PAGE FOURTEEN ROCKINGHAM P03T-DISPATCH, RICHMOND OOTTNTY, N. 0. 1293 GENERAL COUNTY DISBURSEMENTS FOR NOVEMBER 192. of auto asence -State Tax Commission, one half of cost for 1305-R. 1306-Mrs. Rcgii 1307 n. L 120S-J. 13. 1306 L. C. 1310 0. G. 1311 H. P. 312 Dr. !. M. Manes, for tax elce- months months months . 1364- ren 136o-1360-1367- 1385- 1386-J. lining tlnli premium Hoffman i t house .... pauper and on coup. 19.60 41.41 24.30 1294 Edwards & Brougmon inuuug -u., i,wu iw o- 1295- Ernest W. league, one Acme tax calculator 1290-Walkcr Evans & Cogswell Co., record books for clerk of court ' " " ' ' 1297-H D. Hatch, 3 days and 36 miles as County Com. - 129$ J W. Capel, 3 davs and 84 miles as County Com. . . 1299 J. A. McNeill, 3 days and 24 miles as County Co. 1300 L. D. Frutchy, 2 days and 104 miles as County Com . r c n ,.i,k. n, t uninrv ns (".hair, of County oCm. 1502- J. D. Covington, Oct. salary as County auditor .. ... ..... 1W.UU 1503- J. D. Covington, Oct. salary as accounting clerk to Register of Deeds ' ',""",' Z" CI tn'm i-yu.i n rovinaton. 40 hours work on tax books at night L. Johnson, Oct. salary as uegisier oi ----- R. L. Johnson, Oct. salary as recoroing eiw u .-ttr of Deeds - i.nnniii rv-t jilni'v as sherin , .m uunun., ., - irjMV nvnii Oct. sa arv OS Deputy Mierin McDonald, Oct. salary as County jailor Reynolds, Oct. salary as supt. oi weiiare Austin, Oct, salary as Hamlet recorder . - Oct. salary as county quarau. wu 1313Dr W. B. Mcintosh, Uct. salary as uiumj pqjwviw 131 i Mrs. Maggie A. Covington, Oct. salary as Home Dem. 1315 W. D. Coppcdge, Oct. salary as Court house janitor . . $10 E. H. Rogers; Oct s alary as special deputy 1317 W. T. Baldwin, Oct. salary as Supt. County hor s . 1318 Mrs. W. T. Baldwin, Oct. salary cooking uuU 6CW;:.g for County home j. 1319 1.: o Baldwin, Oct. half month's work at County o: .e... loon Thn ?oiit Cn sweoninc compound for Court house .. HMt-fiwthwn Shinto and Stall. mery Co., rubber stall hook.: . . ' ' ' ' 132C Midland Chemical Co., anti-Germin for County bonis 132;:--Yadkin River Power ov0ct. County light acc't 1384 Rockingham Post-Dispatch Co., printing tax receipts, tlon tickets and Voucher claims 132." Mit All. it, support 3 months 1320 Wade Alibrooks, support 3 months 1321 Owen Baldwin, 8 months 1S2 Isaac Boggan, support 1329 Chris Bostick, support 1330 Alex. Bostick, support 1331 Eliza Chappel, support 3 months 1332 Mrs. B. K. Covington, support 3 months 1333 Easter Cooper, support 3 months j9B4 J. D. Dawkins, support 3 months 1335 P. A. Dumas, support 3 months 1326 Ellen Ewing, support 3 months 1337 Eva Harrington, support 3 months 1338 Arthur Jacobs, support 3 months 1339 Riley Jones, support 3 months 1340 Fannie Kelly, support 1 month 1341 Jim Ledbetter, support 3 months 1342 Edgar Little, support 3 months . - 1343 Lewis Love, support 3 months 1344 Reuben McCaskill, support 3 months 1345 W. R. McQuaigue, support 3 months 1346 W. B. Morse, support 3 months 1347 Shockley Pcele, support 1 month 1348 Arnold Perdue, support 3 months . 