THE HEADLIGHT. JOIIX II. TTAISH, Editor axd Pitorumoit - 1 - 1 - ■ - — - - KniMrnl Mwnllns to act of Coiigrv. M Um- imm(dhoti at iCuokuigliant, ft. ( »» matter. ftOCKlMillAX, X.C.. .tog. 5. IM A Work to Oth Fwiexph TbU issue of our paper is by no means what we had hoped for. It is over a day late too. But the only excuse for a printer we have had was a noisy mmitbod citizen of the Palmetto state, whose chief cst and only ambition was to be something,s“ fort man.” We know you will be pa tient with us under the cir cumstances, and *re shall be careful in the future as to tht printers wo employ. TOMORROW’S VOTING. On tomorrow the die will !»e cast. The many can* diqrtes, for all of whom we cherish the very kindest of feelrngs will know their ree bective fates. Throughout the campaign,the Headlight’s policy has l»een this : To dc and say the right to eveiy one, as it saw the right to be. We have striveu to do this. And now a final word to the voters: Let each one care fully and seriously consider the issues, as they present themselves, and then vote ac cording to the better dictates of his own conscience. The New Yoik physician who contends that a pejson can gets long without a stomach thinks so perhaps became he knows of persons who suceed fairly well with <*.- brains. - Raleigh Times. KHVEL0PE8; inchea ling, printed any way you waut them, frpm the lateet *tvle* of brand new type, for only 85c. Hail ordenioliviird. Envelope* mailed tame day order it received, tieud 6e extra fur poetnge. W. H. Covixorox, Printer, Rook in e bam, N. C. TO CHASE CITY, VA. W* are advised by C. H. Gattia, through E. H. A\cock, agent at thia place, that the rat* Rockingham to Chase City, Va., via Raleigh and Southern is Seven Dollars. No Ounnection via laCnatr, CIRCULAR LETTER TO THE POLL HOLDERS OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. AUGUST 4TH., HKW wear sir: In reminding yon of yoor appointmoifc atone of the poll bolder* to conduct the Democratic Primary, Saturday August 4tb, I desire to impress tbe importance of thia duty, and urge you to render this service to your party. It la very important to our party that only Democrats pertici pate in naming oar nominees. Thia is a Democratic Primary, and not a general election. None hot Democrats are invited or expected to participate, and as yoo and tbs other poll hohlers have been elect* ed by tbs party to bold it, so the party looks to yoo to preserve it from those who light It* nominees after they have been selected. It is dearly yoor duty to challenge any voter whom yon know, ordmvs reason to believe, is not a Democrat. To snob en one offer ing to sots you should first enquire if he is a Democrat. If he answers no, that ends tbs matter, end he cannot vote. In addition to satisfying ths poll holders that he is a Democrat, any vn(rr who is ShaJIdoged may be rsqsirsd to pledgs himself to abide l.y tbs Mdt ot said primary sod support the ticket nominated—end in cam of vofttosl to do as, should not be allowed to vote. This I state to yon to be tbs law of our party, and on it* strict nforsrmsnt dspsn ds the parity of the primary system. As hetwvsa ths various candidates for our party's nomination, ^ pollWnlt'srs should be Impartial, Thty should not work forauy of them while bolding tbe primary as represent*!irae of the party. A*ter the polls have dosed the result should to carefully ssesr titasd by ewnntof the votes,and return# duly mad* according to ths rsias of ths , rimary—which yon are urged to read carefully. The Ntarasshould be sent in {tomptly hy careful and trustworthy hi ads, so that ths rsselt may be desisted, as the law provides. PMraRegjlKl*.);; Years very truly, H‘- X. EVKlfcTT, rh. fmnfi. I WxSfi' *>4r/-J*T *v. f ■ j j* • ■ *■ * PRIMARY CANVAS* CLOSES On Saturday night last in the court house were enact d thti closing scenes of the most memorable Democratic Pri mary canvass ever held in Richmond County. Patriotic ladies by the score, and 'good citizens by the hundred, did come and did keep coming till standing room evon was appreciated. Entlmsiani from the start «as unbounded, and almost all of it good uatured. He who had any doubt or miagiving as to the future welfare of Richmond Coun ty’s Democracy needed hutj to observe the deep and abiding interest in each speak er's every word. Needed in1 ihort, to breathe the true atmosphere ol the assemblage a id to fed the spirit of las tiu lowship which throughout was maintained. rue, thoro cum« a lew minor rough places, a few jars and jolts; bnt who overheard ol :i missionary meeting ro pol itical gathering where there was not some dogree of ex* citemont. That’s the vorvsoul of the thing. Besides, this was all explained away by Hou. Walter I,. Parsons, a legislative candidate whom is all probability our county will present for congress ional honors two years hence. Mr. Parsons said : “We have come to where anordinary jolt s nothing. The Democratic party has grown able to stand them, Whichwas followed by a continued uproar of ap plause. When the Pee Dee band had played half a doz en patriotic airs, Mr. W. 0. Leak stepped to the rostrom and in a happy little speech announcedthat that he had been appointed to act os chairman. Mr. J/eak didn't as the news paper men usu ally say, “call tho house to order,."There was no occasion The first speaker was our present sheriff, Mr. M’ L. Hinson’ who announoed himself for reelection. The sheriff isn't a man to be knownforhig mnch speaking, lebelieves in actions. H.<res his speech Fellow Rt*ra« - ends, you know me, uim your candidate. 1,11 appre ciate your support. “ The next offic under consider ation was that of Register of Deed F<jr * this, there aro five candidates. Mr. Frank Roberts of Hamlet spoke lirst. Ho has set upon the courthouse rock, and he wauts to set some more. He was once a resident of Rock ingham. The tonter mem ories of “ auld lang syne*‘ are oft tunes touching his soul, and he hopes that oth ers may feel a like touch,aud extend a call to wend his foot steps again hitherward. Next caine Mr. Z. Hadley, one of tho best young men in the count.\ ; he reminded his fellow Democrats of his sacrifice and 103'alty in U8. And thanked them for their support Juow. Mr. J. C. Caudle, of Hamlet saya he,s been a clerkin in a store these nineteen years,and hasn,t saved a dollar yet. He needs the offico. he says. Mr. B. Furuian Reynold* a a* next speaker; and bit speech wu au able uno. lie made a gtxxi im pression here. Stated hi* t<>wn «tiip l)*d never bven represented on th* couuty ticket. He got off some rich jokea on hia com petitor*. William Lottie bteele laid : tien tlemeu, here’* your next Register, and I waut to iliaud you iu ad* vauca. The curtain folia here for a brief interlude, and rise on the oouteal for clerk of the Superior Court. Mr. T. L. Covington, who made an able campaign for the same position two years ago came first. He expressed his sincere apprecia tion for the kind iutereat hia friends had taken, and would thank everybody for their votea. Hon. Walter L. Parsons was the uext speaker. He defended himself by ha bed nothing to do with Mr. Frecinan’a, candi dacy, it haviug been statek that Paraon’a friouda first brought out friendi. Mr, John L. Everett asked hie record. It was the custom to give au office the second time. Hu was willing fo» the good Democrats of the connty to handle his cate. Capt. A. T. Cole next announc ed himself for Treasurer in a few brief, words thanking his