Chariot*! Cotton Mjrttt. paid-.IW wejnnui ;r*I"T''>1 ‘ PriP** Good middling.10 |WM middling.10 Hidtttoc.. ... 10 Smdm&dliu*, tinged....8 7-3 ^'"cflirilto.7 1-2 t* A 1-3 Uiickeoe—spring.18 to 23 Ksn ptT head..~ .. ......25 llurhe - ;...25 Kgg*..21 to 38 •y»>.«o fnen.72 to 75 CWtaw flood.28 1-2 Ontro— feed.47 1-2 to 59 Un.e^Bm^.53 to 67 1-2 Hokimoro, Md, flopclO—Flout dull one hanged. Wheat: Week: epos eontraet 09 7-8 la Tlj Southern, by sample. 50 ta 0ft. tarn: Weak; spot 54 1-2 to 3-8; flout hem white 58 to 59. Gala: Barely etoady; Sn 2 mixed 84 1-3 ta 85. Bye: Firm; No. 8 Western :£1 to 64. Batter: Steady and unchanged; 7nury imitation 29 to 21; do cream ery 28 to 86; do ladle 18 to 29; store psr^tnd 15 to 16. Kap«; Fine, 23. Chreee: Aetive and nneiianged, 18 la 13 1-8. * Sshabtwy, Sjfceial.—Ohm Scales, *•> eoginaar on tbs 8oatbcrn Railway dkd Friday Morning at tbs While bcad-Btokea Sanitariam in Salibnty fraal injuries (centred last night at Spraear. Mr. Sanies -went ont of Kalwbaiy Thursday night on Xo. 40, ant aa mgiussi bat aa a passenger. Hs in landed qwiiliai tbe night ia Salisbury and aa tbs train was slow |2 ^ P**«* be jumped off, w*j**bg aotH tbs train had stop P**1- ,.^ba«w waa a string of box ears slaadng Mi the parallel track to tbs ■>*b Um. tad -Mr. Beales struck against this and waa thrown baric under the wheels of No. 40. He waa M*y Mutilated, both legs end one am being craabed. Ha waa bm«bt bn*b. to this place and placed in tbe baspilsL Mr. Beales 1 Koaaa Was at WvtbariOn 8. CL, and tbe body waa laUa to that place for burial. Tbe deceased ia a married man and is survived by a wife and several child, ita. •BOM* flUIU A mi MAN. * IMM m Given by Two WO Likely Bad Hsllabury, Special.—<George Gentle who waa aa Wednesday acquitted of jnil breaking, in connection with the lynching earn, but waa held on other ohanns, waa on Friday admitted to bail to tbe aoM of «2£00. The bond »• mn<*e by Maaara. John 8. Ladwick aad Jaaaae H. Megan ala, both prarai nent boetosm men of this city. Gea Mo ia nw at liberty and will remain „ •» tvidenoe is produced U at tha neat tana of the waa available at the term In cauneetloo with Uto jail **"• niich Dm ten Fiend OaHtj. Owaartin. HpaeiaL—Ehrfat Wilkea fMMrty ■MMMnwv* iadirted for lllie »« dialilHnp. idea did eniltr in tbe VntojSufZZZl JEortoo Tfcnnk •toy. Tha aaarl viM aaooaaee tk# aaa ***** totor ia tka lam. Tk* wune* -T tka defendant* who pleaded polity Jmm*A wK dmea Eller, Foley Fraley. Con Fee ‘JS*£??&&:«'* .a to feaaiy defendant*, Henry Bnria, aad Della DiL H**Ma, feqpil eitli Ike Harder of t^T-T " T 22 Mila of to. Saa^J kytod S £ NORTH CAROLINA CROPS TIm weather for the poet week wee wane a ad rainy up to Friday when it became generally fair and earns what eauler. The amen temprature averag ed about 3 1-3 degraei above normal. Tho higbaot tea peratnre wae 93 de grees on Septambm 2nd in Lanoir eeaaty, and tho lowest S3 degrees oa Ntflmlir lot in Buncombe county. The, principal faatare of the week waa the rainfall which era* greater than any previous wade this season al though it only rained four days. The rains were very heavy ia all section* of the State. The rainfall waa unevenly distri buted; it wea heavy in atl portions of tha Stale and very heavy in the central and north-central counties. Oa tho 29th a very heavy rain occur red ia many of the central counties. Oa the night of the 23th, it waa re ported that rain of over 4 inches fall in Sorry county. Them heavy rain* rombined with thorn of the previous week did much damage. Creeks over sowed their hanks, bridges were car ried away, and land was badly wash ed.—A. 1L Thieesea, Section Dine ler. Utktru Convention. Concord, Special.