Of C ft C 4MM.MMMMf 394 NEW subscriber S j "ALL THE NEWS J Most of the Time; $ Most of the News v ALL THE TIME" g since July 1st! I Your name on our list? ROCKINGHAM, N. G, THURSDAY Afternoon, OCTOBER 31, 1918. $1.50 PER YEAR No. 48 Appeals To Voters -wu,A..tarxgs-- Vol. 1. Wilson President Gives Reasons Why Congress Should Remain Under Democratic Control. A Clear-Cut Statement Unity and Oneness Wanted. tw,;,w Wiicnn last Friday addressed to the American people a clean and clear statement as to why the Democratic Congressmen and Senators should be elected. He makes very plain the issues be t 3SItiei. It is not enough to be pro-war, he saysf there MUST BE UNDIVIDED SUPPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT UNDER A, UNIFIED He emphatically states that no political party is paramount in patriotism. But he calls upon the Country to return a Democratic Congress to the end that the leadership be LEADERSHIP. unified and not divided. ..... i t-i. a. t l. ;j i -i i j i a. iMit 'trTYrrA "iMintu vntro Ppprl Vns stflt- T, -r,. t- fVi ic oivinc Mr. WUSOn S siaiemeni ironi page pusuion, anu u suuuiu iskc lruiu ioijh. iu iiic uuuu auu ncaxia uui iuumuvuju wv, . - - fVio nonnlo tn elprt a rVmnrratif! Cnncress so that his j . Mni-a rnrpfllllV that nOt One WOra IS saiu uciuguiaujiy .iaj uic pcuiiuuaiu VJ. a ivcfuimi-aM, uui nc oiiiiijr fw.v. 0 ment, and then reread it. wore arauuj .;,Qmot, f a sino-l Rmnhliran. What hp rWs ask is that the status of Coneress remains the same. He asks for a public endorsement. He Ie8 not aSK lor ure iwuw-. w o r.... . r n-u: m. inthrv.mt;.aririufer PrPsiHpnt Wilson asks i .t-t- i f r I ii ) 1 1 ii it i iiirr i ii r-rrj n. iijiil' i cnanmii. la luu Lciuvviattv vvhum wi w- - . . hands will not be tied. xt.. t.,i linn ranrUHatp from this, the Seventh. District James v. uregg is top KNOW will be in svmnathv and accord with the Administration in its CONDUCT OF THE WAR. What say you, voters of Richmond YOU to lay aside politics and elect a ong Tuesday Make -t a tQ gQ tQ yQur yoting place and yote; dorft let a feding of inrMerence or apathy keep you away. And, also, county: vv in yuu u mo. , - ... t your shibboleth be "Robinson and Simmons." Read what your President asks of you, and let his request oe noc m vaini 1. Alto gether for Robinson and Simmons- The Preident' Meisage: A Democratic Majority Necessary. "Mv Fellow Countrymen: The Congressional elections are at Expressions of Approval ' .... i. i hand. They occur in the most critical penoa our country iws cvci faced or is likely to face in our time. ' If you have approved of my leadership and wish me to continue to be your unembarrassed spokesman in affairs at home and abroad, I earnestly beg that you will express yourselves unmistakably to that effect by returning a Democratic majority to both the Senate and the House of Repre sentatives. , Critical Issues Depend. "I am your servant and will accept your judgment without cavil, hut mv nnwer to administer the great task assigned me by the constitution would te seriously impaired should your judgment be adverse and I must frankly tell you so because so many critical issues depend upon your verdict. No scruple of taste must in grim :,c fhoco hp aiWpd tn stand in the way of speaking the plain truth. .... "I have no thought of suggesting that any political party is paramount in matters of patriotism. I feel too deeply the! sacri fices which have been made in this war by all our citizens irres pective of party affiliations to harbor such an idea. Unified Leadership Necessary. "I mean only that the difficulties and delicacies of our present task are of a sort that makes it imperatively necessary that the nation should give its undivided support to the government under a unified leadership and that a Republican Congress would divide the leadership. The leaders of the minority in the present u)n cress have unauestionably been pro-war, but they have been anti- administration. At almost every turn since we entered the war thev have sought to take the choice of policy and the conduct of the war out of my hands and put it under the control of instru mentalities of their own choosing. No Time For Divided Council. "This is no time either for divided council or for divided lead ership. Unities of command is as necessary now in civil action as it is upon the field of battle. ' If the control of the House and the Senate should be taken away from the. party now in power an opposing majority could assume control of legislation and oblige all action to be taken amidst contest and