friends. Mr. D. M. Morrison told that since '08 none had been more loyal to Democracy’s banner. M. A. Jerome Williams merely announc es hie candidacy to the voters of the county, thinking alt for their kind support. Mr. W. D. McRae, who former ly filled the Register's office so sat isfactorily to all, and who was de feated at the hands of the fusion ista after only one term, thinks be is entitled to a second term, and believes the voters will be with him ou Aug. 4th. The curtain falls agaio for a very brief interlude. Thie time it rises ou tne fight for Reprerenta tive. Mr. Martin C. Freeman, of Hamlet, comes first. He hntid to call the word “trscnery”—but be thought the action of oertaia members of the party would Just ify him. His talk, like Mr. Fr emen’a, au able one. Both these gentlemen are dry, Mr. Freeman uaeerting tnat he is the driest man in North Carolina, and with ev*ry diopof hie Angle 8**00 blood, he would always be fighting the whiskey evil Mr. S. M. B license is a eontion to the liquor prom lent. He fa n a dry county f that were possible: but veya he hates to tee people totin' prohibit i « in one hood and a Jog io she other. In peroration, he inform-. ed hie hie country mm, that though the other eawdidat-e had' • left him out “every pop,” it the’ vote re didn’t rally monad hi* red bandana (»h** Hines standnrd)they would never get done rrgrettin’ it. [The following county commit sioner* wore announced: H. S. l^dbottcr, Jumua F. Diggs, Walter II. Covington, A T. White* M. D. McDonald, N. G. Nicholson, J. W. C o.vinglfHi, AY A Gibson, For Regfiter of Deeds, B. FURMAN REYNOLDS. Z. Z. HADLEY. FRANK ROBERTS. J. C. CAUDLE. WU. LITTLE STEELE. For Treasurer, A. JEROME WILLIAMS. A. T. COLE. For Representative, ' MALA W. HINES. M. C FREEMAN. E. M. LO « For Clerk Su|>eriur Court, JOHN L. EVERETT. THOS. L. COVINGTON, For Sheriff, M. L. HINSON. NOTICE By virtoo of an order of the Superior Court of Richmond Couty North Caroliua, directed to the undersigned commissioner. I will exdose to public sale to tbe highest bidder, for cash in in front of the Court House door in tbe towu of Rockingham, North Carolina, on Monday the 2nd. day of July. 1900 •t 12 o’clock M., the following described real property, to-wii; FIRST TRACT ■ ISO ftcret Obcnght of Jas. A. Ingram beginning at n stake, pine and gum wointers, to Owen Slaughter’s back line of a 800-acre survey, and on tbe Lad praucb, and runs with said line N. 81} K 7<H poles to a stake in the run of Anthony’s branch gum red oak and Pursimou pointers, thence down A^honysjbrnnchjabout; 88 poles'stake in Jonathan New bery’a old linn theuoe with New bei^ps corner, pine tump: thence with the other line > f Newberry’s old tract 3. 00 E. 124 poles to a birch tree on Bio Moan, tain Creek thence down the vari ous courses of saib creek to the mouth of Lad branch being about 194 poles : thence up the Lai branch abona 219 poles to the be ginuing. second contract; Beginning at the month of Long branch, when the Mid branch empiea Into Mountain Creek; thence op the various courses of Mid creek 119 pole* to tie mouth of the line branch, dtake by five birch, sycamore and sweet gum* in and at the mouth of Mid brrneb. Corner of flrt tract; tbeuee •with line O said tract Northwardly op the various ooursos of said branch 314 poles to his oorner, pino by fire maples and sweet-gnat on the bink of sild branch: tlienee N. 81 K 77 polos to Frank Baldwin’s ojmer, rjd oik. by •Im, perslnjinon, tyro sweet-gums and a hickory on a braftMi: thence with a linb S. it V-'. 