ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, KIOHMOWP COVHTY, N. a PAGE TWO S 0 CUAL i Contributed.) The reporter of the Social column, of The Post-Dispatch, by some means failed in reporting the Christmas party at the Rockingham hotel last -week, to say that Mrs. C P. Stewart, of Blewetts Falls, and Mrs. A. G. Corpening were Joint hostesses. Indeed the entertainment was on such an elegant scale that one might easily decide there were a half dozen hostesses. Mrs. Stew art's friends be advised that Mrs. .Stewart entertained in conjunction with Mrs. Corpening, it has been their cusiom to entertain in this way, every year, and this was no exception. Christmas greene were very beau tiful in the home. After an hour or more in the living room where cuesti assembled to enjoy Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs. Parsons hos-l pitality, the hostess served chicken salad sandwiches, hot tea and fruit cake. Present were Mesdames Montgom: ery, W. C Leak, Bynum, Hinson, Watts, Purvis, Eugene Payne, Ber nard PriUjhett, of Danville, Misses Rosa' ana Jennie Parsons, Kate Leak, of Wadesboro, Johnsie Came ron, Sara Lilly Dockery, Mrs. John Everett, and Kathryn McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McRae, enter tained at one of the most enjoyable parties of the Christmas season, hon oring their friends Mr. D. M. Biggs who has for several months been associated with the McRae Grocery Company, and it was on the eve of his feaving for his home in Nor folk that this entertainment was given. After an hour of songs and coversation all were invited in to the dining room where the table was beautiful with its cluny centerpiece, and holly, and the hostess served a delicious salad course and accesso ries. To each gucft was presented a horn as a souvenir of the occasion. Invited were: Mrs. T. W. Leak, Mrs. Morris Purvis, Mrs. John Watts, Misses Beth Thomas, Lillian Long, Messrs Perry West, John Cole, Rogerson, Bloodgood, besides the honoree, Mr. Biggs. His friends here are loathe to see this 'gentle man go, for he has made himself very popular. Miss Mary Todd Armistcad, who has been spending the holidays in Rockingham with relatives and friends, returned to Washington Sunday night. W. E. Thomas, Jr., left Monday for Monroe; he goes to associate himself with Mr. Redwine, Jr., in the practice of law. Misses Florence Covingu'i and Mamie West left Monday night for Winston where they rosume thoir school work at Salem College for the balance of the school term. The Ladies" Aid Society of the Presbyterian church held its Christ mas and annual meeting with Mrs. George Warburton, at her home on Randolph street. It has been Mrs. Warburton's custom, always to have the ladies meet with her at this season. This time is looked for ward to, with anticipation, because besides, there always being much interest and enthusiasm at this time, the refreshments are just the very best, such as only this celebrat ed house-keeper can serve. Turkey and all that goes with it, fruit com pert, pickle, hot coffee, and ice cream and cake. Several new mem bers were taken in, a collection for the New Organ fund resulted in the neighborhood of one hundred dol lars, in addition to this, it was de cided to have on sale, in the store of Miss Allie Legg, on alternate Saturdays, cakes and fancy candies. This is to he carried out by the sen ior and junior members of the Auxiliary. On Friday evening Miss Nancy Fairley was hostess at one of the prettiest parties of the Yuletide, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Waddill, of Chcraw, S. C, and Miss Alma Sparger, of Greensboro, guest of Mrs. S. S. Steele. The home was attractive with its decorations of Christmas greens and potted plants. Five tables for Bridge were arranged in the livingroom where the game was played with unabated interest. At the close of the game Miss Fair ley presented to the guests of hono.- a visitor's prize. Mr. . Waddill re ceived an Ash Tray, Mrs. Waddill a beautiful calendar, and to Miss Sparger was presented a preify score pad. Delicious refreshments, consisting of chicken salad and ac cessories were served, with hot cof fee. Enjoying this hospitality were: Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Waddill, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Everett, Mr. and Mrs W. N. Everett, Jr.", Mr. and Mrs. Isaac London, Mrs. H. C. Wall, Misses Mossie Long, Katherine, Glenn Fairley, Eloise Smith( Esdalc Shaw, Sarah Lilly Dockery, Messrs. Williams Docyery, Osman L. Henry. i On Thursday evening of last week at their home on Washington street, Mr. and Mrs. Hehry Wall entertain ed one of the largest parties of the season. Yuletide decorations were in evidence Christmas holly, bam boo, and poinsettas, besides potted plants and cut flowers, which with many lighted white