—The convention ef Lutheran women in Concord com pleted Friday in second day of mu titulary work. The able addve** of Ber. C. Brown Cox an Friday night tounded the keynote of the hour, and waa most timely. Hia theme was Knlargemant of Service."Hit theme *i» introduced by the remark: "A low estimate ef the work in which w« are engaged withhold* ns from larger effort and constitutes the moat potent deterrent to larger tweeesa.’’ Tbs wmioii opened Saturday morning with Mrs. J. A. Linn presiding. The morn ing boar was children’s hour. Re ports showed that the rhilreu’s so cieties had rained about $360. Of this amount $200 was appropriated to the support of a native evangelist in Japan, and $100 toward the mis sion school building projected cCKn mamoto. The convention continued its sessions to a late hour Saturday night. The time and place of next meeting was left to executive commit tee. Tha H. C. rv<n«y. . Charlotte, Special.—Tha North Car ohna Medical College will open it* 1906-1907 term hare on Thursday. Thoaa who enter are expected to ar rive and register during the morning hours of that day, and at 3 o’clock in tha afternoon the faculty and stu dents will assemble in the lecture room at the Presbyterian Hospital to hoar aa address by pr. Q. W, Pmaaly. The officer* of the CoIImc are: Dr. J. P. Monroe, president; Dr. W. O. Neebet secretary, and Dr. I W. Faison, dean. Tho faculty i* composed as follows: Dr. J. P. Mon* roe, professor of nervous diseases and clinical medicines; Dr. I. W. Faison, professor of P®dwlfi<i ind clinical medicine*; Dr. E. C. Register, profes sor of tbe practise of medicine; Dr. B. L. Gibbon, professor of tbe theory of surgery; Dr. 0. W. Preaaly, pro teeror of principle* of surgery; Dr. profossor of orthopedic and clinical sugary; Dr. Brodie C. NaBa, nofeasor of therapeutics and pbrawml diagnosis; Dr. H. C. C. H. imfsaaor of obefetriee and eluW gynaecology; Dr. C, M. Strong professor of gyaeeology; Dr. W O. RsaUt, profteaor of digestive dis Dr. A. J. Crowell, professor of urinary npd rectal diseases, ^ ^ ?~..****** ^nasetl, professor of ■*••••• " *7*1 nog* sad throat. * •* W» Timber Tract Oawfimad. Asheville, Special—Jsdg* Prftefc. nn’, of the United Sutae Circuit <>>ari, has confirmed tbe recent sale of the 711,000 acre timber tract of the Whittier Lumber Company to Charles •* IMIUboro, ami (be labat transfer of the property by Mr. Harris to the Harria-Weodbory Lum JjJ.Canipan*. Tha price paid was zr?*90:. early K’lTg’i, * “ c*"1* *“i~ i(MmmUm. Wtatfon. flpMUl. _ TW totai •mmmt oi tabama *otd oa Um Wto •tan mark* dorian th. yoar from li|lnhti in, IMS, U BiytiaWr whkfc •*<* *«t«**V waa 17jnjQB |Mwk Tbia van amount bf tabaim wm mM tor n^MjntS. i I TIRED Of MURDER Russian Soldiers Grow Into Aa Ugly Mood A FIERCE ATTACK ON CITIZENS Beyinatny With Attack on Java, Bat •oca Bxteadlny it Xadieeilalaatolj to all 0 Trill an*. Trooye la Poliak Tow* of Hadlee Olnt noMira WBh Boroayo for Mardarod Goat- j radca, Kflliny or Wonadtay Haa drodo iimmtdtPiwiditinr All-Day Biot—City lfow Surround ed by Troop*—Jew* Panic Stricken. Sicdlce, Russian Poland, By Cable A massacre nf police and soldiers be gan at 8 o’clock Saturday night. Im mediately afterwards tlie troops at tacked tl>e Jews. >, All Hunday the soldiers have at tokeil civilians, Christian* or Jew*, robbing and murdering them withont discrimination. Hundreds of persons were killed or wounded. Three streets were devastated. It is reportod that drunken tesev iatt started the massacre. Troop* have surrounded tbs eily and refuse access to it. A regiment of infantry has been sent from Delia to Sicdlce tr» i os tore order. The Jews here arc panic-stricken. Alarming reports ate being circulated in the eily. Warsaw, By Cable—Terrorists Sat urday evcing shot ami killed two sol dier* guarding a government alcohol »tore at Sicdlce. A datchuwnl of iu fanlrv rushed up and Bred a volley into tins crowd, killiug two persons and wonudiug two. Sunday morning the terrorist* retali ated by beginning a masxarre of po licemen and soldiers petroling {lie street*, and at noon the infurated troop* attacked (be Jewish quarters of 8iedlce. destroying the honsos and shop*. It is reported that over one hun dred persou* were killed or wounded and that the town is in flame*. Xepabhean Book Issued. Washington, Special.