YA9M EIGHT wham FosT-DigyATqnoaDioin) ooumnr, a. o. NO JUSTIFICATfON DRY LAWS WILL BE FOR OUR RIGIDLY ENFORCED r i , BN ATO R THOMA8 U3B BMAM LANGUAGE IN Di9CU8W 'WWIDINT HARDING HAS HI3 MtMO MAPI Uf At TO THE PANAMA CANAL MATTIS. PROHIBITION ACT. OLD TILE Of WROMS IET0LI POSSIBLY CALL OUT THE ARMY! 1 HII JUL? I 1 JL WWWSr k ALEXANDER EISEMANN Alexander Elsemann, international engineer and multi-millionaire, who recently married Mrs. Harry James of Atlanta, Ga., noted for her beauty. INFORMATION IS SUPPRESSED No Further Explanation Is Required Than That British Envoy Sought i Loan of Four Billion Dollars. Washington. William Denman, of San Francisco, first chairman of the shipping; board, declared in an open letter to members of congress that the reason Arthur J. Balfour, former Brit ish secretary of state for foreign af fairs, failed to disclose to American government officials the existence ot the secret treaties between Great Britain and Japan required "no fur ther explanation than his quest for the four billions of dollars" which the United States loaned Great Britain early in the war. ( -.1 Mr. Denman said Mr. Balfour ar ranged "for these moneys" In May, 1 1917, when he was In this country as Ihead of the British war mission. I i "His protestations of deep friend ship tor the interest of the United States," wrote Mr. Denman, "filled our press and warmed his auditors in the halls of congress and at the ! tables where our hospitality waa ex tended to him. While he was making ; them the Ink was scarcely dry on the last of the three notes constituting . treaties, which, from a naval stand point, destroyed the island of Guam, probably our most valuable naval base in the Pacific. New Birmingham Dally. ' Birmingham Ala. The Advance Co, ihave announced the publication ot the Birmingham Advance as an after noon daily newspaper beginning January 24. The plant Is now being Installed. Foundry Officers Murdered. Cleveland, O. W. W. Sly, president, and George J. Fanner, vice president, of the W. W. Sly Foundry Co., were murdered by five pay-roll bandits who escaped with $4,200 in cash after hold ing up the two men At the company's plant. . .,. Tgzr ! - i ,'i J' 1,470 Automobile Victim v New York. Automobiles killed t 470 persons In New York state last year, and of these fatalities 748 were in New York city, the National High ways Protective Association announc ed, here. Huns Expect Early Peace. ' Berlin. The feature of Germany1! International relat:ons which is arous ing keen interest on the opening of the new year is the prospective early peace With the United States-. Mining Claim- Bill Signed. Washington. The bill extending for six monthB the time in which 1920 as sessment work on mining claims can he done was signed by President Wil son. Caruso Resting Comfortably. New York. The condition of Enrico Caruso, opera singsr, confined to his hotel here with pleurisy and empyema. Was reported comfortable. More Killing In Ireland. Belfast. Twenty-five persons were kllied .or died from wounds in Ireland between becember 22 and December 29, covering the Christmas holidays. Attack on Italian Army. Rome. The discovery of a plot in Milan in which the fasclstl (extreme nationalist party) and anarchists are alleged to have been preparing a Joint attack on the Italian army operating against Fiume is reported by the news papers here. General Harris Sentenced. Washington. General Peter C. Har k rls, adjutant general of the army, was sentenced to ten diys In jail by Jus tice Siddons of tlu District of Colum bia supreme court for contempt at nis (court. O'AnnunzIa to Leave Flumo. I Trieste. The protocol effecting set itlement of the Fiuuie question has een signed. ; Gatrl-le d'Annu:Jxio an! his', leslon alres will leave Fturco witlna nvn lajs. at was annouueed here. Speaks to Question of Paying a Long Overdue Claim of W5.0OO.O8O Ow ing to the State of Columbia. Washington. American conduct in the negotiations for the construction of the Panama canal, begun first wi.h the republic of Columbia and latar carried on with the revolution built State of Panama, were "without Justi fication and therefore indefensible," Senator Thomas, democrat, Colorado, declared in the senate, speaking for ratification of the treaty involving payment of a $25,000,000 indemnity to Colombia, which has been pending several years. He recounted the involved story of tho diplomatic and commercial deal ings of 1903 that finally resulted in the canal's construction and charged that President Theodore Roosevelt "acquired the right of way for the canal from a band of filibusters by bartering for it the honor of the na tion." "The only comofrt one gathers from the shameful and sordid story is that it finds no precedent in our history," he said in stating his conclusion. "I trust that we may soon acknowledge the wrong and make some reparation lest it be invoked sometime to shelter cr justify assault upon the integrity of some week and helpless nation. Decrees are Set Aside. Washington. Federal court decrees holding that the Clayton act in effect legalized "secondary boycotts" by or ganised labor, were set aside by the supreme court. The court hell in the case of the Duplex Printing Press company of Battle Creek, Mich., against the Inter national association of Machinists to restrain the latter from boycotting its product, that the "immunity clause" of the Clayton act oould not be stretched to covr -illegal" acts of la bor organisations. ' --u, Joins the Plain Smiths. New York. Alfred E. Smith, retir ing governor of New York, ended a twenty-two-year career in public life when he shed his hat and coat in the offices of the United States Trucking corporation and went to work chairman of its board of directo.