ROCKINGHAM POSY-DISPATCH. &I( PAGE FIFTEEN 9.00 40.00 50.00 65.80 53.00 67.50 72.00 40.00 48.50 30.00 64.00 215.33 165 W. N. Watson, Feb. salary as guard to chain gong 166 William Wallace, work on state line road , --- 167 W H. Pusser, work on roads in Mineral Springs township 168 Jacob Smith, work on roads In Mineral Springs township.. 160 John Steele, Work on Roads in Mineral Springs township. . 170 B Parrish, work on roads in Mineral Springs township 171 Jack Jenkins, work on roads in Mineral Springs township 172 C H." Hartsell, work on roads in Mineral Springs township 173 R. W. Sherrill, Work on roads in Mineral Springs township 174 A. H. Rummage, work on roads, Mineral Springs township 175 C R. Smith, work on roads in Marks Creek township - 176 J. G. Wauldin and E. H. Crump, work on roads in Steeles TVtusrifihiri . . -- 177 A. C Hines, shop work for road equipment 140o 178 M. C Whitley, shop work for road equipment 24 00 178 E. B. Morse, supplies for chain gang latHj 180 W. E. McNair, supplies for chain gang llWg 181 McRae Grocery Co., hay for chain gang mules 182 Everett Hardware Co., hardware for County roads 183 Richmond Garage, shop work for road equipment 184 Richmond Garage, repair work for road truck and equip ment -- " 185 J. A. McAulay, C. S. court, nol pros cases in road court costs cases 186 E. F. Craven, bearings for Sandusky road tractor 187 D. a. Currie, repairs to road machinery and equipment 188 ;Childers Bros., supplies for chain pnng 189 Standai'd Oil Co., motor supplies for trucks and tractors.. 190 J. v. Butler, work on roads in Beaver Dam township 191 J. B. Spivey, work on roads with truck and tractor 192 Mathcson Bros., work on roads in Steeles township 193 Matheson Bros., work on roads in Stoeles township 194 Southern Bell Tel. and Tel. Co., supts telephone for Feb 195 Charlie Covington, dragging roads on the Ellcrbe road 196 Jule Maner, work on roads in Beaver Dam township -Jule Maner, work on roads in Heaver inm townsmp -Elijah Martin, work on roads in Beaver Dam township -Jule Maner, work on roads in teaver Dam townsmp . -Charlie Covington, work on roads in R ham and Mm. 6pr 201 T. C. Covington, acc'i upkeep of 34 miles fclale lugnway 202 John Dockery, work on roads In Black Jack township 203 Jtile Maner, Work on roads in Be aver Dam township 204 G. H. Kelly, work on roads in Black Jack township 205 Charlie Covington, work on roads in R'ham township .... ai m I. I tlAffman . . v. .w- Ann A T P H ,.,ncl rn I 1 1 fl I' H K 11 JHtl Ul llUtlll JCLII 292- R. P. Blackwell. 14 days guard at chain gang at 1.W 2-3 .h .7 h7 Steeles township 109.25 293- Charlie Covington, work on Ellerbe road . . M . 500 w IfcSmKS on road, in Steeles township 64.00 294- W. D. Parrish. dragging roads in Mineral Springs township 17.50 fr"!!iE mn(la in steeie8 township 18.00 295-T. C Covington, upkeep of 34 miles State highway 283.85 j " """" ..r "7hain Ban - 52- J 4US W. I, duiuhiu, u-v.. " - Ua J. r Baldwin. Daiance aue on juij 5o'j 40 50.00 197-19S- 199- 200- 47.05 26.80 71.88 1.80 23.25 10.07 878.831 107.25 2.45 10.00 :s3.: 33.25 84.00 28333 15.00 24.00 19.25 12.00 Total County Road Disbursements for May 9 4,u. T ; " wance for car expense 100.00 COUNTY ROAD DISBURSEMENTS rdR JUNE 19M. 405 S. T. Shappard, work on Stewart road . . -- 6.27 , o li vu if o'f ft ..'405-Wm. Wallace, work on State line and Giles road in niarka 296 Marvin Andrews, work on Sand Hill road in Wolf Pit $ 116.00. Creek- Marks township ow w, Wm Wallace, work on State line and Giles road in Mams n Steeles township 251.00 . 