1349 Catherine Powell, support 3 months 1350 Stephen Shepperd, support 3 months 1351 Abraham Stanback, support 3 months 1352 Coiner Wall, support 3 months 1353 Rcna Wall, support 3 months 1354 Make Wheeler, support 3 months 1355 Easter Williams, support 3 months 1350 Town of Rockingham, County quarterly water bills 1357 J. A. Scawell, groceries for County home 1358 F. C. Bifrihurg, cleaning typewriter for Reg. of Deeds 1359 J. T. McLeon, poll holder for June and July primary, M. S. 1360 Hale Furniture Co., cot pads for County jail 1301 J. A. McAulay, C S. C, telephone calls for C. S. court 1302 G. A. Seawell, hauling coal for Court house 1363 R. L. McDonald, capture of 3 stills $60.00; capture of Fred Butler, scraped convict, $132.40; carrying Peter Wall to Coldsboro, $3.24; office account current, $2.99 -B. L. McDonald, capturing 2 stills in Oct. $40, account cur- of office for Oct. $1.60 -A. M. Smith, coroner's inquest over body of Bob Green -G. W. Harris, one day coroner jury, Boh Green inquest -A. M. Harris, one dav coroner iurv. Boh fireon innnnct 1308 J. H. Poole, one day coroner jury, Boh Green inquest 1369 Emory Smith, one day jury, Bob Green inquest 1370 C. P. Long, one day coroner jury, Boh Green inquest !371 B. Reynolds, one day coroner juiy, Bob Green inquest 1372 A. M. Smith, examination of body of Nannie Diggs 1373 Swink & Chisholm, supplies for County home 1374 7-Hopkins Bros, clothing for County home 1375 Swink & Chisholr.i, supplies for County jail "H .1376 Hopkins Bros., clothing for County jail 11 11 1377 Fowlkes Pharmacy, medicine for County home III.. I'll. 1378 Fowlkes Pharmacy, pencils for Register Deeds 1379 Everett Hardwarde Co., hardware for County home ".. way Airs, j. l. Burroughs, Typewriting Cai list ; 1381 E. D. Whitlock, groceries for County jail ooT0,Hhorn ExPress.Gc, express on Reg. booksTron iocv louis steeie, putting m window lights at Cou 1884 Morgan Hooper, U days care for an outside "'Sfc's giae anu mi rial expenses : Everett, registering vital statistics, town of Rhnm C. Davis, 8 Runts-of stnvo it i . " 7 I I uuui loco o l, C Ue commissions to Hanover hank iJoo Southern Exnre.aa Cn m-nra.. i. r... r " ...vt, uil liut,.s , ...... aSjf? ne Ioad of wocd- bnd man. outside pauper 1390 Southern Ek press Co., express on hooks .. .... C. D. Russell, attending court, juror ticket 16B6 u &S "1;yv"x"1' ""ending court, juror ticket No. 1667.. Zr aueiiuing court, uror tlekrt Nn Howan, attendina rcmri iiimnv t;..Loi - man .-, . w j "it iiiuy . t-raw.oid, attending court, juror ticket No. 1670 Baiter, attending court inr.-.r u:t Pegram, attending court, iuror tiek vn m.70 attendihic court, iuror tic ket Mr, ifti-i ftttendllitr i flirt Itifavi, ' p, . r: , r juiui m r.i-i .u. lo,1 .... TSSra' attending court, juror ticket No. 1675 J. A Goodman, attending court, iuror ticket Nn ifi7 Palmer, attending court, hirer fir.kpt Vn 1R77 " J. P. B. C. J. A. Clyd" Swin!. T. E. Dabbs, B, R W. G. L. Pickett, attending court, juror ticket C. L. B. r. Thomas, Wending court, juror ticket No. 1703 99.25 10.80 13.20 10.20 11.20 2500 150.00 100.00 200.00 75.00 87.50 40.00 35.00 25.00 50.00 35.00 80.00 40.00 20.00 10.00 8.91 5.14 67.11 12.00 149.70 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 18.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 9.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 10.00 5.00 6.00 aoo 6.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 28.18 168.36 4.00 6.00 22.50 6.11 1.50 232.63 41.60 11.