Sifililli flljt _ _ ROCKINGHAM. N. C„ FRIDAY. SEPT. 9. 1904. No’20 Tte-‘«qB&AT HEADLIGHT" goes to more homes in Richmond Comity, and is road by snore people than any other paper, of any kind published in the Comity, or elsewhere IF.'JLL 1 ■'■; ■ _ _ _ ■■■■I——__——__ _ Hfefcf Bttntt Gathered Son Miojr Places For Busy People. Mw Bealah Diggs and brother •pant Monday in town. Hr. O. T. Goodwin, of Hamlet, is fBremen of the grand jury. Wa woodsr what Fayettaville did, “when aha mat at Benaslem.” Bebenlel Methodist meeting, we are reqoeatod to say, begins on the 14th instant. Mrs. H. D. Baldwin sad chil dren returned last week from Blowing Bock. What about the sweet potato crop? We don’t sea many oom ing to market. JedgePeeblee is striot, but yvery whit, a judge. Would we had mom of the sum kind. Hot mack ooart news. Mom about it next week. Oar paper is fall and fanning over, now. We greatly appreciate quite a number of new subscriptions this waah—ail cash. Thanks, friends, j little Miss Marie Hobbs had i. birth-day party last Friday, to which aha invited her little friends of her aga. miss rietcner, wno has been a visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Qibeon’a. has returned to her boms, at Gibson. Tbs free rood delivery, roots through Wolf Pit* township will fefeopemd October 1st. No oarrier • nppplptad yet. Mr.- Leak^ 8. Covington, cashier! the Farmers’ Bank, leaves to night for Now York, to attend the Bankers* Convention. Hr. J. X. Manor, of Louise mill, Charlotte, is at Boberdel No. 3 nursing* sick friend. Will be glad to see his friends. Mr. M. L. Hinsen’a gin was the drat to gin a halo of ootton this season, n far as we know. It was running last Saturday. Bev. T. 8. Wright hapiissd sev eral candidates for ohnrch msm bseship, at the Bteele’s Mill pond, near -the Books,” last Sunday. Mr. Johnson, of Virginia, is the new printer at the Anglo-Saxon oilee. . Hope ho will find bis pos ition pleasant and remunerative. Bev. Mr. Kilgore is conducting nmooting at Boberdel this freak. Thao far, hie mast lugs have prov ed to be profitable to the 4eharob., A large buhh of onr poop]* availed thmnlni of the advant age at th* Seaboard amnion, and took ia labor day, at Char lotte, laot Monday. Bo many of oar friends from th* ««mte]rha*» nailed oa os this week, we have not space to glv* names, bat wo appreeiat* their, visits, jost th* ease*. Mr. D. B. Psoi is now th* owner aad editor of th* Aagio-Baaon— as flaps that paper. Tb* Anglo* 8*3*00 PflbllMliag. Company is • no mono—**tt haa been dissolve/* Mr. /. A. Mark*, of Beaver Dam, has moved his family to Booking ham, to sdaflats Ms children. welcome to Mr. Mark* aad family Messrs. Palmer Bros, are build ing a bakery on Franklin street. The- exercises of the Graded Schootwi)) be resumed next Mon day. Mrs. Ai Ml Lentx, of Norwood, is visiting, be*- sister, Mrs. Y. M. Boggan. Mrs. Jsnnis Carrie, of Jackson Springs, is-eisitiagher sister, Mrs. J. C. Stubbs. Prof. W. L.. Cndleltangh, of Roberdel, was a pleasant visitor last Saturday. Misses Virginia Cole'and Bes>i6 Watson have returned from a visit to Benuettsviile. Judge Peebles failed to b« on hand last Monday and no session of court was held. Now is the time to advertise, cotton is short, nod the fellow who gets the trade will have to. Mr. W. A. Lucas, of Montclair, 8. C., spent several days of this week with the editor’s family. Glad to welcome our excellent Scotland correspondent this week. His letters are greatly appreciated. The tencbers-elected for the Pee Dec School are Mrs. Thomas, W. W. Baldwin, and Miss Sue Thomas. We were highly pleased to have a call on Tuesday from our fair, appreciated correspondent, “Sun shine. ” ' Mm Annie- Bdbgan, who hns been in Montgomery for the last Iwo weeks, visiting relatives, re turned home last Sunday. If any paper onght to appreciate its correspondent#, the Headlight should,—and it sorely does. They are so good, and so regulor. Missss Della and Vinnie DeBer ry, and Miss-Afteri, o( Wadesboro, apeut Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Y. M. Boggan. Mr. A. C. Covington, of Rober del, has three tracts of land in up per Riohmond, which he will sell At a bargain—good property. Mr. E. W. Clark, of Chadwick