77.00 7.50' Steeles township 401.50 5.00, 1.25 17.00 7.50, 15.00 96.50 276.00 ; 39.80 I 60.00 , 80.25 ; 28.33 90.65 1 200- 64.00 Hill road in Wolf Pit Grand Total Road Disbursements for Feb. $ 3,5155.51 COUNTY ROAD DISBURSEMENTS FOR APRIL 1920. .i r HnlAwin. flnu" nurrhascd from Seaboard Air Line for Chain gang 207 Marvin Andrews, work on Sand township 208 Charlie Covington, work on Ellerbe road in Minneral Spgs 209 C. It. Smith, works on roads in Mark's Creek township 210 J. W. Butter, work on roads in Beaver Dam township 211 J. B. Spivey, work on roads with truck and tractor 212 C. L. Reynolds, work on roads in Mineral Springs township 213 D. W. Webb, work on roads in Mineral Springs township 214 J. H. Webb, work on roads In Mineral Spring township.. 215 A B. Green, work on roads in Mineral Springs township .. 216 Matheson Bros, work on roads in Steeles township -- 217 P. C Clark, work on roads in Marks t-reeiv townsmp i 297 C R. Smith, work on roads in 298 J. G. Wauldin. work on roads in Steeles township 299 Harris Johnson, work on roads in Steeles township son Arthur Wnuidin. work on roads in Steeles township ....... .. , .- - aM - 301 J. C Baldwin, May salary as County road supt. mu.uu , 302 J. C. Baldwin, May allowance for car expense 100.00 03 H. U. Green, May salary as chain gang overseer 60.00 304 W. N. Watson, May salary as chain gang guard - oo.uu 305 John Patterson, work on roads in teel township 306 Berry Stanback, work on roads in Steeles township 307 Bish McRae, work on roads in Steeles township - 308 Bob Steele, work on roads in Steeles township 309 E. If. Crump, work on roads in Stseles township ' 310 T. M. Ledbetter, work on roads in Steeles township 14.85 : ai i s. F. Kev. work on roads in Black Jack township 312 Wm. Wallace, work on State line road in Marks Creek townshin -- -- 43.20 313 W. T. Baldwin, corn for chain gang - 122.74 j 314 Marvin Terry, 17 days guarding chain gang at $160 2-3 70.00 1 315 Standard Oil Co., gasoline and oil for truck and tractor 186.65 316 Standard Oil Co.. irasoline and oil for trucks and tractors.. 317 Rorcidel Mfg. Co., supplies for eha'.n gang 318 Robcrdel Mfg. supplies for chain gans 319 Roberdel Mfg. Co., supplies for chain gang 320 Roherdel MfK- Co- supplies for chain gang 321 L. G. l'ox, medicine for chain gang -r 322 Sou. Bell Tel. and Tel. Co., road supts telephone for May.. 14.25 ! 323 J. W. Butler, work on roads in Beaver Dam township OO OC ;.X Iff,, f r .lnihiii.. fin Ml a In irniw. K.r.50 06.0U . OH OUIIU1 PU( v.n., bW1Miu " ......... ....... ... 325 W. B. Harrison Land Co., blankets tor chain gang 14WI 320 Highway Maintainer Co., blades for road machine 20.00 327 Bill Thomas, hauling lumber for bridges in Steeles township 18.00 j 328 Richmond Hardware Co., hardware for County roads 1.25, 329 Richmond Garage, transmission oil and work on truck 9.00 330 E. B. Morse, supplies for chain gang 230.00 331 J. B. Spivey, work on roads with truck and tractors 252.77 332 C. J. Jones, work on roads equipments 5.00 333 Richmond Hardware Co., hardware for County roads . .. 