fteaWiobt. _ROCKINGHAM. N. O, FRIDAY. JULY 14, 1905. ' No 17 LOCAL COLUMN. Brief Items Gathered From Many Places For Busy People. •m , _ Mb. B. X. Gregory h at Jack* •on Spring*. Uiw Annie Steele is viaiting at flraaiiaboro. Mias Blma War burton ia vi.it* lug in Georgia. Mr. Will Weill is here, Mlllug to oar merabaoU. Mr. Lsaka 8. Covington spent last week in Virginia. kin. W. P. Webb and children are at Jaekson 8pringa. . .. Miaa Mary Brlatow, of Bennett.* villa, ia viaiting Miaa Hannah Outs. Mian Lola Whitaker and Sue Thomas left Wednesday for Asbe ' *Hte. Rev. H. H. Shepherd is viaiting hit father, who resides at Pee Dee village. Mr. 8. G. Wall and family an . Spending the week at Bllerbe j Spring., * * Mrs. W. J. Whitaker and daugh ter, Miss On are visiting Red 6prtng«. Mia GjWon.of Gibson, is vUit . log her tieter, Mrs. Ed. Ljron, of awrtowp. We regret to leeen that Mrs. Wee. Satwietle ie on the sfefc list this week. Msesrs. W. P. Cole and Carl Smith bsn returned from Mo CoU’s, 8. C. Mr. J. L. Galloway, of Steele's township, was a pleasant visitor oo Monday. Wemgrst to And oar old friend Mr. W. 8. Powlkea oa the invalid Uatthigweek. Mlmm Lockhart, of Wadssboio, and Petty, of Gieeoeboio, are the geests of Wm Lila Stanaill. Mr. MeEeosie, of Florida, who . ie vietting valaiiws in this Bastion, was a pleasant visitor on Satar dey.* Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Fowlkes, have mtarnad from Jaekson 8pnnge, wnerc the apeak a week or two. Mm. M. V. Melver who hee base visiting her daughter, Mm. E. L. M c Lrod, at c hers w hee re Cotton, though a little off, la still above ten cents. Mr C, M. iiobbs baa enjoyed a few days of this week at home. The pool table and ten-pin ally an being well patrouixed just now. Miaa Hamer, of Mississippi, is visiting her uncle, Mr. Juo. F. Hamer. We are having refreshing show era now and vegetation is taking on new life. Mrs. C. B. Terry is eujoying a visit to her son, M. E. Terry at Red Springs. Mr*. R. L. Pocl and children, of Elrod, an visiting Mrs. Pool's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Guy. The Mocksville Times tells ns that Mine Mamie Steele is visitiug tier sister, Mrs. Stewart, of Mocks ville. Mr. Jno. F. Hamer, who resides near town, ie erecting a new dwell ing on the site of the house recent ly bnrued. Our old friend, C. B. Terry, had a delightful day last Sunday at Max ton, the result of a belated A. C. L. train. An entertainment waa given in the court house last night for the benefit ot the Preebyterian church. We an not informed as to receipts. Rat. J. C. Mosseo, a Baptist minister of Raleigh, has fitted up a “gospel wagon” and is preaching from it ill various parts of the city. The touch of the paint brash pn the Whitlock buHtkwgy TrtTW occh pied by Mr. John Broach, is quite an improvement to its general ap pearance. Please let us call your attention to the new ad. of the Everett Hardware Company. It will par you to inspect the stock at this mammoth store. Mr. W". W. Thrower has resign ed his position as machinist at Pss Dee mill No. 2 and has gone to Wilmington to aeoept a posi tion with Hugn McRae A Co. Mr. W. F. Qtbeon, of Scotland county, an old time Richmond boy of 1806 fame and one of Soot land’s cleverest oitisens, and Mr. Newton, of Marlboro, 8. C., spent Wsdnesday in town. Lorenxo Millar, colored, disd at Sanford a fsw nights ainoo. For years, be has been a putsle to the medical frrternity, for tbs reason that his heart was on tbs right i side. He was 84 years old. The Independent Oil Mill Com peay, owning quite a number of mills, with headquarters at Dar lington, B. O., has gone into the hands of receiver*, of whom Mr. Bright Williamson is ebisf. The now organ for Green Lake oilanh woo taken to the church on Wednesday by Mr. Boren O’Brian. They had floe singing thorn before don't know that the organ will improve the music. Wo learned from Mr. If. G. Rioboloon, who, with hia bright little son, 5sill Jr., wss hare Mon day, that