PATTERSON TRIAL -— Y*oj Wmm Oharfttf WWi Barter tauOaVNaetsstart » lens SMRN TMOI I*-— B»MtaL-**XM4 kmtM U« took. IT!! w» la* » i | I 1 i 2L„...___ On the other hand, aha testtoed tka* a* a resell of bar (StfOTew wtth Yombc. it was agreed that aha should >»i» his la Hngtanil aad taka apnt saate ia tka Haul Cecil. Us San, tab les can Ust aha kept bar wbeedabaats a complete aocm from Mrs. Young aad . Young's rataUeaa. Aa isyortaat feature bran* bt OS was the bet US Toting gave the wtaooo a postal card, oa which bo wrath bar ease aad addrsi. aarlag tt waa eoartUtoc she sight The crowded court room he US a eoddraly aUll when the terser sow . Sri took. Uia stand. The tret of bar tragi swag, mating to heraatf. waa given la a tow. even voice, hot as aha tiniwnM1!^ hruMNUitM (SI cab ride, bar voice waa ailed with trag ic ciriirraelno • Karty ia her story. Mis Patterson told of her eriglaal sort!eg with Trass, at their tile together, aad of their coatees plated Knee peon trip She teM at bar talk with Yon eg the eight before hie groyned departure for by a talaghnaa saeeaga fros kite to -' ge to the pfar tosa bis odf. of the ride __ down town, of the soraeau la • aa " faaa tsd of the ride la'Aka cab before tha ahaaUagc • *■»> •, aha waa naked to daaertbowka* hnp praad attar had flag Aba eaiaaa. while driving dawa Was Broadway. “We talked aboat Me going away, aad ha kept ga rationing so about sy eostag to seat Ms.” she aald. *1 did not say anything, and taaQjr he aald, ‘Bat I don't Seel paaldva that pan are going to cease over/ Ha said. T be lieve tbs yea are fading—ere year • Thao ha aahL 'Are yea aotag.’ I aald. 'Weil. Caesar, there's aa nee aaytag I wBI. keeaaee I've atode up a>y adad net to. hat you ga aver than, aad gat things gained daw*, natll tha folks hava lor gotten akaat tktaga by that Use, f wBI seat yon at the gars toga *""ildto»U at sa a while, aad add. Da too saaa thatr aad than ha grab had aaa bp sr hand nearest to Ms. aad paOad sa aver toward Ms Ha hart sa as that l triad to pall away, bat I eoaM as gat away trap* Ms. I pec sy ether hand ap aad ha grabbtd st Soauhow as other I got swap fires his. I told ' Ms that ha hart da. “Ho aM. 'If you don't com* over then, aad I hava to wait until tha Saratoga seating. I say never an yaws gain. My h ureas have gone book aa 'sit. I've toot all that money. Now I's toeing sy little dd; do yon sens thatr “He nabbed sa aad hart sa ha badly Oat man cans to ay eyee. I tried to ettuggto sway fros Ms again. "md had la band away over. tt TK WOK tf cmm% Bally Mnf) of Mar* ar Law Interact Bto twtfaa bar .tto tty' tender. The t strength to force Spanker to brack n tta. In order that tba bUI wlgkt bo _ ay- tba Dawn* crnta owing- their nutted* of an togwlaw baannw Mr. WO. of Ooaaoe Beat, tn cbaiyo of tba Wit. rafaaad to yootyaw Ite tart bar eoasidsraUao tn tnnwti of tba Ittnaw of Mr. Bar rett., of Georgia, tender of tba opposi tion. Little on by Mr. of hr banka on aoonnta deposit ed by the governwaaL and Haitiag the aw oust to ba oo dopoeltad In any ooa Senate Orders tenyawbniwd. The Saanta agent practically lbs an .ttre day dlsroaalag tba Pblllppiae ad BlaUtrstioc bl)L A somber of ■ eased wants wan adggaatad and debated, among thorn being grovwona relating to railroad bonds, mining locations end tsrltt rates. Under agreement, tba rota on tba Mil will ba taken, and the dis posal of all nmandmaats will occur at .tba acme time. A formal order to eater upon tba Swayne impeachment pro. ootdtogi was adopted, bat U did not da n day for banian) ng tba work. Mr. Platt, of CoaoecUcut. chairman of the select committee to