4.70 334 Luke Childers, supplies for chain gang 4.35 335 Bill McRae, hauling lumber for bridges in Steeles township 0.00 336 McRae Grocery Co., hay for chain gang mules 53.24 '337 W. E. McNair, cot pads for chain gang 10.00 95.001 1 44.50 345.00 i 70.00 : 224.43 838r-CharU Covington, work on Ellerbe, road 12.00 75.00 :il!9 J. Bryan Grimes, licenses on State highway trucks 50.00 45.00 340 J. B. Spivey, work on roads with truck and tractor 145.42 .S8 til) I 341 Bank of Fee Dee, six months interest from Jan. 1, 1020 to I Creek 406 J. G. Wauldin, work on roads in Steeles I inftPnnrh Cole, work on County roads .. 409 J. C Baldwin, expense to Baltimore for Chas. Wiener-convict 410 H. V. Green, July salary' as chain gang overseer 411 D. A. Coble, 24 3-4 days as chain gang guard 412 J. A. Garrett, 20 days as chain gang guard for Arch McRae. convict 414 R ham Cash Store, hay for chain gang mules - 415 J. W. Butler, work on roads in Beaver Dam l"" 416 W. R. Carter, shop work for County roads 12.60 417 Everett Hardware Co., hardware wor County roads - 418 E. B. Morse, supplies for chain gang ?? 419 C. J. Jones, shop work for County roads 420 E. F. Craven, road machinery parts 421 Leak and Wall lumber Co., lumber tor cna-n gang crew 422 S. Biggs, drugs and medical supplies for chain gang 423 Roberdel Mfg. Co., feed supplies and feed for chain gang nml Ullllpc . - - 1424 S. Bines. Jnlv drug account for 109.83 207.52 ruH ni.n i ikii linn ' i m . . .... d and road 284.52 3.80 2.37 424-425-42.I-427 428- -S. Biggs, Jnlv drug account for (ham gant -W. E. McNair, cot pads for chain gang ... -Fowlkes Pharmacy, drugs for chain gang . -Everett Hardware Co., hardware for County equipment ...... -W. B. Flake, supplies for chain gang 5.80 54.18 70.00 41.25 33.33 1.00 2.75 76.90 1.87 14.45 357.78 2.00 18.00 7.75 Co., superintendents telephone., for gasoline motor oil and sup. Polk Bros. Garage, repair parts lor road equipment .. Matthews Bailey Co., disinfectant for chain gang . Sr.n Hi'll Tel. and Tel. 20.50 i ion RtAnrinrrl Oil t'n ficr't KJl 132 127.15 77.85 2.17 173.25 (12.30 17.05 912.80 2.36 Total County Road Disbursements for June 7th which is chargeable to first six months of 1920 $ 3,380.21 56.50 248.2S 54.00 218 J. C. Baldwin, March salary as road supt. 100.00 Mm . .. T. iifi 5.00 90.00 45.00 55.00 29.62 24.00 moo 62.00 219 J. C. Baldwin, March allowance lor car expense 220 J. L. McDonald, March salary as overseer of chain gang 221 W. N. Watson, March salary as chain gang guard 222 H. U. Greene, March salary as chain gang guard 223 John Nicholson, work on roads in Steeles township 224 I. A. Millis. work on roads in Mineral Springs township.. 225 L. D. Frutchy, work on roads in Steeles township 52.68 226 J. G. Wauldin and E. H. Crump, work on roads in isteeies township 227 William Wallace, work on roads in Mark's Creek township 228 C. J. Jones, shon work for County road equipment 33.75 229 E. B. Mores, supplies for chain gang 13180 230 S. Biggs, drugs for chain gang HMW 231 Parson Garage, repairs to road machinery and equipment 9.70 232 Richmond Garage, repairs road machinery and equipment 92.90 233 E. F. Craven, road machine and machinery supplies 293.00 234 W. E. McNair, corn for chain gang 18.75 233 Everett Hardware Co., hardware for roads and equipment 1 136.41 236 Cotton States Ten Co., clothing for chain gang 101.20 237 Mrs. Mary Diggs, damages by chain gang and road crew to crops 25.00 238 Standard Oil Co., motor supplies for truck and tractors 136.57 239 Standard oil Co., motor Supplies for trucks and tractors 29.00 240 Z. V. Pate, work on roads in Marks Creek township 27.75 241 Jule Maner, work on roads in Beaver Dam towns'hip 43.25 242 L. W. P. Webb, work