PAGE THREE LIBERTY LOAN SOCEINOnAM POST-DISPATCH J lit 1 1 "" '"IJL1 'A. g. W-JMUV WW JbJB I Pours, It .Rmignm" iLuzianno and Comitate Y mm m mm mm ' iiim-Xuiti! X X THRU you see yonr mammy, Honey, V V bring in' in the coffee and the pone, yoo can tell before you taste It that the coffee's Loxianne 8ure-nuf by the wbifs a-8tr earning, steaming in the air. Ifs the coffee Lnzianne -yon remember and you hanker after it until you get another cap. . Lnzianne Coffee (yonr grocer has it) comes pot np in tins. Try it tomorrow morning for breakfast If it isn't all you expect, you can get your money back. Luziannefor aroma, fragrance and snap. RED CROSS DEPARTMENT CHRISTMAS PACKAGES Names of Various Red Cross Committees for Christmas Packages. The Post-Dispatch last week published the rules, etc govern ing the sending of Christmas packages to the soldiers in France, but in view of the im portance of no misunderstanding the rules are again printed be low. The chapter expects the cartons by the middle of next week. When you receive the coupon-label from your soldier boy, call at the office of the Rich mond Insurance & Realty Co., and Mrs. A- L. McDonald, the Home Relief Secretary, will give you a carton; no carton can be given unless the coupon-label is given in exchange. The Red Cross committees for packing these boxes- and super vising their contents, are: Hoffman Branch: . Postmaster. Miss Dora Butler Mrs. Teague. Mangum Branch: Postmaster Miss Pauline Stanback Miss Nancy L. Little Publicity Committee: Isaac S. London B. T.Payne Rockingham Chapter. Mrs. W. P. Webb Mrs. J. LeGrand Everett Mrs. Stella Cameron -Mrs.R.B.Waddell Mrs. Bernard Garrett Mrs. W.N. Everett, Jr. Miss Elma Mcintosh Rules: Only one package may be sent to each man, enclosed in a carton furnished by the Red Cross. These cartons will be sent to each Chapter not later than Nov. 1st No parcels may be mailed after Nov. 15th. The label issued to the,soldier overseas by the Army and forwarded to some re lative or friend in this country will entitle the holder to apply to the local Red Cross for one carton. The cartons must then be packed by relatives or friends laid delivered UN WRAPPED and UNLABELED to the RED CROSS to be weighed, inspected, labeled and delivered to the post office.. ' No package may weigh over three lbs No written message may be enclosed. "The sender must furnish the necessary postage from place of mailing to Hoboken, N.J. v .. ... .. ' Anything can be sent in the package except spirituous liquors, all kinds of noi son, explosives, inflamable material infernal machines, liquids or liquefiiable article, fragile articles, and any . kind - of matter that might kill or injure another, or might damage or deface other mail. The label received from abroad & bear ing the soldier's name must be brought to Red Cross in order to obtain a carton, and after carton is packed the label must be brought to Red Cross and the Red Cross inspectors must paste this label on outside of carton, otherwise postoffice cannot receive it After Red Cross packs and seals package, it must remain in Red Cross custody until mailed. Do not put anything in the package which will not keep fresh until Christmas. Pack dried fruits and oth?r food products in small tin or wooden boxes. Give preference to hard candy over chocolates, unless the latter are enclosed in heavy wrappers. Soft chocolates are easily crushed and may spoil the other contents. Do not put articles packed In glass in the package. Gifts should be wrapped in khaki-colored handkerchiefs, twenty-seven inches square. IN THE EVENT OF A CHRISTMAS PARCEL LABEL BEING LOST, NO DUPLICATE CAN BE ISSUED. THIS RULE CANNOT BE ALTERED BY ANYBODY! When your soldier-boy sends you his signed coupon-label, take it to the office of the Richmond County Insurance & Realty Company, in hotel building, to Mrs. A. L. McDonald, and you will be given the proper carton. Packages For Navy. Packages forwarded by Parcel Post for men in the Navy must comply with the postal regulation and should be enclosed in substantial boxes with hinged or screw top cover to facilitate opening arid inspecting. All boxes shipped by express are limited to twenty pounds in weight should meas ure not more than two cubic feet in volume, be of wood, well strapped, and have a hinged or screw top to facilitate opening and inspecting. All mail matter should be addressed as now prescribed by the postal regulations. All express packages should be forwarded in care of Supply Officer, Fleet Supply Base, Twenty-ninth street and Third Ave, Soutn Brooklyn, N. Y, No perishable' food products other than those, enclosed in cans or glass jars should be packed in parcel post or express ship ments. All packages must be plainly marked with the name and address of the sender together with a notation indicating the nature of the contents, such as "Christ mas box," or "Christmas present" The Supply Officer at New York will cause each express package to be opened and carefully examined to see that noth ing of an explosive or other dangerous Woman's Committee Secured a Total of $327,350 for Fourth Liberty Loan in Richmond County. Auxiliary: The