kAGS TOO .ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH September 9th to 14th! in I IM All to tii tii til tii tii tii tii tii tii tii tii tii tii tii tii Double Your Pledge Thousands of North Carolinians, since the War Savings Drive June 23rd to 28thhave doubled their pledges. This is one of the Counties that failed to raise its quota thus it is holding back the state. If you have pledged and purchased less than $500 worth of War Savings Stamps, we want you to double your pledge. You can do it and you will do it your county will go over and our boys will win. If you fail to back up our boys then how can you expect them to win? SEPTEMBER 9TH TO 14TH has been set aside as the period during which a wind-up drive will be conducted in this county. Another house to house canvass will be made. Be sure to have your pledge ready. tii tii tii tii tii tii tit I V v Wt SAVINGS STAMPS ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES Government m m m is m F. H. Fries, State Director. Claude Gore, Chairman for Richmond County. 5 r ! .1 g ivocKingnara Rockingham Public Library Mrs. Lucy P. Russell Libririu. m g The library is indebted to Mrs. H. A. Foushee, of Durham, for a handsome copy of Harry Lauder's book, "A Minstrel in France, The volume is a memorial to his only son, John Lauder, who fell fiehtine bravely in France. To heal his own sorely wounded heart the father devotes his won derful talents as a singer to cheering the boys in the trenches with song and story; he has a piano made to fit an automobile and with it he went but you come read the book, then you will know where he went. Isn't it fine in "Annie Wall" to re member her home town in a way that shows her interest in what ever tends to the development of the best interests of the place? I am expecting her example to spur others to emulation and hope the mail will be congested with fine new books for the library. Strangers are finding our mod est sign and coming over to spend their leisure moments with the new magazines and books, and never fail to compli ment our town upon its energy and good sense in establishing a library in face of the war. One jovial commercial traveler said the other day: "New enterprise, ain't it?" "Yes, just three months old." "Fine thing, fine thing, puts something besides mischief in boys' heads and gives the old folks something to think about. Have any trouble getting started?" "Not a bit, Rockingham is not that kind of a place." "How long you going to keep going?" "For the duration of childhood and youth." "That's right. It takes a mighty good town to do a thing like this; you ought to have a Carnegie building and ten thou sand books, and be supported by public taxation; it would be only a few cents on each tax-payer and pay big interest in the de velopment of your children. 'Lemme see "Life" and the "New Republic," this is the pleasantest place in town!" OPTOMETRY Is the employment ot any means, other than the use drugs, medicine, or surgery, for the treatment ot the errors of refrao tion, and the adaptation of lenses for the correction of said errors. This is the work that I have been doing, in and around Rock ingham, for the last six and one half years. I make a specialty of examining Children's eyes and fitting glasses; eye strain is a great deal worse in children than in older ones. Many par ents fail to realize this. If the child is dull, and does not like its books, it is a very good sign that his eyes are giving him trouble. In all such cases, come aud bring the children to me and I will make a thorough examina tion and if glasses are needed will fit them. H. B. HUMPHREY, Optometrist. Rooms five and six, over W. G. Lowry's Grocery Store, Rocking ham, N. C. Advt. THAT DULL ACHING Don't worry and complain about a bad back. Get rid of it ! For weak kidneys, lame and achy backs, your neighbors recommend Doan's Kidney Pills. Read this statement : Mrs. M. E. Manship, Franklin st., Rockingham, says: "Several years ago I suffered with my back and kidneys. I had a dull ache in my back that took the life out of me and when I tried to bend over, sharp pains would shoot through me. I had blind ing dizzy spells and black specks appeared before my eyes. Morn ings I had nervous headache and was so lame and sore, I could hardly go. My kidneys didn't act right, either. I got Doan's Kidney Pills at Biggs' Drugstore and they entirely relieved me." 