THE HEADLIGHi. JOHN H. WALSH, j Kditoh. J. V. WALSH. ( _ W. H. COVES UTON. \ \ aocordloK to act of Conrm " At the poet ottaw at HockiuRlaun, N. C An WWQ* 0lM» nutter. ‘ rSIDAT. AUG. B IBM THE RESULT OE THE PRI MARY. The-nominations made in the primary are os follows: For Representative, Geo. Warburton ; for Cproaer, I). Gay; for Sheriff, M. L. Hin son; for County Commis sioners, N. D. McDonald, N. G. Nicholson, E. C. Ter ry, H. 8. Ledbetter. Only four received votes euough to secure a nomination. Anothe. primary will bo call ed to nominate the fifth com missioner, the contest being between Messrs. J. W. Cov ington and J. A. Harrington No nomination was made for Register of Deeds, notwith standing Mr. W. 8. Thomas, the present Register, receiv ed nearly as many votes as both his competitors. He 'only lacked 10 votes of se * curing the nomination. Messrs Thomas and Coving ton will make the race over in a second primary to be held Aug 15 «uw inuuu», uon c ietyour opposition to the primary vent yon from voting in next primary. This is due your friends. The vote in the first primafy far ex ceeded the primary of two years ago Some allege that -a number of Republicans 'voted in the recent primary. This may be true, but we don’t know it to bejtrue. If any . Republican voted in this primary it was because hewaa not challenged, and the fault rests with those who, knowingly allowed it, and it is now too late to ;kiok. • Some are dissatisfied with MMlti. Some think they were not treated fairly. This may be true for we have never known a primary conducted to so it everybody, nor have we ever known one, that did not have behind it bitter rec ollections of advantages tak en by some of the friends of candidates, even when the eandiadates were fair towards bach other. The primer en genders a spirit of strife, end a resort to any method that will secure the nomination of a candidate. The idea senna to prevail that, "any thing is fair in war," and 8hena«n’s definition of war, is equally applicable to the modern primary. All we Saw of the management of the poll holders and mana gers of elections, justifies us in saying that, justice, court, esy and absolute fairness wars eoospirious. But, our observation end experience In the primary l“^A‘— 1-ing. down , now and I w* can’t *1*,. yr ' / - 9 iCTr- i ii ii n.«'' i got justice In a convention, it is fully in the extreme, to seek it in a primary. Wo freely admit that the pri .nary seems to offer tho best methods for fairness but it famishes greater opportuni st s for rascality and guerril la -vwarfare. But what has boeit done, has been do ne. LofcV try to forget everything that caused unrest—let us Iwvo peace. Latiu*—Messrs Terry, Cov ington. Boggan and Harring ton will go before another primary J. P. Gl SON—BENNETTS '• VITJ-E. Wo are pleased to learn that Mr. G bsou is a candi date for rep *esentativo from Marlboro county. He is an excellent gentleman, a first class speaker, a strong, forci ble, phrasing writer, and an all-round levoi -headed man —would make an excellent representative. Mr. A. U. Terry— Vexsii. We are imlebto l to our old friend Mr. C. B. Te; ry for a visit yesterday. Also for the pleasure of meeting his oldet t brother, Mr. A. <S. Terry, of Tt xn*. now 80 years of age. Ho, tta • bitter, com pletely captivated us l«y his con versational nowers, and his vivid recollections of his bey hood days, the history of that, the ap pearance of the old' lhmestend, the residences of his old. neighbors, the old church and cemetery. lie has visited these since he has been in the county, bat ther*. is one pleasure be has not yet enjoyed, and that is to lie down at the old spring ami driuk froqi it as in childhood’s days. However, he says ho will do this before he leaves Mr. Terry has beon away 61 years, excepting a call of a few days at the cl*>so of the war. May he be permitted to reach his home in safety, nud live for ye;ire to come. He leaves us in a few days. Our best wishes will follow him. All overseers in Blackjack township are requested to meet the supervisors at 10 o'clock, Sat urday Ang. Otli at Block Jack. E. N. Ingnun. A. J. Harriotton. R. L. Hineo i. Supervisor,. t CALIFORNIA-KNIGHTS TEMP LARS—ODD FELLOWS. The last opportunity of the year. Beginning August 10th)an^con tinuing daily to September 9th round trip tickets will be sold ac count of the above convention* from all points in the Southeast to either Lot Annies or San Fran eisco at extremely low rates, with final return limit October 28rd Tickets will permit of tuu days •top-overat St. Louis aud allow bolder privilege of going one rout* and returning another without ad ditional eoet, except that ticket's returning via Portland an addi tional oharge of $11.00 will be made. The Frisce-Rock Island 8ystoms offer excellent routes in either di rection. Write for rates, descriptive lit erature and fall information,and DietriotTaesmiger Agent, Atlanta, Gn. FOR BALE—A 0rat-class Rem ington type-writer, little used and In fine condition. The prioe is almost a give-away. If you ever wants typewriter now is your time. Call on C. A. Skipper without delay at J. W. Coving tWt store. Hoi Springs, Ark. One fare pine $9.00 for round trip. Tickets on eat# every Wednes day and Saturday—Return limit sixty dam. Toe Frisco System in ooosec tion with the Rook Island Bretons from Memphis offers the beet Write for literature and fall pert lea Ur*. 