cooaMcr the rerraamsadatloas of the Hobos of Rep resentatives for the impeachment of Jndye Swayne. presented tba report of that committee. Tba report was la tba shape of aa order, wblcb. -after recit ing tba circamataacee la a preamble, proceeded as fallows: “Ordered, that tba 8anata will, ac cording to Its standing rules and or ders la sack/ cases provided, taka proper action thereon (apoo tba pra sestatloB of tba articles of Impeach ment). of which dan notice shall bo given to tba House at Representa tives.' The Senate Friday carried out Its unanimous agreement to <M« on the Philippine civil government Mil. and fay a vote of 44 to S3 pasted the measure. The gnat vote was preceded by the presentation of many amend ment* sad a general discussion or them, as well ss of the provisions or the MU. There wc{w occasional poli tical references, hot. In the main, the discussion was coalined to the merits of the measure. On soma of tho ■uneadmaata suggested by. Democratic Senators several Western Republicans cast their votes la the normative, but Mr. McCumber was the only Republi can who voted with the Democrats against the passage of the MIL The most notable change made dur ing the day was the towering of the rate of interest, On railroad bonds to he guaranteed «gr~tho Philippine gov ernment from t to d per coat. The bin as -pasasg exempts from taxation an bonds issued by the Philip pine and Porto Rican governments; authorises the Philippine government to gaarsntse tho payment of Interest on railroad hands at the rate of 4 per cent per sssnm; provides for the ad ministration of the Immigration laws by the Philippine authorities; astab hahea a system for the Iocs lion sad pstsnttsg of minersy. coal, sad saline lands; axes the metric system for the Wends, sad gives the civil Governor the title of Governor General. During the day Senator Hevoridgn. from tho committee on Territories, ro portetf the statehood MIL He gave notteo at that Umo that Immediately after the disposal of (he Philippine MM he would ttaCrvA the coasMerattoo of the Statehood Mil. hat a poo dis covering that tho rales require that committee reports lie over for s day. he decided not to entnr the motion eattt after (he Christman holidays, his intention being to make ibn motion on the drat day Ihe tL.uate convenes in January. Friday', session of lb* lions* was given over almost exrlaslvnly lo (be oonaldsisilos of bills on the private calendar, a down of mme being passed. The Senate amendments in ibn urgent dedcieney Mil were agreed to. and ndterament was taken until Mon II ira art on r Jaa. a »■., who ItOtBS ll a ckina work In. Iiqalrnd maplatat it If tka # tW Lw I tka aro il baa to twit* tka gas •Sr Tka S? wmrm4 *7 tattoo ***_!» a «mm lr. Laaay m to £ N ba tfaoa a mhST r aaaaaati a *lteaa TWELVE DAY FIGHT A Viftrm Assastt Oa Tie lutau Bjr Japtaeie ttK STOESSEL KSCUffS ATTACK OlipiMiw Fim the Pert Arthur Oewwlir Relate Hew the Fat raee Wee HeM Agelwet tee Supreme Effect of the Japanese Frem Nee. SOte Ope. *. St. Petersburg. By Cable—Oen. Otoee eel’B discs tehee to tee Kmparor, which were received Friday eight, were gtv ee out 8uaday. The tret la dated November O, aad la aa followe: “l am happy to inform your majes ty that oa November St, after aa in creased bombardment, the Japneeea attached oae of the torts oa the north eastern front and leaped with n por tion of their Co rose oa the parapet. The? ware annihilated by rite Ere aad tee bayonet mad throws back Into the trenches. Their reserves were scatter ed by shrapnel. “From November SI to November SS the enemy violently bombarded the