LOCAL COLUMN. Brief Items Gathered From Many Places For Busy People. Mr. A. A. William# spent Tues day in Charlotte. Mr. J. A. McAulay spent last Saturday in Charlotte. Mr. J. N. Cole, Jr., left Tues day morning for Trinity College. Dr. and Mm. Fred D. Anstin, returned to Charlotte last Satur day. - We are glad to learn that Mr. Henry M each am is improving rapidly. Bar. N. H. D. Wilson and wife •re the guests of Mrs. J. T. Le Grmnd. Don’t fail to read Mr*. Lyon’a Butioe,—a nice horns, on easy terms. The Sllerbe Spring* holel will oloee for the season to-morrow, Saturday, Sept. 16th. Bar. J, B. Underwood assisted Bee, N. L. See bolt in a meeting at 8t. Paul’s laat week. Mr. C. B. Wallace, carrier on rural route No. 2, Sllerbe, was in Rockingham on Monday. Mr. DidM Oiy, who h&s Jj^to nffning with malarial fever, ia now abla to be at Ilia abop. Mr. Nathan W. LeGrand left Tuesday for Dnrhtm, where he will enter Trinity Park School. Mr. Will Dsyia, of Lynenburg, Va., ia hare to spend several weeks with his parents, Mr. snd Mrs. I, 8. Davis. Ta* big John Jlobinson show is advertised to exhibit at Hamlet, September 22th. Now, don’t that jar yin? Cotton baa been coming in qaite rapidly for the past few daya. Price* are a little better than they warn last week. Mr. Hugh Chandler and Mias Etta Chandler, of Mangnm, spent Betardap and Sunday with friends at Rockingham and Hamlet. ’ Mrs 8. B. Cranford, nee Miss Hit* Evans, of Chesterfield, S. C.. spsot several daya of this week with the family of the editor. OlHf Davis is making ispid headway on his fins residence. Guess it is an nrgsnt csss, snd if so, everything will be ready on time. Mr. Victor 8milb, of Danville, Va., who it visiting hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Smith, was a pteaaaat sailer at onr office this pc#; Mr. aad Mrs. H. C. Watson snd daaghters, Missss Bessie and Jen* nie. are tearing the cities of the North this week. They expect to return Saturday. Mr. W. T. Mallie, of $lneflelde, W#et Virginia, wbo |wm at on# time a meident of Rockingham, baa apant the peat week here vi.it lag relative.. He will leave to night for hie boot#. Her. J. K. Underwood ie ep*nd> tag the week ia ripper A neon, as> •iating the Method let paetor in a meeting at Cooeord church. The M. and Te “Whale” had hotter keep in deep water. Hr. Joeoph Gibvon, wbo for want of (ember, hee not been wnrkiag on Me new reetdenoo hr eometime, hee reeomed work therein,—-bnt Me eeee mar not be an orgeat ae CliffV A little child of Mr. and Mr. Mmtf MeOaetrill, o( Pea Dee Ho. f, waa bnnatf at- Martha at oama* lory laat Tnaadaj eraning. The faperal eerrlam ware eund Bated hp Her. W. I. Oeppadge. • e Mr. J. C. Jernigan and family have moved to Troy. Sherifi M. L. Hiuson U much better and was able to be at bit office pert of this wosk. The firm of Williams <k Liles has been dissolved, Mr. L. M. Wil liama purchasing the interest of Mr. E. B. Liles. Mr. Williams will continue the business at the old stand. Mrs. J. S. Oockran, of Abbe ville, S. C., and Mrs. L. C. Couse, of Charlotte, are spending this week with their parent*, Mr. und Mrs. D. Gay, and other relative* and friends in Rockingham. The dam which help* to form the beautiful lake at Jackson Springs, waa washed away by the recent heavy taint. The loss to the visitors can scarcely be esti mated, bat to the. company, it will amount to several hundred dollars. Col. Z. P. Smith, editor of The American, the national orgau of tbe^r. O. U. A. M., baa acoepted an iiivitatiou to be with Rooking. ham.Council, on Thursday even* ing, the 27tb inst. As a public speaker Mr. Smith has few equals in the State, and will delight all all who hear him. We under* stand'tbat the lecture will be pub lic. One Little Town. Oar little town ehowa lights of advancement every day. Nothing prove* the growth aud industry of a place so much as