r amr omouci um " ta* «—■<>. B. CU-W. ta. tanlk CM«< •t Ikon at X—17, tut: 1 aaf> Nr a a—bn •« nan rtt Thar* aaa a «a o< NF back •n aa N cat av health ana bataa i MM aaa anti] I (at Doaa-a KlOary «k Tb* aaa af tkl* rasatr accatk Mk ta khatlMu* pwpt» hraakkt a boat a <kaa*a Nr tka t attar. Attar kktak ttra bam thahrckacb* all Irtl aa tka bldaar attnttaai rtaarU *p aa* tka actio* of tka btkaija Itriai a rant tbial *r iau c—i kids** •at— wktak tank CbOaf Hama ad* b» aaallak — ■aakwH— ta raj •art of tb* UaMa* Mata*. Akkra* mttaMSbna C*. aaBala, K. T. •aM bv an «nlan; rrtcr. kttr arata Bar boa. _ It ta tnk kaawa *0*11 “jap** ta a «• tim taflta*wbH* Batata bar MtkOB. la papalattaa Ik* ktaaarltr ta aacta taaa. hat aaa rtr7 treat—a*. “MOO far Japaa aaalaat waoaoar mA v '* i*; f \ TW aim mi IW wiaIbiM U lmr» *oa4 wO. cSoctaee tore, ma u wa NMk «lb« tort of Mt to 0*4. Ua tie# to Hi /■flow mm tool Her uSST* eritlefewi to worth erar «tik TW word ‘‘nuMtent,'’ JUto tfc» *jrd "Uw," oeey tore ottWr a Borrow or A Wild THe mitw ww ^S3V>Sl^iSSiPTJt5 •r mmnimt to ttot of a ko*y ordAmto ib CABW Of t)M COBt*Xt. W* CMM tkt t# tte «l« rtAtaat: ~THe rad. or tin. «d tAo wmmo OuMm iaotlixUoa U Ww aai W A pwro Heart, ud of a good ~ mi mi fkitk —7^g—ff - lk wynlii » a Ink «l tonditee Hr towaod AM la OB Adi of tore we paralleled, »ggjrdftft:rH£*ar» pMtcytotanwUudimUM. CHwcH or paptA* ewd BieutntiuM mi every gBfefeyiLSWBS •owl of (Ml uMilieee tbei totoaa to U W BAtAiw. «ed to rater >oto it aU (be Ht* had th«fa to thorn whe are cdmem $4 mar tow. whir at tha «*«*# time three ia am raacgaitito aI that foaadetiaa which ep haUatta whole pcecaaa of Kama Me, that faadamaatal tralh which #nW to a confer aav Urre and petiaaaaal w*fi ton eg. Fiaattjr, thla aetorel tore la tfhaHwa aagadfy. That la-to aay. Hath rttuem tiao la M« (tha rfcBdwn mi God) al tbit or that ■utJkUm of tha tahaito good* moot, while it withboide from Him who jetton aata Hbatatt all coacccnhle r» ceCewces ail truth, pat race, pnertotr. hredemmn. iiwpwAwe. Iona lodtolag. aU parity—while it wtthhcUa from JUT tba Wire tnm byiUr Ho (hit tbm native or mat acral tore mi wkieh we apeak ia ladiwd ufint an a vary Uhl nfkilim aad im am el that perfect torn toward which Cwhiindtr caua ta. And eo we tan lad to tbr text, end hear the warda that Su Peel takl: "The aha mi tha tmand meat, tha whole aha ol tha Ctowuaa m •Citation, la torn oat oi a per* heart, *ad mtWc^aod peamwwta and eat ai Uith F’tret—la thia matter el Cfcrfctiaaity we have to da with Mach dwiai iarwra m them eperacma upon hamaa netore aa jidt topee of area thla ml remit. It ia eat that w« axpact rawim to attaia nay tack goodarea. bat la It »M pemiV.c that Ha w€e ntedr thia tbag we ml tha hamaa anal wtth all ita rarird power* al abaaro* tom. reaaom. iyufiMtioa. faery end mc*> amaociiaca cad wdl. He whe m«da atraag*. aatolr, intangible thing we end tha human oral, may aet Hr ramake tha wml, eater toco ita pewteundeet depths aa receartyact, reorder and map* re « that it my atom in aO the UVenoee oi God* la it not mid. “He will da for ue far more tx* card Ugly them we can ufe er t hi tor And that ia tha warns t la thla Christina •berth. tad to afl them Chriatua church* far tho high aaperatton toward which C!SrtoUoli* u Awl tte alter tte* Uheailii tkla, that krmr tree it ia ttal matt W aa arte paatmm and aafi edxaaltaa Uriuitu aamm hr wary ter, abort of tfem knah td»ol at