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.50 15.13 34.92 22.69 43.44 12.95 .84 8.25 2.50 62.75 .40 .50 ) K;7 Lisk, attending court, iiimr t;,.i.t v in-ro " " t0 atlondinS co,irt. JWWar ticket No. 1680 c r-i y' attcndinK cour, jror ticket No. 1681 . Jf, Gibson, attending court, juror ticket No. 1682 A. J. Little, attending court, juror ticket No. 1683 u. N. I oindexter, attending court juror ticket No. 1684 iv n y' attending court, juror ticket No. 1685 ";,Bh'c' attending court, juror ticket No. 1686 n ii irKnn attending court, juror ticket No. 1687 V" 7' 2ho1mpson' attl'r.ding court, juror ticket No. 1688 J. M. Scales, attending court, juror ticket No. 1689 B. C Vuncannon, attending court, juror ticket No. 1690"' W. D. Parrish, attending court, juror ticket No. 1691 P. S. Murphy, attending court, juror ticket No. 1692 W. H. McBac, attending court, juror ticket No. 1693 Boy Ussery, attending court, juror ticket No. 1694 j " DeWitt Meeks, attending court, juror ticket No. 1695 W. D. Blue, attending court, juror ticket No. 1696 B. V. Ussery, attending court, juror ticket No. 1697 W. E. Chavis, attending court, juror ticket No. 1698 G. M. Gaddy, attending court, iuror ticket N ioo J. E. Haywood, attending court, juror ticket No. 170o"" " i Wnltflr S rft,?lnr,n . .. . ...... v ......... .-,' 'iif.ii'ii, (Miriiti i u ,1,1111.. iiirnr ,,.L'n xt , ir ticnuiua, uuuuuiug court, juror ticket No. 1702 20.00 7.75 0.00 1.97 1.76 2.00 .96 2,10 2.1(1 2.10 4.10 4.20 4.40 4.70 4.10 4:70 4.10 4.50 4.10 4.10 5.10 4.30 5.10 450 6.90 2.70 5.30 2.10 4.10 5.70 2.10 2.10 2.10 4.10 2.50 2.50 5.10 3.10 3.10 2.90 2.80 10 8.10 9.60 4.10 Geo. E. Hart, attending court, juror ticket No. 1704 S. H. Hart, attending court, juror ticket No. 1705 J. B. Hines, attending court, juror ticket No. 1706 John Allred, attending court, juror ticket No. 1707 E. J. Hales, attending court, juror ticket No. 1708 W. D. Meachem, attending court, juror ticket No. 1709 John Gay, attending court, juror ticket No. 1710 A. A. Baucom, attending court, juror ticket No. 1711 J. O. Sullivan, attending court, juror ticket No. 1712 T. B. Scarboro, attending court, juror ticket No. 1713 J. A. Sanders, attending court, juror ticket No. 1714 B. T. Bobinson, attending court, juror ticket No. 1715 A. W. Gaddy, attending court, juror ticket No. 1716 B. L. Webb, attending court, juror ticket No. 1717 S. L. Webb, attending court, juror ticket No. 1718 H. D. Baldwin, attending court, juror ticket No. 1719 W. H. Hicks, attending court, juror ticket No. 1720 J. T. Henry, attending court, juror ticket No. 1722 8.20 4.10 8.20 8.10 8.20 8.40 8.30 9.60 8.60 9.70 4.10 2.10 2.10 8.20 .10 2.10 2.10 2.10 Total Disbursements for November 1920 .$ 2,960.11 Grand Total Gcnoral County Disbursement! for the Twelve Months beginning December 1st 1919 and ending November 30 1920 $136,833.09 County Road Disbursements COUNTY ROAD DISBURSEMENTS FOR DECSK3SR 1919. 7.50 15.25 1 J. W. Williams, work on roatls in Mineral Springs township! W !. Manin. work on road dracs for State Hichway Com 3 C. R. Smith, work on Hamlet Ghio road 103.34 4 T. M. Ledbetter, work on roads in Steeles township 293.00 5 G. A. McBae, potatoes for chain gang 0 William Wallace, work on State Line road in Wolf Pit township . . 7 T. R. Scarboro, work on roads in Beaver Dam township 8 C. A. McFayden, work on roads with truck and tractor 5.00 35.00 61.50 46.88 M 99 191.37 58.50 9 J. B. Spivey, work on roads with truck and tractor 110.35 10 Dockery Alien Company, supplies for Chain gang X 11 E. F. Craven, clothing and supplies for chain gang 12 A. C. Hines, shop work and repairs to road machinery.. . 