0. L. PARROTT, District Agent. cuts. G*. NOW IS THE T-ME To Use a Goodie With Great Benenu At this. season of the year svery system needs some thing to tone it up, sud there is nothing b«'tter lor this pur pose than ECHOIC* PIED MONT CONCENTRATED IRON AND ALUM WATER. This remedy is not a patent medicine, but is simply na ture's way of curing the ills of mankind. An ftoi bottle of it, told at 00c, is equal to 10 gallons or the Natural water, and it costs lets than Sc pi r day to use. By this method a sufficient of Miner al* are introduced into the system to make n cure, and you enn stay at home and bo cured more easily and at much lets cost, thpu those who visit the Spring*. We guarantee it to cure In digestion, Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Female Complaints, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Stomach and Bowel Disorders Nervousness, Malaria, Scrof ular and other Blood and Skin Diseases. Physicians me it in their practice. For Sale by Hi) Store, anti ait gists. So* b 18ox bottle* |1 J. M. ECHOLS i Lynchburg, For Register of Deeds To DxxocaaTtc Voras Rromtoxn Co: At the solicitation of friend* from various sections of the county, and with a desire to agrin serve you in my present position, I take this method of announcing my candidacy for the office of Register nf Deeds of Richmond county—subjoin to the totipn rjf the Democratic primary. I feel grtfetol for the support given rao in tneipaal, and, in the future will be able to serve you more efficiently. '* WALTER 8. THO; _L For Regisi Having decided tho office of Register Richmond county, I hereby announce my candidacy for the same,subject to the Democratic primary, hoping to re ceive enough of the votes of the good people to secure my election. W. P. COVINGTON. R. JF. Dalton President. E. A. Snow, decretory and Treasurer. SNOW LUMBER CO. Manufacturers of Lumber, Saab, Doora, Bl\n<>*^Bt<u lu Yellow* 'Pine. ? * High Point, N. C. March till, 1904. John B. Wright, Greensboro, N. C. Dear Sir:— It afforda me pleaaunt to state thnt the Piano which I bought of you a year or two ago has proved ei-tireiy satisfactory. It is pro nounced by all judges to be a very good instrument, and is all you claim for it and mojtfMWMmMI deal was very plaMRWFnndtfnrittld' I ever need nnutMV would surely come to you for ft. Yours truly, E. A. SNOW. The best that’s made in PIANOS are for tale at clese prices, by Greensboro, N.; C. John B. Wright, 22® South Elm Street, ELLERBE SPRINGS high school: , . ; Boys and girls prepared lege, or for their life work. All pupila th No more health South, an ideal place' Torma reasonable. Opens August lj 1904. A. J. ROSSER, A. B. Principal. unTvIeIr s i t y OF NORTH CAROLINA. ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, LAW MEDICINE, ! _PHARMACY. Free tuition to teachers and to minis ters’ sons. Sebotarthlps and Rians for the needy. *30 STUDENTS. 97 INSTRUCTORS. New Dormitories, Oymnaelum. Water Works, Central Heating System. The Fall term begins Sept. ®. 1904. Address Fatness F. Veirseta, Fassmmrr, emna wu. m. e. Qsses City Hotel, Charlotte, I C Traveling men looking for a good hotel at moderate prioee woald do weH to give us a trial. The Queen City Hotel fat up-to date; all nuteide rooms with mod* era crriren:«moe*>. . .. t The HeedUght One Tetr for One Watermelon. Here’s The Proposition: Fortho heaviest ripe watermelon given to this office between this date and October the first, wo will give one year’s subscript ion to the Beat)light. For the next heaviest, one year’s subscription. For the third heaviest, six month's sub scription. Every watermelon sent in will reported in next issue, giving name of the party sending it and the weight. A record of names and weights will be kept n the office. Now, who comes first. Mortgagee's Sale of Land. By virtue of Ihe power rested in mo by « mortgage deed executed on the IBtli dsy of Msy 1001 by G. O Sanders and wife. 1.. t*. Sanders, which mort gage deed ia duly recorded ill the of fice of the Register of I)vrd» for Rich mond Comity in Book “It. It. It." page 172 el. seg., and default having been made in the payment of the bond ac company !ng laid mortgage, I will eel) at public auction, to Jtbe highest bid der, for cash, ut the Court House door in the town of Rockingham, Richmond Comity, at 12o’clock, SI. on Saturday, August 20lb, 1001, the following de scribed tracts of li^id, lying and being in Mnrka Creek township, Richmond County, bounded and described os follows: i ne