Wfire is just as much difference inonr Clothing and the ordinary kind as there is in 1®_ CHALK AND CHEESE Every suit we have this season, no matter whether it is $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $17.50, $20.00 or $26.00 is made ng t, has the wide shoulders, hair cloth frouts, long length &c. We make our clothing a study, and having access to the best lines in the United States, enables us to have them just as good as ANY BODY, no matter where his busi '_ness is, Atlanta, Charlotte, Wilmington, Raleigji or an vof the larger places. rvA TTum - ■ ■ __ — IS IMPi 1SSIBLE FOR THEM TO BE BETTER We want every man or boy who expects to buy clothing this fall and winter to visit our store and have a talk with us. We will take pleasure in giving him advantage of all wo know about clothing, and if he does not waut to * buy we are not going to worry him. The beauty of our lino this season is, we have suits within the reach of everv body. Our $7 50. $10.00 and $12.50 suits are HmGREATEST VALUES We Have Ever Seen. *—1—■" —— -- -. . _ We feel grateful, indeed, to our customers for their patronage and for the nice things they have said about our goods. We have consulted over 200 of them as to whether they were pleased with our goods or not and have not found a single customer that was not pleased. Our line of ’ ||J of Hats Shirts, Underwear, Shoes, Etc., are Up-to-Date, as nsual. Yours very tiuly, r: ^ * • • /H / ) _ ( 1 . . WKSW'vfr ' • » . . -W_ A Family Reunion. Oto Thursday, Sept. 6th, at Mr. N. A. McNeill’s, a large number of people spent a very pleasant and enjoyable day. The oocasion was the birthday of Mrs, Elizabeth McLeod, widow of Mr. Nor-: man McLeod, who was so wail known and so univer sally loved throughout this station. Sister McLeod, has seen 78 summers pass over her head, and all daring this time, with the exception of a few yearn in childhood, she has been a faithful follower of the Lord Jeans. All of her ohildren but one, Mr. Alex McLeod, of Robeson county, and the moat of her grand children and great grand children ware present. Be sides these there were a num ber of friends, among them Bif. T. J. Hudson, wife and ohildyen^and Mrs. A. J. Groves ssTlJRb-fsy-fcam. Roberdsl, and Dr. and Mva. F. J. Garrett from Rooking I shall not attempt to de scribe the splendid dinner that was dispensed upon a specially prepared table in the yard under the tress. was not able to get there until the lata afternoon, thereby aiming; a great deal of tbs Bat I enjoyed the little time I had so much, not only the fine dinner those good wom en kept for me—the women never forget me—but every thing else, especially the music, which was one of the most pleasant features of the As{Brother McNeill’s ohildren, with the organ, guitar, violin and banjo, discoursed such songs as, “We Will Sing and Preach Holiness,’’ “A Light at the River/’ “The Old Account is Settled Long Ago,’’ Ac.. Ac., it made a fellow feel like shouting. We all sincerely wish that Sister McLeod may live to have many more such happy birthdays. A. J. Groves. The Doctor Away From Home When Mod heeded. People are often verjr much die* appointed to flad that their fami ly physician ie away from borne when they moot need hie oervioee. Dieeeeee like cramp oolic and cholera morboe require prompt jreetmeot, and here in many in* eranownro*g*v-fataLbtfore^ »t»edi eioe eoold be procured ora phyai* clan nmooLtd. The right way ioto keep at hand a bottle of Chamberlain'e Colie, Cholera and aad Diarrhoea Remedy. No phy eieiao eaa praeeribe a bette* rem edy for these dieeeeee. By-having it in the boaee you eecepe much pain aad coffering end all riek. Boy it now; H may rare life. For 'sale by Ludolph O. Fox and B. Bige, Hamlet, N. C. No nee Co fo into detail* to t»)I yea of Sebloee Broo. clothing, ae yon all know it. Nor workman* aMf aad quality they cannot be beaten any when.