13 MeHae Grocery Co., supplies for chain gang 118.68 14 J. S. Braswcll, expense of capturing Kate and Mary Manners 36.00 15 J. S. Braswcll, expense capturing Frank Taylor, escaped con 21.54 16 G. H. Kelly, work on roads in Black Jack township 133.88 17 Charlie Covington, work on roads in Bockingham township 91.75 18 J. J. Baldwin, for C. O. D. and express charges on truck parts 66.32 19 B. J. Covington, 5 bushels potatoes for chain gang 4.25 20 J. C. Baldwin, freight on road grader and bundle of tenting 54.08 21 Luke Childers, supplies for chain gang 21.52 22 W. N. Watson, Oct. 1918 salary guarding chain gang 45.00 23 G. H. Kelly, work on roads in Black Jack township 60.43 24 Marvin Andrews, work on roads in Wolf Pit township 85.00 25 T. C. Covington, work on 34 miles state highway 200.00 40- 41- 26 T. C. Covington, work on roads in Bockingham township 2 A. L. Hursey, work 111 roads in Beaver Dam township 28 J. A. McAulay, C. S. C, bill of costs in road cases 29 Luther Aldred, driving truck and tractor 8 days 30 W. B. Covington, dragging road from B'ham to Ellerbe 31 J. E. Meachem, work on roads in R'ham township 32 Fanners' Bank of Rockingham, 0 months interest from July 1, 1919 to Jan. 1, 1920, on $5,000.00 6 per cent road bonds.. 33 Farmers' Bank of Rockingham, 6 months interest from July 1, 1919,. to Jan. 1, 1920, $10,000.00 5 per cent Wolf Pit township road bonds .. , 34 Farmers' Bank of Rockingham, U months interest from July 1, 1919 to Jan. 1, 1920, on $15,000.00 6 per cent R'ham township road bonds .. . 35 Hanover National Bank, New York, N. Y., 0 months interest from July 1, 1919 to Jan. 1, 1920, on $15,000.00, 0 per cent. Beaver Dam township road bonds 30 Bank of Hamlet, Hamlet, N. C, 6 months interest from July 1, 1919 to Jan. 1, 1920, on $5,000.00 6 per cent Black Jack township road bonds 37 Bank of Pee Dee, City, ti months interest' from July 1, 1919 to Jan. 1, 1920, on $5,000.00 0 per cent Mineral Springs township road bonds 38 This check was not issued. Entry here to account fur No. 38 39 Bank of Pee Dee, City, li months interest from July 1, 1919 to Jan. 1, 1920, on $5,000.00 6 per cent Steeles township road bonds Bank of Hamlet, Hamlet, N. C, 0 months interest from July 1, 1919 to Jan. t, 1020, on $15,000.00 5 per cent Mark's creek township road bonds Bank of Pee Dee, citv. 0 months interest from .Inlv 1. 1110 to Jan. 1, 1920 on $5,000.00 0 per cent Steeles township road bonds . . 1 A Charlie Covington, work in County roads .. 2A This check was not issued. Entry here to account for No. 8A This :heck was not issued. Entry here to account for No... 4A This check was not issued. Entry here to account for No. . . 5A This, check was not issued. Entry he.e to account for No. .. OA This check was not issued. Entry here to account for No. . 7A This check was not issued. Entry to account for No. here.. 8A This check was not issued. Entry here to account for No. .. OA -This check was not issued. Entry here to account for No. 10A This check was not issued. Entry here to account for No. .. 11A This check was not issued. Entry here to account tor No. .. 