r.; s Tbe County Board of Edncation held a meeting Inst Monday. Mia. Jennie MeLeater is visit i'K friends in Anson county. Mis* Minnie* DeBe. rv is visiting Min Elia Davie for a short time. Mato your town tax returns to li • I*. Scales—and do it at once. Mr. W. J Thomas of Charlotte, ’rasher*leak »eek, aelieng goods to our people. Mr. W. L. Parsons attended the state democratic eunvnutson ou the Id, at Greensboro. The coanty candidate* will close the canvas at Rockingham July 28th, at 8 o'clock p. m. Mr. aud^Mrs. Catneinn Mnrri •ouof Charlotte, am visiting at Mr. D. M. Uorrw'ii'i, Fancy and plaiu buggy robes for summer and winter, can be . had of E, 8. Davis Ik Son. * Mr. an<{ Mrs. Floyd P. 0'li**jn and children, of Hamlet, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gibson. Mr. Samuel l.’nderwood, son of Rev. J. E. Underwood, is now the city editor of tbe Daily Econo mist, of Elisabeth City. Ms. W. E. Garrett and sister of Red Springs, were visitors at the deltgbtfal home of Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Garrett last week. Mr. W. P. Covington, of Red Springs, vm a pleasant and ap iKscisted visitor at ITid Head light office a few days ago. The finest saddles, and the bast single and double harness for baggies and wagons, can be bought cheap, from E. S. Davit <fe Son. • A pistil duel occurred at Ham let last Sunday in which Arch Lander was «h<»t by a man named Garter, in which both received ■ woonds. x M»a. R. B. Holt, who has been in feeble health for some time, waa earned to the hospital at Charlotte lost Wedtesday, for treatment. Mr. J. F. Cupel presented us with a haw’s egg a few d«ya ago which is a cariosity. It is in the •haps of a gonid dipper, having a abort handle. Ashe boro bad a terrible wind . and hail aterm Monday night, osapy booses were unroofed. The Christian church was damaged aboug gg.fiOO. - The Board County Commission er* met 1m t Monday. The board will meet again next Monday to tensive the "stums of the town ship list takers. Mm. W. S. BUktMr it visiting her parents and friend* in Rock iogfasu. Misses Besei.. Watson, Jaaai# Steel* and Emma Cole re tnroed bom* with bar. Carte r-St~guer. Mira Mary T«aaa Carter and Mr. Daunt* St >k nw were matriad at Cheraw, H. C. by Judge 8. II. Reid. The Head light’s beat withes are with the •lama yoaug couple. R. F. D. K« l, from Kferbo i* now open. Mr. C. R. Wallace, tbs Mirier, mad* hi* first trip last Monday. Salwerihem wish iag their papers n lunged to this rant* will pieaaa notify os at ooce. Thar anoooncometii of Ur. J.C. Oaadl# for regietar of deed*, was accidental!r left oat of th* paper | *#vk. It is there now, and a •he little speech to tlm primary voters. Mr. Caadl* is In the raa* to stay, and hopes to reaeir# tb* ;. amaleatioa. ... ' The first Cantiloape wa had assn la Rasklaghsm this season, «l*ad by car good old aol **r*d friend. Mania Covington, on hiaoan farm, add was a tboaght f*J and appreciates! press r,t to the the editor. Ftbnd Maatin nanaWn as kindly every year. Thank*, friend. • . Little Rowland Holt, tho 11 year old aon «f Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Holt, died at the hospital in Atlanta, Ga., last Monday even ing. He waa a grand son of Mr. R. B.. Holt, and a brignt little !