*—A. A reaeon. Commissioner’s Sale of Land. North Carolina, / Richmond County. \ Annie J. Uascry, adinrx., Vi. Robert M. Usaery, ct al. Hy virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Richmond County, North Carolina, directed to the undersigned commissioner, I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, In front cf tho Court rlooso door in tho town of Rockingham, North Carolina, on Monday, the 1st day of October, lOOfl, at 13 o'clock M., the following described real proprerty to wit; FIRST TRACT UO acres, bought of Jaa. A. Ingram, beginning at a italic nine and gum pointers, to Owen Slaughter's btek *ne of a 300 acre surrey, and on the -»d branch, and runs with said Run N. Si t,' K 73** poles to a Stake in the run of Anthony’s branch, gum, red oak and persimmon pointers; thence down Anthony’s branch about 88 poles to a stake In Jonathan Newberry’s old lino ; thence with Xswborry’s line 8. SI W. 40 polos to Newberry’s corner, pine stump; thence with the other lino of Newberry's old tract 8. 80 K 114 pole* o a birch tree on Bit Mounteln'On o':; thence down the rarloos courses of said creek to the mouth of Lad branch, being about 184 poles; thence up tho Lad branch about 110 poles to the beginning. HECXlTil) TKACT. Beginning at the mouth of L ing branch, where the Mid branch emptlee Into Mountain Creek; thenee up the tafloua ooaiNa of Mid creek It* polea to the mouth of the line branoh, *Mhe by flee birrb, ayeamore and tweet gum* In and at the mouth of Mid branch, corner of ftrat tract; thenee with line of Mid tract Northwardly op the various erg race of Mid branch SM polea to hi# corner, pine by fire maple* and • eweet gum on the bunk of Mid branch t thenee N. It K. 77 polea to Frank Baldwin’* corner, rad aafc, by elm, pcralmmoa, two tweet game tad a hickory on a branch; thenee with klc line N. M W. IN poles to a Make la the Long branch om pole below tim bridge ,m add branch ny twe maple*, pact call aad hickory pointers; thence down the various courses of said branch Southwardly with J. Reynold's line 131 poles to his comer, a pine; thence down the va rious courses of said branch South wardly 194 poles to the beginning, containing 250 acres, more or less; also 11 acres in Montgomery County and one half interest tn lot on which stands gin of Cssery and Tyson. Reserving and excepting from the above the following land, the same having been allotted to the said An nio Usaery, as her dower, by J. F. Ca pe!, J. M. Mines, and £. E. Ingram, Jurors, on the 24 th day of Oct. 1002. beginning at the original comer on the banks of Mountain Creek at a flsh dam, |a corner of Jas. A. Ingram tract and runs aaa line of said tract reversed N. 80 chains to the original oorner of said tract, a pine ttump; thence 8. 43 S. 49.8o chains to the run of the Long branch opposite a ledge of rock iron wood, maple, gum and red oak pointer; thence down the various courses of sc Id branch to Mountain Creek; thence op the various courses of said creek to the beginning, includ ing the dwelll ig houses, out houses, mills, and improvements thereon. The said land being sold for the pur pose of making assets for the payment of dobts «f said estate. This the 28th day of Augnst 1008, , A. 8. DOCKERY. Commissioner. Beat Medicine In the World for Colie aud Darikom. "I find Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to be the beat remedy in the world,” eaya Mr. C. L. Carter of Bkirum, Ala. "I am subject to oolio and diarrhoea. Last spring it see mod as tbnngh I would die, and Ithink I would if I hadn’t taken Chamberlain’a Colic Chole ra and Diarrhneoa Remedy. 1 haven’t been teoabled with it ainoe until this weak, when I bad every severe attack aud took hal. a bot tle of the twenty-five ocut aim Chamberlain’a Colic, Cholera ann Ciarrhoea Remedy, and this morn ing 1 feel like a new man.” For sal* by Ledolnh O. Pox and B. Bigg*, Hamlet, K. C. More Shoes For Same Money same shoes FOR LESS MONEY JR. L. McDonald & Company. $

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