ODstruction. Bad Effect Abroad. "The return of a Republican majority to either House of the Cnntrress would moreover, be interpretive on the other side of the water as a repudiation of my leadership. Spokesmen of the Re ..ki,Von r!H-v nrp nrorinc vnn to elect a Republican Congress in UUllUU P" -J O J " order to back ud and support the President but even if they should in this impose upon some credulous voters on this side of the water they would impose on no one on the other side. It is well under stood there as well as here that the Republican leaders, desire not so much to support the President as to control him. v Means Vote of Confidence. "The peoples of the allied countries with whom we are associated against Germany are quite familiar with the significance of elec tions. They would find it very difficult to believe that the voters of the United States had chosen to support their President by elect ing to the Congress a majority controlled by those who are in. fact . . ... .... i ' tj.! . J a Z rot in sympathy with the attitude anu acuon oi uie aaminisurauun Not For Party, But For Nation's Sake. "I need not tell you, my fellow countrymen, that I am asking your support not for my own sake or for the sake of a political party but for the sake of the nation itself in order that its inward unity of purpose may be evident to all the world. In ordinary times I would not feel at liberty to make such an appeal to you In ordinary times divided counsels can be endured without, per manent hurt to the country but these are not ordinary times. . "If in these critical days it is your wish to sustain me with un: divided minds I beg that you will say so in a way which it wilt not be possible to misunderstand either here at home or among our associates on the other side of the sea. I submit mv difficulties and my hopes to you. W00DR0W WILSON." Straight Democratic Vote. President Wilson has asked that the country elect a Democratic Congress next Tuesday. While some of the Republi cans have loyally supported our r resiaent yet I believe we should undertake to comply with our President's wishes and send an overwhelming majority to Wash ington. Richmond County can show the world that we are behind our great Pres ident by casting the largest straight Uem- ocratie vote next Tuesday in its history. W. B. COLE. Don't Fail to Vote. The legal right to vote involves a re sponsibility. To neglect to meet that responsibility is to prove recreant to a plain duty and is an acknowledgment of unfitness. Every qualified voter should measure to the duty of citizenship. There are two especially urgent reasons for voting next Tuesday: 1 The influence of America in bring ing about a just and lasting peace will depend largely upon the way the people of Europe interpret the loyalty of our people to our government as at present constituted. Whatever you may think of the DroDrietv of the President's appeal. or the asininity of a former President's attack on his policies, the people of other countries would construe the election of the opposition party as a REPUDIATION of his Administration! This would be disastrously unfortunate under present critical conditions. Even a reduced ma ioritv of his party in Congress would be embarrassing. 2 We are to vote on an Amendment to the State Constitution that provides for a minimum school term of six months. There are some children who will not be able to avail themselves of the advanta ges of the longer term. BUT THERE WILL BE MANY WHO CAN, and their future and the future good of the State may depend on their getting it it this Amendment is not carried, don't let the responsibility of its failure rest on YOU. W. R. Coppedge. What McKinley Said. Here's what President William McKinley had to say Oct. 11th, 1898, while on a political speaking tour: "We must continue united until the end of this struggle; we must have no diiterences among ourselves while we are settling our differences with another government." Listen to what he said in anoth er speech: j "This is no time for divided Councils. Remember in this crit ical hour in the nation's history we must not be divided." If it was all right for a Repub lican President to make a plea for a unified Congress in 1898, why isn't it all right for a Democratic President to make the same plea in 1918? Republicans Spending Money Whv are the Republicans spending so much on this election? There is some reason behind it In Michigan the Re publican nominee for the Senate spent $178,000 for his office. It has already been reported from wasnington