mill, Charlotte, and Mr. W. A. Clark, of Hamlet vicinity, were pleasant oallera on Wednesday. Mias Elia Fields and Mr. Archie Hammond warn married at Steeles Mill village last Sunday. Rev. T. 3. Wright was the officiating min ister. , Bod Baldwin passed through town last Monday taking the chil dren of Mr. D: A. Parsons to the Piedmont 8choc 1, near Charlotte, of which Rav. J. A. Baldwin is president. Read Sheriff Wright’* "Tax Notioe.” He talks like he meant boa Inset, and a* he no longer has the power to indulge vou as he baa done heretofore, H will be weU to get prepend to pay him your taxes. Bar. Bran Cameron is conduct ing eerrioee at tbs Baptist church this week, preaching in the fore noon and night. Hr. Cameron ia an excellent preacher, and we hope that be and Bro. Britt will be iu etrumentai ia accomplishing much •nod. Don’t fail to read new adt. of MoAulay, Yorks A Rogers, J. B. Oaudle Company, A. Artnson and th# Richmond Ifareantil* Com pany. See all these people, also New York Racket. Represents three of several of them houses are Jaaibeek from the North, and all an teoerviag new goods,—and keen to mil. Now’s your oppor tunity. Ws an greatly pleased to learn from Dr. Simla that little Charlie Hobbs, who was operated upon last Tuesday for appendicitis, is doing fairly wall, and though still la a aritioal state, his prospect for recovery is hopeful. Ws sincerely hope oo. * % Dr. J. T. Hiatt requests tin* Headlight to fay that, he is im proving rapidly, aud expects to re turn homo next weok fully pro pared to resume practice. W« mid last. w^ck that our young frieud, Jasp»r Smith, of Brunswick, Oa., was a son of' oht esteemed frieud Albert Smith. We thought so, but learn that Itej is a urphew of Mrs. Albert Smith. Well, it don’t matter much, since they are all good, clever tolks. NVe are auxious to ascertain thu ! unrnber of persons, white anil col ored, who are liable to roud serv ice, and if the supervisors of the different towushi^ts will inf irm us, by towuships. we will grei.'.ly up-, preciate the favor. Wo have au : object in view, which will be ex-] plained later. We understand that the people i along the line, . between Beaver . Dam and Mineral Springs town-] ships, are wonderfully st rred-up over the cousolidatiou of their schools, and the location of the new school house. Some nro greatly dissatisfied. Tuk > it easy friends, everybody cau’t have the school house at their door. The board has promised to build a gang-way across the swump, nud that will be a nice crossiug-place when the school house is moved again. Republican Senatorial Conven tion. The Republicau Senatorial con vention of the 22nd district has been called by Chairman E. W. Mai.ship, to meet at Humlei, Sept. 22r.d, at 8 o’clock, p. in. l*uU Ml'Ul' t'c*ai'iliitl',vv|^ In a ehort time, probiiiSj the first week in October, onr people will have the pleaeure of seoing and hearing the renowned and in imitable Polk Miller, and his cele brated negro quartette. Due no tice of the date of tbeir coming will be published. List’ to the Wedding Bells. The Headlight bos bad the honor to receive the following in vitation : Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hicks request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Mamie to Mr. William W. Thrower, Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 21st, Nineteen hundred and four, at half past three o’clock,' at their home, Rockingham, N. C. • . These are two of our nicest yonng people and we feel xgreatly interested in their uniou. In ad vance, we extend most cordial congratulations. Complimentary to Prof. Key. Rook Rest, N. C., 8«pt. 6, 1004. Mr. Editor: Please allow ms space in your columns to express onr many thanks to Prof. Key for ths faith ful work ha did in this community during the past two1 weeks, in his Singing school. Hs has mads an impreaaion upon the people here that will never be forgotten. Every student seemed td love him, and be spared do efforts in trying to I earn the young people of this community something about tnuaio. At tba oloetr.g exercises l*et Thursday night a display of music was given by the ol«as, and a few recitations and declamation* alaoj Thanking him again for past services, we bop* to have him with o* again next cummer. A Student. LOST.