Bor. Wm. Black la eon dotting a moot interesting and profitable masting at Mt. Gilead. Mr, A. B. Dooksry, who has boon at horns for several days, has mtarasd to Baiotgh, to bo with Ms brother Mr. John 0. Dooksry, sad assist ia bringing him homo, Ifthonght advisable by hlspkysi Faster Hall requests as to state that Eon. B. If. Pngs will deliver maddNSaattho Method let church » lashiaghsm, oast Boadsy at 1 II o’oloob a. m., ia ths iatarsst of ; lha Mrthadiot nrphsargs, at Bah- < sgh, B. 0. Mr. Pegs Is an exeel- | lent speaker, and will haw a 1 You can go to Charlotte on the 17th on the Gough excursion for 91.00. Mr. F. A. McDuffie, of Male**, I was a pleasai t visitor on Weduea-1 day last. Messrs. W. A. Gibson nnd Jos.' L. McDonald were here on liusi*1 ness Inst Monday. | Dr. Tom Cole and daughter, of i Mt. Olive, are visiting their rela* | tives and friends in this section. Mrs. J. P. Little Jr. and chil dren are visiting Mrs. Little’s parent*, Copt, and Mrs. W. 1. j Fverett. The State penitentiary direc-; tors have raised the price of con vict labor from 75 cents to 91.25 per day. Ttao McKIway-Caldwell contro versy has culminated in a lawsuit in which Mr. Caldwell is the de fendant. Dr. J. H. Williamson and Messrs. W. K. Croslund ami Henry Rogers, all Wolf Pit farmers, were1 in town on Wednesday. Au insect somewhat similar to the boll weevil is playing havoc with the cotton .in many sections of this, and other States of the cotton belt. Any young lady who desires work in her community with which to make some money to help de fray her expenses at College may inquire at this office. New York had a race riot a few days ago. These note are occur in the North me than in the South. What’s the matter with the yauxees? Co. Supt. J. R. Poole baa been unanimously re-elected by the Robeson County Board of Educa tion. A worthy compliment to a competent and worthy mau. Any reliable young man or boy who wishes to make some money in hia community to help in pay ment of board and tuition at School may inquire at thia office. We regret to learu from the Robeeoiao, that Mr. R. T. Gaitly, well known here, has eufTered from aciataca, for several months. He is now at the Highsmith hospital of Fayetteville. Rev. M. N. Mclvor, Hon. Geo Warburtou and the editor of the Headlight are to attend tho Will iamson Township Sunday School Convention at Aberdeen church, in Bootland oonuty, to-day. Mr. Doc. Warburton left Tuee day for Ae be boro, to teach a cor net hand. Mr. Warburton is a fine musician and an ill-round clever man, and hes made a flue reputation ae a teacher of braes bands. Memorial services in memory of Stephen Wall, Jr. were held et the Methodist ehnrcb test Snuday night. Short telke were made by the pastor, Rev J H Hall, Capt W I Everett, F T Biggs and P C Whitlock. We publish elsewhere to adver tisement ef Littleton Female Col lege to which we wish to cell ■pedal attention. This institu tion has had a remarkable history tod is ono of tho most successful ■shoots id the Booth. . I Hr. H. 0. Watson has rented a Mttags at Jackson Springe, and »ill ooeopy it aboot the SOth ioet. He wdl have with him, hie broth )r. Mr. A. M. Watson and wife, »f Thom Seville, Ga., and Mrs. Ma. Bntwistle, of Rooking ham. Mrs. Banter, tbs mother, and iks Heater, the sister of oar Mr. fom Hsetter, are his visitors. 4n. H inter enjoys the notoriety ►f having scan the King of Mag and and of having bold President Kooeevidt on her Jap when be wus t baba. County ConiluiNMtwnrra Meeting. . The Board all members l»*ing present and after making allowances to the poor, made u few tax releasee and pasted the follow ing orders: ‘ Ordered that Clerk to Hoard notify the Carolina Distilling Co. <1* list the value' of whiskey on hand Jun» 1st. On motion the Finance Com • ‘.ittee is en powered to i.ire an expert accountant to assist them in examining the settlements of l^x-Sheriff T. S. Wright. Ordered that all persons who iatve failed to list their, taxes be allowed to list them with Clerk of Uburd by paying a fee of 25 cents on each return. All tax listers made their re fhrns aud they were accepted. Ordered that Kx-SherilF T. S. Wright be allowed until the first Monday iu August to make settle ment Mrs. A. J. Williams. . The subject of this notice was Mis* Sullio McIntosh, daughter of Mr. Daniel McIntosh, of Cheraw, S C, who was married to Mr A Jerome Williams about four years ago. She was a moat excellent Christian woman, who lived well und-died in full assurance of a hums where storm clouds never comesud death la unknown. She lis.