—The Hepn^ JLican paxty -it*. achicrrcocula .Xijk half rentnry and partietdarly it* re cord in the present Congress—is commended Jo the voters of the coun try in the campaign text-book given out by the Republican rongressioual committee. The book embraces infor mation on practically every conceiv able snbeet upon whieh information may be desired. Radicalism or eon servatism, it is declared, are never matters of concern to Republicans, but it i* stated “they are content with practical and progressive ideas and the maturing of their ideas into positive performs nee.” To Cost Directors $3.000,MO. Philadelphia. Special.—All of the director* or the Real Estate Trust Company, which \va* wrecked by it* nnicide president, Erauk K. Hippie, principallv through heavy loana mad : to Adolf Segal, a promoter, on flimsy collateral, have agreed to Receiver EarleV plan for reorganizing the mm pany. Mr. Karte received n telegram from I»r.( S. Weir Mitchell, the only member of lire board of directors who I* away from the city, agreeing to the proposition that the director* con iribnte the amount deemed neeeaeary by the receiver. The othe director* had prvioitsly assented to the plan. GaoifU Declares Pot Was. J. Bryan. Macon, (la., Special.—The unani mous nomination of Hoke Smith for governor of Gemyia and the endorse ment of tV iiliam .1. Bryan for presi dent in 100ft, was the principal bn»i ne*H I rat* art ad by tba Democratic State convention. Tb# names of oth er raudidate for governor were net pi need before the convention. Hukad Shoot* Wirt. Newburu, N. C„ Special.—Gao. Ma cartney, a white woman aged 34, wn •hot by her husband, William Maneon McCartney Sunday morning. The *tr aomataoeaH of the affair indicate mur der, but McCartney insist* that tha •hooting waa aeridcntal Ha *ays that be took the pistol, which waa of the •oodero Uammatiea kind, and was aarcimaly playing with it. Hia wife waa standing by him whan tha wea pon waa discharged, the hall aataring ! bar right eye lodging in the brain, the woman dying in to* boars. Norfolk, Special.—Tha me nay ap propriated by tha last Congress to bid tha Jamestown Kspeaitian to now ef the Trensmj Shaw has advised the r.iyislilan ofMctola that Hr. Pawl Mac Lana tom bean made special dis barring oflaar #f the fand and that ha wilt pay »tl vanahm agsbtr. the fand properly authorised. ARRESTS ME HIDE Development* in Connection With Trust Company Wreck PROSECUTIONS WILL FOLLOW Fi—atn Ragal aal Two Ofidala of WraakaA Baal Batata Traat Coa Pur, Traaaarar Boatk ul Aa aiatat Traaaaxar OaUinaoo* At aiataat Traaawar Oolttavood ta Bo Axraatatf. Btataa Dlrtrirt At taraay. Philadelphia, Pa., Special.—District Attorney Bell it authority for tbe statement that warrants were prepar ed for the arreet of William F. North treasurer of the Real Estate Trust Company; M. 8. Collingwood, assis tant treasurer, and Adolf Segal, on charge* af conspiring with Frank K. Hippie, the suicide president of lb* institution, to loot its treasure. Se is tb* promoter who borrowed more than *5,000,000 from the bank ou flimsy eollsttral to tine nee his en terprise*. Horae* Hill, the aged au ditor, will not he arrested. He in 75 years old and broken in heaHli. Th* district attorney says he wen a figure head and a tool used by tho looters. Public interest in the investigation sf tbe defunct bank’s affair* now ma ter* in the warrants which District Attorney Bell says will be United for tb* arreet of the men implicated with Frank K. Hippie, the suicide president, in looting and wrecking the inetitution. Abundant evidence of tbe