♦ jig QrmMt. flitted flour, on* —M water and a atari™ nJt**Cto» tto lard la tto door until ft U too, *— tetttoto tto water, aatac all tto •nr. Tara oat ago* a wall-floored toted, dtrtdo corally aad rott oat — i* O—t too »)• paa. potting too crate to gw oat tto air. Fill with *r«U you here, roll oat tto “ W< la toll aad cat three V tto center of tto i tto pto aad pat dowa o* tto rang* edges ■ _ . .. _ tlia odga with tto •* of a fork, toko until a ateo ton. Gather up tto arrapo aad rail Own aat again, aad cat out with a — irta of a diver aad hah* a dallcata brown. PUoe a tot of Jelly la tto center of eaeh gton aad yoa bare a plate of dainty Heavy tectigc an Letter. A Dover, Id. H. men haa a tetter •an tto Arctic era on which tto poet ago amounted to more, than |U. II wan written ocf a ▼ caret In tto Arctic wtoltag dent, aad tad to to ant by to of tto boo la rwtamtag with » TOBWMP WITH MteTtt. ■ill Uatac DOOM'S Kidney PI 11m KM Capt. & U Crute.AdJL Wn. Watte Cup, D. C. V.. Roanoke, Ti.. nays: i snnerea a lo«g. long Urn* with ay back, aad fait dreggy aad listless aad tired nil tha time. - I lost from ay | usual weight. | >16,to 170. Urin ary passages were too freqaeat aad I have had to get up often at night. I bad headachoe tta Hay spell* also, bat my worn an Boding was from renal colic. Af ter I began using Doan’s Kidney Nts I passed a gravel stone as big as a baas Since than I have never bad aa attack of grave], aad have picked «P ta my former health and weight. X am a well nsan. sad give Doan's XMney Pills credit for it-" Ml by nil dealers. SO cents a has. Fnater-XlUbara Co.. Buffalo. k. r. >_ ▼here is hardly anything that makas a woman madder than to bare tor photograph look like bar. So. 27. .to eared, in to minatee bjr \Y not ford's . town I ottee: Mrrr tail*. cold toy Dreg feJs sss^sr’.jrv* * ^ Whoa the ayes have been trrltited tkroagW excessive aea a oomprsss ot Baa llaea eat with very cold water will •morally brtag relief. Aa eyewadb ffhat la paiUcalariy excetleat when la has set la caa be made by U drops of spirits of erm Maspooafnl ot boric add aad i of a cupful ot boiling orator. . strain through muslin aad apply grery hoar with aa eyecup. Veils with thick, heavy dots are extremely bad for to aym. aad they ato aot half aa pret ffy aa to tor Preach veils with a top dot scattered here aad there. Beailteg :a the twilight or ooatla'atas w do fhaey work whoa the syne are Used should be forbidden. Crown of dfokL lata Paul Lawrence Dunbar, pest." said an editor, "ones n Sunday school la New Turk.' As add Incident happened, 'at Its and, aa Incident that laughed at as heartily aa the m ’. toward the dose sf hie re ar little friends. It you do kings earns day you will ear a gold crows. Tea. each of you earns day will wear a geld crown.* •A little chap la the frost row. t*s friendly eye. piped: to mow.' bis toot,' said THE PULPIT. IN ELOQUENT SUNDAY SERMON BY THE REV R. a CARSON. HN«Ml T*« Mwj mt MM* Brooklyn. S. T.—la Grace Presby terian Church the pastor, the Rev. Rob ert H. Cnrsoo, preached Sunday even lag from the book of Ruth. Among ether things be said: We miss a great deal of the beauty •mt power of the Bible because of the manner in which we am accus tomed to read it. There are very few who take time to read n whole hook through at a slugte sitting. We d.p Into Scripture ss If It were a book of fete, reading s verse here and another there, so it is wot surprising that we rise from the exercise haring received Iwit little help and spiritual refresh ment. There is no royal road to knowledge. There Is no way to gar ner the lessons which Holy Scripture tenches