iinti imci, being on both sides of Mark's Creek, beginning at a comer of the original tract, known as the Levincr tract in the Mendow branch and runs with tho original lino N. 37 E. 10 chaina and 60 links to a stake on the sou bside of a small branch ; thence N. 10 chaina and 76 links to a stake and two pine pointers in a flat; thence West 36 chains to Marks creek ; thence dowp the creek 6 chaina; thence N. $8tlfrcst crossing tha creek 18 chains •bn stake, black gum and pine point ers and the beginning of tho Curtis Jacobs one hundred acres; thence West to line reversed N. 23 East 48 chains to s stake and two large pine pointers; thence West 10 chains to a stake two large pine pointers in Ran dolph McDonald’s linn thence with his lino .South 41 West 40 chains to a stake; thence South 76 West 6 ■‘bains, to a stake on the east side of the home pen branch ; thence down said branch 8* West 10 chains and 10 links to a black gum In the horse pen branch the 6th oorner of tho Felix Jacobs ouo hundred acre tract and also the last oonier of the Norman Jacobs one hun dred acre tract; thence with the home line of the said Norman Jacobs tract about East 60 chains to ita beginning comer to a pine, two pine pointers North of the Speeds town road called the Hadley comer, thence S. 29 West 2 chains and 76 links to a pine, now dead on tho cast edge of Smith’s new load; thence S. 40East 8 chains to tho 3M^klinB of the MoKiunon one hun drMaere tract: thenco with it No. 80 E. 8 chains to ita fourth comer—a stake ; thence with fourth line S. 60 E. 40 chains to i|« beginning a large -Sooth tide of the road near a branch and a comer of the said Felix Jacob's trset; thence- with a line of the McKinnon trtet and h lino of the Felix Jacob* tract to the Green Pond road ; thence with the Green Pond road to Marks creek; thCnoe op aaid creek to the ron of the Meadow branch; thence ap said branch to the beginning, con taining 682 acres excepting 3b acres claimed by John G. McKeithan. Second tract—beginning at a pine three pine pointers on tho West side of tho Oheraw road and south of the head of* small branch on, which John son once lived and rank 8. 4b , 0chains; thonoe 8. 45E.1I0chains; thence No. 45 E. 80 ohaln*; thence direct to the beginning, containing 80 acre* more or less, being part of 88400 acre* granted to David Alltaon 23rd day of Feb. 1798. Third tract, beginning on the north line of R* •••)-. ' . , stake, * *. - chains fr»,..i • - • 30 E 8 eli i fir pointers; • , thence 8 :»l» : ,, the beginning, eontnri.i-.ig HAt r.i-!i . more or lass. R. H. More*. __Mortgage* Exacitor’s Notice. meat of tho late Dr. John M. Bunelll. VounnMEfw^Qt t. - - . .. — - . , — . «■—■■»■.: *--T_-^"wvUf ■'. JMJ.!." -JflN I Campaign HEADLIGHT Send 25c and get the Headlight to Nov 15, Tliis will l»o n lively campaign and the Hoa<llight will bristle with tho political nows of the day, as well as fur nish all tho county and State news we can get hold of. If advertisers desire their advertisements to reach everybody in tho county, the Headlight is the place to put them. This applies directly to new subscribers, but pres ent subscribers who will nay up all arreages can have the privileges of the campaign offer Send Your QUARTER Along: AT ONCE. WHY HESITATE When needing medicines? I have anticipated your necessity and liavo them prepared in strict accordance with tho latest written U. S. Pharmacopoeia. You should re member the familiar saving, The Best is None Too Good in Time of Need. A groat many people do appreciate the standard of excel lence, why not moro? There are numbers of articles of less importance than medicines, I have not overlooked tho’ haven’t space to enumorate here. Gratefully yours. Thos B. Hunter, Pharmacist and Chemist Undertaking Department. We have a full line of Coffins, Caskets and Burial Robes Our services are at your command at any hour of the day or night. Lowest prices guaranteed. Respectfully, H. C. WATSON. WE HAVE THE BEST AND MOS^ COMPLETE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Ever Fitted up In Rockingham. All sizes, in White Gloss, Mahogany, Walnut, Oak, Mummie Cloth, Black Bread Cloth, plain, blind draped and full draped, White Crushed Plush, Octagon and Eliptic ends, double and tripple swelled top. Metalit; Caskets as high as $175.00. We have iecently purchased a Twelve Hundred Dollar Funeral Car which will fill the demands of the most fastidious. Prices are light on overy job. Place your contract with us and we will handle it with the greatest care and to your entire satisfaction. WEST DROTHERS. IHUIlT NilC(§IST[!#£ ^ ^^^/jfecRQirOHFARporl^lVtl*. ^v_—6 etwee n the— * North .*nd South Florida-Cuba* A passenger service unexcelled for luxury and comfort, equipped with the latest Pullman Dining, Sleeping and Thoroughfare Cars. For rates. Schedule, naps or any Informa tion, write to WM. J. CRAiq Wilmington, N. C. .. . 11 ......—

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