fort end. In spite of great leases, elected by their perseverance n passage be tween the two forts on the northeastern Croat.' At *:» o’clock tn tha irasing of Norm bar S3, after beery firing, tha Japanese suddenly hurl ad themselves ngalnat several works on this front and ■sited n portion of the trenches, bat they ware thrown back by the reserves after a fierce bayonet straggle. They returned to the assault at midnight and again occupied a part of tha tranches, but war* annihilated by onr bayonet*. At I o’clock la tha morning all wng over and your majesty's berate troop* war* abl* to net and start to repair ing tha damage. The Japanese lost more than 3,000 man. All of oar troop* behaved aa heroes. Tha following es pecially distinguished themaelvea: Gen erals Koudrake (commander of the ar tillery) and Oorbotowsky and Lleuteo ant Colonel Naoomka. (A dasen other oncer* tn lower grades are also men tioned in tha dispatch.) Tha bombard ment of the town and harbor continues dally. A number of buildings havt bean destroyed sad the harbor Asa sustained soma damage. The garri sons are In excellent spirits.” la other dispatch dated November 37, Can. Stoeaael says: Tke ttth sad 37th ware the blood last days In tha assaults on Port Ar thur. The attacks began on the night of tha 31th, against our left flank, near Pigeon Bay. Tha Ant was repulsed with groat loss to tha Japan***. The •am* sight tha enemy attacked a de tach meet an Psnlong Mountain, bat wars repulsed, aa also was thalr attack oa VIsokai (SM-aatra Hill.) ‘‘Oa tha Sfith the Japanese began to bote bard and attack fiercely tha torts of the northeastern front nod the ad vanced trenches. Tha trench aa repeat edly changed hands. Nevertheless, on tha night of tha 3tth we throw back tbg Japanese at the point of tha bayo net. The enemy succeeded la blowing up the parapet of oa* of the forte and began building parallel* there. At an other tart, oa the ana* night, they laid each* along tha rampart, but our ar tillery dispersed them. Towards 10 o’clock la tha evening the Japanese attacked n battery on our left flank tn considerable strength, and at first ob tained poaaaaelou of a portion of the works, hot oar karoo* brought bayo aeta into use and tha Japan*** retired, leaving a heap of thalr men. Along tha whole trout the Japanese ra-opaued a viol ant fire against tha Interior of the tort row, keeping It ap until I o'clock aa tha morning of November 37. Tha help which God seat us oa the birthday of our mother tha Cxarlne gave as fur ther victory.” Imw Two Foot Poop Newport. R. L. 8portal.—As a roealt ot tho wont bUttard that haa rial tad thle olty la wasy years, all local traf •a *e practically at a standstill. The Mom Hfta at wMalefct last alpht Ni ahatad at aooa today. Oa a tar ot tho tmam u aon thaa two 10at ta depth, while a strong wind haa piled ep drifts that Mock the streets. New Tort. S portal—Tho eaew atom aad sale which otrech the coast StCttTAIT WILSON'S KNIT Wpws them tag the Astonishing Vab aaa a# This Year's Crap. The Secretary of Agriculture has transmitted his eighth annual report lo tha Pridtot la npeahyg hie report the Secretary portaat featuree of the year's erode. Among them are extensive cooperation with agricultural I tattoos: the taking of preliminary slope to ooadnot reed lag and breeding experiments, the war waged against the cotton boil wee ril and against cattle mange, plant tor education of engineers ta road build lag: Um production of a hardy orange, a hybrid of the Florida orange ■ad the Jays see tri toilets; valuable research ta successful shipping of fruit abroad: the