148 poles to a stake in the Loog branch ns pot below tee bridge on eakl branch py two maples poet oak and hlcxory pointers i thence down the various soars* of Mid braueb dnbthwsr lly with J. Reynolds line U1 poles to Ufa comer, a piste ; thence down the various course of Mio branch Sourtbwardly 194 poles th the begin ning, containing IM acres more or lea Also it acres In Montgomery v ouuty and ewe-half interest in lot on whlou stands gin «f Ussery and Tysrn. keeervlng and excepting from the a bore thy follow I ,g land the Mine har ing been allotted to the Mid Ain Usasry aohordow cr by 4. F. Capet. • U. Hines and B. B- Ingra n. Jorott, tCTTOtiiof—^-'-'• Beginnl.ig at the original Jeorwer on the banka of Mounuin oreek at a Bah dew, a corner of Jaa. A. Ingram’s treat e*d runs an a line of as Id tract reveta •* *. *° aha 1 ue to tbr original corner of eatd tract, a pine stomp- thence H. M W. 48A» chains to Umi run of the Longftraaoh opposite a ledge of rock Imi wood, ample, gum and md oak printer i thence down the various eoui >ea of said I r inch to Mountain steak i th-a up the various eonrora of sahl •«wek to the bagtwalng. i>c lading the dwelling house*, out hoe sea, mills and Improvements thereon 1 lbs rsri Isj.d bring mid for ih purpoM of maxing aatoU for t).« pay ment of dibu of the wild eeute. Thl* mi* 2ad. 1909. A. 8. DOCKEBY, OommiMl >ner. For lack of a printer, our paper lias, t.ll today, (Mon day) beeu necessarily delay ed in going to press. Hence we are able to give our read ers the approxmate result of Saturday’s contest. For Representative, ap proximately, aa we say, the vote will stand: Parsons, 516 ; Freeman, 345 ; Boggan 281 ; Malachi Waldorf Hines, 8. For Clerk Superior Court, with Beaver Dam, Black Jack and Upper Steeles to be berrd from, the vote stands : Covington,586 ; Everett, 365. Covington’s majority being, in round numbers, 200. For Register of deeds Rey nolds leads with 540, 3 other precincts unheard from. William Little Steele comes next with 345. Of the other three Z. Z. Hadley got a good vote. Sheriff Hinson had no op position. For Treasurer D. M. Mor rison has a good lead. It is nipand tuck between A. T. Cole and Jerome Williams, as to who shall hold second place. For County Commissioners the following lead at Rock ingham, no. 2. voting pre cinct: Walter M. Covington, ; 296 ; H. S. Ledbetter, 266 ; Junius F. Diggs, 262 ; J. W. Covington,239 ;A. F. White, 201 I Commissioners Sale o! Land The undersigned commissioner, by virtue of the authority vetted In him byadeoree of the Superior court of Richmond county at March term, 1906, in aoertain matter entitled at follows, to wit: Neill Prevatt. ft. til , vm. Thoa. F. Boyd and wife, Maggie Boyd, will, on Monday, August Bib, 19o6. at 1* o’clock m., at the the court house door In tho town of Rockingham. N. C., sell atpubllc outcry to the highest bidder forcaah, the following described tract or parcel of land, being and lying In the oounty of Richmond and the town of Hamlet, N. C .and bounded as fol lows, to wit: Beginning at a stake Id D. M. Hen derson’s and John Hhorlridgo’a line an i runs thence to the swam- 7Vi feet to the run or the branch; tbaeea up the swamp to feet tonnotlier aia.e; then parallel with tho first line to an other stake in D. M. Henderson's and John Chortridge’s line, then direct to the beginning, forming an oblong square. Said land will bo sold subject to the confirmation of ihe Superior court. Thla 27th day of Judo, 19o6. JNO. L. EVERETT, Commissioner RevlBalof 1905. I _ SECTION 1401). At every general elect ion held fur member* of the general assem bly, there shall be elected ill each' township, three justice* .of the peace, and fur *ucli township in whioh any city or incorporated town is situnted, one justice ot the pesos for every one thousam in habitants in suoh town or city, who shall hold their offipet fot two years. W. A. CH18H0LM Atto**it-at-Law abb Notamt Tauu Offlee In WaUun BniMtef ROCKINOHAtf, M, m A. 8 Dockery ATTORNEY AT LAW RocKIXOHAK, N. C. General practice and real e»t»t foutshorey^iar Hewetfca aaw^li saAk^shlssai office, except for the office of count? rctnmistiouer, end every voter shall be allowed to vote for five candidates for tbat cfflrt, but no voter shall be allowed to cast mote than one vota for nny one candidate for county commissioner. 