12A This check was not issued. Entry here to account for No. 13A This check' Was not issued. Entry here to account for No. . lA R. L Ford, for dragging roads luA Everett Hardware Co.. hardware fnr mail onH h.,; nan.. ' - iv. ' ' V.IH1U1 f-Ullk, J. C. Baldwin, Nov. salary as road supt. . . W. T, McDonald, work on ronrla 18A Dockery Allen Co., work on roads 10A J. W. Butler, work on roads 20A J. W. Thomas, moving the chain gang 111 21A H. U. Green, guarding the chain gang "111111 ..i j. v.. uaiuwin, allowance for car .i.i.v vv. n. Watson, Nov. salarv. .C'lil J. 25A- 20A Rockingham Cash stnn niS f- 0"A w ' ""ft"" " L1ICUH KUUK 'A George Mormon, work on roads 28A S. Biggs, drugs for chain gang 111111 ' 29A G. A. Seawell, supplies for chain gang I?a Covi"8ton potatoes for chain gang .. t ATn ir'' furniture and furnishings for chain gang."! a t ' i?" Vjlson' cement and work on bridges ia r v Baldwin, freight and amount paid for washing J4A b. t. Craven. Greenshnrn r,H .!,-.. t wngUniture Co- f,irnure supplies for chain'gangl"" 1GA-17A- expense .. guarding chain gang - -J. L. McDonald, Nov. salary, overseer of chain gangHlll! -E. B. Morse, supplies for chain gang 35A-36A- 71.63 57.25 180.65 24.00 22.50 16.00 150.00 250.00 450.00 450.00 150.00 150.00 000.00 150.00 325.00 150.00 87.50 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.01) 00.00 00.00 25.00 147.38 100.00 5.25 98.51 10.00 3.00 45.00 75.00 45.00 75.00 264.70 9.85 3.50 5.90 2.80 18.00 14.40 16.20 12.04 200.00 29.75 Hi,-,,,,..: ., ' ,. : -rr" w.u, gang Ca.lO . lintWIStlC. SlinnllPS fnr ehoir, ,r.,.w. 37A StnndnnH nu ' ".l" . " qo V x n r k ' ,Busum,e. Kerosene, oils for road truck.. 115.05 38A J. O. Gibson, work on roads . iXXX 39A tn r?AThb f t oi : 40-90 iuu. to. oja 10 oza were not issued Entry here is to account fnr nnmK,., 52A To account for their numbers .... J3A-T. C. Covington, for upkeep of 34 miies of State" Idghway 00.00 340.00 RonH Iiii,.,-, .,.,..... . uxBciucuia xor juecaniDer my . 6,325 83 vax nuiiu UibB u HSEMENTS FOR JANUARY 1910 Sl? ""K0"' ork on ds in B'ham township 2Tt ' W n roads in B,ack Jnck Unship ..... 44-T. C Covington, balance due on work for State highway c. A. McFayden, work on roads with truck and tractor"".;."." , 77.50 36.94 83.90 25.00 46 T. M. Ledbetter, work on roads in Steeles township 2? 47-J. W. Mclntyre, work on roans in Steeles township vL 48 C B. Smith, work on roads in Mark's Creek township 213.33 49William Wallace, work on rc.ids in Mark's township 50.00 50 W. T. McDonald, work on ro: ds in Beaver Dam township.. 51 Wat Tyson, work on roads It Steeles township 52 M. C Whitley, shop work an.l repairs to road Machinery 58 J. B. Spivey, work on roads with truck and tractor ... C 54 J. B. Wall, C 0. D. charges exp. on road truck parts. . 55 B'ham Post-Dispatch, printing 1919 annual road statement 56 C. J. Jones, shop and repair ork for road equipments 57 The Corkins Chemical Co., d sinfectant for chain gang 58 Leak and Wall Lumber Co., lumber for chain gang 59 S. F. Parker, corn and hay fo. chain gang mules 60 J. W. Thomas, shucks for ch;.in gang mules :. - 01 Joseoh Gibson, damaged to cups by chan sans mules . 17.50 12.00 1.50 OO.bSi 78.00 1.00 17.99 10.00 29.41 10.75 02 Stephcnson-Belk Co., shoes fo. chain gang 8.48 03 A. J. Biggan & Bra., supplies .or chain gang 64 H. U. Green, Dec. salary, gua ling chain gang 05 W. N. Watson, Dec. salary, g rding chain gang 66 Everett Hardware Co., hardw '.re and supplies for roads 67 J. L. McDonald, Dec. salary, i 68 L. W. P. Webb, work on roads 09 J. W. Butler, work, on roads i 70 J. C. Baldwin, Dec. salary as 71 J. C. Baldwin, Dec. allowance 72 Hannah-Pickett Mill Store, sr. 73 E. B. Morse, supplies for chai: 74 Luke Childers, supplies for c! 7 J. W. Hays, Ellerb-., damage t 76 Coxe & Coxe, 240' lumber for : 77 T. J. Ellis, lumber for small 1 erseer of chain gang n Mineral Springs township Beaver Dam township oad supt. . .'or car expense plies for chang gang 94 45.00 45.00 37.71 90.00 14.00 170.00 100.00 75.00 72.50 gang . 