value of nitrogen ■slag bacteria; successful latroduc Uoa of plants sotted to light rainfall trass; establishment of pure food oiaadarde; tho extension of agricul tnral edecaUua la primary sad second wry schools; the extension of Instruc tion to oar island possessions to en able thorn to eappty the country with l20O.ue0.0M worth of domestic pro duct*. now Imported from abroad. ’ He then proceeds to disease the Place of agruulluia ta the country's mdnsinal Ufa T>s cum crop og. 130* ylvlrtf. • farm value greater than ever befortv Tbo farmer* coaid fruai tbe pro ceeds of this imp pay Ibo national debt, tbo lots) eat tbcrcoo for uun yoar, aad anil have cinigk left to pay a ruo aide cable ppiltou of tbe gpma meut'e Warty expenses. The oottoo crop, valued for list aad aood at S40*. 000.000. cornea second. vblle hay and •beat contend for the I bird piece. Combined, these two crops will about equal m<* mrm crop. Notwithstanding tbo Wboat crop show* s lower pro duction than aay year since 1900, tbe rams •slue U tbe hlgHnst since Ital. Pol*lor* gad barley reached taeir bigheet production In 1004; save tn l»dj tho oat crop was never ao large by 40.000,000 buabela The preseot crop or nee penalises s yield of 900. 000.000 pounds—400,000,000 more then ever before. Horses sail males reach the high est point this year, with an aggregate valuo exceeding 1.S64 million dollara On tbo Other hand catUc, sheep and bogs all show a decline , Tbe steady advance id poultry leads to anma astonishing flguioa Tbe far mers' bans now prod nr o one sod two thirds billions of doses* of eggs aad al Abe high average price of the year the heos daring tbolr brisy season lay enough agga In a single mouth to pay the years interest oo the national debt. After a careful estimate of the val ue of tho products or the farm daring 1904, made within Uia census scope. H la safe to place the amount at 4.900 million dollara. after excluding the valuo of farm crops fed to live stock In order to avoid duplication of values. Tkls Is 9.4* par cant above tbs pro duct of 1901, aad I1JI per cent above taut of the ceosaa nr im. . 8o»a comparison* are neeeeaary to tho realisation of rack rmthlcksbla valuo, aggregating nearly flve blltloos of dollara The farmers of this conn try havo ta two years prod need wealth sxceodhsg the output of all tbs gold mines of tho entire world sloes Col umbos discovered America. This year's product la over tlx times tbe amount of the capital stock of all a* Uoua] banks; It lacks bat threw fourths of a billion dollars of tbo veins or tbe manufactures of ltoo. less tbe met of materials used; It la three times the grots earnings from tbe operations of lb# railways and four times the value of all minerals pro daced la this country. The year of 1P*4 keeps w«IJ op to tke average of exports of farm products daring tbe Bra yearn 1M9-1903. amounting to crmt no nnnona. wtuia tua average for tko Iro year* woo nearly Ml mlh IIom.. During UM loot 11 year* taa baUaoa of trade la flavor or thlo roun ntltdoo eoaoldorod. oxeoodod 4JS4 muitoa doUera. bat taking fan. Modacta aleoo. tkoao akowod a bal Mcok^oor favor of more than MM . »ovlowtagtka teproaaa la fan. cap! tal. tko ooorotaiy aottamtea H con aorvattvoly at MM aumoa dollar* J*Wn Mar yoar*—tkla wltkoat moor Wag tko atarkod laoroooo ta I bo vdoe of Mad daring tko pact Iwo jltfl. Tfttt Bolt lUrtllti inras Mow 00 ttaotroUog tko Mmora’ proa ■orlty am tkoao praaoatod by dopoatto ■ Mia M typAeol agriadtaral Btaloo Tko Da oratory aatocta Mr tkla NMa MMoa Iowa, Kaaapo aad Mlaalaalppt. TakMg an ktodaoT kaaka. aatloaal. •MaM. prtvaaa aad