sav# through that steady and persistent searching of which oar Sav lons spoke when He said. “Search the Scriptures, for they are they which testify of lie.” It Is our hope this evening to point out some of the beautiful lessons con tained In oue tittle hook of the Bible, In one of the most delightful stories ever presented for cootemptatlon by the nilod of iuan. 1 refer to the book of noth. Its very place In the sacred caitou make* It a memorable piece ot literature. It la. ns you know, pre csded by Ike (took of Judges, aud fol lowed by the book of Samuel. These books are concerned almost exclusively with the national history of ltmel wlth the wars, defeats. bumlltaUbns. murmuring*, complainings, repining* nod repentances of the people. They are not. in the main, pleasant rending. Their pages are red with hlood. and violence, aud rapine, and lawless deeds, the unchangeable consequences of n nation forgetting God and neglecting to do His wlIL It is a creat pleasure, therefore, lo tnni from these hooks that tell or the nps and downs of national life, and fix tbe attention upon the t-Barmlng story of Ruth. That little book pic tures domestic life: It cirea ne a glimpse Into tbe d. for the good or evil side." To each of ns Individually comes the choice wlint to do. Many a one I think. U kept from the freedom and joy of Christianity not Itecanse these things are nnd wired, not because the call of Christ la unheeded, or HU claims unacknowledged, bot simply for the want of the power of decision, of strength te go forward upon a per sonal quest. Young friends, la yon especially this lesson comes. Vos have still with yon the power of choice, and ta you from oat eternity comes the cry, "Choose ye, choose ye. this day whom ya will aerre." Pray Ood that yon make the good choice, and receive His grace te abide therein. Dainatao. Tb« common coocrptioo or tlf« la fata#. Tb# nit majority of pscpla am laboring nndor a dotation. Ton stand wbarn tba lldat of bnmaalty roll swift and strong—yon asa men aceomntattng ^aloaaal forlonaa at a bonod and iirtng ? V***^1®* apltndor; yon notlea tba •Wb^ fat and pita tart-taring apt mraant at-tbs dnbbonasa; tba coorsa. a morons Kalttaffa at tba aortal fane* Mona, tba Csopatras. tba Sahnnaa and *50?! «"•«• aM> wins flnahad rbatkt aotraaes bnt to do* •unpand ran say: This la Ilf*. Ufa at hlgb noon aad lilgti midnight of tba twsntldb eaatnry.”—R#t. a O Urson wood. _ mu >iiim roothot. — •®r» »°^*rf»I abont anr ImC I ban Bis jtsrfsct oat oral naan, HU abtonraa Xotbing' axrssalrs. notblaT^raaMad; •o^*1** aafblag aaawaaatatrl* sal: no aadardatng. ao orsrdatan. Tb# gild m as of Christ waa llka rba an*. «■*»* •»»*»«•. tba dawn, ilka tba aw#rt anBMnar rata bra id id wttb tb» rainbow-WlUtaw U »*‘“ Wbdt a glartna dft aopaglapp salat* •nap la in Nastfi Raarsn Mat nut tlally ronalat ta tba abaanw of what* adar dtotnrba tba «Mst taJaywt a« tt^^TJiaatyaaaaa-lb tba intimate SE2?1rbSL fOMtlkW WmJa mi Dtseem per mmeCtp eared bp Dr. Um> Orest Herrs lm» ■«- M trial battle aad treatise tree. Da. M. M. Kuxm.lM,. mi Junta. .Philo., Pe. I* March 1SM Japanese left tha Ha wains Islands for the fwile Comat. Mm. Wlaalcw e Boothia* iyrup for Children tsMMBfcBMN—thag«—.radeoaalnflanna. Uoa.afleye pabt.caroa triad anlte.BBe a bottle William Dtaa Howells raa toll bp pear sorest what citp yoo cam bon. Til- Dr. Bigger* Huckleberry Cent I at Tor all Bowel Trooblee. Cholic, Dysentery, Choleramorbua, Cholera lataainn, Children Teething, etc. At Druggists Mo and 60c. Lord Xorllicole, governor-general of Australia, was emtertalned at a banquet in a coal mine at Newcastle. New