12. There ehall be three manager* for cacti precinct pollinc place, and they shall conduct the sauts in an or derly manlier, and taid managers shall not solicit ente* for rnv candidate tltirin- said election. For their rer riers the mana-cts shall he paid 91.00 each. W. N. r.VlinFTT, Cltnirmsn D“in. H*. Com. Richmond county. Upper Sterte*—1*«. Baldwin, W. A. Webster. J. S. Mptheaon. Lower Steele*—D. A. Paraona, Al fred Baldwin. (\ C. fa pel. Mineral Spring*—D. C. McBae, Copt. Wm. 8initli. P. O'Brien. Black Jack—Bobt. E. Hin.on, L W. Webb, C. II. Kcv. Beaver Dam—.Toe. T» McDonald, W. A. Graham, A. Ii. McDonald. Rockingham, No. 1.—E. C. Terry, W. It. Covington. Will McKenzie. Rockingbani, No. 2.—W. F. Long, Walter L. S t nolo, J. (7. Da via. Marks Creek—L. O'Brien, W. L. Criddlebouzb. E. F. Hester. Wolf Pit, No. 1— It. H. Morrison, J. V. Meachstn, W. It. Culberson. Wolf Pit, No. 2.—C. C. Covington, H. M. Miles, Eljioh Hamer. Wolf Pit, Ko. 3—E. P. Gaddy, J. W. Dizgs. T. M. Whitlock. Wolf Pit, No. 4—E. H. Rogers, J. E. Dees, J. F. Diggs. Notice North Cnmlina. ( Richmond County ) SATE OF ACCOUNTS IN RR PER DEE MANUFACTURING COMPANY VS. THE J. B. CAUDLE COMPANY Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned Receiver will, begin ning nt 12 o’clock Saturday, July 28, 1000 expose to public outcry, for cash, , comnta due the said •* I The J. B. Caudle Company, aggre gating some $2200.00, nt the Court House door in the town of Rnekingbum. N. C. Thin 18th dny of July, 1000. JOHN L ARMI8TKAD. Receiver. SURVEYORSCARD Land Surveyed and plotted pub lie roads, dykes, terraces eto, loca ed. Call or ad dress. C. FARRAND Roberdtl, N.C. Out of fifteen of the leading agents of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., of New York, JT. S. Edwards, the ageut here has pushed himself to first place on their bulletin which shows him lender in ainonnt of increase. What almut that insurance? Take it now, afte.- y«u are dead the policy 3'ou intended to take won't do your loved ones any good. • Notice. Any and all porsons wishing to pur chase homes si d Isnd at Fair Uround osar BIlerbe Springs, rec M. F. Home tor information and description of lots tnd lands wnown os Dr. Hiatt’s at Fair Uround, I will be able to give you all prices and terms. M. F. HO RITE. Ellerbe, N. C„ July 3*. IKS. Notice. The boards of supervisors and ever icers of roads, or Steele's township, ire requeued to nmt at Little’s Mills, ta turd ay, August Ilih.lSOO. E. A. BttCTON, Chairman. Beit Medicine In tlie World for Colic slid Durrltoea. ‘‘I find Chamberlain's Colic Jholera and Diarrhoea Remedy '•o be the best remedy in the arorlcl,”. save Mr. C. L. Garter of dkirum, AU. ”1 am subject to aolio and diarrhoea. I.ast spring it seemed as t hough I would die, uid I think I would if I hadn’t akeu Chamberlain’s Colio Chole *a and Diarrhoeoa Remedy. I (aren’t been troubled with it since •ntil this week, when I had arery «erere attack and took ha I. a bot U uf the twnnly-fir« cent aise Ohamlierlain a Colic, Cholera and Ciarrfaoea Remedy, and this mom* ng I fee) liks a new man.” For tale by kuHnloh O Fox and 8, Biggs, Hamlet, N. 0. Rememtar Schtms Bros A Co’s. clotIwM are made under their o«n «np»rvitHiu, in Ihejr own Isilnr (hops, which are the largest in he world. • ramKnRErqgi

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