«ny, well known in this section, the family having lived here for n number of years. We greatly regret to learn -if the accident to' Mrs. \V. A. Mc Donald, Misses Susie mid Belle, and two small children last week. They weie all iu one bnggy re turning from night sendees at the Presbyterian church, when gentle old “Dolly” look au imaginary fright and ran away, throwing out all the parties. Thomas-Cnrter—Ou last Sunday ut the home of the bride's mother, Miss Sallie Thomas and Mr. \Yil bnrn Carter, were happily mar ried, Itev. X. L. Sot bo it officiat ing. The Headlight extends con gratulations to those clever young people, wishing for th**m happi ness in thisJife, and the life to come. The Steele's Mill picnic and Junior Order exercises on the 1th are said to have been the biggest event of tho season. Th« address of Hon. R. T. Pools, state conn iHnr, is said to have been tine, while we learn that Hon. A. S. Dockery made the speech of his life. Mr. Dock-try's speeches are always of the biglimt order, hut this one, front' what we learn, must have towered above all other previous speeches. The editor was atchoiue, too weak and sick to at tend. Sports ts. Songsters The above twe bn*a ball dobs had quite a_ spirited contest on the 4th, at the home grounds, in whidi the score was 8 for the Sports and 1 for the Songsters. The Metropolitan Life luann nnce Company insure men, wo men and children. For particu lars call on agent, J. T. Edwards.* Last Issue of Headlight. We hare a special apology to make for sending outran inferior paper last week. The editor was at home, too sick to get to the office. .We did writo twice as much copy as was published. All the responsibility was on the printer. He has left us, and now we nave a man of large experience and np-to-dute in hi* Jinn of huti nesa. After this weak, watch him. The office is in bad shape and it is a difficult matter to get ont any kind of a paper. The Net/opolitan ha* mom poli cy holders than any other com pany in America, and exceed* the total of all the other regular com panies in America combined less one. .Over 8,500.706, D*c. 18, 1006.—Brooklyn Tmon. * | Notice of County Entracer Exam l (Ration of the A. and M College. i Applicant* for admission to the A. und M. Col lego ot Raleigh, will b* examined by tire County Su perintendent of School* at the court hon*o on Thuraday, July 12, at 0 o’clock, a. m. Ikijri wishing training to (It tbemsalvca for the active duties of life would do woll to com* forward nod try the ex arait ation. Each county i* en titled to ae many tcholarships n* it baa member* of t he house of representatives in the dote leg.*, latnr*. J. T. Ktlwards, agent Metropol itan Life Insurance Company. • (Mat* Democratic Convent Ion. Thi* convention waa held in -treensboro, July M. Chairman Simmon* waa on hand and called Hon. Locke Craig to the chair. Hon. Frank MeXeill waa re nominatad by a laVge majority, and afterward nnanimonaly. Governor Qlean’s admiuistre tiou highly oodoratd. W. Jen ninp Bryan was endorsed for «**t democratic candidate for precedent, and C. B. Aycock for vice-preaidrnt. JCx-Ooverno* Ay ooak wa* elected permanent ebair men. PEARLS Cr THOUGHT. A home ic an until In the d.’-»rt of ft fa. Streaslh la public duct have -.aarccj ; la r*JvAtc. Coiirsge la danger la talf the tat ; Ui>.—Plaut II*. Life without reatrcl:it la * I: bout rifjiMUiuciH. A lit tie great nan cua always br filled with, vanity. Revcroat reacoalng may ta ihe beat |k!nrt of a raveirtian. lie who Mini’s far the right vrill cot > .'o.-.ie io n ».:au!»;!l!. I Cnv*;es.t U fh» tieiublla; bloal: in the | avorav.w taa'.'\i erwr. Ycu emnot learn ta La a guide by 1 studying a gui le beolt. No man gets weriby riches unless . he U uSIllas to ba poor. Love at dm sight cTtcn picks up her skins an«l «!o verts at second. Yon can not cepcrnte society from sia by scparatiaB j ourself from society. RlcsacJ Is he that expects nettling for thut Is probably what he will *ct. A man’s heart must bo an Icicle In deed that t.i act moltr.1 by a mother's teat's. Mt:a l> fc.tr.ihrr th in Iron, harder J tLuis stone and tr.civ iVHcato than a rc*ie.