on roads in Mineral Springs township 10.00 243 T. C. Covington, freight and storage on 2 Cleveland Steel oil barrels 2.1 244 Jule Maner, work on roads in Beaver Dam township 36.37 245 G. H. Kelly, work on roads in Black Jack township 15.75 246 Charlie Covington, work on Ellerbe road 12.00 247 Jule Maner, work on Beaver Dam road 21.00 24SJ Bank of Pee Dec, 6 months interestest from Nov. 1st 1919 to May 1st 1920, on remaining balance of $21,000.00, 5 per cent Comity road bonds 525.00 Julv 1, 1920, on $5,000.00 6 per cent Steeles township road bonds . . 150.00 342 Bank of Pee Dee, six months interest from Jan. 1, 1920 to July 1, 1920, on $5,000.0(10 G per cent Steele:; township road liouds . . .. . 343 Bank of Pee Dee, six months interest from Jan. 1, 1920 to July 1, 1920, on $5,000.00 0 per cent Mineral Springs town ship road bonds 344 Farmers' Bank, six months interest from Jan. 1, 1920 to July 1, 1920, on $15,000.00 RTiam township road bonds 345 Farmers' Bank, six months interest from Jan. 19, 1920 to to July 1, 1920, on $10,000.00 5 per cent Wolf Pitt township road bonds 346 -Farmers' Bank, six months interest from Jan. 1, 1920 to July 1, 1920, on $5,000.00 6 per cent Wolf Pitt township road bonds Hanover National Bank, N. Y six months interest from Jan. 1, 1920 to July 1, 1920, on $15,000.00 6 per cent Beaver Dam township road bonds 450.00 348 Bank of Hamlet, six months interest from Jan. 1, 1920 to July 1, 1920 on $5,000.00 6 per cent Black Jack township bonds . . of Hamlet, six months interest from .Inn. I, 1920 to 1, 1920 on $15,000.00 5 per cent Marks Creek township bonds : . 350 T. C. Covington, Upkeep of 34 miles of State' hiehwav $283.33 1 gallon oil from J. Fl Diggs, $1.00 spark plug 40c 351 Charlie Covington, dragging the Ellerbe road 252 Marvin Terry', June salary as chain' gang sruard 347- road 349 Bank July road Total County Disbursements for ..pril $ 3,908.90 COUNTY ROAD DISBURSEMENTS FOR APRIL 1920. 249 Marvin Andrews, work on Sand Hill road in Wolf Pit town ship $ 60.00 250 T. C. Covington, work on Zion road 26.44 251 T. C Covington, upkeep of 34 miles State highway . 283133 252 Charue Covington, work on Ellerbe road 21.00 253 F. C. Jenkins, work mi roads in Beaver Dam township 34.00 254 C. R. Smith, work on roads in Mark's Creek township 260.00 255 J. S. Suggs, work on roads in Mineral Springs township . . 21.25 256 William Wallace, Work on State line road in Mark's Creek township 55.00 257 Fletcher Lisk,' cutting ' irecs out of road near Mangum . . 3.79 158 E. H. Crump, work on roads in Steeles township 3.38 259 J. G. Wauldin and E. H. Crump, work on roads in Steeles township 224.24 260 Walter Hearne, work on roads in Steeles township 24.00 261 J. C. Baldwin, April salary as road Supt of County 100.00 262 J. C. Baldwin, April allowance for care expense 100.00 263 J. L. McDonald, April salary as overseer of chain gang 90.00 264 H. U. Greene, April salary as chain gang guard 50.00 265 W. N. Watson, April salary as chain gang guard . . 45.00 266 Richmond Hardware Co., hardware for County roads 165.01 267 L. W. P. Webb, work on roads in Mineral Springs 25.50 268 M. C Whitley, shop work by G. H. Kelly for County roads 2.50 269 Parsons Garage, shop work for County roads .. 21.80 270 J. B. Spivey, work on roads with truck and tractor . 