snlpability of others besides the dead president has been obtained, tb* dis trict attorney says. • Two of the most prominent figure* in the investigation appeared before District Attorney Bell and were Wil liam F. North, treasurer of the trust eompany, and Horace Hill, th* andi tor. Mr. Hill, who is an aged'man, was on th* verge of collapse when he arrived at th* bank and nervously in quired.of tbe tewspaper reporters as sembled outside as to why the district attorney should send for him. Neither he nor Treasurer North would content to be interviewed. Receiver Earle aunouneed that Adolph Segal, the pro VMsr; wtroee rtUtam- borrowing* were mainly responsible for the fail are of tb# trust company, had turned over bis satire interest in tho Penn sylvania Sugar Refinery. The plant is heavily encumbered, however, sad Segal’s interest will be of little bene fit to the depositors. The investigation of Reeeiver Earl* and District Attorney Bell has estab lished the feet that President Hippie was a partner with Segal in a num ber of tbe letter’s enterprises, and that F. Wharton Hippie, hi* son, a clerk ip the bank, was the "dummy” for bis father. Soft Over Ostrich Perm. Asheville, N. C., 8pecinl—Suit was docketed in Superior Court Saturday entitled Karl von Ruck vs. the Ashe ville Street Railroad Company, J. E. Rankin aud H. W. Plummer. Mer rick k Barnard and Merrimon k Her rimon, according to the summons docket, represent tbe plaintiff. The sail has to do with tba ostrich farm that was once located in Aaheville and whirh proved a dismal failure. While the complaint in tbe eanso baa not yet been filed and although the attornoy* representing the litigants are reticent on tbe aubjeet it is said that damage# in tbe sum of $20,000 or $26,000 will be demanded. New Tot Prohibition lets Meet Binghampton, N. Y., Special—The .Slate convention of the Prohibition isle of New York will open at tbe Tabernacle Methodist Episcopal eburrh bare. It will be called te or der by Chairman J. H. Dnrkec, of Rochester, and Mr. Homer L. Caetaer, who made a remarkably good run as candidate for Governor in Pennsyl vania and whom tba Prohibitionists of that State aspect to elect this year will be tbe principal speaker. A full ticket will probably be nominat ed. V* Owtnl of doetoty Tot Boom, Italy, By CoMo.—Pilgilo from tho Joanit ardor throughout tho world, omtwbUd horo for tho porpoao of oolootiof t gooorol of tho 8o«Wty of Jmuo. io oo»naoion to Tothor Martin, drrraood, took a mmtbor of hollota, hot oo far without raanlt. Tho Pop*, it fe rioted, io nolng hio hrtoioii for tho aiorotloo of ntkor Proddf, ob IteUaa, to tho otto*. ■■■"' Bad Band io Boom. Halifax, V. g., SporUt-A mob rog ioterod bo "J. Jonoa,” United Stetao, nod who Io thought to bo from Bieb> KOMod, Vo- woo found doad in kb rmm at tho Halifax Hotel with a I kid In bb hood and o rorolroT ririohod tight in bio right bond. Mod tool uiouMh ruport tho oooo •drido. Tho not boo boon at tho botriter jtjro w*oks. Bo woo about TO ENFORCE TOM LAW t t_—_ Okkf Porta— Vo Keaij Tst AnD aUa. Waahingtoa. Special.—Aa tb# result ef tbs mw para food law, which goes into effect January 1 next, the De partment of Agriculture is making preparations for the iusrvassd labor and equipment involved in its en forcement. The working forces and the appliances of the laboratories at Philadelphia, Chicago, Baltimore and New Orleans will be largely increased, while at the porta of New York and Boston there will be erected naw lab oratories in which to conduct tbs heeesaary cxamiitbtions of all food products coming into this country. Plans for these letter buildings have been approved by Dr. Wiley, chief af the Bureau of Chemistry, and Sec retary Wilson doubtless will coincide with the ideas of Dr. Wiley. There is no mouey available for the con struction of tlieae buildings, bnt tbo Secretary of Agriculture has been as sured that it will be forthcoming st the next session of Congnvs. Furthermore, assurances hive been given that tbs money necessary to ex ecute the pure food law, through the •mploytoeut of inspectors, and the accessary clerical force, will be pro vided. Btwiliri Telit of Looting. Chicago, Special.