AG SIX ROCKINGHAM POST-DISPATCH, RICHMOND COUNTY, N. C. t X f i 0 E a? I f FLOWERS IX 9 9 Seasonable cut flowers, palrns and ferns. Floral arrangement for any occasion. Prompt at tention to out of- town orders. SCHOLTZ, The Florist PHONES 411442. No. N. TRYON ST. ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. WAT SON-KING CO. Agents. Light & Fi avy Draying. When in nee of light or heavy diaying, phone v We have, a track for hire Hale Furniture Co. phone 208. IF W W.Oioond ' Succ ssor to A. fc, C arroll ELECTRICi N' Electrical Supplies n . tock Office next door t j Arenson's store. Pho: me your wants. J Is NSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE L FE .IITnMnnr ACCIDENT FIRE AUTOMOBILE HEALTH REAL EATE BOUGHT AND SOLD. i Minor T. Hinson Office over Helm's Jewelry Store Phone 354 Which Will He "See" First? What would you do? You would say, "Tell the visitor to wait a minute, ' ' and then you would answer the tele phone call. Enterprising business men are .making their calls by long distance telephone with assurance that they will obtain an interview. The low STATION TO STATION rate saves time and cost. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY GROCERIES :TO SUI1 EVERY TASTE 1 et us serve you. e. bTiles s Grocei Phone 38 .O til 3o :, 1 i ELIXIR For Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatic, Sciatic, and Periodic Pains. Relieves within a few minutes, FREE IF IT FAILS For sale by Druggists and Grocers. Baldwin Grocery Co. Distributors for Richmond county. X "Everything 2 'NUF SED. I 8 Watson-King $ 2 Company X GROCERS. 2 Don't lock the stable after the horse is stolen. BE PROTECTED. Insure your HOME BARN AUTO Animals furniture Avoid after regrets. Remember, we do a general insurance business. Life, Tire, Accident, Health, Burglary, Auto, Bonding, Etc. we are here to serve you. A card or ptae message will take our representa tjve to oi2 no matter what part of the country you live in. For rates and information, write or call on Richmond Insurance & Realty Co. W. N. EVERETT, President A. G. CORPENING, See. -Treas DIRECTORS : W.N.Everett William Entwistle F. W. Leak John L. Everett T. C. Leak H. C. Watson R. L. Steele CARDUI HELPED REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama Lady Was Sick Far Tkrea Years, Suffering Pain, Nervous and Depressed Read Her Own Story of Recovery. Paint Rock, Ala. Mrs. C. M. Stegall, of near here, recently related the fol lowing Interesting account of her re covery: "I was In a weakened con dition. I was sick three years In bed. suffering a great deal of pain, weak, nervous, depressed. I was so weak, I couldn't walk across the floor; Just had to lay and my little ones do the work I was almost dead. I tried every thing I heard of, and a number of doctors. Still I didn't get any relief. I couldn't eat, and slept poorly. I believe If I hadn't heard of and taken Cardui I would have died. I bought six bottles, after a neighbor told me what it did for her. "I began to eat and sleep, began to gain my strength and am now well and strong. I haven't had any trou ble since ... I euro can testify to the good that Cardui did me. I don't think there is a better tonic made and I believe it saved my life." For over 40 years, thousands of wo men have used Cardui successfully. In the treatment of mr womanly ailments. If you suffer as these jmon did, take Cardui. It may help you, too. At all druggists. B SB WATSON-KING CO. Funeral Directors and Emualmerg. ROCKINGHAM, N. C Phones: Res. 217 or 159; office 35. DR. GC. STEELE, D. D.S. ET announces the opening of his office 7 and 8 Rancke Building, for the prac tice of his profession. Money ! without question If HUNT'S S.lvo falls In tho treatment o' ITCH, ECZEMA, RINGWORM, TETTER or other Itching skin diseases. Try a 75 cent box at our risk. For sale by S. Bt8gs RHEUMATISM is completely washed out' Of the sys tem by .the celebrated Shivar Mineral Water. Positively guaranteed, by money-back offer. Tastes fine; costs a trifle. Delivered anywhere by McRae Grocery Co. ';!! They cover Dixie like the wind What? ' The famous new Modernola talk ing machine. Give us vour or der. We iuvite your inspection one on Exhibit at Hale Furniture BUILD A BUILDING. Nitrate of Soda, Far sale Nitrate of Soda, not less than 15 tons. For prices, write or wire. McCormick & Company, Nitrate Brokers, San- lord, N. U BROOKS & HILL Civil Engineers Surveying & Plats Plans & Estimaes Ofiicc over Bank o( Fee Dee ROCKINGHAM, N. C. ROCKINGHAM 1 MARBLE WORKS Manufacturer of fine cemetery memorials in marble and granite. Call in to see them, make your selection and save the agent's com mission. All work guaranteed. O. W. DOSTER, Prop. , Rockingham, N. C. LUMBER Why not buy your lumber, in car lota, direct from the mill and save the discounts. Write or wire for prices, sending us list of quantity and grade you want. COOS & CO. Greenville, S. C. : v. ;,-iL) i h.s - : v vfa L G. FOX DRUG CO. and all good drag stores W. S. Thomas F. D. Phillips THOMAS & PHILLIPS Attorr.eyi-at-Lw ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Land titles and abstracting given careful consideration. Loans ne gotiated. If you have real estate