207.77 271 Town of R ham, four years appropriation of $500.00 an nually from Jan. 1916 to Jan. 1920 to be used for street work inside - coroporate limiti s of the town 2,000.00 103.95 1.78 237 9934 13.50 5.65 47.00 15.16 14.75 16.00 31.00 120.93 22.89 6.40 28.00 272 J. A. McAulay, C. S. C, court cost in road cases 273 S. Biggs, Drugs for chain gang . 274 Southern Bell Tel. and Tel. Co., April rent of road Supt. telephone . 275 E. B. Morse supplies for chain gang . 276 W. E. McNair, cot. pads for chain gang 277 W. J. Martin, work on road drags for State highway 278 J. W. Butler, work on roads in Beaver Dam township 279 Z. V. Pate, work on roads in Mark's Creek 280 W. R. Carter, shop work for road equipment . 281 Standard Gil Co., two Cleveland steel barrels' ,. 282 Standard Oil Co:, one barrel Polarine motor oil Standard Oil Co., gasoline oil and motor supplies for trucks.... 284 Standard Oil Co., one barrel motor oil shipped to J. C. Bald1 win in Jvly 1919 285 D. M. Hayes, work on Glib House road 286 John S. Covington, supplies for chain gang . J 287 E. J. Martin, work on Orsborne road in Mark's Creek town ship , 288 Highway Maintainor Co., blades for road machine 289 Standard Oil Co., gasoline, oil and supplies, truck and trac. 280 Rob Bailey, payment for double tree broken by chain gang 291 G. H. Kelly, work on bridge near Dockery church. , Grand Total Road Disbursements for June 1920 COUNTY ROAD DISBURSEMENTS FOR JULY 1920. 355 Marvin Andrews, work on Sand Hill road in Wolf Pit .... 30.00 354 -J. B. Spivey, work on roads with truck and tractors 176.04 355 C. R. Smith, work on roads in Marks Creek 150.00 356 Win. Wallace, work on roads in Marks Creek 50.00 357 W. R. Carter, shop work for chain gang 27.05 358 H. U. Green, June salary as chain gang overseer 65.00 359 W. N. Watson, June salary as chain gang guard ... 50.00 360 A. C. Hines, shop work for road equipment 20.00 361 McRae Grocery Co., supplies for chain gang 24.00 362 C. W. Capel, work on Grassy Island road 26.00 363 E. B. Morse, supplies for chain gang 43.94 364 Rockingham Cash Store, supplies for chain gang 8.00 365 J. C. Baldwin, June salary as road superintendent ..: 100.00 366 J. C Baldwin, June allowance for car expense 100.00 367 . J. Terry, work on roads in Rockingham township 12.00 368 Sou. Bell Tel. and lei. Co. June telephone Supt residence.. 2.17 369 Richmond hardware Co., hardware for road equipment 12.40 370 Standard Oil Co., gasoline and oil for road trucks and tract. 126.00 1 J. J. Bennett, work on Roberdel to Green Lake road 40.00 372 John S. Covington, menl for chain gang 28.88 373 Austin-Western Road Machinery Co., one standard western road grading machine 300.00 374 Richmond Gnrage, work on State highway trucks 13.00 3i5 J.. B. Morgan 6 1-4 days guarding chain gang 10.42 376 American Railway Express Co., C. O. D. charges and express on truck parts for repair .. 55.95 377 J. C. Baldwin, one-half of July salary as road supt 50.00 378 G. H. Kelly, work on River road in Black Jack township . . 10.75 379 Charlie Covington, work on Ellerbee road 12.00 380 D. W. McDonald, work on McDonald road in Beaver Dam township . . 79.50 381 J. B. Spivey, pay roll for work on roads with truck and tractor 103.47 382 G. H. Kelly, work on Kelly-Han ington-River road in Black Jack 134 383 Henry Terry, work on nil at Norton Bridge in Beaver Dam 11.00 384 Charlie Covington, work on Rockingham to Ellerbe road l'j.00 385 T. C Covington, upkeep of 34 miles State highway $283.44 and spark plugs 284.33 386 Marvin Andrews, work on Sand Hill road in Wolf Pit town ship ... I 48.00 387 Farmers' Bank, six months interest from Feb. 1st 1920 to Aug. 1, 1920, on $10,000.60 6 per cent Wolf Pit township road bonds ...... 