South Wale*. The banqueting ball was 300 fe*t below the eurface. BeW-e THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for aay ease of Catarrh that caanot be cured bp Hall's Catarrh Cure. r. 3. Cukxst A Co., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned. have knows K. J. Cheney lor tbs last 16 years, aad belters him perfectly honorable la all business trunaac 1 loss and flaaneiaUp able to carry out say obi I set Voss made bp their Ira. Vfsarr A Tsbax. wholesale Druggists, To ledo, (J. Viuue, Sums* A HilTir, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarra Ourels lakealataruallp.aa* tsgdtreottpopoa the Mood aad muouooasur faces of the tprtam. Testltnonlala seat free. Price, Tie. par bottle. Bold bp all Druggists. Take Bau’a Panlly Pills for ooasttpatios. State pride takes strange forma , Wisconsin notes that more rats than j ever before are being caught within 1 her borders. She attributes this fact | to the Increased production of cheese. , CHILD’S AWFUL SKIN HUMOR. ■emrneA TTltk rain — ■■■bring Nearly ■rolca rw.lt'. iMrUlymlllr Curd ky Cnttmr*. "I wiah la inform you (hat the Cntlrura Kemediee bare put a (top to twelve rears of miatry I panted with my eon. Ae eu infant 1 noticed on his body a red spot, and treated eamt with different remedies for about fire year*, bot when the apot be gan to get larger 1 put him under the uare of doctor*. Under their treatment the diecoao spread to four different parte of hie body. The longer the doctors treated him the worse it grew. During the day it would get rough end form like scales. At night it would be cracked, inflamed and badly swollen, with terrible burning and itching. When 1 think of his euffering it nearly breaks my heart. Hie scream* eoald be heard down ataira. The aoffrring of my ton mad* me fall of misery. 1 bad aa ambition to work, to eat, aor could 1 alatp. Una doctor told jne that my aon'a cexera* waa incureblt, asd gave it up for a bad job. One evening 1 saw an article ia the paper about tka wonderful Cuticur* and decided to give it a trial. 1 tell you tbe Co lien r» Ointment is worth its weight in gold, and rrhaa 1 bad used the lint bos of Ointment there waa a great improve ment, and by tbs time 1 had naed I ha second set of Cnlicura Soap, Ointment aad Resolvent my ehild waa cured. Bela now twelve year* old, end his akin ia as ha* aad smooth ai silk. Michaal 8tein .•man, 7 Samper Arenas, Brookl; n. N. 1 A*rtt ». nte” Don’t waste time finding fault with yourself; that’s .what your friends are for. HICKS' , CAPUDINE I INNUUIUT CVM1 U HEADACHES (^~«.>«COLDS I m • TO n now pMMm •- — if - “IT SA MY LIFE” WISE EH > FIMOIIS VEUCiE ■r*. WtUadaaa TaMa Maw 8b* Triad Lydia E. Plakltta'a VfMatla CoapMad Jaat laftaM. _ Mr*. T. C. Willndaen. of Manalnr, Tow*, write* to Mr*. Pin kb am: Daarlti*. Plnkham “ I can truly a*y that yon bare and my lib, and I cannot axpraaa my graEUud* to you in word*. (SMrxTCWiUadsen g\ M Baton I wrote to you, toning you bow I frit, I bad doctored for over two mn (taady and too* lota of toonay oo medk-inr. bni,Ua. but It all faUad to help mo. My monthly riod* bod erand and 1 suffered much pain with fainting .pell*. haarlarha, barkacb*and bmrlag-down palm, and I waa ro a rah [ could hardly Warp around. Aa a la* rraort I droddrd to writ* yoo and try Lydia K. Piuk ham'a Vegrtabl. Compound, and 1 am H thankful that 1 did, for after following your i nit ruction*, which yon nt m* free of *11 <'barg«, I twain regular and In perfe, t health. Had it not bean far you I would b* in my rrmv* today. “Iimoeraly trust that tkd* latter may Ind nary suffering woman in tbs louatry u> write