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Mil burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. C. advt. "A4"Y little girl is subject to sudden "I attacks of stomach and bowel trouble and Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin al ways relieves her quickly so she is soon play ing about as usual. I have used Syrup Pepsin for three years and would not be without it now at any price." ( From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by' Mrs. J at. V. Smith, 600 Virginia Ave., Pittsburg, fa. ) Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (23 $1.00 Constipation is a condition to be guarded against from infancy to old age. Dr. Caldwelft Syrup Pepsin is as safe and pleasant for children as it is effective on even the strongest constitution. A trial bottle can be obtain ed free of charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldvtrell, Notice of Execution Sale. North Carolina Richmond County In the Justice's Court. W. B. Wood Mfg. Co. Plaintiff, vs Rockingham Pepsi-Cola Co., Deft. W. H. Hutchinson & Son, Plaintiff, vs Rockingham Pepsi-Cola Co., Deft. Bastian Bros. Co. Plaintiff, vs Rockingham Pepsi-Cola Co. Deft J. A. Porter, Plaintiff, vs Rockingham Pepsi-Cola Co. Deft. By virtue of executions in each of the above cases directed to the undersigned from the Court of H. L Guthrie, one of the Justices of the peace for Richmond County, I will on Monday Sept 23rd, 1918, at one o'clock, p. m. at the plant of the defend ant company near the S. A. L Ry. Depot in thejtown of Rockingham sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said executions the following personal property to wit: One Ford truck. One'.bottle soaker, all fixtures, belts and pulleys. One carbonator and fixtures. One floor truck. One stove. One lot crates, bottles and barrels. One iron safe. One desk. One lot crowns. One lot jugs and syrups. One lot sign tacks. One lot general fixtures. One crowning machine and fixtures. This Aug.;29th. 1918. H. D. BALDWIN, Sheriff Richmond County. Chalmers for Sale. A five-passenger Chalmers for sale; in good condition. Phone 56. YOUR GINNING Now that cotton picking is under way the next thing to take into consideration is the proper ginning of your cotton. We have purchased, and put in first-class condition "THE HINSON GIN," located in West Rockingham, where we are prepared to give the pub lic prompt and satisfactory service. Mr. J. B. Moss, an expert gin man of long ex perience, is in charge. CHARGES. Our charges for ginning are according to the Rules and Regulations of Cotton Seed Division of the Food Administration. We have ample facilities for handling seed cotton and cotton seed and guarantee the public prompt and satisfactory service. We furnish to our patrons Bag ging and Ties at cost. LET US GIN YOUR COTTON. Dockery-Allen Co. For information, see J. C. DOCKERY. Application for Pardon. North Carolina, Richmond County. State of North Carolina vs Zack Hines, Defendant . To all whom it may concern:- Please take notice that the undersigned will apply to his Excellency, the Governor of North Carolina, on Saturday, Septem ber the 14th, 1918, for a pardon for Zack Hines, colored, who at the April term of the Superior Court entered a submission to a simple assault on a female, he being over the age of 18 years, and was sen tenced to a term of service on the Rich mond County Roads, and began said sentence at the July term. All parties desiring to enter objectiou to the granting of this pardon are thereby notified to file the same with the Governor on or before Saturday September 14th, 1918. Ellerbe, N. C. This August 27th, 1918. E. E. Ingram. Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain deed of trust exe cuted by A. S. McCormick and Mary A. McCormick his wife to W. L Parsons, Trustee, on the 11th day of February, 1916, which said deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Rich mond county in book 98 at page 95, de fault having been made in the indebted ness thereby secured, the undersigned Trustee will, t the court house door in Rockingham, N. C, on Monday, the 23rd day of September, 1918, at 12 o'clock M., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described tract of land, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of C. W. Henderson, Mrs. R. C Forbis and others, beginning at a stake on road, pine pointers, and runs south 86 degrees east 20 poles to a stake; thence south 57 degrees east 136 poles to lightwood stake, thence north 18 poles to a corner, thence north 30 degrees west 86 poles to a pine near a colored church; thence south 65 degrees west 30 poles to a lightwood stake; thence north 30 degrees west 48 poles to a sassafras, dogwood pointers; thence south 68 degrees west 64 pointers to a stake near rotad thence south 5 degrees east 36 poles o the beginning, containing 52 acres, more or less, and being the same land convey; ed to A. S. McCormick and wife by Daniel Henderson and wife by deed bear- 1 . H 1 J A A rA a . a date reoraary a, vm ana duly recorded in office of Register of Deeds for Richmond count. -.-. This the 22nd day of August, 1918. ' W. L PARSONS, Trustee. . Bynum and Thomas, Attorneys. Your JOB WORK given prompt at tention at Post-Dispatch office. Give us a trial. Entire satisfaction. 458 Washington bt Monncello, ill.

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