atenrtav; barm trim tl W tUt w.tA aramy at am emr Or eUaatty ia ahapH ** it tot. an attempt ta eauera artf wait te •i« ia tte Imi rmrhaag fa tar#—alar? that a ii mxk a urn* farm at Ckrtuiaaity aa that—kowvrrr Iran that may ha, mat rite baa I late it far greatad ttet par ha pa •«ary #aa preant tea dartat aama time ia k*a axminc* coma m oaatoet will aaaao anal, tea became ia limit* nrbp with •orra HA. wteaa tkt 4irUa troth. tte «S*«mm pnridcact aad tte dkm lanpira boa tea aa aparated ia tnaafonatng sowar ttet tte imI arm* U> ten aataW iata tte V*ry feit»vro!i.p af (ted. cm tea bo roovr rodiaat with diviao Die. tte taataroa ten team chiamcal br tte anal aitkio. tte «p tea looted Tfaikrfy oat toward al an whom it tea mat, aad aaw aad tkea tte vwt habitation aad teMt al aaab a parwna become* unapratabK rad* aria*, ko» caoto af tkia dwolUng n/ tte Load Arid witkdL Hcoond—Tte ana at Ckrlvtlaaity ia lava an: aaly oat at a para ban, bat aloo aat at a ten oodanaaac. Ttet ia ta MJ, its aim h sac a am smuinnUl amflow at Uan aad paly; it ete!t ba a Hvmf tM ■a tacit tv aagiao within. andrr the raxtaiwa of Gad. M to method, aad ao t»» namis •f * tritely teou*rl~J a»*>nal arena Cbrio tmuiy * anaeathU* ban da mere happtaaaa. It uma at tte mac ooul at Jtfe adder ilia gteteaea aad ahapihg ol aa iaoxraetad And Anally Dm lor* at which ddithp Ky WNW k a torre nl of faith unfeigned Lot iaith reCarn. Brag beck roar Able. Behold OM bring and rteenaj (Vi H* to Ion, aad Mr ha* lend thto pear waetd so ! that Re haa eflectad indsmptian far mao- < kind aad Idled them acroer the bm*w. 11m throw* Mm anna endued aw, ta or* I dar that He might bft M» up by Uto Bohr Spirit. TVyw, aa that the broken hearted aad tba eufferax tad deeoJate may pa apart j from (be ere* of ptt aad pane oat Ueir heart* ta (W, whaaa eat caa eat eh lb«r tasataM mgh, and wham m beholds the falling taar. hrrdne. Vo eparaow (aim ta the ywad wirtomt TVie kaswfedpe. aad the very bain af yewr Wad are numbered. Death; traem/ometma. Ufa here; ntro dartleu ta tha hi* ftnrnl. Let tV* troths eater aad lira WttMw human «uk, a«u) narlw* the human race We become tranefearned by then* fact*. I uaaet mart a ou, weaiae or child, bat at area f know there to ear whom God Wean Why *H*oM I not lore that aaa? Aad ao it anmn t* pam that wherever Christianity ie there to still lava where it test pat. Two Inference* sea lotrmtinr Then amy mom ta you ta ha raricum dcfcvU i* Dm biOaricaJ parte af tha Dike, hat if tea will omhr Ufl me vtore Chan to a system wham breath to love, whom laapuatna to love, which nukre tlue earth a pwadtoe mmA a wry Heave* «d lav*. If you tell me when tWt comae from 1 am ear* 1 ahull lamw hour God eaeaes down ta ear world xa the gospel of dome Ctn«t Wm 1 H-w numb Christianity have yea? Vat haw mack rdlgtea. TW Brah min, the liahaenmedan kave rehgioa; that to cnaimev ta all Mthaa hat Ww much Ctohtk»rt> lii>» ini? Theea i* oae aa> much a*d aa mar*. JCay Cad help as. There l* nSmU rovounw* tar ee. I-vt ai lmek ta Hemww. and let as look ta earth, aad do tha HttW thum at hand to order that whom the oapoitaiutv may evnt w« nay aoarteb • it sea oomfrea the vm'jw Ime (ewe* of helpfulness aatol at length, if it plana Cod, we mWll be hke our Laird J«*e Cbriet. who wae tW vary tabic** af lore toward mas. Uli WIOMtat Amy WMftr. la tfaft Rotary Mmub c»M Btafa fa ft ■MM witftaiU • ftsap, writes Bar. ft. Bract faff. fatWN% T«tk (W »«r. Fatfar* «w *t»#w#4 ft rta» ft# rr*. m4 wfafa wm rvcrftxB far tfatar hfaw Jot faft*4 fa fafttac wto tfar i raft tain mxj it tfar *ta of «xty far4 (far «w fauta. On# fay *fa»ft t'*#T fatacirif ftrar tfaft 4rto> g^raCTtt&r4-** “WVB try ««ftiit It fatauTk» far# |*4 fanta ft# • 0Mt pilar ftf e»U, #a4 to hem it Ml it Urslift is i»#, «a4 wfaftt n ti ft#.