'PAGE! SIS - BOCSmcSAIt r03T-D!2?A1C3 o o 0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 GARGLE AND SPRAY YOUR THROAT WITH CHLORAZENE, Dakin's New Antiseptic FOR SALE BY Scott's Pharmacy OOOOOOOOOOOOOO CO 1 m CAPITAL Your BEST working capital is your HEALTH. Health is often lost through insufficient nourishment. You will always be well nourished if you eat our M o E A X S OOOOOOO O o O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 They are rich, wholesome, pure and nourishing. 0 They give you that vim and vigor so necessary in the V present strenuous times, when you have need of every 0 ounce of energy you can muster. - 0 I V.J.lVIcLaunn Next Door to Express Office. 0 0 0 0 Phone 105. 5 000000000000 00 00000000000O 8 S s uargie lour inroat g We have in bottles a preparation recommend ed by the State Board of Health as a splendid gargle in the fight against Spanish influenza. Try a bottle without delay and use every means you can to prevent the disease. 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 cents a bottle. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Fox Drug Company oooooooooooo oo ooooocoocooo i Meeting The Meat Question is one of the problems of the day. It is neces sary for you to have good meat in order to have good health. It is essential that the good meat be fresh meat. Our meats are of the finest cuts and always, fresh when you make the purchase. The markets at our command furnish us with newly butchered cattle that come from the best stock available. Buy Good Meat and You Will Need Less. Our refrigerator plant is one of the best in the State. Your inspection invited at all times. Meats kept splendidly by this . refrigerator system, and made tender and "just right" L. M. Williams & Company f phone; 134 - MEATS Anil OROCF.RTES r"" HuweyA Tribute. 'E (Contributed) ' i ' - ' ) - '. i The death of Miss Nannie Hussey was a shock to people that knew Nannie. - A week or o ago Nannie went to Raleigh and was taken, ill with influenza, and pneumonia followed. On Saturday morn ing, Oct. 19th sad news came here that the death, angel had taken the dear girl to a better home than this old world. She was a good, girl and loved by alll who knew her. She has a sister here, Mrs. Emxjii Dawkins, two brothers in Raleigh. They have the sympathy of Roberdel community. Why should our tears in sorrow flow When God recalls his own? And bids them leave a world of woe For an immortal crown? 19 not even death a gain to those Whose lives to God were given? Gladly to earth their eyes they close To open them in Heaven. Their toils are past; their work is done And they are Holy blest; They've fought the fight, the victory won, And entered into rest' Then let our sorrows cease to flow God has recalled his own, And let our hearts in every woe ' Still say Thy will be done!" BEULAH MONROE. Wrigley Gives Tin-Foil To The Government To help meet the needs of the Govern ment, Wrigley's will discontinue the use of tin-foil as a wrapping for "Juicy Fruit" chewing gum, in order to release this valuable material to Uncle Sam. Hundreds of thousands of pounds per week of tin-foil will thus be made avail able to the Government, it is said. "Juicy Fruit" will hearafter appear in the her metically sealed pink wrapper same as 'Spearmint." "Doublemint" will also be wrapped in waxed pink paper, instead of green. rOHEN PRAISE STELLA-VITAE We want every afflicted woman to try Bt least one bottle of teJla-Vlta on our plain, open guarantee to return tba money paid for it If it doea not benefit. If you doubt our word that it will relieve the distressing aches, pains and misery peculiar to the diseases of wo men, read the testimony of these women who have tried it and are glad to tell others That it has done for them. The only interest they have in the matter la that wnicn any true woman ieeis in helping to relieve the sufferings of other women. You can believe them. Mrs. J. F. Lee. Milstead, Oa., had female complaint for years. Three bot tles of Stella-Vitab cured her, ehe said, and added,"I am certainly thank ful for this great female tonic." Mrs. Jraralee JJrazier, ixmgview, iex., ex nressed BDnreciation of Stella-Vitae in these words: "I cannot say too much for this wonderful medicine. I had taken other female medicines for two years with no good results. I am truly grateful for the good Btella-Vitab has done me." Mrs. Bandy Withers, of Greensboro, Ala., was a terrible suf ferer from female trouble and only a woman knows what that meansl tier condition got so bad her pains threw her into spells like fits. Her husband feared she would lose her mind. The Greensboro doctors pronounced her in curable. Then somebody suggested that she take Stella-Vitae. She did bo. The fi rs dose ngntenea ner spens. Btella-Vitab is a perfectly harm less compound and it not only alleviates a woman's pain, but buifda up her health; it stimulates her appetite, aids digestion, quiets her nerves and clears her complexion. It improves her per sonal appearance. All dealers sell Bieua-vuae, ana bij authorized to return the money pal for the first bottle if it does not benefit. S. Biggs, druggist if WEDDING GIFTS We are the exclusive agents for Richmond county for the celebrated PICKARD HAND-PAINTED CHINA Beautiful line of Gold-band dirmerware. Nothing neater than Fickard china for a wedding gift We invite your inspection. T. IL HELMS & Co. Jewelers "Star Grass" Roots Wanted. We want tons of Star Grass roots, dry, at 37c per lb. Ship by express or mail. Check will be mailed same day goods arrive. YE ." -., -:; VT1 " '"Iff'' f 7 v RICHMOND COUNTY did nobly in re 9 sponding to the Fourth Liberty Loan. Over 1 1 00 citizens subscribed, the total reaching over $610,000 -this being $1 10,000 over the quota assign the county. The people can well be proud of this. The Bank of Pee Dee is proud of doing what it could in promoting this Government loan. Our resources and ener gies were gladly put at the government's service. In considering A Safe Place to Put Your Cotton . Money, consider this bank. Look at our list of directors. Come and inspect our facilities for properly handling your money. The "Rock of Gibraltar" has nothing on us. $$ $$ $$$$$$$$ $$ THE BANK OF PEE DEE ROCKINGHAM, N. C. W. L PARSONS, Pres. H. C. PARSONS, Cashier W. N. EVERETT, Vice Pres. E. H. AYCOCK, AssL Cashier Become a Post-Dispatch readier and keep up with the news of the county. Only $1 for 8 months or $1.50 for a year.2lSSS JJ ,JjUp sjj sjj fl i'hJ in HI full 13TT7 ATPI7Tni! A Look Tar the urn A necessity not a luxury , 1 You don't have to endure the chilling terrors of cold bathroom. ., The portable Perfection Heater in a few minutes makes the room warm and comfortable even heats your water for shaving. Easy to clean and fill smokeless, odorless inex pensive. Aladdin Security Oil gives best resuhsj Buy your Perfection now. mum LJ OIL 1 . BummmmmmmmmammmmmM St W mMmW YK W$mM- III R. T.. Greer & Co., Manon, Va.