and red candles in silver candle sticks and thestate ly floor lamps made the house even more attractive than usual. When all the guests had arrived, Mrs. Wall handed an immense waiter fuJI pf Christmas score cards, to which were tied a souvenor of the occasion, horns, balloons, whistles, caps, dolls, etc., which directed them to a place at one of the twelve tables where a most enthusiastic game of Progressive Set Back was enjoyed. Mrs. J. M. Ledbetter was found to hold the highest score among the ladies, and was presented a decorated pair of Shoe Tree3; to Mr. R. R. Simmons wus given a box of cigars while to Mrs. W. S. Thomas was given the consolation. Mrs Isaac London dispensed delicious punch. The hostess served a salad course and accessories. Miss Mossie Long returned to re sume her library work at Duke, on Tuesday. Miss Helen Long left for New York Tuesday, whither she will take up her work in physical culture, be sides the regular English course. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ewing have returned from their bridal trip and are at home at Mr. and Mrs. E. D Whitlock's on Randolph street. Mrs. Tom McRae has as her guests Miss Thelma Bencert, and her neice, Miss Elizabeth Wilburn, of Wash ington City. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Crossland en tertained at dinner on Wednesday evening of last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. June Diggs and Miss Causey, sister of Mrs. Diggs, of Washington City. Mrs. W. L. Parsons was hostess at a specially attractive party, at her home on Fianklin street, Tues day afternoon in honor of Mrs. Bruce Montgomery, of Cincinnati. Rev. Mr. Hartzell, who was the guest t the home of Mrs. Zack Long last week, returned . to his parish at Smithfield on Friday of last week. Red Cross membership now num bers in Rockingham only 183 mem bers. Can Rockingham afford af ter the splendid work done for the suffering in the community, not to have more members of Red Cross? Mrs. Walter L. Parsons lias as her house-visitor, Mrs. Bruce Mont gomcry, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Montgomery before her marriage in Dec. was Miss Julia West of Raleigh who wa3 always occorded much so cial attention whenever she visited Rockingham. Mrs. Walter; Long, Jr., and chil dren and Miss Betsey Long, went to-l Norfolk to spend the holidays. Mrs. Long will be Dame of Honor in her brother's wedding, Mr. Nathan Gold burg, of Norfolk, during her visit there, on Jan. 6th at the Ghent club. Mrs. Henry C. Wall, chairman of the Red Cross Christmas Seal sale in this city, sent to Dr. McBrayer, at Sanitorium, $137.46 which amount was realized from the sale of the seals and bonds for 1920 and goes to the tuberculosis fund of the. State. The" ladies who had charge of the booth and sold these seals were certainly faithful and did good work. Continued on Page 7. Q We thank our friends for their kindly express ions of sympathy in the recent loss of our st re by fire. For the inform ation of the public, we would state that our pressing department is in full operation, and was not damaged in the slightest by the fire. We thank you for the patronage given us in 1920, and we assure you we shall" strive dili gently to merit j your work during this new year of 1921. GARNER & HINSON (Pressing Dept.) Advertising in this paper will bring good returns on the money invested 2r BEFORE you buy oil for your car, consider the Five Essentials of Automobile Lubrication : 1. Your oil should reduce friction to the minimum. 2. It should leave your c::inc :i a clean condition. 3. It should act as a 'compression-sc A to conserve power. ii. It choifd not contain or form any substance injuri'ius to the engine. 5. It should be cco-oihical in use. No one oil can perform these Five functions for all Motors. Each motor requires an oil to suit its structure and its degree of wear. It is 1e LAW of LUBRICATION TcSt EVERY MACHINE, of EVERY DEGREE c WEAR tAere rVA SCIENTIFIC SINCLAIR OIL -to SUIT Ms SPEED AND CONSERVE ifcr POWER . . The correct Sinclair Oil, scientifically chosen in accord ance with this Law, will perform the Five Essentials of Lubrication for your car. - We know the Law of Lubrication and how to apply it or we will gladly present you with a copy of the Sinclair Index containing the scientific oil recommendation for your car in accordance with the Law. This service is free. McRAE GROCERY CO. Rockingham, N. C. HAMLET OPERA HOUSE MONDAY NIGHT 1 Af-l. JANUARY Ivin JIMMIE HODGES OFFERS The 1921 Model Musical Comedy Success - MY HAVANA GIRL -- wi ith Jean Tynes and a Company of Thirty-five Musical Comedy Favorites A rapid fire show of Laughter, Fun, Melody, Songs and Pretty Girls the last word in Scenery and Costumes. PRICES: $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c SEES the Store Friday