following is another Red Cross auxiliary organized in the past few weeks by Mrs. W. P. Webb among the colored folks: STELLEYS TABERNACLE Mary Stanback Daicy Patterson B. C. Nichols Josephine Little C. S. Stanback A. L. Terry Enoch Mclnnis Rev. P. A. McRae James Little E. D. Dove Carrie Patterson Lula Harris Salkie Allen Wincie J. Terry Carrie Spruill Novella Dunlap Kizi McRae Rosa Nichols Loula May Patterson D. R. Mclnma Sallie Mae Baker E. D. Dunlap Esdale Patterson Charile Mclnnis Will Patterson Charlie Terry Sophia Ingram Gussie Patterson Katie M. Terry Paul Covington Marena Mclnnis Walter Tyson Hattie Dunlap Martha Nicholson The following written on a postcard from Rev. Bruce Benton : "Mail addressed 12 Rue d'Aueseau, Paris, France, will probably reach me. I get into the city often. You may rejoice you are not in this climate. Regards for all the home folks. Bruce Benton, sept Vita." ,t The total amount subscribed through the Woman's Committee for Richmond county for this burth Liberty Loan was $327,- 350. Had it it not been for the check put upon their activities by the influenza epidemic these earnest workers would have been even more vigorous and doubt less the sales would have been materially greater. Mrs. Boyd Gasque, the chair man for the Woman's Committee, requests the paper to express in behalf of Uncle Sam and his Boys sincere appreciation for the work of the captains and com- mitteewoman. The names of the winners of War Service Thrift Stamps will be announced next issue. The precincts in which this committee took an active part, and names of the respective cap tains, are: Steele's Nos. 1 & 2 Mrs. David Parsons, Misses Nancy Little and Pauline Stanback. Mineral Springs No. 1 Mrs. J. R. Bennett. Black Jack Miss Callie Capel. Wolf Pit Nos. 12 3 & 4-Mis- ses Georgia Biggs ana Lottie Rogers. Beaver Dam Mrs. D. L. Cul berson. Marks Creek Mrs. P. G. Wal ton. Rockingham, No 1 Mrs. G. G. Terry. Rockingham No. 2 Mrs. W. N. Everett. Mrs. W. N. Everett, captain of Rockingham N. 2, was ably assist ed by the following ladies, to whom she extends thanks for their splendid work: Mrs. A. Arenson Mrs. J. P. Cameron Mrs. J. P. Collier Miss May Covington Miss Sarah Lilly Dockery MissMossie Long Miss Maude Moore Miss Bessie Terry Mrs. Fred Dickinson Mrs. Geo. P. Entwistle Mrs. Claude Gore - Mrs. H. L. Guthrie Mrs. I. S. London Mrs. Nancy P. Leak Mrs. Frank Leak Mrs. John Morrison Mrs. L. D. McPhail Mrs. Buren O'Brien Mrs. Ben Palmer Mrs. B. T. Payne Mrs. Wm. L. Steele Mrs. W. P. Webb Mrs. Walter Thomas Mrs.R.B.Waddell. Those secureing 20 subscrip tions and oven Mrs. A. Arenson Mrs. J. P. Cameron Mrs. Nancy P. Leak Mrs. W.P.Webb Miss May Covington Miss Maude Moore Sou. Division Appreciative The chairman of the local influenza Red Cross Committee, B. T. Payne, is in receipt of the following note from Guy E. Snavely, assistant manager of the Southern Division: We are very Droud of Rockingham Chapter, which in the midst of this in fluenza epidemic is living up in great style to the Red Cross 6pirit Your Chap ter is to be heartily commendad for the prompt and effective steps initiated. It never pays to jock a earn alter me nurse is stolen; your Chapter has locked the barn BEFORE the animal is gone. Good for Rockingham Chapter." Red Cross Seal Campaign. The December campaign of the American Red Cross Society for new members and the annual Red Cross Seal drive have been combined, and there will be no sale of Red Cross seals this Decem ber. However, every one who bins the American Red Cross will receive a packet containing a certain number of Red Cross Seals and literature in regard to the fight against tuberculosis. D o euv 6FI6S to U . if SA mi te pi mmm OuLl H k While the Quarantine is in force we will deliver goods to Town Limits, as follows: A. M. P. M. Pee Dee No. 2 Bridge. . . . 10:30 3:30 Great Falls 11:15 4:15 Depot Bridge 11:30 4:30 H. D. Baldwin's 12:00 5:00 Hamlet Bridge 12:15 5;15 Our truck will leava the store on this schedule. Please let us have your orders in time. If they come in too late to be gotten up in time for the morning delivery, they cannot go out until the regular aft. trip. The time not covered by this schedule must be used in making our deliveries in town; we cannot deviate from this plan. If we can get your orders the day before, it would help us in giving prompt service. Everett Hardware Go. "ABSOLUTELY SAFE" There is no other words that can describe the feeling that pervades you after you have fully covered all your property with one of our most attractive INSURANCE POLICIES You know that the worst cannot happen ty you it must pass you by. You know that the worst that can happen will be a little in convenience, because if everything should go, you will be able to replace it in short order. NO DISSATISFIED CUSTOMERS is a great claim to make, but we make it boldly because our companies ALWAYS pay promply all losses. , Better see us at once and be Absolutely Safe Richmond Insurance & Realty Company W. N. EVERETT, President. A. G. CORPENING, Sec.-Treas. W.N. Everett John L. Everett R.L. Steele DIRECTORS: William Entwistle T.LLeak F.W.Leak ' H. C Watson i I?