the gradual change in our business. See the jump of A. Arenson, men's and boy’s outfitter, and in the last few ^seasons, too. Does »Pt hit ling afitehlaes Bros cloth ing, John B. Stetson and Letter's hats and Crawford shoea speak for themselves? Why, they mean fit, style, beauty and durability. And after this fine offer in oloth ing, shoes, hats, etc., bs is making another “bcom” for Rockingham in the magnificent offer to hie trade of free cleaning and press ing. When did a merchant study the wants of bid trade more? This offer is something that yon find only in a large city; and yet one of onr merchants give ns the ad vantage of it. Hail to the growth of Rockingham. Mr. Arensen, in his free cleaning aud pressing offer gives to every man who buys clothing from him a free cleaning and pressing as ofteu as it is necessary, until .his clothe* wear ont. This is a fine offer, end will enable our young men to wear their pants creased, and coat neatly pressed every time they call on their best girl, and their "enit will win the aoit. Keep yonr eyes Open on the leader of the band, boys, and see wbat next A. Arenson will have to effer to Rockingham. A BARGAIN FOR SOME BODY; I offer for sale, on reason able terms, ray nioe residence beautifully located on the Watson Hill. The building has # rooms, and on the premises are all necessary outbuildings, a well of fine water, garden and patches. A quick purchaser can get a good bargain for CASH, or TIME. Call at onoe once, on MRS. J. T. LYON. Bebloee Bros, clothing is made so that we can fit any else sun, whether he is a small man or a large one.—A. Areoeon. • Now is a good time to here yont pieters token. THE COUNTRY.' Interesting Dots From Our Faithful Cor respondents. Ledbetters. Hill Nora Mollis, of Pee Dee No. 1, was visiting friends here last week. We are very much pleased to learn of the improvement of the editor’s health. We atwayi miss him when absent. C. D. Dawkins, of Sootlaud Co. it spending a day or two here with his sisters, Mis.es Mary and Cora Dawkins. Misses Eleanor Sanoders and Abbie McDonald took their leave last Saturday to visit friends and ralativea in Anaon county. There was a man here Monday night, claiming te hail from Pennsylvania. Hs preached on the atreeta to a very scattering andienoe. A series of meetings will begin here next Sunday, (Brd Snnday) Providence permitting, by Rev. Mr. Groves. r Little Herbert Gibeou, eon of L. 8. Gibeon, happened to an ac cident Monday. While playiug with another boy; be reoeived a very painful gash on bia leg, whioh waa, of coone, accidental. Dr. Garrett dreeat>d the wound and it ia not anppoaed to be eerione The echool oommittee for Dis trict No. 1, white, Beaver Dam Townehip, will hold a meeting at tljB echool bouse, at^ Ledbetter's, on Priday, September 28tii, ifluo, at one o’clock, P. M., for the put poee of employing a teacher for said echool. Teacbeia deairing to apply for the echool can correa* pond with W. M. Tomer, E. P. D. No. 8. Sobeoriber. Pee Dee No. 2. Mre. E. J. Hale epent eeveral daya in Monroe, laat week. Mies Lieeie Roberta, of Hope Mills, ia viaitiog Miss Hattie Campbell. Mies I-ola Capel, of Charlotte, spent Saturday night end Sunday in olt village. Mre. D. R. Campbell (pent Sat urday night and Sunday at Rob erdel No. 8. Mr. Easy, of Wilmington, ia visiting hie brother here. Miss Anna 8heer8eld, of Clio, epent several days in onr village last week. A crowd of our young folks en joyed some grapes at Mr. W. H. Coringtm’e, Sunday afternoon. ' “Violet.” Rooky Pork Sorry to note that oar good old friend, Mr. J. G. Terry, U right feeble st this writing. Mr.' J. T. MoLeod went some where lest Setardey—we don’t kuow where be went, end we ere not certain that he knows. People will bant, fish, go to town end everywhere else bat to see the ilek and to ohareh. Ah, are eon eee so plain how