aavtaga. tko dapoo Ita Mamappd fiaaa Jaae M. 1IM. ta OeMbOr n. 1M4. la Iowa. Id4 par ■Mil M Kamaaa. Ilf par ooat; aad M KMtaippi Ml par oorit-ta tko Dah tod mam *1 par cant. A ataafUr fa* ■rakla rtmaartma nay ba mala aa M tko a awl i r of dopooMom Tko to or i lory itaiMlit that tko kmarf rate of daaoafal pmgraoa aood Mar a# taatpartaaa with that of oay other alaoa of prafanm . Nowa of Ma Day. A apodal dtapateh from tua ford to a Maw York paper aaya "Tka Rev Dr. WtWaM J. Loop, praalaaat aa a O'lltaa aad lecturer oa aalmai Ufa aad kMDrad aafparla baa boon at/lckaa to tally MMd aad »bo ckaaeeo of bit m aovorMg bio algkt art poor. Tor yoara oao of bla ayoa waa auk. aad dMapy aa tkat adcoaat ba retired from tko aMMtry to that. Loot weak he TIE 6E0LMICAL KPOIT Muab ONd Wane Has Seen Dana tha Pea* Year. Tha Btata Geologic*] Baud held lt» •aaosl meeting law week la the gov amor's offlee. ha being Its chairman, aad tha other members being 3. T. Morahaad and Henry B. Frias, tha lat ter having bean appointed this weak. Btata Geologist Hotmaa was with tha board, aad mads a full statement of tha geological work la North Caro Has daring th* current year. Prof. V. H. Bykas waa prsesat aad submitted hi* special report, largely oovarlag public highways, had other develop manta, mock baring bean dona along this Una. Prof. Hotmaa aad Prof. Bykaa have baan at tha St. Louie Be position mack of tha time. Prof. Hotmaa ha nag for two years or more baas tha hand of oaa of tha greatest departments cf tha exposition. Tha re port of Btata Geologist Holmes to the Geological Board, oovarlag the work tor tha two years ending November 10th. says g groat deal of work baa bom done la connection with tha «ood roads movement aad many public meetings bald, the rand engineer of tba survey. W. L. Spoon, attending than* aad visiting tha various counties, giving Instructions aad advice. In a number of count to* In tha'middle aao tloo aad tha want, and In New Han over., work has developed la tha of sradlng properly, locating aad amlslng. Dr. Pratt, tha mineralogist, haa prepared reports, one on mining, tha other oa tin deposits, aad tha build ing stone resources of tha Btata have has* Investigated by Georgs P. Mor rail, of tha National Museum, and two assistant*. The topographic survey ot Iba 8tate has been continued by th« United States, aad of tba 61,000 square mltaa about 61.000 have been mapped under direction, of H. M. Wilson. Tba Hatted States Bureau of Forest aad State Survey had cooperated, having made a careful examination of the mountain forests, and has done mock to arouse sentiment for a permanent national reserve. The examination oi toe forests of tba eastern count!ea If being arranged for. and Is noon to be pushed. The oyster survey and tnvea tlgatioo of tha fisheries and oyster beds haa baan continued by tba govern rnent. Legislation la needed to pro vent the catrhlng of the shad at th< river mouths. ' General Cotton Market. Middling. Oelreatcm, quiet.7 u-U New Orleans, easy.7 14 Mobile, quiet.. 7 34 Savannah, quiet. 7 m Charleston, quiet . 7 64 Wilmington, quiet . 7 14 Baltimore, nominal.7 74 Near York, quiet. 7.91 Boston, quiet . g.oo Philadelphia, quiet . 8.2C Charlotte Cotton Market. These figures represent price* pale to wagons: Good middling .7- 14 Strict middling . 7 14 Middling . 7 64 Tlagee . 7 to 7 14 Stains.• 14 to 1 Negro Killed by Street Car. Charlotte. Special.—Alexander Jet ton. a negro Inborer. 