—la Bock Ingham last Meadsy an Umbrella, marked with Initial*, T. A. P." and baa- spring aauk fee dgcaisg. Finder please eommualease wttb Headlightoflo*. , . THS COUNTRY! Interesting Dots From Our Faithful Cor respondents. | Cordova. Mias Witmer Onddv is on the I sick list., Hope hIiu will soon get! well. Mrs. I,<din Rum* and daughter, May, am oft' to Newberry, 8. C.. this week. Mrs. U. W. D.ivi* and child ran, of Hock Hill, 8. C., am visiting friends aiul Relatives in this vicin ity. Mr. B. L. Webb and wife, of upper Richmond, were welcome visitors in onr citv last week. Mr. J. K. Edwards has severed ! his connection with this mill, and | Mr. lleirge Gurley now has charge I of both carding and spinning. We I wish him great success. Many hearts were made sad last Sunday morning when it was gently whispered that Mr. J. T. Best was dead. It was a great shock to the most of us, as we had no thought that he was so sick. Mr. Best has been living here for several years and wo found him to b« a quiet, yeaceable man, wm> uiwayg aiteuaeu 10 jub own affairs. The deceased was 50 year* old and leaves a wife and six chil dren to mourn his loss. The fami ly have our heartfelt sympathy in the loss of husband aud father. Peace to his ashes. The protracted meeting that has in progress here for a week, was cles'd Sunday. Bru. Wright was assisted by Bro. Cameron, and they both preached the gospel of our Lord and Saviour in its purestsimnlicity, and there wero: more than dO souls who said, that! I will from this day’ on try to live | ever near thy precious, bleeding side. I would like to say some thing in regard to the Sniiday School in connection with this, but space will uot permit this time. i The double constructed,' double back-action,- non-explosive, ex travagant ‘’povertie partie” will be pulled off Saturday night, the 17th of September. The com mittee say there will be % plenty for all. They will sell yon a box and throw in the girl—two of them if you want them. So now all yon dudes and dndesses come on and have a good time. P. U. They have added the “Bnzzard Lope” to the program. n/t Ledbetters. Mite Eleanor* Saunders visited Miaeea Mary and Abbie McDonald Sunday. H. M. Mark* recently killed twenty-three tquirrele, and only mieeed three abuta. How ia that fer a gunner? Miaeea Cora and Collie Menka, of Monot Oliva, and Miaa Annie Downer, of Aneon, viaited Mra. W. H. Marka laat FriJay. From irme oauaa or other, n certain gray borae ia getting very familiar in the village,—but not any more eo thau hie driver. * Miaeea Laura and Ella Molnnia and Maater Alex, of Sanford, are vieiting their annt, Mra. Margaret McDonald. « Miaa Eugenia Saundara returned borne laat Wedneeday, after tak ing a three week'a pleaanre trip among relativae and frienda. Lewie Webb, of Scotland, who Kaa been aaarohing for cottonj piekera in tbia vicinity, returned borne tbia morning with a wagon loada of band a. • / Sometimes we imagine that we can almost hear a faint tup of the wedding bells. We did hear a young man tell the register that he wauted his papers before the primary—perhaps he meant the general election. There was a little runaway oc curred in tlie village Sunday, wlrcli resulted in standing u tinm out of his vehicle on his hea l. He was not seriously hurt, only got a lew scratches and g«t his ”ui!mi nt IT up,” that's all. Subscriber. Scotland County Department. Cotton picking is iu fall swing. What will he the ruling price of cotton this full?, is the topic up permost with tho "Nail Keg So ciety. Misses Sellie and Pearl Holland visited friends in tho Laurel Hill section hist week. Miss Minnie Louise Hinson, of Clarktou, N. O., has heeu visiting friends jn tho Sucud’s Cirovo sec tion the past week. She extends her visit to frieuds in Anson this week. rrof. John M. right went down to New Hanover county, Friday, to take charge of his flourishing school there* He is a very successful anil popular teach er, and the good people of New Hanover have found it out. Some of our farmers believe that insuring their crops against hail, was the direct cause <>t the destruc tion thereof,—tn« argument* r. long that lino are humorous, very. We hear that one