to sell, or want to buy, we can put you in touch with . buyer or seller. Codington BuHding--' Over Dockery-McNair's. Phone 165 FRED W. BYNUM - VWYER R j;ti.i jham, N. C. Ofiki iti. Bank of Pee Dee. OZ-WBR L. HENRY Attorn ey-at-Law Offije apstairs over Hicks & Maness Barber Shop and T. R. Helms' Jewelry Store. Phone 344 ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Lowdermilk & Sedberry Attorneys-at-Law , ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Office in the Little Building over Aren son's store. U. S. Bori.i A. X. BOGGAN & McPHAIL Attorneys at Law ROCKINGHAM, N. C. Diliirence and Dromntness Practice in all courts. Second Floor Rancke Build- ing, rear of Court House. Telephone Number 106. ID. J. CASHIVELL Attorney at. Law and ' ' Notary Public Rockingham, N. C Office in Long Building, Room No. 4 F. J. GARRETT, M. D. Special attention given to Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. Office hours: 9 to 12 -2 to 5. Other hours by appointment. Office over FOVS DRUG STORE. F. B. GARRETT, M. D. Office Hours: 8-9 a. m. --2-3 p. m. Phones : Office 339, residence 137 Office over W. E. McNair's furniture store. Dr J. M. LEDBETTER Special attention given to Ear, Eye; Nose and Throat. Offle hours: 10 to 1--.3 to 5. Municipal Building Rockingham Dr. L D. McPhail Special Attention Given to Disease of Children 1st Floor Municipal Building. Office phone 94; house 176. .Rockingham, N. C. DR. W. L. HOWELL Special attention to diseases of stomach and intestines. Office hours: 12 to 3. Ellerbe, - . N. C. O. D. WILSON FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER Hamlet, N. C. Day phone 369 Night phone 370 Dr. HAL J. ROLLINS Veterinarian Office and Hospital on Hancock street Office phone 361 Residence phone 10 Rockingham :-: Richmond County DR. J. M. MANESS ELLERBE, N. C. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in Bank building. Hours : 9 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 22. E8TATE. STOMACH ILLS permanently disappear after drinking the celebrated Shivar Mineral Water. Posi tively guarnteed by money-back offer. Tastes fine; costs a trifle. Delivered any where by our Rockingham Agents, Mc Rae Grocery Co. BRICK. Pressed cement brick manufactured plain, rock faced, in colors and white. Book your contract now. Delivery prompt. "Concrete for Permanence." PROSSER & HARRILL Office, Boykin Bldg. Phone 17 Hamlet, N. C NORTH CAROLINA, Richmond County: - - : In the: Fuprerior Court NOTICE. Judy Chambers, Plaintiff, vs. R. T. Chambers, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Richmond County to dissolve the bonds' of mat rimony existing between the plain tiff and defendant; and the defend ant will further take notice that be is required to appear before tha Clerk of the Superior Court of Rich mond County at his office in Rock ingham, N. C, on the 17th day of January, 1921, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, a copy of which will he deposited in the office of said Clerk of Superior Court on or before said date, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the ftlicf demanded in her com plaink This 11th day of December, 1921. J. A. M'AULAY, Clerk of Superior oCurt. J. L. THROWER & CO. CIVIL ENGINEERS & DESIGNERS Surveying and Plats Plans and Estimates Roads and Bridges v PHONE 299-W ITT will pay you to get our prices be fore you order SALE I j BILLS I NOTICE OF SAL;. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed executed to us by the Farms Development Co., and which is duly registered in Richmond county in Book 128, at page 55, and in Scotland county in Book 12, at page 1S3, default having been made in the payment provided in said mortgage deed, the undersigned, in accordance with the terms of sale prescribed will, on Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1921, offer for stflc at public auc tion to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court house door in Rocking ham at about the hour of noon the lands conveyed in said mortgage described as being (i,,'!(RI acres form erly a part of the Gates farm and described in the above records in the deed from F. H. Gates et ul., to said Farm Development Co. Refer ence is here made to the records for full description. The lands are subject to a prior mortgage or trust deed and will be so sold. This Jan. 1, 1921. THE PAGE TRUST CO. Mortgagees. THOS. B. WILDER, Attorney. NORTH CAOLINA, Richmond County, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned, W. E. Bostick, having qualified as Administrator of the estate of S. W. Bostick, de ceased, this is to notify all persona having claims against said estate to preseut the same to mo at Eller be, N. C, on or before January 5th, 1922, or this notico will be pleaded in bar of their recovery thereunder. All persons indebted to said estate will make settlement at opce. This the 3rd day of January, 1921. W. E. BOSTICK, Administrator, of S. W. Bostick deceased. I I PRINTERS' INK HAS been resporv sibie for thousands of business successes throughout the country. Everybody in town may know you but they don't know what you have to HI. AsWertisiig Will Hup In

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