130.14 aiii gang crops by chain gang '.ate highway idges ;e Spring bridge chain gang mules , ene, oils and greases, truck : for trucks and tractors roads Is in R'ham township . Jack township Is in R'ham township SB Hill road ! ;rest on road bonds which 4!) which should have read to error in calcu- 87.17 5.00 9.60 36.00 8.50 14.20 51.81 52.48 3.10 46.25 17.00 50.00 52.25 78 Z. V. Williams, repairs to Elh 79 Rockingham Cash Store, hay f 80 Standard Oil Co., gasoline, ken 81 Standard Oil Co., lubricating 0 82 .1. A. Saunders, shop work for 83 Charlie Covington, work on ro: 84 G. H. Kelly, road work in Blacl 85 Charlie Covington, work on roc SO G. H. Kelly, road work on Man 87 Bank of Hamiet, additional till was paid in Dec. by check No $375.00 instead of $325.00 difference dftl lating interest . . ... 50.Q0 8S Charlie Covington, work on Ellerbe road in Mineral Springs township 08.50 89 W. T. McDonald, work on R'ham to Hoffman road 30.00 90 G. H. Kelly, work on roads in Black Jack township 129.50 91 J. C. Baldwin, freight on road machine 57.84 92 T. C. Covington, work on 34 miles State highway 283.25 93 Marvin Andrews, work on Sand Hill road in Wolf Pit Township 80.00 94 G. H. Kelly, work on roads in Black Jack township 53.13 95 Charlie Covigton, work on roads in Mineral Springs township .... 23.75 Total County Boad Disbursements for Jan. 1920 $ 3,379.73 COUNTY ROAD DISBURSEMENTS FOR FEBRUARY 1920. ,.ig 96 Jule Maner, work on .roads in Beaver Dam township 97 J. S. Suggs, work on roads from Bostick's Mill to Norman 98 J. C. Baldwin, Jan. salary as road supt. , 100.00 99 J. C Baldwin, Jan. allowance for car expense .. 75.00 100 B. L. Ford, work on roads in Black Jack township i. . 101 B. H. Shaw, work on roads in Mineral Springs township .. 102 C. B. Smith, work on roads in Mark's Creek township 284.58 103 William Wallace, work on State line road in Mark's Creek township 104 A. B. Green, Work on roads in Mark's Creek township 105 A. B. Green, work on roads in Steeles township 106 J. J. Bennett, work on Roberdel-Green Lake road 30.00 15.00 12.00 57.80 48.00 102.45 54.10 92.50. 107 J. B. Spivey, work on roads with truck and tractor 199.82 108 S. F. Key, work on roads in Mineral Springs township 211.50 109 McRae Grocery Co., supplied for chain gang 195.19 110 Jim Terry, work and renairiiiEr bridges 111 J. C Baldwin, telephone rent and tolls for County road supt's telephone for the year from Jan. 1, '19 to Jan. 1, '20 112 B. H. Shankle, for help in capturing an escaped convict.. 113 W. N. Watson, Jan. salary, guarding chain gang 114 H. U. Green, Jan. salary, guarding chain gank 115 J. L. McDonald, Jan. salary, overseer chain gang 116 E. B. Morse, groceries and feed supplies to chain gang 117 Champion Supply Co., mule tents for chain gang ... 118 Boberdel Mfg. Co., shoes for chain gang .1 119 H. A. Page, Jr., repair to road trucks J 120 Parsons Garage, road truck parts and repairs 121 A. L. Pearson, hardware for road machinery equipment 122 J. W. Butler, work on roads from Hamlet to Hoffman 123 Standard Oil Co., gas, oil, kerosene and lubrt. oil for truck. . 