things art goinc. Thors will be one day when everything will be shown ae it is and somebody will be sur prised too. Mr. A. K. MeLeod left Monday for Charlotte, where be will take a ooarse la King’s Basin see OoJ lege. Good lock to yon Ankle. There woe e'eoeinl gathering at Mr. I. B. O’Brien’• test Bataidaj night. Masts woe famish* bj Measrt. |H. M. Marks, E. T. Bounds, the Mioses O’Brien and others, that was grand. The yonng folks of this section had a delightful day nt Klterbe, last Sunday. Glad to note that Mr. C. P. Dowkius' family ore all better at this writing. Our little doctor Maness seems to have one patient that is a verv serious case, but we hope not fatal. J?apday school at Green Lake next Sunday. Everybody within three milea be there and let’s see how each a orowd would look at Snndav school. Uobbler. Cognac. \\<> have bad some very warn weather for the past week, but the the nfghts are nice and cocl to if it was not for t|ie "Skee ters.” They make us wish for the dreary winter days. The sand hills may be a poor place tor some thing* to thrive in, but we have aa fine “*keeter»” a* any plme cuu hoaat of. .Mr. G. R. Mum«, the clever foreman of the Staudard Turpen tine Co. here, attended court last week. He waa under indictment for tree passing, and, listen please, the evidence given against hi^i was, the prosecutor said he was cutfiug w«od on his laud with two axes. We can boast of a very smart man in Cognac. Mr, T. O Riggan left Wednes day night for Portsmouth, Va. A business trip. M^ses Margaret Austin and fds, two of Sanford’s po^ii JV.ug», sp. ut -a k-e <J ,r-» la£*t»eek with the Misses Riggan. JHme rumor aaya, we are to hi^w a depot here soon. We only sayr. “speed the day.”. This. mouth briig* frost, so says the “katakid.” It feels vary much like it now—the tem perature must be about 00. Miaa Sallie Whitaker and little Mias Helen, who have been visit iug Mra. G. W. Parker, for n while, left for their home at San ford, Saturday morniug. We miss them very much. Mr. John C. Moore, our nice little day operator, went' to Ral eigh Sunday and stopped over at hi* home at Muncure, Sunday night aud Monday. ' We hear it rumored that Mrs. Vandercook, of Jackson, Michigan who ones reaided here, will move back about Ootober 1st. • We are glad to have her here, aud all others who will come. Londi. Shaving Outfits. We will send to any one a shav ing outfit containing the follow ing 1 Razor and Razor Strap, 1 Shaving Mng, Brash and 2 bars soap, 1 Towel, Comb and Soiasora, 1 Looking Glaas and 1 box Talcum Powders, all for $1 26. And will ■end it to yin to examine, aud if you don’t like it you don’t have to pay for It. Send your name and addreea to ua and wa will send same to yon. ' Anson Novelty Co., MoFarlan, N. C Oat of fifteen of tbe leading agent* of the Metropolitan Life Inenraooe Co., of New York, J. 8. Edwards, tbe agent bare has pushed himself to first place on their bulletin wbieh shows him leader in amount of increase. What about that insurance? Take it now, afte: yen are dead the policy you intended to take won’ do your lovrfd ones any good. • FOUND DEAD. Stephen Napier's Life less Body in Wagon This Morning. Stephen Napier was found dead this morning (Friday) in an old wagon body in a back lot in RockiDgham, near Sheriff Hinson’s cotton gin. Coroner Daniel Gay was notified and held an inquest, the following gentlemen serv ing on the jury : A. M. Smith i S. C. McDonald, John N. Hasty, T. C. McKay, C. C. Shores and Harrison Shep herd. Tlioir verdict was that death resulted from natural causes. He was seen in the early part of the night, near the scene of his death, and was complaining of being sick, saying that he was going, to Midway, but as he had been drinking, not attention was paid to him. Stephen Napier was a good workman and hiB services were always in demand at high .wages, but his thirst foi strong drink, which he seem ed unable to control, wrought his ruin. But with all his faults he had some virtues, and we trust he realized his condition before it was too i&le,* ifnfSfe pc.