< red long and suffered much, but bore all with humble resigns* ti'' ‘ i Him who doeth all things w- :•?» all* rrsv-. *• iftvvted wife, u devoted church member and a good ueighbor. About a month before her demise her sweet little babe preceded her to the spirit laud. The other child left, n manly little boy about three years of age, ia left to solace the grief of of the bereaved father. On Friday, July the 7tb the spirit of Mrs Williams was borne s'way by the angel messengers to the heavenly city, and on Saturday her remains were interred in the Pleasant Orove oemetery. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved husband and little sou. May a kind, heavenly Father deal gently with, and impart divine solace to bleeding hearts. Hnt. W K. Garrett. The subject of this notice, the beloved wife of Mr. W, E. Garrett, a former Richmond boy, brother of onr Dr. F. J. Garrett, wae Miss Flora McNeill, of Red Springe, the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Jas. McNeill. About four year* ago •be wae led to tbe hymeneal altar, a beautiful bluahing bride, by bim whose heart bleeds at every pore, aud whose only consolation corns* from a loving Father, who gives grace to bear up under the sorest afflictions visited upon His ehildrsD. This editor met Mrs. Oarrett but once, and this at her home, where ahe presided with queenly dignity, and a hospitality that wae uumeasured. She was a noble woman and charmingly attractive. For years she had been a devoted ■amber' of the Presbyterian church, fn which faith she lived and died, and whils ths bereaved mourn her demise, we have no doubt that her happy spirit is at •west rest, in ths mansion prepar ed for God’s faithful ohildrsn. 3bo suJfsrsd much and long but bora all with humble submission toGbd’swill. Shs Isft a sweet little babe 7 weeks old and a btight little boy about three yean old. Our sympathy is with the bssuand in unstinted measure. May ths benedictions of bsavea rest spin ths family and the balm uf heavenly consolation b# ad ministered to their bleeding hearts. I a Hepli' to Sir. Lntlicr. Althjigh not skilled in legal lore. I hope to show roy friend Luther, and the general public, thnt he, and the Covington -cor respondent of the Anglo-Saxon, know !.•« little a'.tout law ae I do, even if one or both may be town I ship magistrates. If you • will ’ [refer to “Public Lows of HXW,'’! page 1040, you will find the fol-1 j lowing word*: • . I “Chap. 001—Sect. 1. When-! over there is a vacuiicy^existing in! the office of coroner in any couuty in the State, nnd it should bn | made to nppear by the affidavit of J some responsible person that the : deceased probably came-, to lug | death hy the criminal act or de j fault of some person, or persons, i it shall be the duty of the Clerk' of the .Superior Court before whom ] the affidavit is made, to appoint some suitable person its special 1 coroner to - hold an inquest over | the body of th? deceased.” Now, there was no vacancy in the office of cproner, and, had there been, how could magistrates appoint a special coroner? Now,; gentlemen, cite us to better law, i or “throw up the sponge.” aud, acknowledge your error. If you can refer me to better law than is here cited. I’ll yield the point I Still bald that the inquest alluded to was illegal aud without law or precedent. Respectfully, Peg Leg Daniel Gay. i Ledbetters. i i'bere wee \nmjmaAu