— yy sn# •»* ikm*4 fen Itor ftahrrf n, MO toft tortfer. 4m i, which i£Jun£ZirZm?£!f£* ttt* *tato « Zb to w«Jfe| to iwtofe «U hlu*. THE SUNDAY 8CHOOL MTtNNATtONAI. LESSON COMMENTS row AUCUST 7. *"“•* <»• o. i. EkjaA. TUI* ptvporl nj«n ..aJh-r,:/ •*•* tk* »*a Tka achoola ot tka pro. pktta mat I* kara had tkaar aritin la aamocd a dap, and nr* touodad tat nrl 2.f*[U “'tka land and ta rooacctno kor* at Tamfe*. la Ikt tnka at .Yapktait, “4 »te tkrrcter, .olkd Ik* Tiakiltc. J. Ttaditfam. tdla ua tkal '■ apt-rarana* k wa* a man of akort atatua aad rapfad “oaMaoaaar "Of Oikod." Tka Si Tkmha mao Hoard to kialatr In Ualfin. kteoa wa oaorloda tkaa altkouah a aalita of Ik* tcika of Mapfciali la GabW ka kad kmw> a tatter oMaijaad tost oflht Jar. •am. TIala Akak" Protest* in tka pal aca ■ Bumuaa- What uiar*** aad tank *a» BOM kar* taktol -A* tk* load _ * • krrtlN" . A. Jtksrak Urolk. »i*k kcama by firm* tka aatkadlr hr kfa rnaaiaa*. A* aar* aa Ood Htao, to tar tata tt wa ko tkal tk* and it tom I am almte 0* mok* «,n tate pW -I ataad. Aa a aatroal a* ambaaaador. Ehjak raj a.roamukk d.roeaj* u, Cod. "Ik, cor rate^ Atamkla tkrrat for a Maatrp an BB»P Parrkrd W m mootte' dr**,ht. ted oafir meed from attar knt.am hr tka oartp am of aiatitan. 'Tkma roam" »»■* &k* ' N. aad fioaT lT*o kora that tte faaaiaa laatad tkraa aid a » Km*a IS: l n karm '>•' tka had** coded la Ik* thud roar, ▼kick wna —km tV. .i* -i -fc »brn <ta«prr throotroed kin. bp Ike any. vi vt.v„7 that u>g ha an rat afraid <. 'Barroa laaxtaki Aim ’ 'lhe ^221 to Kbku oi OOktiTir bod A AA Mddralfc “itraAti A.d g,.h.* *"• •• uia«rl* «im1 carroa Umm» •™*» f*t ll»#f brought iW project “••■« •«<! wkolaAon. food. Aatkia tka bad involuted bp Ike Lori lor *■" •} “*> rohaccturr Inal i: H? {?“*•?*&• people T, “After a So!!.' » »*•»! * jrr*r “Tbem!; **adra^ U l£n ouneao Lad oat dnrd SLSTfT .tL't?*' >“1. Urn broudht tlaitbor tar voter, aod than kia "•"A m A-kaar kero dkoaotv.il aw”1- (aa, Ha). A ^CorobkAlk>' TV. katatde a( Lake i: to. H JLV * ,“T •*. *“,‘m to tka dooainioaao «* -JraaWr. latber. II on lot “aa* ** « one «ptn* Iron a boo eaa df Ibelcd to aerk rrhra in a Lioei'a dee. “A vidov oaaaa.* Tke oohditioai of tko vidovo tm tka tea; n hatpin aa tka cj. ireaae, ao that to roraraa aiapport ina •lark A Porto odd be aootbrv uvd to JOiiaka lank. II via IP-, Ibj.,, hie vapnn on a aopport aa trail aa a efSdrr'a oak ». “He- arena.'' Hia cootoa ear aat to «•*" and lit anondAtc. but to heur and •bay. ttafr. fh, ahjert poirria at tka »>•" If »•« (root tm comma loath to »aok ookbnm tala < -pod v uch uookl «■*» Iran 5pn in. tinea acttcide llaa fitj vot “Hu arid,- A oidon. B. ▼. It von "tho” vidov vkao Ued had aajomomlei. bvt kJoak at »»•! aav only •v vidov not Ikon kaevtnt tka voa tka •ra Uod Lad daol|OAmd. ~A UUla o* k». Hia brat nrad altar kia tang >o.r ~y tkraatb lomtna atrickrn laaaol vonlb b« water. Tko a (t ot vi ter la tko thirsty “ »‘W»M "Coedr-d .. . no-ad dety in the *bdt- Ikon too, at Oatkrie aaja, Ihle 22 T^1 ^ r,*J* koav obatkarka kad *•••* fi? *7 *'—n b, hod