THE HEADLIGHT. JOHN Hf WALSI^ Editor as» PnopuiETflu. ^•’•*<*<1 MMrtlactn aet of Conim at Hr peat often at Rockingham, S. C •» *eecitd-clam matter. ROCKUtGHAJI, K. C.. Sept. i*. iaoe County Democratic Ticket. For Representative, W. L. PARSON?. / For Clsrk ot Superior Court, THOMAr. L. COVINGTON*. For Sheriff, M. L. HINSON. For Register of Deed*, B. FURMAN REYNOJ«D9. For Treasurer, D. M. MORRISON. Fob Coroner, DANIEL GAY. For Commissioners, A..T, WHITE, J. W. COVINGTON. H. S. LKDBETTRR. W. M. COVINGTON,. JUNIUS F. DIGGS. Hon. J. Preston Gibson, of Bennetts vilie, has been re elected to the House of Rep resentatives from Marlboro county. No better selection could have boon made, and we venture to say, no other county will have an abler representative id the Genera) Assembly of the State. "Good Roads [Make Great Nations." Such is the heading of a of last week. Its author is Congressman W. P. Brown low, of Tennessee, who dis cusses the question of good roads with clearness and ability. The Commonwealth perhaps more than a year ago, printed a number of ar ticles about government aid to public roads, in which it was claimed that the govern ment can as well aid the pub lic highways on land as well as on water. Congressman Browniow says that the en tile constitutionality of the government aid to publio roads is now almost univer sally admitted, and he argues well the justice of such a movement. He says it is the greatest and most impor tant question before the peo ple and before the govern ment. The farmers of the oountiy pay more then hslf the taxes and receive no di rect consideration at the hands of the government. While the farmer might be the first to be directly bene fited by the making of good roods by the government, he would by no means be the only one benefited. Mr. Browniow points out the in dustrial, educational and moral advantages to be de rived from good roads. When the farmer, who is th* main-! stay of the world, prospers, all others will prosper ac cordingly. Good roads make It possible for the tenner to realise a large percent, more for the products of his farm. The rural schools are tbs orate of learning jrhane* come the best and truest men i for every phase and station andcaliiug in life. Good roads will do more towards making splendid possibilities in the country districts than any other one interest. Take away the wholesome and moral influences of the coun try churches, and you strike a blow at moral progress and development. Good mads are one of the greatest con veniences for the rural pop ulation to get to church on the Sabbath. Congressman Brownlow says that the pres ent congress can do much for the relief of the people throughout the country if only the iViembers of that body will take a serious view of the matter and go to work. Ho closes his very able paper by asking the question, “Will tho people lot their senators and representatives sleep upon a bill which pro vides for their paramount needs?” He clinches the whole matter in the lest sen tence by declaring that, “without the domand from the peoplo congress will not act.”—Ex. SURVEYORSCARD Land Surveyed and plotted pub lio roads, dyke*, terraces etc, loca ed. Cull or ad dress. C. FARRAND Roberdol, N. C. ENVELOPES; ;■ inches img, priutedauy way yon want them, from the latest style* of brand new.type, for only 86c. Mail orders solicited. Envelopes mailed same day order is received. Seud 5c extra for postage. W. H. CovTxoToif, Printer, Rockingham, N. G. fU I wji — TT —. ■ - - - - T A. S Dockery ATTORNEY AT LAW RockikohAm, N. C. General practice and real ert* ( TO CHASE CITY, VA.I We are advised by C. H. I Gattis, through E. H. Avcock, I agent at this place, that the I rate f:om Rockingham to Chase I City, Va., via Raloigh and I Southern is Seven Dollars. No I connection via LaCrosse. Notice. Any and all persons wishing to pur chase homes ard land at Fair Ground near Elierbe Springs, see M. F. Home for information and description ol lota and lands Known as Dr. Hiatt's at Fair Ground, I will be able to glee yon all prices and terms. M. F. HOB*K. KHerbe, V. C., July 30. 1000. Constipation. For co tut i pat ion there is noth ing unite so nies m Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They always produce s pleasant move ment of ths bowels without any disagreeable effect. Price 26c. Samples free, l.adoiph G Fox and 0. Biggs, Hamlet. N. C. The NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College --COURSES Utterary, , Commercial Classical, EDontMtlt Science Scientific .Manual Training Pedagogical Music Three courses leading to degrees, i-dtc’al courses for graduates of other colleges- Well equipped training school for tenchow Board, laundry, tuition and fees for use of text books, etc., $170 a year For free-tnition students, $125. Fifteenth annual session begins Sept. 2'J, 1906. In secure board in the dormitories, all freo tuition applica Cations should be made before July 15th. Correspondence iuvited r 2 m those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. For cata log uud oihsr infornutiou, address. CHARLESrD. McIVER, President. Grecusboro, X. C. ASHCRAFT’S ’ Colic flixture No disease to which horses pnd mules are subject is more dangerous than colic, and none more easily cured \yhen the cor rect remedy is used. Colic attacks so sud denly and oftentimes so severely that it is * of the utmost importance to relieve the an imal at once in order to save its life. AsHcaArr’s Colic Mixtukb gives relief •peedily and surely, leaving no bad after effects. It has stood the test for 25 years. COLIC IN FtmST 07A0C%. OOi/C IN Uir «T4«(I, Every horse owner should keep on hand at all times a supply of this remedy. The best results are always attained by apply ing the Mixture in the earlier stages be fore the spasms of pain have exhausted the I vitality of the animal. Use only Ashchaft’s Colic Mixtukb —the true and t'ied remedy. 