124 B. W. Walker, work on roads in Mineral Springs township 125 Dr. R. T. Nichols, Gravel used for road material 120 Boberdel Mfg. Co., work on roads 127 W. J. Martin, shop work for T. C. Covington, Highway com. 128 Everett Hardware Co., hardware and supplies for roads 129 Hamlet Hospital, operation and hospital attention to Dock McCoy, convict 130 J. A. Saunders, shon woik for roads . 1.50 27.00 10.00 45.00 45.00 90.00 259.81 285.07 7.00 18.73 47.95 7.10 50.00 157.62 2.00 250.00 20.00 5.60 44.55 80.50 2.00 131 Luke Childers, supplies for chain gang 110.95 13S- uaniel Wall, Work on roads in Black Jack township 133 Charlie Covington, work on Ellerbe road in Mineral Springs 13 G. H. Kelly, work on River road in Black Jack township.. 135 G. H. Kelly, woi-k on road from Mt. Pleasant to Dockery Brick house, .. ........ 136 Charlie Covington, work on roads and bridges ... 137 W. T. McDonald, work on Hamlet to Hffmaii road 138 Hfinover National Bank, New York, N. Y., 6 months interest from Sept. 1, 1919 to March 1, 1920, on $24,000.00 County road bonds at 4 3-4 per cent 139 Bank of Pee Dee, exchange for transferring $570.00 to Han over National Bank, same being interest as above noted 1 40 Hanover National Bank, New York, N. Y., 1 $500.00 County road bond due March 1, 1920. 141 Bunk of Pee Dee, exchange for transferring $500.00 to Han- over National Bank, same being the $500.00 to cover bond "hove noted 142 Hanover National Bank, New York, N. Y., 6 months "interest from Sept. 1, 1919 to March 1, 1920 on $4,000.00 6 per cent road bonds 143 Bank of Pee Dee, exchange on $120.00 to Hanover National Bank same being the interest as above noted 144 Hanover National Bank, New York, N. Y., for redemption of one $500.00 County road bond 145 Bank of Pee Dee, exchange on $500.00 to Hanover National Bank same being amount to cover bond as above noted 146 Jacob Lampley, work on roads in R'ham township 147 G. H. Kelly, work on roads in Black Jack township 148 Jule Haner, work on roads in Beaver Dam township lw Marvin Andrews, work on Sand Hill road in Wolf Pit township 72.50 150 T. C Covington, work on State highway through Richmond uounty . .i, 151 T. C. Covington, freight on one barrel lubricating oil 152 Charlie Covington, work on roads in R'ham township 153 G. H. Kelly, work on roads in Black Jack township .. 154 W. T. McDonald, work on roads in Beaver Dam township. 155 Jule Maner, work on B'ham to Hoffman road ... 25.38 28.75 33.63 93.41 25.02 45.00 570.00 1.43 500.00 .50 120.00 .30 500.00 .50 99.75 99.12 23.25 283.25 1.60 22.38 30.56 96.00 21.00 Grand Total Boad Disbursements for Feb $ 5.744.71 COLNTY ROAD DISBURSEMENTS FOR MARCH 1920. 156 H. A. Bankin, work on roads in Mineral Springs township$ 116.00 157 T. M. Ledbetter, work on roads in Steeles township 342.00 63.00 158 D. W. Webb, work on Cane! Mil road 159 S. F. Key, work on Roads in Mineral Springs township 160 L. W. P. Webb, work on roads in Mineral Springs township 161 J. G Baldwin, Feb. salary as County road Supt, 162 J. C. Baldwin, Feb. allowance for'car expense 163 -J. L. McDonald, Feb. salary as overseer of chain gang .... 164 H. U. Green, Feb. ealary as guard of chain gang 71.50 17.50 100.00 75.00 90.00 45.00

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