—A dispatch to The Tribune from Tangier sax's: Stenslend's confession clears up muck •f the mystery surrounding the ev ents leading up to tbe crash which involved tbe ruin of the Milwaukee Avenue Bank. He took much of tbe blame upon himself, bnt declared that Cashier Bering was a forger and that Haring got moat of the money. Ho exonorated bis son, Thaodore, and the bank directors. He pronounced it a lie that be bad speut tbe tnouey on Leone Laugdon Key or any other wo man. He declared be never spent more than $5,000 a year himself, and that all tbe money be atolo be put into real estate or investments in thu hope of “making good” before leav ing Chicago. He hesitated some lime between suicide and flight. i Hah Max ton Revolutionists. Tuczon. Ariz.< Special.—Collta' Humbert, • Frenchman, and Lcouardd Villareal and Bruno Trevino, Mexi can*, Were arrested at Mowdy and j Patagonia mi nig camp*, where many miner* are employed. The* ware made by Immigration Insp.'or Murphy and Bangers Olds and Clark. It i* charged that the men are agita tors who were attempting to organ ize a force of Mexican miner* to at tack Nogales, Sonora. Letter* found on the prisoners show that their plan* were dirrced by Mexican revolution ist leader* at St. Louie. The letter* alto indicated that the revolutionists have organizations in 40 cities and that they wilt become active as soon az they can aerure arm*. The alleg ed agitator* are in jail at Nogale*, Arix. Bryan to Visit Ochkago. Chicago, HI., Special.—Final ar rangement* for the reception of Mr. Bryan have been completed at a joint meeting of representative* of the Iro quois and Jefferson Club*. Mr. Bryan i* expected to arrive at S:.10. Al noun he will be the guest of the lroquoi* Club at luncheon and ia expected to make n short address. In the even ing he will attend the banquet of the Jefferson Club where hi* principal ad dress will be delivered. ratal Explosion. London. By Cable.—Four men were killed and eight icriously injured by an explosion on the Russian armored cruiser Bunk, building at Viekear* Maxim* Work* at Barrow. The acci dent waa attributed to contact of a lighted naptha lamp with inflammable gate* in the tank wbera the men were working. TO Visit (Mtyitari Battlefield. Ciwitflti, N. Y., Special—A epecia) train with the veteran* of the 70th and 137th New York Infantry and the Tenth Now York Cavalry and a Un« anmber of exeuraionlata atari - ad from bare at 0 o’clock for Gettya* berg, where the veteran* and other aBemoioniata will pay a viait to the biatorieal battlefield and other point* of internet. Moat of tbe eiearaioniat* will remain in Oettyeborg and viein Ity for eeveral daya before they re turn to their bomaa. -i—, —. CbUHeothe. MoSpeeial-M.ny dale gatao are attending the Inter at*t« Good Read* Caaeantion whleb opened bare. Praetleal damraatratiooa ia good rood making war* the featore of the apeing day. Governor Folk, Sen ator Btooo aad Pieeident Jeuae at tke Stale Univaralty waa slated ta ed dioaa the eeaveatioa later ia the weak __ I Late 11 In Brief ^ «■ mm IATTRS «f WTEKST i ..A ImUm OmruMtt Publishes Pro St. Petersburg, By Cable.—An of ficial communication embodying tba whole government program was pub lished Friday night. The program embraces eoniimartiala for political crimea and an inereaie of the ties for revolutionary propagaa axpreceee a firm determination to pre serve order. It also promisee a liberal measure of reforms and that useless restrictions on .lews shall be abolish ed forthwith. Measures are promised ia that direction of (pester provincial autonomy. Zeraslvnel will be intro duced in Poland and Baltic provinces. An income tax will be instituted. Re forms in the police and other pnbii* services are also promised. Wilwaukee. Special.