**DUak>a Bricklayers ■OB CDASES BOY WHO FIRED GUN • Youthful Bricklayer Empties His Re volver Into a Mob of Would-be Lyncher* While Standing on an Elevated Railroad Platform. New York. Special—After holding S crowd of pursuers at bay on the platform of an elevated railroad sta tion followed an alleged assault upon another workman, emptying hie re volver Into tho mob and trying to escape on a train, Jonoph, Costello. IS years old, a bricklayer, was taken to a police station, guarded by a squad of reserves with drawn revol vers. Behind surged the crowd which had chaaed him, demanding that he be lynched. He was locked up an s charge of felonious assault, made by Thomas McLaughlin, another brick layer, who aaye that the youth fired at him, the bullet passing through the oollar of hts coat close enough to bum bis neck. Coetello, who la not a member of a labor union, had been employed on a naw building up to last week. He claimed that a sum of money waa dne him from the con- ' tractor and that every time be went after It the union men drove 'him away. Monday, when he again ap peared at the building and started for the contractor’s office, McLaughlin stood in his way. Costello says that McLaughlin knocked him down. Mc Laughlin declares that Costello drew a revolver, fired one shot, which nar rowly missed him, and then turned and ran. a oitcumiu, armed with a heavy ■ledge-hammer, faced a crowd of ■tiiko sympathisers, who were admin istering a violent beating to Patrick Mallon, a non-union workman, this afternoon, and so overawed the crowd that Mallon waa allowed to slip away. Mallon waa leaving the Cchwarxchlld A Bulsberger plant when n score of strikers seised him, threw him down, kicked and heat him, broke hla nose and covered hla face and body with cuts and hrnlaaa. He had managed to break away and waa running down street with the mob at hla heels when Joseph Raaater, a blacksmith, heard hla cries for help. Seising a heavy sledge-hammer, Raaater rushed into the street and faced the crowd. Hla threetenlag attitude bad the desired effect, and the pursuers tell back wt^e Mallon made good hla escape. Fairbanks to Tour the Country, Chicago, Special—That Senator Fair banks, the Republican vice presidential candidate, will participate almost con tinuously In the presidential camaplgn and tour the country In behalf of the ticket of which he la a component part, waa made known today aa the result of a visit made by him to Republican headquarters In this city. Ha has en tered Into an engagement to open the Kansas State campaign at Marlon, in that State, on September 1st. and there are calls for him (or earlier dates la Vermont. Ha also today Indicated hla positive acceptance of aa Invitation to apeak at Saratoga, N. T., on the 14th of September, on the occasion of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the organisation of the Republican party at that resort Later in the cam paign he will visit the far Weet New* By Wire. Democratic leaden *r* hoping for favorable results In contrasting the personality of the candidate* for Presi dent. ' Turkey having yielded on *U points to tha United State* tha American Beat at Smyrna has been ordered to leave. The United State* South Atlantis squadron arrived at Capa Town. The British torpedo boat destroyer Decoy sank off tbs Sctlly Islands In a collision with another destroyer. Tha Republican campaign text-book la to be leaned from nations! headquar ters today. The Associated Press learns that Lewis Dixon, of New York, who has bean In St. Petersburg for several days, cates at the request of tha Russian edmlrellty, and that negotiations are progressing between the admJrmllty and Mr. Nlxoa, but whether for the sale of ships, machinery or what. Is not ascer tainable. Mr. Nlxoa la going to Sabaa tapol Friday to confer with the com mander of the Black Sea Beat. A whole family was potaooed at Sal isbury last weak from eating food Into rthlch tha cook had put some kind of poison. Dr. A. B. Simpson, of New York, took np a collection of H4.09A for tha Christian 'Workers’ Alliance at the Old Ore bard (Maine) camp masting. Three Batteries Captured. Berlin, By Cable.—A dispatch to The Lokal Antal per from Toklo. received Monday, coalrms the reporta that heavy lighting has occurred at Port Arthur derlag tha past raw days. Tha Japanese captared three Roaalen bat teries and atesrad positions close to the laser fortldcatlona Both sides lost heavily. The Japanese have com men sad a bombardment from Lang Moun tain oa tha harbor and Inner defence*. # %