—Fiwci the Turkish. ‘ x. It?Wife of looking a; *:a, fer at *si h vl.-w It Is ant to Lccomo tetter look i las—"Slice*:a Magr.*icc.'' A great man v. t'l asaku great oppor tunities. even out of the commonest , and meanest tltufulouc.—"Success j Magazine." Lots of originality rinipty sgrlags from the wrltir's uo; having read wbiii rrlilloui before Ulai had to say on the' saaie subject. Nothing will stand ycu In better stead. In the hard. cold, practical, everyday world, thin a guoi. sound business education. You will find that your success In any trade, occupation or profession will depend u3 much on your General knowledge cf men. and affairs us on your technical tr*!ni:;s.— "Success MuBaslue.'' ECG3 ARC CUPIC’O MESSENGERS. Western Girls Write Names on 'Em and Invita Correspondence. Perhaps the queerest way of ad vertising for matrimonial purposes Is that of placing names and addresses cn eggs. During each year there are upwards of 6CO.POO cases of eggs re ceived In ‘Denver from Kansas, Ne braska, Oklahoma. Texas and Colo rado points, and it Is safe to say that 26,COO names and addresses of women and men with matrimonial Intentions are found In the cases. Kansas bolds the record for having the most eligible*. Hardly a case of egg • received from Kansas but has from one to a dozen names of young, women desirous of corresponding With tratrimnutel intenth-aw. The system Is widely known to men In the produce business and to mountaineers. Young women In the rural districts write Ibeir name and address on the egg. They request the finder to write them. Tho eggs are received in Denver, packed and shipped to tho grocery. In which way the eggs pass through duxons of dif ferent hands. As noon as an egg bearing a name la found many take it upon themselves to answer. Those who are out for fun can get all they want and many of the com mission men make considerable sport cf It. One fellow answered a young wernan at Berthoud, Col. The man who did the writing Is about 6 feet 2 inches WII and weighs about 120 pouuds. lie Is to years old, but this Ls tho way he described blmself: "I am 23 yeaf* old, weigh 145 pounds, 6 feet ttn Inches in height, dark brown hnir. black eyes. I r.m single ahd never wur: a mustache. I have two | suits of clothing and a trunk large 1 enough to hold a dozen." The answer came by return mall. Tht* Is fho way the girl described herself: "I am 17 years old. weigh ins pounds, 5 feet tall, light hair and blue eyes." 8hp expressed her self ns being glad to have made his acquaintance. Several letters passed between them, when the commission man got curious to know who It was that wre.o m address for her. He asked her in one of hie letters, and she frankly told him that U was her father. Fearing entanglement* or a breach cf promise suit, he closed Ihe corre- ' • pomlence. — Denver* correspondence { In tho Kansas City Foal. Artificial Fieri at. Per Imp* the art of Ilia artificial flertet of today should lie looked up <«n ea a arperatc study. *o varied eart Ingenious ore thu different kind* of blcaaoma bo bring* forth unbioahlngly and place* aide liy aiJa with nature’a or-n Roac* In abated Uffetaa, Mat, screen, and that deep Crimean merg ing Into black with wonderful effect* in mildewed feting*, touch a dullgbt | fat chord of color on a white evening (•own Then, a .