300.00 388 Farmers' Bank, six months interest from Feb. 1, 1920 to Aug 1, 1920, on $10,000.00 6 per cent R'hrm township road bonds 389 Henry Terry, work on Hoffman road .390 G. H. Kelly, work on River road in Black Jack township 391 Crawford Ellerbe. constractintr culvert over Ilsserv Rrnnrh 392 Charlie Covington, work on Ellerbe road 393 Tom Meachem, work on Hoffman road 433 The Gabon Iron Works, corrugated metal pipe for roads.. 434 Seaboard Air Line By. Co., freight on road supplies 435 J. B. Spivey, pay for work on roads with truck and Tractor . .' 436 G. H. Kelly, work on River road in Black Jack township.. 437 Charlie Covington, work on Ellerbe road 438 Tom Meachem, work on Hoffman road 439 T. C. Leak, work on roads near Roberdel mill No. 1 440 H. P. Williams, premium on $2,000 insurance carried on truck itt J. A. McAulay, C. S. C, bills of cost in guilty road cases.. 442 J. A. McAulay, C. S. C. guilty road cases appealed from Hamlet recorder's court .. 443 Jule Maner, wor on Hoffman road .. 4 Charlie Covington, work on Ellerbe road 445 D. W. McDonald, work on McDonald road in Beaver Dam 440 G. H. Kelly, work on River orad in Black Jack 447 W. S. McDonald, work on McDonald road in Beaver Dam .. 448 Tom Meachem, work on Hoffman road 449 J. B. Spivey, pay roll for work on road with truck and tractor i0 T. C. Covington, work Zion road 51 T. C. Leak, work on Leak road near Roherdel mill No. 1 452 L. W. P. Webb, work on roads in Mineral Springs 292.68 453 D. W. McDonald, work on McDonald road in Beaver Dam.. 226.70 454 Tom Meachem, work on Hoffman road .. 103.18 55 J. R. Wilson, work on Ingram to Blcwett Falls road 204.71 56 W. S. McDonald, work on McDonald road 182.56 457 A. S. McCormmick, work on Grassy Island road 246.12 i8 G. H. Kelly, work on river road to Mt. Pleasant 163.44 459 Charlie Covington, work on Ellerbe road . 219.75 460 T. G. Thomas, work on Dockerv-Blewetts Falls road 66.00 461 R. J. Hudson, 5 gallons kerosene oil for chain gang 1.10 462 Hanover National Bank, N. Y. 6 months interest on $3,500.00 6 per cent County road bonds 105.00 463 G. H. Kelly, work on River road 49.15 464 Hanover National Bank, N. Y., 6 months interest on $23,500. 4 3-4 per cent County road bonds . 558.12 405 T. C. Covington, Aug. maintenance 34 miles State hiehwav 283.33 466 T. C. Covington, work on Zion road 108.00 467 J. B. Brooks, work on Ferry road in Steeles towr.ship 111.00 468 A. Baldwin, work on Mountain Creek road 322.22 4G9 Tom Meachem, work on Hoffman road 51.00 470 W. M. Garner, work Grassy Island and Countv homp road 113 50 471 G. H, Kelly, work on road from Dry Fork to Mt. Pleasant.. 332.43 472 T. G. Thomas, work on roads in Black Jack townshin 9iaa 73 Charlie Covington, work on Ellerbe road 209 63 474 Ledbetter Mfg. Co., work on roads near Ledbetter's mill 224.52' 475 Ledbetter Mfg. Co., work on roads near Ledbetter's mill . 20.00 476 Dan Coble. 29 davs as chain eane euard axw. .$ 6,221.36 477 J. B. Spivey, pay roll for work on roads with truck and tractor iQ8srr 48 Auto equipment Co., auto repairs for trucks .. 