36 years of sga was killed almost Instantly Friday ef ternoon at 1S.45 o'clock at SeversvUH by bolag run over by a street ear is front of W. J. Fite's store. The saar came upon the track by means of ■ aids street, which la situated la a dost eat. It la said he eras near-sighted The motorman bad no time to stop hit ear. which struck Jetton squarely knocking him down, and then dragged him about 10 feet. The body was ter riably mangled. 9 ——— Prominent Parmer Shot. Kinston. Special.—Jno. L. Daugherty, a prominent farmer of this county, waj seriously shot by Mr. W. B. Street, ol Kinston, la mlstaks for a wild torksy. Mr. 8tract, with a companion, was la a boat on Neuse river duck hunting. Mr. Daugherty had killed two turkeye aad propped them up oa the bank at decoys aad was himself concealed la a pit below the beak. The duck banter seeing part of bin black coat exposed aad hearing his yslplng mistook him for a turkey aad fired from aboot It yards distance, the load of No. 4 shot taking effect la his right shoulder, seek aad bead. He will -probably recover, though seriously hurt. Georgia Farmer* Mot Macon. On.. Special.—Specials to Tbt Telegraph from many counties of the Bute tall of duas meetings held by farmers In aa effort to further tha movement recently Inaugurated to hold cotton for price of iff cents. In moot of the counties strong r anoint lone were adapted setting forth the fact that the Camera should bold all their cotton pooatMo and appeal to local banka fo» aid. Varda maw Oat* Invitation. Washington. 1 pedal.—Tha Varda man leans baa baaa settled by sanding tba Mlmtaalppt 0oversea aa tmvttaUoa la tba laaagnrailos. Tba committee la breathlessly awaiting bla answer. Meanwhile the committee has been fa •undated wUb prat seta against estaad lag say Invitation to Vardaaua at all. Berne of tba letters mstatala that Vnr damaa should not only b* left without an lavHntion. but ebould be rigidly ** eluded from tha atty limit* while tha Oeneral Oaorpa M. Harries, chairman of tha committee an military, ax pi ala* that tba invitations to tba Oavamora are purely official, and that personali ties are not to be considered. Three Kitted la Bmekty* Firm How Tor*. BpadaL—Three persona par* billed and several lajared. la a Bra Is * three-*tory brick rant deem at in Boat* Mala street, la tha Williams bam section of Brooklyn. Tba dead era: Alice Ini naan, Ardes Reynold* sad Charles Unrein. Tba Bra wa* caased by tba exploaloa of aa oil stove Moat of tboae who last tbatr llvrn wan raagbt In tba appar etory of tba balM lag from sbltb there war* no Bra am capes. THREE MEN KILLED A Seriois Accldett Occars 9t Ik Battle tbit FHakMto T«fF BOllEI MAKERS ARE KILLED Tha Olvlrg Away at a Casket. cr Rub ber Washer. Cswvarta the Plra-roem at tha MaaeechweetU lata a teeth lag PM of btaem sad Mat Water— Pear tarvtvert Terribly Be aided Lieutenant Cals Injured in Gallant ly Rescuing tba endangered Men— Bailer Bald te Have Been The rough ly Tested. Philadelphia, Special.—Caught la a trap sad boipless to ease themselves, three men lost thelp ?vae aad four otbors. Including Ueeteeaal Ws C. C. Cola, wore terribly scalded Tbors dsy by a regh ot steam sad boiling water In tha fire-reom of the battle ship Massachusetts, lylag at the League Island ssvy yard. Tba Quad are: Edward Bob. boiler tasker and civilian: Andrew Hamilton, married, boiler maker; Charles Ritas 1. boiler maker. Injured: t.Lou lea sat William Cole. 11. 