-tain, it would nliuoet •oeia a* if «on>« fairy hail been busy overnight among*! our llroadeu china nn I afrlpyrd each raw add bowl of nil ft* garland*. *o perfect ly bn* Ibe Ccrlat Imitated ibnlr dainty coloring and dolicaio ontllu.-a. Charming too, are lb* later doHn^Btaii of ike low bet;»,e or ciTraaau drapery (-•wn with * -norate hlo-c mi* l)ula ir* the acthui *tae of the goM-cred Imnutloa that orrrron the ;<Jke* llolor Ihna Hauketo*, and. meet or I gl en I of oil p-rfcana trail* o* wild ttm • olrutaa lu Wfdf pl#tk and lilac •ore alt hern Irl-d with MM cc*e - n.limklph:* It. o-rU. ♦ Good Men for Commissioners. Mr. Editor: 1 notice in The Ueudliglif. of tW'o weeks iijj.i a • m. municnt inn signed * * :!«s i-* * suggest ini' Mes*r>i. II S. I ad heller 1 roni the town o( Kni'kinch:tin T M. llnio from tin* o.wn of Hamlet, J. A. Harrington from Wolf 1’it Township, N. 1,. Nich olson Iroin Steele's Township. and W. W. lialewiti ,r*u:i U**cki:ig lium Township, tor Count v Com missioners. it strikes my that the ollicrt of*County Commission r is one to w' icii tlm people should do •‘something.M Tli • • (trie is a very resixmsiMtt one and the very best and most efficient men who can In? induced to accept tin* po sition should l»e placed in • !iic<* The gentlemen named in thi com iniinicution referred to are splen did and well M|ltip|x>il men wile will currv into tlm i-ilite yea In of success.Ill ImaillesH I'X .'-r eiie.e, and are citizens and gentlemen of the very finest type Tlmy will constitute a representative board, 4‘airly ronres'titing every section of the couutv, and every dement m the coilnfy. It looks to ■me like niclnnooa county would he in fine hands with the county :it fuira in their charge and I hope the democrats will go to tlm pri mary and vote far their nomina tion with practical solidity. Very respectfully, « Citixell., Administrator's Notica Havingipialified ns Administrator cf Martin Stewart, deceased. Into of Richmond County, North Carolina, tht* ii lonnlify all perrons having chi.nit against the estate of the raid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 18tli. day of April, l!l 7, Of this notice will lie plead in bnr of their recovery. AH person* indebted to said estate will please mu c imme diate payment. Tbis 18th day of April. IO C. L. C. M. ji.NNON. Administrator. Notice - North- Carolina, f Richiiiond County, v Office cf Board Co. Coni. Notice is hereby given that the Board will meet Monday, Ju'v Dili, for the purpose of receiving atid retiewing the tax li‘t«. All persons having complaint to mulct: will be heard at this metting. \V. 8. Thomas, Clerk. This July. 2d, JflOt. It will ait-uiisU yot 11 "i t > M T. Hinsons utid see the superb linn of dress goods and the ex tremely low pi ices ho is offering tlisni ut, in his big air-rial clear ance sale. Nouico to Creditors. North Carolina. I In the Superior Richmond County. | tVoirt. Pec Dec Mfg co el al. vs J It cnsidle eo. Notice to creditors. creditor* of The J. 11. caudle om:] n ny will take untie* that by ord.-r of liis Honor. Judge Walter II. Neal, they are reijuirvd lo prove and Itle he fpre the uu.icrslgic e Receiver of the •mid J. It. eniidle company any and nil ccoulit* lltey tuny Itnve against tile said J It cao .le company or the said 'John I., Armisleud. Receiver, on nr beforv Hntnnlcy. file litlid.iy of Jolt lOUtS creditor* are fill the r nolilied that unless said accounts are . proven and Hied within llm -aid time I Ins no li-e will he plead in bar of payment of tlw Klllte.’1 Ills 22ihI day of June Its u. Jolin 1.. A mils tend. Receiver. Commissioners Sale of Land The iimlcndjnied cniiiilii»'inii<-r. Iiy virtue of the authority vented in him toy a decree of the Wuperlor court of Kle.hmoiid couotv "t March term. 1000, in a certain matt'*r entitled n» follow*, to writ: Kelli I’revatt. et. ul . r*. Tin*. K. H«yd nnd wife. Mauine Hoyd. will, on Monday. Attain*! wit. IM. a". 