150.00 150.00 450.00 250.00 150.00 150.00 375.00 284.73 24.00 50.00 129.60 212.13 1(55.38 85.57 136.05 16.00 242.70 29.55 28.50 09.00 257.45 155.75 156.58 172.97 184.12 47.25 247.75 5.25- Total County Road Disbursements for August 1920 $11,068.91 COUNTY ROAD DISBURSEMENTS FOR SEPTEMBER 1920 W. Capel, work on roads in Black Jack 139.88 C. Leak, work on road near Roberdel Mill No. 1 142.75 J. lerry, work on Koberde road S. McCormick, work on Grassy Island road 356.52 479 C. 480 T. 481 C. 482 A. 483 Marvin Andrews, work on Sand Hill road In Wolf Pit 484 iom Meachem, work on Hoffman road in Beaver Dam . 485 D. W. McDonald, work on McDonald rnjul in Rflnvr Ham 480 A. Baldwin, work on road from Big Mountain Creek to Lib- eriy inn 487 T. H. Howell, work on roads in Black Jack townshin WW 19.50 06.00 62.87 29.25 75.55 98.15 -Charlie Covington, work on Ellerbe road 17&20 489 T. G. Thomas, work on Grassev Island road 490 Geo. G. Terry, work on Gibson Mill-Jackson Spring road 491 J. S. Suees. work Oil Bostif'k fill-'nrmnr ttk A 492 J. K Meachem. work on flrfliv Tclnrwl ro l 493 Roger A. Derby, work on roads in Beaver Dam townshin 83.25 19.00 193.40 8.50 361.57 494 C. R. Smith, work on roads in Mark Creek township . 475 00 495 C D. Wallace, work on roads in Wolf Pit township .. 1113B township 111.75 4.00 29.98 175.75 9.00 496 Charlie Leak, 8 bushels turnip sallet for chain gang 497 John Bovvur.s. wnrl- nn nilar urn , ...... . i uiuevu tuau .......... 7ST D M' Leclbetter. work on roads in Mineral Springs township 499 R. H. Shaw, work on Gibson Mill mad 500-S. F. Key, Jr., work on roads in Black Jack township 50&95 KM b r.' " ' " aus m sieeies township ... 41070 g?u work on roads in Marks Creek township 9300 503 Bish McRae, work on roads in Steeles township . . 1200 o04-John Ussery, work on roads in Steeles township ..."""11 6678 505 Set Stanback, work on roads in Simi aa tAlunoki'n iff ru WiltyrGaine9' work in road8. in Steeles township 77217777 178.50 OU H. H. Crump, work on mart a in Stoolac a a wu' on roaas in steeles township 453.75 51.00 459.38 13.13 21.58 44.95 1.06 7.50 300.00 4.38 103.63 53.00 49.78 urand total County road Disbursements for July 1920..$ 3,143.28 COUNTY ROAD DISBURSEMENTS FOR AUGUST 1920. State line and Giles road in Marks 394 C. R. Smith, work on Creek 395 W. N. Watson, 11 days as chain Kane euard 396 F. C. Jenkins, work on roads in Mineral Springs township- 347.50 15.33 iaoo RIO - ... uraa wniuiuu. oiv neison unison, work on roads in Renvpr riorr. 511 r. a Mime .1 r " """v j.oo m 7 . w IUOU n iacK jack township 249.65 01 L. A. Millis. work on rnnrta Rloi, i.i. . .. TT. ZZ 513 L. A. Millis. work on roads in ma- tqm, .... iir 514-H. W. F. Co.. sunolies for 7 nZ Z. 515-Willie Wallace, work on State Line and Giies'rnad" in Marks m?V Sa!?w!n' August "iary" as""roaVsup"t7717117 ol7 J. C. Baldwin. Autrust nllmvr. f -io7 V' V ee,n' AuSustt chain gang overseer SrtJ' ?n 7' Wr,k 011 roads ln Beaver Dam township 7711 o-dU J. A. Allred. work on rnni lunn 1 .(,, . , ' "H lUttU .. . . , M American Rai wav Rvr.roao r r- rw. 7-, . 7 parts - --" - v.. v. u. inurgcs on truck Corkins rhom;.oi m "TiV" Y : 16135 v.,., , gaiious insecticide lor chain ganjr 2000 dragging roads near Osborne 180.80 10.QD 2.37 8.10 96.80 8400 100.00 100.00 70.00 695.17 91.90 523-Z. P. Pat 524 E. F. Cra fclon Zn t riV" Stec,es Mil1 to Hikhy roadsll kits I Jnd 6k P- Supts teJfiPh for August 77. mi i. Biggs, drugs for chain g&ng mwiiuwiu naroware eo., hardware oat j. n. Daw Kins, work on Mt. Pie 397-C. L. Reynolds, work on roads in Mineral Spring ... 5703 (Continued to Fi ror uc unty roads .. Pge 7)

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