woman has serv ed notice on her man that if he doe* not move out of the hail belt, she will sue for divorce. The interest in the war news is is just as keen with the |>eople as over. The Russians seem to have mastered thn art of retreating. We want some spell-biuders in this section. It looks like the Democrats would ueed them here fully as bad ss the Republicans do in Vermont. Some of our lo cal politicians are just dying for at'least a writing acquaintance with one Thomas Taggart. Good Roads. They come high in Scotland. Our people are jaBt beginning to And out something about road building. With good tools, C or 8 good, big mules and sufficient men to operate, we have possibly, a little over throe miles ot good rond to show for six mouth's work. At that rate, it win no in about the year luzu be fore wo can have much fun with the ‘automobile pest,” nud fino chafTeures for fast driving. tVe hear that the new seats for the splendid new church at Spring Hill have arrived, and will l*e placed in position at once. These good people will hove everything in fino shape for the Association, which meets with that church in October. Rev. 8. E. Mercer in deep water: Rev. 8. E. Mercer came verv near meeting with a fatal nccident while crossing Lumber river, at the new bridge. The water was unusually high, and hs not b6ing acquainted with the stream, drove in too far. Fortunately, by the timely arrival of a colored man, he sneoeeded in getting out alive, but wet. Qeess City Hotel.JCUarlotte, X.C Traveling men looking for n g'Mtii koto! at Moderate pri *< * would do well tc give ns s trio!. The Queen City lloud :» up-to date ; all outside rooms with mod ern conveniences. SEABOARD WRECK At a Creek Near the Catawba River. TRESTLE FALLS IIV And Engine and Train Go Down. The Atlanta train that past Rockingham at 10:45 last* night, foil into a crook near the Catawha river. Tho wreck was caused by tho tres tle falling down. There was a general smash-up resulting iu the killing of a number of persons, variously estiimrtod, say from 7 to 15. Reports are meagre, and/ none direct and thoroughly reliubb, but there is uo ques tion as to the wreck, and j that a number of people were [killed outright, and some | wounded. It is reported that the pas senger train was followed by i a light engine, carrying no I icars, which plunged in be ! hind tne passenger, j We await furl her triform*- . Ition. None of our dailies I contained an account of the disaster. i Tlie honli Applied In the Wrong Place.—Backbone. A short time piece, in a leading church, a popular evangelist preached a sermon in which , he ■ denounced tho saloon keeper in vigorous terms. Next day in tha city's most influential daily paper ap]>eared the following open letter to the evangelist: “I attended your meetiug last night and t think you were, to say the least, unfair in your denunci ation of the saloon keepers. I differ with you as to their haviog no conscience. 1 was a saloon keeper. I kept a respectable place. Besides that I rented my place from a deacon iu a Baptist church. My bondsmen were, one a Metho dist and the other a Presbyteriau. On election day Baptists, Metho uisis. i resoyierians, V/ongregs tionalist, Episcopalian!, Luther ans, Catholics, Kniversalitts, infl dbls, atheists, saloon keepers, high way robbers all voted a license to * grant me the privilege to danfn souls you are trying to save. And let me prophesy now that many who arose last night to be couuted a member of some church will this fall cast their votes for license to self liquid damnati >n. It is a strango fact that the evaugelista ■ are whipping the saloon keepers with a lash that ought to be use! I upon ths professed Christiana who use their prayers to mock God apd their votes to build up the kin^ dom of ths devil. Yoa quoted Scriptnre last night to prove that the saloon keeper inherits tbs abode »f tbe damned, but no re ference wis mide to the 8nal sum ming np of the hypocrite. A sa loon keeper is not a hypocrite; a Christian mau of brains who votes : ■* a lic-hsv is, nnd if I undsr ,'.'a’.iil.i Bi<i'*ri/ht. Ood hates j.'ojy 2iyp.mrits worts than the devil does a saint.—An Kx-Baloo^ | Keeper.

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