tnai me Republican Campaign Committee has sent $50,000 to this State and last week sent an additional $25,000. They only hope to make a serious fight in the 3rd, 8th and 10th Congressional Districts. Let's show them that the 7th District is going to return Congressman Robinson by a larger majority than he received two years ago, notwithstanding the boys who are absent Fred. W. Bynum, Acting Chm. Dem. Ex. Com. ' A Good Ticket. A great many of the voters of Rich mond County this year are in camps and in France. Our County Democratic tick et should not be allowed to suffer by reason of their absence. It will not if every Democrat in Richmond County will make a personal matter to attend the polls on next Tuesday. Not only should he go himself but he should be just as in terested in seeing that his neighbors go and vote. We have a splendid ticket and it should be heartily supported. In addition to our splendid County ticket I would like to see this Ccunty give Senator bimmons and Congressman L. D. Robinson a big majority and thus show to the world that we are behind our President. J. R. Bennett. Esteem It a Privilege. It seems to me that every citizen of Richmond County should esteem it a privilege to support President Wilson and his administration. By his diplomacy, ably supported by our military forces. President Wilson has Drought the proua and haughty German to his knees seek ing peace. In my opinion it would be a very foolish thing for the American peo ple to fail to return to Congress men who will whole-heartedly support President Wilson and his policies. He has asked that we elect a Democratic Congress and I hope Richmond County will register next Tuesday the largest Democratic vote in its history. T. C. LEAK. An Urgent Duty. Winnine the war is the chief business before the people of this nation to-day. Anything that tends toward the consum mation of this one object should have the earnest consideration of each citizen. On NV.wrohcr 5'h r.cst. each Qualified voter of Richmond County will have the oppor tunity of recording his approval ot and loyalty to our great President, the world's spokesman and leader, by casting his bal lot for Senator Simmons and Congress man Robinson, who have nobly stood by the President and who have directed their every effort towards winning the wrr. Despite the influenza epidemic and the apparent lull in politics incident to the campaigns of the several war acti vities. the Democrats of the county must Suicidal to Swap. I am firmly convinced that it is the duty of every loyal citizen to go, to the election and cast his vote to sustain President Wilson in his position as the leading figure of the world. The Republican leaders are making a desperate effort to capture a majority of the Congress. 1 he ettect ot this will be to discredit him in the minds of the enemy and to lessen his influence when the peace terms come to be discussed for they will think that to some extent at least his own people have repudiated him: .that the President and the American people "do not speak the same language of agreement." I am not so concerned about local politics, although the Democracy could justify its right to the continued confidence of the people if they could have a chance to meet them. But I am convinced that it is the duty of cverv citizen to go to the polls and vote for Lee Robinson for Congress, thereby casting a vote to make more effectivehe world peace now about to be won by our boys. Now when vic tory is within our reach and the great world problems come up for settlement, it is simply suicidal to "swap horses in the middle of the stream." A vote for Robinson is a vote for our Country! W. N. Everett. Senator to Constable. Events in the foreign countries are moving rapidly. It now looks as if peace may soon be established thruout the Would Germany Rejoice? The whole world is today looking to Woodrow Wilson to dictate the terms of an enduring peace. But if the American neonle do not stand sauarely behind him, his arm will be shortened. Germany would reioice if the people would, on next Tuesday, turn down the Congress that declared war aeainst tnem. i.nere- fore, I think it behooves the good people of Kirhmnnd Countv to be sure and go to the polls next Tuesday and cast a solid Democratic vote. J. F. Diggs "A House Divided." "A house divided against itself cannot stand." It will be a serious mistahe, in my opinion, if we should allow the Re publicans to capture Congress next Tues day. We have a strong Democratic Pres ident Let s support mm witn a strong Democratic Congress. It means more to the United States, and to the world, than vou minht think. 