served at S. J. Webb’s Saturday night, of course all the young people were there, and had a fine time. Miss Mary McKenzie, of Scot land county, speut several days here with her aunt, Mrs. Alice Webb. She returned to her home Mouday. J. R. Dawkins lost a fine milch cow lost Thursday, which he val ued at 86 or 40 dollars. We re gret bis loss very much. Ten cent cotton has again stimulated great energy among the fanners of Beaver Dam, thia being manifested daily by one, two and three-horse delivery teams. News was circulated that there would bn a pic-nie at the Qihaon old pond last Saturday. We learn that only two or three per sona attended and that they were unprepared for the noon hoar. This village was well represent ed at Ellerbe Springs on the 4th. Some of them thought the day was too short, hut some of them caught a soaking before they reached home. Hev. A. J. Groves began a pro tracted meeting here Monday night. It ia too early to ascertain the progress of the meeting, bnt we hope it will be well attended, and that the outcome, at ite con clusion, will be worthy of note. We thought that the big gun had been fired of! at Ellerbe on the 4th, and that everybody would rest easy, but aince then we can hear pio-nio, pio-nic on every side. No, you can’t satisfy them. I guest yon will hear from us later. Mrs. Jerotba Ballard, who hsa I been in failing health for a long time, peacefully and quietly de parted this life laet Tuesday. Hsr remaiut wars laid to rest at Hick ory Flat burying ground on Wed nesday. Rav. A. J. Oroves con ducted Hm burial aerviee. Subscriber Young C Morton Dead Mr. Morton died last night about eleven o'clock in the Richmond County Drug Store, from heart trouble. He appeared to be in usual health throughout the day, * but was slightly indisposed after supper, but not enough so to prevent him from go ing to his store. At about. 10:30 last night lie closed bis store and started home, and becoming weak, and troubled with shortness of breath, lie with some diffi culty reached the drug store, • which was about two hundred yards from thestoie of I'urr Morton. In an incredibly short time I>rs. McPhail and Webb were on baud and ministered to the sick man, but all efforts to relieve him failed, and in about twenty minutes lie died.. Mrs. Mor ton came up just before he died, but was taken back home. Quite a crowd gath ered at the store, and every body seemed anxious to aid in relieving the patient. jut. Morton, though orig inally an Ansonian, has been a citizen of Richmond fc- a number of years. He was, in politics an uncom promising Populist, and was as such, elected to represent Richmond in the lower branch of the Legislature, which duty he performed tr> the best of his ability. His career here was especially notable for standing, as be thought, for the right, aud refusing laige compensation to vote contrary to his con convictions. Mr. Horton, like other men had his faults, but his virtues outweighed these, and he was regarded general ly as a fair, square, honor able man. He was a mem ber of the Raptist church. The Headlight’s warmest sympathy is with the bereav ed family. Money Lost. If the party who lost a package tied up in paper, and containing ■onto money, eome eamplee of dress goods, eto, will call on Mr C C Taylor, at the Evorett Hard ware store, describe same, and leave 26 cte for publishing this notice, he, »r aha, can get tbs property. Exway, N. C.t July 10th, 1906. Dear Editor: Will you please announce in your valuable paper that the sec ond annual pio-nio will be at Ex way on Satnrday, July 29. Every body invited, and to bring a well Ailed basket. Respectfully, Old Subscriber. Milch cows for sale. Address E. C. Thomas, Rllerbe, N. 0. The Charlotte and Riohssond excursion which pssees here on the 18th, will be patronised by several yf oar town people. We learn with msoh sympathy of the illness of that good, noble old ebriatico voana Mrs. Disc

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