-* a God, and that it is well with his soul now. THE METROPOLITAN Saved Her From Humilia tion of Almshouse. In one of diatricta there lived* yjuog girl abcnt eighteen year* old, who worked in one of the factoriea. She waa an orphau, bad no relative*, and boarded with a family near the mill. About* year after ahe waa inaured ahe thought ahe bad better give her policy up, but the ugant aaid’’no, and after a deal of perauaaiou got her to go on with it. Shortly after ahe fell aick, the phyaician aaw at onoe that aha had no chance to live, and, aa ahe had neither money uor frieuda, recommended her removal to tin almehou**. "Oh no," aaid thi lady with whom ahe boarded, Katie haa a policy in tho Metropolitan, and it will pay her doctor’* bill and all the other expenaea. After three month* aickneea the died; but daring that time ahe reoeived every comfort and atten* poeaiblp. The Induatrial policy had aaved her from the humil. intion of the almahouae. J- T- Edwarda, Agent Bast Medicine la tbe World for Colic aud Darrkoet. "I find Chamberlain'* Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to be the beat remedy in the world,” eoy* Mr. C. L. Carter of Skiram, Ala. ”1 am enbjeot to oolio and diarrhoea. Last spring it aeemod ae though I would die. aud I think I would if I hadn't taken Chamberlain’s Colic Chole ra and Diarrboeoa Remedy. I haven’t been troubled with it sinoe until this week, when I kad a very severe attack aud took hah a bot tle of the twenty-five oent else Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera ana Giarrhoea Remedy, and thla morn ing I feel like a new man.” For sal* by Ladolob O. Fos and 8. Bigga, Hamlet, !f. C. . 1 -1*. - ■ ST9 A*k the boy» who have I*>ug'.i4 miU from ns if they are s&tisd 4 or not. They are the ouea we de pend upon to tell of oor clothing and the other thingi we handle. A Aremon. Remember at Areneon'e is t it only place that Sohloas iK.-th^ra olothing can be boagbt in Roc’c iugham. • Wanted—Six room honee in de ■irable location. Mnst have go<id water. Reasonable rert. Address with fall partioalars: R. T. O. P. O. box 77. Hamlet. N. C. Statement of the oouditiaa of tlie Richmond County Savings Bank, at Rookiogham; N. C., at the close of business * 4th, 1006, ki reported to the N. 0. Corporation Commission. RESOURCES. Loans end Discounts, 186 067 73 Stocks ft Bonds, 18 000 00 Overdrafts, 48 6ft Cssh.Vfc due from Banks 16 088 48 Cash Items, 83 88 Furnitnre ft Fixture-, 447 00 8228 610 34 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, 7 GOO 00 Surplus, 2 000 00 Undivided Profits, 2 628 88 Dividends unpaid, 88 GO DEPOSITS, 211447 86 8228 610 34 I, W. L. Scales, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly ■wear the above report is true to the best of mj knowledge and l>e - -, i. State of North Catoliua, ) County of Richmond, $ Sworn to before mo, this 14th September, 1806. John L. Everett, C. 8. C. Correct-Attest: W. C Leak. i B. A. Johnson, [• Directors. Wm. Entwistle, ) coming! J. E. SPENCER. The Old Reliable Photographer, will be in Rockingham shortly, for Three Days Only. If yon dee ire photographs made write him a card and he will notify you personally wheu he will be here and where he may he found, Good work and prompt aerr ivice. His address is Bennetts* villa, 8. C. Wait for onr fall openiug. Wa will hare aomething to tali you— A. Arauaon. • Yon know nt and yon know onr clothing. All wa aak <• a look.— A. Arauaoo, • Mo na# to go into detaila to till yon of Sohloaa Broa. clothing, aa yon all know it. For workman* •hip and quality tbay oaonot bn ha*tan any where.—A, Arwnaon. •

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