50c. Bottle. Sold by A. M. FLOWERS. 1895 1900 RAEFORD INSTITUTE, IRAEFORD, N. C. oiCffera thorough .netrccUowto a.lthe literary branches preparing for any Music: Piano, Vocal Stringed Instruments. 1 ution by a graduate of the National School of Elocution and Oratory, course the finest of any pre>ir*tory school in North Carolina; special co. e in Freehand Drawing for Wjjse preparing to teach in the public tchoo’s. t e. Tirtly noTt-aecVaehin senvai moderate coat. Eight professional teacher*, $12,000 equipment in a good, hralthy commu nity, where the Sabbath 1* ohaorreq. Let us seed yon a catalogue. John A. McLeod, Principal. THE FARMER S BANK ! < • > ; Rockingham N. C. ; With strong financial backing, ovary modern ! protection against burglary and fire, up-to date ’ * methods in all departments invites all who have ’ not already doqe so, to open an account with us, * < promising every accommodation consistent with “ ' conservative management. HUS2 ! ROBT. L.'STEELE, President, • , L. S. COVINGTON, Cashier. * Of excellence which characterize the —i McCORMICK —— LINE OF MOWERS are symetrical and staunch main frame, simple and powerful gears, perfect and frictionless bushings, direct stroke pitman, and long steel wearing plates for the knife. The McCormick line cf mowers embraces the Vertical Lift New 4, New Big 4, and Little Vertical. These machines are illustrated and described in detail in the McCormick book for 1004, "It Takes the Palm," whicl^will be supplied free upon request The Everett Hardware Co. r*c_^lAa***•••* Tool*. High Grade Woe*-:. Complete Ginning Or.'.Gi* he it Cieatilnr 8y«t«m, Bag inn* lj etylc*.) Boiler*, lew Mill*. LIDDELL CO., lu 54 ClurUUt, If. c! THE PEE DEE INSTITUTE. Nept Session Will Begin Monday, August 7th. ■.. Prof. Jackson Hamilton, tho uew principal, is n thoroughly competent school man. and with his coni|>eteiit assistants—Prof. W. P. Hum bert. Miss Burke Thotnnson, Miss Lily Reese Doyle und Mis« Clara Devuno, the accomplished teacher of music,—a very high grade of work will bo given to all patrons. -■ " i --- TUITION. The tuition price ranges from #1.00 to #8,50 per month. HOARD. The price of board in the dormitories per month is #7.50. From Monday morning till Friday ev.ning #1.‘*0. In private homes from #S 00 to #10.00. Thorough scholarship with the Christian stand ard for moral character is the ideal of education. The dormitory for girls will be under the su pervision and management, ot Prof. Hamilton and wife. The dormitory for Itovs will he under the supervision of Prof. Humbert. THE TRUSTEES. Ellerbe Springs ] “The Finesr Water and Finest Grove In North Carotlna." An elegant new hotel furnished with every modern comfort and T convenience lias just been completed at this famous spring, located | in a cool, mammoth oak grove 11 miles north of the town of Roek I ingham, Richmond county. N. C., and is now open to the public. 3 Ellerbe Spring* is an ideal health resort, cool, pleasant and de 4 lightful. 1 his water has a marvelous effect in restoring health and J Is a great appetizer. Persons suffering from indigestion and run 3 down constitution will experience most satisfactory rethlta from Us !ase. Persons suffering from hay fever have found quick relief and are greatly bencHttcd a rd possibly permanently cured. For ratea and other information address, J. LAWRENCE HARRISON, Manager, % EIXERDE, NOUTH CAROLINA. nji' iji'* 'if*1- v *7jr* ||papp|i||.Fl y ' T r\ nii • l t L tla « « w. c J r n **> f' r» n e n O u ^ 'J u l • I U J For o limited tirno v.*c vr'H r've r’rnlutcly f—? nf rhar^re to every NEW yearly sulsci iL.r to o„r j r^i- a y-ar’a aul> tcription (worth 50 cents) to SOUTHERN AGFs333LT?j:;:37 nascvjlls, t3:i;;:c:l3. This greet irnl-nioiiibl; farm prper re * iWr# every month Into 10,000 Southern 1.elites K Is (Card ty Coin hern tier, uud wmuru to •olt Southern renditions-, nud In just what cm Ir.rrwri need. II an iwcrs free of chares any question a uuU.crll.xr t!.:.y :ilI»huJ Ii» t. Ivies 11 cl Tim In a pla'.n, practical v.-ny which i :ty rir*i,'t- era All department* of farm life urn covered. !;r.lii.t;E* dcl.^hWul home and childrens Eiii:<.;.tc copies free U our o.Jm. IF^YC’J AHe t.'JTZS.Z'i A CCZZ'.Z’.ZZ?, 73 C J?. r.’.PZn rose* oow, r.nd add o:;!y JO cents to our mibecrlpllun pries and wa will G|V!d you llio Cor. I hern Agriruititrhl for a ysar. MCflE WONDERFUL GULL! • Whether you ere a new or clt Rvlirrsr'brr, t'd ONI.Y IS CENTS to nur regular an'jrcrlptlca | r eo 1:11. iu yddllicn to our p iper, wa wlU send you the fit I lowing it.roc pprera all for a f.:',l year: Southern Asr'eultarlst, rogjUr prlea.C3C0 Goulhern F;u‘t O w:r ... 13 ’ Cectliern rune-or (pcultr,) ..... GO . I •*ti! rigutar prl.S .$I.GO f . Subscribe for 0 The Headlight.,