oaan act. u "Aa aka vaa gome." Mae rondity rant at tbe 1km vord. She objected rot nttka roraaal ororrltr. nor arkoTvLM be •nnld gtro lor A droonkt, near kaated ko 22 a? k“* bdt ee the nag aticka **T .rofctok nun lor him "Mo,. Mi M krand." No doakt tka proyhet voa fadly in Mad of id; doublhw, too, ha area «pdo» hr divine dtrecteoa. tj. “Thy iSg^rsTvj1;! ■« raalrotfcad M hood. A bat, on) taka Mrs. Anderson, a prominent society! woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds, West, who witnessed her signature to the following letter, praises Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. “ Du> Mu I'nux: — There an bat tew win* and mother* who bar* >o« at time* endured agontee and aurh pain m only woman know. I with »ueh women knew the value of Lydia R. Ptakhana'a Vegetable Oempeand. It la a remarkable medicine, different in action from any I ever knew aiul thoroughly reliable. “ I have wen eaaea where women doctored for yean without perma nent benefit, who were cored in let* than three month* after taring your Vcgctable Compound, while other* who wvre chruolo and incurable came out cured,happy, and In perfect health after a thorough treatment with thia medicine. I have never need It myeelf without gaining great benefit. A few doeee reetoree my etreogth and appetite, and tone* up the entire evuem. Yoor medicine baa been tried and found true, henoa I folly endoru it,"— Mae. li. A. AxnamaoK, ilk Waahiugtou 8L, Jack, aonvulr, Fla. Xba. need SAM S. Cumberland St, Philadelphia, Pt, *ay* ■ jim. ruuAi:—i mi u my doty to write and tell you tLa Krad I ^an nutrut k from Lydi* £. PUkta'a VaftHMn Cam ^ pound. ■Ihnlwn. pMnflmt with teak V Oouhle, frying different dootora and madicii.ee f with no benefit Two nartaco I want under ' an operation, and It left ma in a Tory weak condition. I had ainaiaah trouble, baakaoha. hcadacha, palpitation of tbe beard ajxl waa tbit narrow I to bat, I aahrd an orar. I find jmua k tha only raadlrtna that raaofaaa HW rob troohlaa, and would cheerfully roo raw *»* troubled With Imnkr or aalefal anlmUn. mk mm. lemontiM. dUplanmmt or ahwnlloa at tfc. weak. that be.rtw-dowe boJUMT. Ulaallw of the mite*. hukooko. IlklMM. e«Mr*l MI11W, w II rack Ikrtlo The experience uf terimocy of »«u of the own mM WMten of tnriu n to prore, beyond e qweattan. the! I.ydle E Plokluui’i Vegetable Compound wffl correct *11 eneh trouble kt onee by rmnoeln* the rmam end nwtertn* the oewaae to m heeltby end nerniel condition. If In donbt, write Mr* Pink h* nr at Lynn, Maea, aa tboueaude do. Her adriea la free and helpful. Mo other medicine (nr women in the world ha* re reived euch wtda ■preod and nnqoalilled erulnrmmeiil. Mo other medicine lia* auob a record of cure* of female tremble* Kefuee to boy any rubstituta (5000 W/VCHESfm , "NEW RIVAL BLACK POWDER SNELLS ^ Wt* urf tk. MS *T mm «*« MH UMUi vMct stta rVtaebM«r Fmwt LmM "Km Brcl" SMk Rot kM Mr pmm, fwmw Irwin ml mot ulhm walk nrMlaMMU. Tk. >f«U mh4 tk. V to rt nwr fMM OTtifUM M Ml li aikkf “Not WotI" MAM Rot Mrs Mm I* w Dt.kil nMk|. n idm to oat WMaatm mao or holla. SOUTHERN DENTAL COLLEGE, 8WSE 1> >?■ *" »1 K*****??^ « *««««< «"«» I —— •* A W POATCA. *U0K >AA AOATW AUTVM AT POTT. ATT AWT A SMMIA. in tHerCTsrTSBE^yxriiuSBMiMTMirMTi ItDCC TVNER’S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY KT I I1 -IMIAHA THIAIWftlti MASMjNfcJI1

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