FAGS TWO ftOOXOTSIXAM POST-MSPATCa HOGWALLOW NEWS DUNK EOTTS, Billy McA is reading a novel this week. He skips a chapter here and there so that he can't tell how it is going to turn out The Calf Ribs grocer, who held closing out sale of molasses yesterday, still has some on his bands this morning George E's left ear has played out and hereafter he will only believe half he hears. Clab Hancock, who is a reader of the Tickville Tidings and who has been mar' ried several times, says, he enjoys read ing the obituaries but always dodges mar riage write-ups. Miss Fruzie Allsop played a few appro priate selections on her accord eon seated on her front doorsteps a few nights ago as the moon was rising. She was inter rupted only once, and then when a cloud floated between her and the moon. Sile Kildew says when a man who is reputed to have only moderate means buys an automobile or a piece of proper ty, his acquaintances explain it with an "Oh Weill His wife had some money." The ladies of the Rockingham Hearsay Club met with Atlas Peck's wife last Mon day afternoon, but stood adjourned, as Atlas v&3 pretending to be asleep in the next room. Yam Sims don't know which is the most exciting to go over the top on a terris wheel or to stand on the corner and watch the rich man's daughter rustle by. Miss Gondola Henstep has such a far away look on her face she must be ex pecting some distant relative. Fletcher Henstep has simmered down a preparation composed of onions, whis key and molasses which he guarantees will remove warts, corns, ingrowing freckles etc. The next lot of labels he has printed he will have added to the list Spanish influenza. Slim Flinders has cut all of his weeds except those that can't be seen from the road. The merchant at Bounding Billows has raiseed his windows. This is the first raise he has made that has met with the approval of his customers. It will soon be time for Christmas presents and John C. will then begin to complain about the high cost ot loving. Bob G. says his observation is that some honeymoons end after the first quar ter, financially speakin . Dock Hocks now uses a lantern and spy glass for looking into the mouths of his patients when he goes to pull their teeth. He is gradually getting away from the guesswork system of denistry. This progressive step was taken on account of so many people having complained lately of his having pulled the wrong tooth, it is also believed that public sentiment will demand that he soon install two seta of tongs: one for the horseshoeing depart ment and another for the dental. "Star GraM" RooU Wanted. We want tons of Star Grass roots, dry, at 37c per lb. Ship by express or mail. Check will be mailed same day goods arrive. R. T. Greer & Co., Marion, Va. WEDDING GIFTS L. G. 6ays: "The Female vote-hater is a fellow who favors leavin' everything to a woman when he dies -nuthin' before." T We are the exclusive agents for Richmond county for the celebrated PICKARD HAND-PAINTED CHINA Beautiful line of Gold-band dinnerware. Nothing neater than Pickard china for a wedding gift We invite your inspection. T. R. HELMS & Co. i Jewelers Poorest People After. The War. . . . "-"it ; ' -V.- ' (From W. S.S. Bulletin.) The poorest of poor people after the war will be those who will not only have nothing coming to them from the Gov ernment, by way of redeeming' War-Savings Certificates and receiving pay for Liberty Bonds, but who will have also no record of any service rendered the coun try toward the winning of the war. There are going to be such people, many of them, who made money during the war and who spent it as fast as they made it satisfying their own personal desires. Are YOU one of this number? Buy a W. S. S. or Liberty Bond today! Three-Fourths of Quota. Winston-Salem, Oct. 12. -The sale of War Savings Stamps in North Carolina for the month ot September amounted to $2,519,414. This makes the total sales of the State to Oct 1, $17,021,407. or a per capita sale of $7.08. The total amount of sales and pledges is $36,993, 232, which is 76 per cent of the State's War Savings quota. In other words, the State has raised three-fourths of its quota in sales and pledges and has less than three months to raise the other fourth. (tefl Ik!? M fi&nSro Bsl: IfMyWoaM Carts Lovfaf CIuniI tU Nestling Cuddled fa Its Boaasb, 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 00000000 It Is a joy and comfort to know that those much talked of pains and other dis tresses that are said to proceed child bearing' may be avoided. No woman need fear discomfort If she will fortifv herself with the well known and time-honored rem edy, Mother's Friend. This Is a most grateful, peaetratlngr, ex ternal application that at once softens end makes pliant the abdominal nrajcles ana ligaments. By regular use