8. N.. assistant chief engineer of Ute Massachusetts, scalded about the bead sad body. taken to tba Na va] Hospital; Wllllsm Anderson, ship’s boiler maker, badly acaldod, taken to the naval hospital; James Wilson, boiler maker's helper end ci vilian employe, scalded, takes to tba Methodist Hospital; Joseph A. Dur and. boiler maker* nolpor end civil ian. acaldod, takes to 8l Agnes Hos pital. With the eauepUoe ot Llcnt scant Cole, all the kilted and ttijoied resided in Philadelphia. Lieutenant Cot* mceivca el* in Juries In a berate aUort tu rescue Uie others. The accident was saeesS br tbe giv ing way of a gasket, or rubaor wsan er, on s boiler on the starboard side of the ship. The Massachusetts has bsea at tbs navy yard for some time, undergoing ecitensive repairs, particular u> tbe boilers and machinery. Although Captain Edward D. Taussig and bis complement of officers and men are aboard tbs ship, tbe Massachusetts la wlgln doing business la Iks guts and virtually in charge of tbs authorities of the navy yard. Tbs boiler an which the accident occurred bad recently been doaaed an.', thoroughly tested, and the botksr dAn <-_rTVpii*y •* work on another hotair. without warning, the gasket between the boil er plats between the boiler gave way and a terrific rush of steam and hot water occurred. The doom of tbe Ira room w-jra closed at the time of lbs accident, and the only aveauo of es cape was a safety ladder. Only cos ■an, Bramlett, a ship's Armens, thought of tbs ladder, and be escaped without a scar. Few cm the upper decks knew what bad happened until the steam cams rushing up from tbe seething pH below. The work of res cue was prompt, and to this prompt ness those who escaped death owe their thanks. The Bret to enter the Are hole was Lieutenant Cola Without hesitating, and being scalded by the water and steam, he entered quickly and quick ly dragged the men to a placa where they were taken In charge by others. Bub and Hamilton were dead when found, end Ritsel died a few minutes after being taken on deck. Whether the gasket was defective or was carelessly put In place, re mains for an official court of Inquiry to determine. It is said the boiler had been thoroughly overhauled and tested under n tremendous pressure Of steum. At the time of the acci dent the steam pressure was only sufflclsnt to run tbe ship's beating plant. The accident will cause little or ee delay ta preparing the battleship for Farmer Killed by Trelley Car. ■partaabarg. a. c. apodal.—Hebert Peiboff. k ml reel dent ot tbe eeae ty died at ae ■arty boor Tbaraday moralag aa tbe reaelt ot talarlee m> tatnad by be tag at rock > a trolley ear eel MagsoUe atreeL He eeWerod ooa eaaatoa ot tba brata aad (Had without having raaalnet coaertoaiain. Tba ttwoper bald aa lotroeet aad tba Jury re turned a verdict la accordance with tbe faota ■ridge FeHa. KltHwg Three. Cbarleetea, W. Vo.. •gecUt—Three kitted aad (bar othere by tba eattapaa ot tba stwaa tb* Bk river. . aad Watt Char lew tea. Oa tbe bridge when It weat lea* ale children aa tbatr way te aad a Bomber ot otbae pedee with etx Itanit. Tba Hmbbdkm. aged it reara: Abate Heapbrtya. aged IT; Ot ■e Oibbe, aged II. The laiared: Stana •tilth, aatd If. eonpoaad freetare ot elbow; wltltaa Hoi nee, colored, drl rer. eat aad bralatdi Haary Fielder, driver, aertoae I ate real telartee; Kina Taekar. aged IS, both erne aad ltd brofcea. lowSw Men Meet. Norfolk, Special.—fltprntatatlraa ot twenty nine. eowtrotMag graetlealty ht entire oatgat of Vlrglala aad North OaroUae glae lea her net bora aad dw etdad aot to naka aay c ha age la tba aaala of grina which berena •fertlve Norenber It Aa lav Halloo to tbe North Carol I aa Plao Aeooctatlon (ran ■t Sawatacy tf AgrleaHnre to altaad tba Anorfcaa , Forte* Oongreea la Weehtigtoa, Jaaaarr t to S. IMS. wma accepted. aad a delegation matted to rtprtatat tbe anartailoa.

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