12 o'clock in., at the the emin lioumt door ill tli« town of Knckin«liniti. K. aril at public outcry to the higlu-n bidder fnreaah, tho following deacrlbed tract or parcel of bind, being nnd lying hi the county of Kichniond and tin- town of Hamlet, K. C , and laMiMinl a* fob bora, to wit: Beginning at a *tnke In l>, M. Hen dcraun'a and John rOiarlridge’n line an* run* thence to the awnmp. Mn feel to the run ofOtlio branch; I hence on !h« awnmp 60 f*ot to another alake: th- n parallel witli the liiat hoc to an other auke In |l. M. llendenum’a and John ClwirtridgeV line. then il'nvt to the beginning, forming nil oblong aqua re On hi land will lie aoUUubject t> the eontlrmalioii «f ilm Huycrnu court. Tbit T7lli day of Juno. Ifc*. „ JNO I . KVKMKTT, Cointnl«a.otirr • IN'|t«>rl >>r i >it«liI i• >t• Of The Bank of Pee Dee in tlu) Suite of North Car olinu at t he close of Iniiiiieju .Imii* 1 .St11 lift Ml it k s o r it c k s. I.iniii* mat Discount* 107.11 »."'»] < ivrdrafi*. secured, uuser.it rd IP,256.30 ' \!l oilier Stock*. lined* and Mortgage* 3s.rxt0.rfl Hans'ing House*. 11U*'.UU l-'iiriul lire and 1'i.vl '\l>i U. 15 000.1X1 Mlnliior n al estate owned 3,003.00 Demand loan* lO.OCull) Doe from Hanks and Hanker* : 0,028.61 fluid coin 2.047.50 Sjilvurcoin. ineluding all min or Coin cm rer.ey 1.087 C2 National tank nolo* and other I- S Holes lS.l'OO.O "Vim. $3®,5$M.08 I. I A H I I. 1 T I K S < 'ai«lal -Os h 2> nOn 1 Surplus fund .- 35.000 Undivided profit*, !••** current , expenses and. luxe* j«a*l 1K.170.1R Dividend* unpaid 500 00 H II* payable ln.OOO 00 Time Certificate* of Rcprvdfs 53.507 83 Dcl*i*it« subject lo check 101,408.82 Due to Hanks and llanitoiw 7.USD.43 fusilier* f heel:* outstanding 72.75 Certilietl Cheek* 10?.Oil \eeru» d Interest title depnitorx 1 ,51 0.(0 I | r..TAi ^:15o,33l.u8 Malenf Nortli Carolina, , founty of Uielimoml. > 1, W. 1. Parson* fusilier of the j above nuiued bank, do snlcmly swear 1 that the above statement i* true lo the best of my kuowl.nige and belief. *V L. Pakdoxs. Cashier. Suhscrilfd and *worn before ! this IS day e' June I'.KXi. (Signed»Jo u.v I. liTua*TT. Clerk Superior Court. tVrreet Attest. i ‘ T O. I.K '.K 'V. I. Kvanarr, Win. ICniwuala. Director An Deport nl toilio North Cnro* linn Corporation CoMmission STATEMENT I Of the condition of the Ilich | inond County Savings Bank |ot Rockixgbain. N.C., at the close of business June 18, 1900. RE.SOlRCEs:. ; I.oimir nnd diKonnts 7.1.1 f>5 00 ; S;ne!:« mnl Bond* . 13.0U0.UO ‘ Cash mi hand nr.d due from : bank* 2I.5C1.22 , <’na!i Iti'li-.H 120.80 i Furniture and Fi\iure* 447.00 ; Tom I 2 8.284.77 I.I.M.M.1TIKS. j (’apitsl Stuck 7 ‘OU.)0 I Suriilim 2,iHHI.' u i Undivided I'mfiu 3.082 15 I Dividend Account 48 SO j DeposeL* 105//.U 12 Total 208.2'4 77 I. W. 1.. Senii"*. (’nsliiorof the nlnive named liaiik. iln a linnly R.vcar the a Inn.- report i* Iron, to On* liest of my iinmlelljie nuii liolioT. W 1>. Settles. Cashier. Sworn to, nml RidiRcriln-d before me, lliia 2ilth day of June, I00U. John I,. Everett, C. S C. Correct nltrat;—li. A, Jolijnmii, W* l.e«K, Win. Km wiiUlo: iHreetor*. A. S Dockery ATTORNEY AT LAW Ko< kix«;:iAm. X. C. i 0 wriil pract tcv and renl , »:CSi:CTtR'IS 3c3!iy ffiewrtain Tsa Nuggets Uvdinir.s fc^Esiy ?oop!r tiol.'au .I.a’.tt, srj Vigcr. 1 fr: f #r>4Sfetfky.