—Tbe latent re turns from Tneaday's primes? elec tion* indirate that Governor David sou, Republican, swept tbe State win ning from Speaker Lenroot in tha race for the nomination for Governor by 40,000 majority. John A. Ayt ward, Democrat, for Governor, rece ived the nomination over Merton. William J. Carey, Republican, defeat ed Congressman Octjeu in tbe fourth district. A special fiom Vicksburg, Mi*a, says: B. S. Adam*, now manager of tbe Quin Sharpe Drug company, bnt formerly assistant cashier of tha Citizens’ National Bank was arrested by Marshal Wilson and taken to Jarksoo on thr charge of being abort in his cash to the amount of $48,000 while employed in tbe Citizens' Nat ional Bank. At San Francisco the strike of tba carmen of the United Railroads, which has been completely tied up since August 26, is practically end ed, the cnt-meii voting to return ta work and submit the question of wages und hours to arbitration. Tampa. Fla.. Special—The trat ear load of Florida oranges of this seas on was shipped from Palmetto Thurs day. This is three days earlier thorn ever before in the history of the in dustry. The shipment consisted sf 800 boxes. .-At Washington, Pa., Ellmep Demp ster, the negro «. barged with mur dering Mrs. Samuel Pearce and her three children in Cecil^township on Jnly 29^waa convietdd of_jnurder., *?» ilia WMB^tcc and sentenced io be lumgefl. At York, Pa(, while leening oat from a box car to observe a brokets wheel on- a car ahead, George Mair, a freight conductor in the employ of the Northern Central railroad, struck a fence along the track and ran iuatanlly killed. At Ottawa, O, Mrs. Henry Knip pen of Cloverdale, ent oil the heads of her two children with a butcher knife. She had been in an inaana asylum, but waa considered niredv The children were aged three and one and oqe-half year*, respectively. The Moroccan Government having expressed its readiness that Paul O. Slenslaud. the defaulting Chicago bank president, be taken back to (a? United States, be will pn£>5bly bo re turned in a mercantile vessel. ^ At W ashington the director of the mint opened bids for silver, all \>f which were declined on account of the pnre being too high. The lowest of fer made was 67 3-4 cents per flu* snare. At Rutland, Yl., complete returns from State election slmn- that Fletch er D. Proctor, of Proctor, Republican, waa elected Governor by 15,076 over Pereival W. Clement, of Rutland, In dependent and Democratic. Madison, Wis., John Madison, Republican, waa elocled to Congress in the Second District for the unex pired term of Henry C. Adams, de ceased. State Department official* declare "Ln *** "° intervention by the United States in Cnba nnlcsa the con ditions in the island shall be morn desperate than at present. The continuance of I be rebellion in Cuba ia canaiop arraye apprehension. A freight wreck ou the Baltimom and Ohio railroad near Sir John’* run, west of Martineburp, reealted in the death of two men and the proba ble fatal injury of another. The Department of Apiculture ia Bjakinv preparations for a thorough enforcement of tl* Purr-Food act, which goti into tffwt January 1. oext. Conpreaeman Richard Bartholdi of Missonn, arrived at Raw Yo#. from r,urope on the steamer Kaiaer Wil liam dar Groaaa. On# peraon waa killed and 16 or ■ora injured by the colls pee of a hrijjpa St R no nuke, Va.. a Cro tided trolley ear dropped into the rirar. Three arrosta ware made ia eon nee d”. w^.th- *"T***i«*l>on of the c“w'' toe Bontaweetem d I noton, report a that the abolition of the canteen aya 2" '•*?*•* ‘"i»rio^y the /ia eipiiaa of the army.

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