you for brlp as I did." When women ore troubled with Ir regular or painful periods, weoknra*. displacement or ulceration of an organ, tbnt bearing-down feeling. Inflamma tion. backache, lie tales or. general de bility. Indigestion or nervous prostra tion. they should remember there it one tried and true remedy. Lydia E hick ham's Vegetable Compound at once rcnovM such troubles. No other female medicine in the world haa received such add*spread and nn qualifled endorsement. Refuse all sub stitutes Pot 25 Tears Nn. Pink ham. daughter in-law of Lydia B. Ptnkham. haa uuder her direction, and ainea her decease, been advising sick women free of charge. Address, Lynn, Mas*. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. TULANC UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA 1U advantage-* for practical lottruwtli.rv Wth ih ampt* labttrmuxiaa and sbunOtm botpUal tutltriala art uncquaUatl. Frre arm* la glvan to lb* |it«t * Karily )loa|>llal with «(« l«da urvj M.000 lamamt aiuicallr- *u»evlal itwirtKikin It dvn dally ui tb« badtlJa o( fha ntcU. Tilt i»#xt treat an ba^lna October tllL ISOS. For catmloau* and inforrattlon addrrta ; .LLsrc wss&»«8 Preserved Purified and Beautified by The WorlcPs favorite Emollient for rashes, blemishes, eczemas, Itch Ings, irritations, and sca lings. For red. rough, and greasy complexions, for sore, itching, burning hands and feet, for baby rashes, itchings. and chafings. as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nurs ery, Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, the great Skin Cure. Is priceless. Oi— tm Iiwmi •<* tato—« baiai m mmr W—■ '. ft— to ftr#tla.ftt« I—•** to A— unroll OMto*n —m* tor . 6u—to.. ft—5 •— toft Oft to— to rWrWi OftftlWk tor — rtf total aiteracr*** iton»e hiwi. ftw* Dni a Cttra (Vs. ftato Nft . ft**, to—. mm Maf to Vim • totm. ft—a i«i Haft * you Cahkot CURE all inflamed, ulcerated and calarrhalcoo ditionsof the mucous membrane ruch » nasaHsLsrrb, uterine catarrh caused by femlnlac ills, sore throat, soro mouth or inflamed eyes b> simply dosing the stomach. But you surc'v caa cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Paxtlnc Toilet Awthcpfl? which destroys the disease gcrms^berV* discharges, stops pain, and heals -tbe inflammation. and soreness. Pa*tine represent* tbe most sucdsstu) local treatment for fern I sine Ills ever produced. The jsands of women testily to this fact, jo cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Bo* THE *■ PAXTON CO.. - Maos, So. 27- 06. $2 to $5 POPE-TOLEDO TYPE X, $2500. j THIS 4-CYLINDER 20-24 H. P. POPE TOLEDO Contains every good feature of the world’s best practice in automobile construction. Including Chrome Nickel Steel Transmission, Gears and Shaft*, Gravity feed. Cape Cart Victoria or Canopy Top, $200 extra. This car can be driven behind a team walking or up to It* maximum of 50 mile* an hour on the high gear. / A light widdy car of great power, speed and endurance. Easy to drive; easy on tires; easy on the pocket book for upkeep. POPE-TOLEDO TYPE VII, $2500. This is our front entrance model which is now so popular. It has the regular 30 H. P. engine and chassis and is a car which appeals to the convenience and comfort of the owner. Roomy Tonneau and Pope-Toledo construction throughout. , ' WS WANT TO PLACE SOME;or; THESE CAN*: IN VOS * VICINITY, wwrre us ros parixu lams, catalogues, ere. Tm x, «iim. POPE MOTOR OAR OO. DESK 3, TOLEDO, OHIO. , Bolton, • • * - • « • 333 Columbia* Avt, W. V. City. ....... 1T33 Broodaay. Wayhlngtan, D. C., - . . . aiB 14th »♦., n. W. Mambar, Aaaoeiaiion of Lloar>a,a Automobile Manufacturer,.