«. IM ! hjyl K4lp*y , ririln..»\ Ocrcmj, Inij»ur« | ii.l lvc -.1 i.’ !*y TV* »u >». : • •* rorifc. t, r- • u : uht srfwts *»jr r+munfxr^ i ' • vj:.- V.’i j. ; •V-n- * *-*/•< &.i .mm peomje I —— _ — , i—,,i 111ji UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789—J 906 , lli'nri i’I ilic Suih*'* lalllcr;lioilttl ItniMnTJIKNTi* j Collegiate, Graduate, Medicine, Engineerin';, Law, Pharmacy Library <*mitaiiiK -IJ!«*C0 vul ' umc« New water wirk*. elmlfic I light*. wnt.rnl hinting »rptem. j .\»»w di.rfnitnri**. gyit.ita*inm. V. M. C. A. building. I\SJ •hid«'iil*. j74 in factiltr. Tli* fall t»*rm be i«in*Hepl. Ii». 1000. Addr?**. ; FRANCIS. P. VRKARLE, Pr**. ChH|K/l lfill, N.C. The CHARLOTTE OBSERVER riIE LARGEST AND REST NEWSPAPER IN NORTH CARO LINA K\ cry I»a.v hi tli« year 4(8.00 Tho Observer consists of 10 to 12 pages daily and 20 to32 pages Sunday.. It handles more nos iratter, local, State National and foreign than ary other North Carolina newspaper. The 8unday Observer is nnexc lied as a news medi um, and is also tilled with excellent matter of a miscel laneous nature The Semi-Weekly Ob server. issued Tuesdays and Fridays at fcl.OO per year, is the largest paper for the money in thin section. It consists f S to 10 pages and prints all tho news of the week—local, State National ano Foreign. Address, The Observer co. . CHARLOTTE, X. C W. A. CHISHOLM Attohxbt-at-Law axu Notabt r» uo Office iu WeUoii Bui id lay KO. KINOHAM, N o TRINITY COLI.KGK. Four departments— Collegiate, Graduate, Engineering u:id law. F.arge library facilities. Wall equipped laboratories in all depart ments of science. Gymnasium furi*h"d With liest. apparatus. Expanses very moderuta. Aid to worthy students Ft catalngu*^ and farther information address, D. W. Newsom, Registrar, Durham. N. C. Notice to Voter*. For for fear nf a rejiort being circulated to the effect that I bad gone west to make it my home, mid had abandoned the race for I Register of Deeds office. I wish i to correct that now, us I am only (going to Ilot Springs, Ark. for ! treatment for rheumatism, and expect to return intide of four or five week*. Hoping my friends will do nil they can for my nomi nation, during my absence, I am Sincerely theirs, | Z. Z. Hadley. ' liii|Miriiiit ClmiiRoHlii Senbonru • Schedule.* i Tn ihg effect cmiilay April 15th No’a [ 4 1-45 w.v* ehanged na follow* and will ! la* operated through to Charlotte and j Itnlherfordum. f,eave Wilmington 4 ;.V) A, M. con necting nt IVnliro e with the Atlantia Cun* t fur the Norh and at Alaxton for Hid Spring* and Fnyettcville. at flam letwitli train No (Wl for Itvleigh and iniini* North at. Monroe with No. 58 for local point* between Man roe and At \ hmia arriving at Charlotte II ;U> A. M. I I'oiiiicclinff with Houilierii Kailwar 11: S5 l‘. >1. arrive I.incolnton 5;'l P. M. ronnecting with C. A N. IV. for lllc oiy le’tmir, »l flic ory wiilt Soulliern rail way for A*h«vllle, Arriving Shelby t ;17 ; P. 41. Kiitiierfoniton 8:(» P. M. 'I here i< no change in No. 7.U-40 be I ween Wilmington and Hamlet, with (lie exception that they will not be o perilled bi'yond Hamlet, connecting with No. r. uinl 41 between Hamlei ana Ciiarlolte. No. 38-40will have parlor car between Wilmington and Char loin ; commencing Jure lat. C. II, OAT ITS, Travelling P»a»eng*r TRINITY PARK . School A flr*t clnaa pre.mrit '»rA aohonl. Certiflente* of graduation accept ed for <*Al ranch to lending South ern college*. Hut equipped preparatory arhool in tnefSoiilh. H, M. North, H-ndmaater. Durham, X. 0

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