1 he entire world is now looking to President Woodrow Wil son as the end of the great world war approaches. What a pity it would be to tie his hands by sending a Republican Congress to support him! Men of Rich mond County, make it your duty to go to the polls next Tuesday and. vote the straight Democratic ticket. ' D. A. Parsons. not conceive the idea that this year is ' fighting world. Our allies look to Presi unimportant in politics, and fail to vote. The Republicans would sing their siren song of indifference and inactivity to the stay-at-home Democrats, with the hope that thereby enough Democrats will fail to vote as to reduce Robinson's and the county ticket's majorities. The Republi cans like nothing quite so well as the gumshoe method of campaign. It is, therefore, the urgent duty that every Democrat owes to himself, to his party and to his country to go to tne pons ' on next Tuesday and give his endorse ment to his party through its ticket, from Senator Simmons down to township con stable. Hasn't your President with a Democratic Congress conducted the affairs of the government to the advan tage and glory of our country, and ulti mately to the defeat and overthrow of the Huns? Hasn't your state administrators been clean, honest and constructive? Haven't your county affairs been ad ministered by upright and unimpeachable officers? B. F. Reynolds. dent Wilson each day as spokesman m this great crisis. The President gets strenght from solid support. We can help him so much if we send to Washington an overwhelming Democratic Congress to sustain him. I sincerely trust that the citizenship of Richmond County will res pond to the President's appeal for support by giving Senator Simmons and Con gressman Robinson a big vote next Tues day. Let every man go to the polls next Tuesday and cast a solid Democratic vote from Senator to Township Constable. W. E. "arrison, Mem' er Co -gress i ir al Committee. Cotton today 28c. Spots off 55 points, closing at 30. 20. Prof. L. J. Bell has been asked to read a paper on "Teachers Pensions" at the Teachers Assembly to meet at Raleigh Nov. 28-30; also, to read a paper on "Our Schools After tne War" to the Primary Section i f the Assembly; he declined the former, and accepted the latter. Large Majority Next Tuesday. Under our form of government, we have no autocrats. The President can not declare war. This is done by Con gress who are the representatives of the i eople. The President pets his support f om Congress which is from the people. He now asks that the country show that they are in accord with his policies by sending a Democratic Congress to Wash ington by our votes next Tuesday. I am in thorough accord with tne President's policies and shall gladly cast my vote next Tuesday for Senator Simmons and Congressman Robinson who are standir.g loyally behind cur President. I think the President would be deligh'ed to know that Richmond County had responded to his appeal by giving the straight Demo cratic ticket one of its largest majorities next Tuesday, and I trust it will be done H. C. Guthrie . McAdoo's Statement "The President needs the support of able and loyal men in this particular crisis in America's life and in the life of ali tlw peoples in the world. That sup port must proceed from men who are in sympathy with his views on the War and the general policies for which he stands. The nrestise and power of the President and the influence of America in this War will be irretrievably hurt, if the President should be repudiated in the forthcoming election by the return of a majority against him in either or both Houses of the National Congress." , 5ssterday U utterly over with Tune the only :thininthi lite which can be completely destroyed'. . i JJ-'-J To-day is yours but tomorrow belongs to the man behind Never in all the million years of its history has this secretive s-v Jgi old universe displayed such richesso many grenerous'oppor Jl tumties as NOW Wake your self, shake your sett j and lu: W The most terrific Ccntu.ry.of all ie here , Share It? dt&rt IOuAYtohve money in UietiAnk-wl: mil htlp YOU in more mys tJWi one r 4 1:1 A The Richmond County Savings Bank . Rockingnam, N. C. - The ONLY SAVINGS BANK in the county Will pay you 4 per cen interest compounded quarterly. Capital $15,000. Surplus $15,C0 W. L. PARSONS, President ' WILLIAM ENTWISTLE, Vice President. ' W. SCALES, Cashier , DCTAVIA S. SCALES, Asst Cashier. THIS BANK 19 OPEN EVERY SATURDAY UNTIL FIVE O'CLOCK