HEADLIGHT / r£3 .. ■ • WANTS advertisemnt WELL PLEASE YOU # 0 V / « . W '< ■ . 4. * WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK." « » 0 t ' : This Space Reserved for ONE <£ Of our Best Busines Men COVINGTON HERE WITH THE GOODS. What? Out of Sta tionery! Better Try me FOR MORE. > QOINQ TO PLEASE aLL My whole uini is to please my ]nitrons and if your are in need of stationery of any Kind it will pay you to see me before y:.u givo your next order. In busines Right and Can Please My friends PRINTERY NEW GENERAL Having established in Rookinghnm a shop of the above Kind, whert* everybody can have all kinds of wood and Iron worK don** faithfully, and at living prices. I respectfully solicit a liberal share of public patron age. I expect to do a general Smithing: and Repair business, and to work six days out of seven. If you want a nice job on your Buggy, Wagons, Bicycles, on your farm implements, give me an opportunity to please you. Greatly appreciating your past patronage, I respect fully solicit? its continuance. D. A. CURRIE, FRANKLIN STREET, NEAR HINSON’S STABLES The NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College -COURSES T-ltterury, Com inert-In I (IkiwIcnI, Oonu-Htlc 8<-1*!!<•»• 8clentlt(i- JMuuiiuI Truitt I ng Poring* gicttl iltllxlc Threw course* leading to degree*, tidtcial course* for graduate* of othercoUege*- Well equipped traiuiug *chool for teacher* Hoard, laundry, tuition and fee* for use of text boolce, etc., f 170 a year For free-tuition student*, $125, Fifteenth annual session begin*Sept. 2 I, 1906. Tn secure board in the dormitories, *11 fren tuition appli cation* ebonld be made before July loth. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographer*. For cata log und other uifontatioo, address. CHARLES D. MclVER, President. _ Greensboro, X. C. THE F S BANK „ Rockingham N. C. * Roapootfuliy aolioita your* patronage and Nanking but ineee. We guarantee absolute Security, 1 Promptnesa, Aocuraey and all Accomoda s i tiona conaiatent with aafo banking. ; * / Call and aeo na whon in town ROBT. L. STEELE, Proaident, LEAKE S COVINGTON, Caalii«r. ~"the headlight,