. S. Bishop, Cashier of the above named banK, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the*best of my Knowledge and belief. X. S. BISHOP, Cashier. Subscribed and swown to before me, this 18th day of June 1904. N. D. McDonald, Notary Public. • Correct—Attest: E. A. LacKey, . ) James Hollingsworth > Directors T. F. Boyd ) NOW IS THE TIME To Use a Good Tonic With Great Beneiit. At this season of the year every system needs some thing to tone it up, and there is nothing better for this pur pose than ECHOLS’ PIED MONT CONCENTRATED IRON AND ALUM WATER. This remedy is not a patent medicine, but is simply na ture’s way of curing the ills of mankind. An 8oz bottle of it, sold at 60c, is equal to 10 gallons or the Natural water, and it costs less than 3c pc r day to use. By this method a sufficient quantity of Miner als are introduced into the system to make a cure, and you can stay at home and be cured more easily and at much less cost, than those who visit the Springs!, We guarantee it to cure In digestion, Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Female Complaints, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Stomach and Bowel Disorders Nervousness, Malaria, Scrof ular and other Blood and Skin Diseases. Physicians use it in their practice. For Sale by Hunter.s Drug Store,ahd all other good drug gists. 8oz bottles 50 cents, 18oz bottles $100. J. M. ECHOLS CO. Lynchburg, Va. Candidates’ Column. For County Commissioner At the solicitation of friends my name will be before the county pri mary for nomination as County Com missioner. If elected, I will serve as faithfully as possible, W. II. ROBERTS. For Casaty Commissioner Haring been *t»Hait«d by friends to enter the primary for nomination as County Commissioner. I hare decided to do so. and if elected, will give my host services to tltc pro^e.^ ^ For Connty Commissioner Having been solicited by friends to offer for County Commissioner, I here by announce that my name will be be fore the primary, and that :f elected,.I will serve the people according to the best of my ability. J. W. O'BRIE'J. For County Commissioner At the requst of friends I have con sented to go before the Democratic primary for the nomination of County Commissioner. If elected I will give my best services to the people. K. H. BENNETT. Our columns are open, free of cost, to any person, to say that he will he before the primary foi the nomination for County Cominis tyonitaruntil seven (7) have s> anjjJPPced. This proposition will refflffnopen for two issues after this week. Now is your opportu nity if you want to he elected, or re-elected. For Register of Deeds To Democratic Voters Richmond Co: At the solicitation of friends lrom various sections of the county, and with a desire to ngrin serve you in my present position, I take tliis method of announcing my candidacy for the office of Register of Deeds of Richmond county—sobjclit to the action of the Democratic primary. I feel grateful for the support given me in the past, and, in the future will be able to serve you more efficiently. WALTER S. THOMAS. For Reg ister ol' Deeds To Democratic Voters "Richmond Co. I heVeby announce myself a candi date! for the office of Register'of Deeds, subject to the Democratic primary. JNO. L. ARMISTEAD. For Register of Deeds Having decided to make the race for the office of Register of Deeds, for Richmond county, I hereby announce my enndidacy for the same,subject to the Democratic primary, hoping to re ceive enough of the votes of the good people to secure my eleetion. \V. P. COVINGTON. For Sheriff. To Democratic Voters oe Richmond Co This is to announce to you that I am a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Richmond county. I sha 11 appreciate any support I may receive, and at all Wonts shall abide by, and support the action of the Dem ocratic primary. ' Respectfully, M. L. HINSON. For Sherff. To Democratic Voters of Richmond Co. I have served you^r nearly six years, as your sheriff, audwC A well, it is for you to say, but ^^rel that I always tried to do my When I last ap peared before you for re-election. Idid not expect to do so again, and so stated time and time again,, but, my friends have called me out, and press me to again solicit a reflection, and in obe dience to their ifqust, I now announce my candidacy for sheriff of Richmond County, for the coniinjrterm. I can not express my gratitude to. you for for past favors; and if you will honor me with a re-election I shall feel still more grateful. T. S. WRIGHT For Sheriff. To Democratic voters of Richmond Co: At the solicit ition of many friends. I announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Richmond County, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. Any support will be greatly appreciated. ROBT. L. NICHOLS, -5f For Representative. Feeling gsateful to the Democrats of Richmond county for the flattering vote given me is the last campaign, I herewith announce my candidacy for the lower house in the Legislature, subject to the regulations of the Dem ocratic primary. ■George Warburton. ■■ Jkfc-— For TrfiWLegislature. f ,'gDBPjrSBK.NT] .With the soltytation of many frit rids I announce’ myself an independent candidate for a seat in the next Gener al Assembly of North Carolina as a represen.ative from Richmond Coun ty, subject to the indorsement of any honorable party of the people. I shall make the race outside of politics. Yours truly, M. M. Chance. Executor’s Notice. The undersigned having qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testa ment of the late Dr. John M. Stansill, on the 30th day of April, 1904, before the Superior Courts of Richmond coun ty, hereby notify all persons holding claims againsUhe estate of the said Testator to present them to the under signed for payment, duly authenticat ed, on or before the first day of June, 1605, or this not ce will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to said estate will 'make im mediate nayment to the undersigned. WILLIE B. STANSILL, Executrix of Dr. John M Stansill. dec’d 18th Mav. 1904 'WHY HESITATE V When needing medicines? I have anticipated your necessity and have them prepared in strict accordance with the latest written U. S. Pharmacopoeia. You should re* member the familiar saying, The Best is None Too Good in Time of Need. A great many people do appreciate the standard of excel* lonce, why not more? There are numbers of articles of less importance than medicines, I have not overlooked tho’ haven’t space to enumerate here. • Gratefully yours. « Tlios B. Hunter, Pharmacist and Chemist. WAR IS COMING I ..itJxgTy^fl^rg-crT ~ m^r'r^?';^23a—i j AND I HAVE BUILT MY BREAST WORKS Out ot Heavy and Fancy Groceries. If you want more goods for your money than you can get from any other house in town, charge my breast works and I will shoot you with such low prices and good goods that Your Victory will bo the Greatest you ever gained in Rockingham. ■ 0 No battle has ever been fought yet that some one was not hurt, but not so in this one. You will find in the fight between me and my customers we make good friends and customers always. To win the victory and conquer high prices, is to seo me before you fight elsewhere. I will guarantee you the victory over good goods and best price*. Yours truly, EL C. WATSON. WE HAVE THE BEST AND MOST COMPLETE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Ever Fitted up in Rockingham. • All sizes, in White Gloss, Mahogany, Walnut, Oak, Mummie Cloth, Black Bread Cloth, plain, blind draped and full^ draped, White Crushed Plush, Octagon and Eliptic ends, double and tripple swelled top. Metalic Caskets as high as $175.00. Wo have lecently purchased a Twelve Hundred Dollar Funeral Car which will fill the demands of the most fastidious. Prices are light on every job. Place your contract with us and we will handle it with the greatest care and to your entire satisfaction. WEST BROTHERS. ■ ■■ —•—■ ■— ■ ' 1 i m--1 ■■ ■ ' . >•> ■ ( TMHTIC@ISTl!ifB , ThoRougHFAREpFTRA^EU. ^_6etween ftie—1 North ^nd South | Florida-Cuba, § A passenger service unexcelled for luxury* and comfort, equipped with the latest Pullman I Dining, Sleeping and Thoroughfare Cars. . ' For rates, Schedule, Haps or any informa I tion, write to WM. J. CRAIG, General Paj*enger Agent, Wilmington, N. C.