the muscles ex pand without the uual strain when baby Is born and pain and danger at the crisis la consequently less. Women everywhere whs have used this famous remedy toil !iw tliey entirely avoid ed nervousness, twitching spells, bearing down and stretching pains, and relnto how they enjoyed entire freedom from tho many debilitating end distressing experiences usually incident to approaching motherhood. Mother's Friend Is recommended only for tho relief ond comfort of expectant mothers, thousand of whom have used and recommended it. It Is for external use only, is absolutely nnd entirely safe and won derfully effective. Write the Bradfleld Regulator Co., Lamar B'djr., Atlanta, Ga., for their 'Moth erhood Book," so valuable to expectant moth ers, and In the meantime obtain a bottle of Mnthrr'i Friend from tha drurrlst today and thus fortify, yourself against pah) and dls. i WAR c ONO IS PROMOTED AT THIS STORE 1 When you feel that you simply MUST save and econ omize, we ask you to come and look over our stock of CLOT HING AND SHOES We can suit you in every detail in quality, price and fit. We have a dandy line of shoes, from the Knox for dress, and the Endwell for work. Give them the 'once over DOCKERY-McNAIR CLOTHING CO. uJ Just received a wonderful line of ladies' and misses coats, newest shades and models All wool $40.00 coats, we are running at.............;. $2750 $35.00 coat, at $25.00 All wool, $25.00 coats, brown, blue, grey and black $14.98 $35.00 all silk plush coat, fur collar, silk lining 1 $2&49 $27.50 plush coats, silk lining, newest model, fur collar.. " $17 49 All wool serge $25.00 Heffelin, or Middy suits """" $14.98 MEN'S SUITS Mr. Gentleman : It is certainly to your interest to see our line of clothing earl. The best men in town and country are buying from us daily, and our stock is daily getting less. All the clothing is at OLD TIME PRICES. Remember, we are agents for the famous Griffon Brand clothes. $60.00 Griffon Brand suit, selling at OLD PRICE $35.00 $40.00 Griffon Brand suits, selling at OLD prices $25!oo $25.00 all wool serge, selling at OLD prices $17.50 $27.50 suit, selling at OLD price.... VS.V"S-7... $12.C0 BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S SUITS We have a wonderful line of boys' and children's suits on hand, any size and any price. 0 0 Shoes For Men, Women and Children Don't fail to see our line of shoes for men, women and children. They are every pair leather, or a pair FREE. " OUR SLOGAN Our slogan for this Season is : "Buy Early, Save Money, and BUY LIBERTY BONDS!" A . AR ENSON Rockingham, N. C. 00000 Next door to A. P. Barrett. (f) rWHii)HJil. Willi B I 138X3 READ THE RECORD WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.-General Pershing in his report tonight says : One American company belonging to a division which is operating with the French in the Champagne, assisted by some vol unteers from a French division, took an enemy machine gun nest this morning near St Etienne. As a result of this operation they cap tured four officers, a 9 men, 75 mackin. guns and a number of trench mortars and a large new tractor, without them selves suffering a single casualty. By EDWIN L JAMES. Copyrit 1918, by The New Yorl Time Com pany. Special Cable to The New York Times Company. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN FRANCE, Oct. 6-The fighting since early this morning is character terized as perhaps the bitterest the Americans have yet seen. It is gruel- 15S?V--ul"tryins 8htinff the heroics and sensationalism taken out. The best troops Germany has have been hurled without success against our lines. These shock troops are working independently of the heavy concentration of other troops that are blocking our advance with the heaviest concentration of machine guns war has seen. An official report says that on one stretch of the front the Germans have a machine gun for every five yards of the line. The German concentration of artillery also is ponderous, the guns being grouped fa masses in a zone two and a hall milts deep. The short fronr between the Argonne and the meuse is the one most vital to the whole line. An advance by the Ameri cans to any great depth would imperil tfhe whole east wing of the German salient stretching from the sea to the Mosselle rfver. Breathes there a red-blooded man or woman who is willing nt t buy a bond or buy mort bondi to support these boys, who cannot fight with out the things Liberty Loans provide ? Read the daily record tkc re are the Arguments, if any be needed. . How can any man be woithy if he does not do his utmost to sustain boys like that? THE BANK OF ROCKINGHAM CAPITAL STOCK $25,000.00. M. W. McRAE, President B. F. REYNOLDS, Cashier A C EVERETT, Vice President '

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