-s. aa Anarchy In Armenia. Constantinople. News from Arme nia continues confused. The territory of the Armenian soviet republic is the scene of important military move ments of Russian troops. The country appears to be in a state of complete anarchy; the bulk of the Armenian army has taken to the hills and many towns and villages are being looted. , "' Planning a sick Spell. Washington. A bill designed to prevent the doctoring or adulteration of the sick man's liquor was Intro duced by Representative Tare, repub lican, of Pennsylvania. Specifically It would stop the manufacture and sale for medicinal purposes of whis key containing less than 45 per cent of alcohol. Surrender Much Material. Pafts.ajMar8hall Foch's report on Germany's disarmament, according to The Temps, says that the Germans have surrendered 41,000 cannon, 29, 000 unmounted cannon barrels, 163. 000 machine guns and barrels, 2,800, 000 rifles. 16,000 airplanes and 26,000 airplane motors. Cone Reduces Wages. Greensboro, N. C Cotton mills ot the Cone interests, employing 8,000 workers, announced a wage reduction of 25 per cent. The company also an nounced a reduction of 25 per cent In the prices ot merchandise bandied In its stores, which supply the employes. Hawaii's Crest Sugar Crop. Honolulu, T. H. There are pros pects for an enormous sugar crop In Hawaii in 1921 with comparatively low prices prevailing, according to the Hawaiian Trust company. Made Homeless by Earthquake. Paris. Fourteen persons were alli ed, 300 injured and 10,000 rendered homeless by an earthquake which rearly obliterated the city of Blbas sah, Albania, accorling to an undated despatch, . received here from the American Red Cross at Tirana. Seek Ways of Raising Revenue. New York. Tax reform and, new means of raising reve.iue will take first place for discussion in at least 15 State legislatures now about to open judged by lep.irts. Toklo Is Seventh City. Toklo. The figures of the recent census show that Toklo is the seventh cit? of the world with a population of 12,147,190. The population of Osaka, ' the sf c.J-.d city of Japan, is 1,248,069, but if the suburbs ace included i Osaka's population is 2,579,361. "Nifty" is my name. I have hired myself to the niftiest clothing store in this town. You will SEE me and my pet lamb in this paper every week. We will remind you where to buy the clothes you need. REMEMBER when you see us (and see us you MUST) that we mean good, "nifty" clothes for a low price. Fm going to work for Dockery-McNair Clothing Co. Outfitters for Men and Boys. m Jf CAR as dependable as butane transportation is important-no matter what the weather. That is Buick, and that is why Buick cars are in such great demand in business everywhere. The new Buick Nineteen Twenty One models combine utility with beauty; re liability for business with riding comfort so pleasing in hours of relaxation. A nation-wide Authorized Buick Service guarantees initial Buick dependability. Effective January J, regular equipment cn all mudeL vail include cord tires Richmond Buick Co. j W. JENKINS, Prop. R. R. SIMMONS, Mgr. BUICK MO If the Statute Deee Net Express the Will of the People It Should Be Either Changed or Repealed. Marion, Ohio. The people of the United States are going to learn what prohibition means before the last da of 1921. President-elect Harding, it Id learned, is determined to enforce the; Volstead act strictly, smiting viola tors hip and thigh. It the law does! not express the will of the people Senator Harding believes it should !a changed, but until it is changed it should be obeyed as honestly as other and older laws. Enforcement will be accomplished, if necessary, by the use of the United States army, for the present situation is considered intolerable. Chronic violation of the law, in the mind of the President-elect, can only result lir the development of a national hypoo risy that will degenerate into a gen eral contempt for all law and all an thbrlty. Senator Harding la understood tc believe now that If the law is enforc ed the public will become aroused to such an extent that Congress will be forced to consider the eighteenth amendment anew. He gave a hint ot his feeling In his speech accepting the -epubilcan presidential nomination. ; Big Business Events of 1920. The big business events of 1920 jwere: , One: The greatest crash in whole sale commodity prices since 1873 .Caused largely by a buyers' strike i Buying power of the dollar starts j coming back as cost of living beg ins .toppling. ' Two: Shrinkage of excess of ex i ports over Imports with same speed las our trade balance increased during ithe war. Three: Ending of government con trol of railroads and coal, with a gen 'eral tendency back to private owner- ship and away from governmental in terference with business. ( Four: Intense credit Inflation which led to frenzied speculation, was check jOd by banks calling loans and makin money tight. War profits and wa ! prices doomed as period of defiatlo ' begins. j During 1920 wholesale commodit I prices dropped an average of 35 pe 'cent. They now average lower tha 'when the United States entered th war, but still are 56 per cent abovi -prices August 1, 1914. Senator Penrose Comes Back. Washington. Senator Penrose, oi Pennsylvania, prominent republican leader, signalised Ms return to Wash ington and to public affairs, legislative and political by airing as Interview, discussing tariff and other govern mental affairs, receiving a few sena tors, posing for motion pictures and prspariag for active work in Con gross, beginning this week. Subject to Deportation. Washington. So long as tho Rus sian Soviet government seeks to stir up insurrection against the govern ment of the United States its mem bers resident here will be subject tc deportation, Secretary Wilson said in ,a letter to Charles Kecht, counsel for Ludwig C. A. K. Martens, soviet agent in the United States now under sen tence ot deportation. Trade With Huns Increases. Washington American trade with Germany continues to '.inprove, the monthly statement of the department of commerce showing exports last month of $35,061,000, as compared with $23,044,142 in the same month a year ago and imports from Germany ot $7,577,688, as compared with $3, 212,831 In November, 1919. ! Four Drown In Gulf. j Philadelphia. Clarence Oibbiney. attorney for Grover C. Bergdoll, oon Wictsd draft dodger and fugitive from (Justice, and three other Philadel Iphians, were drowned in the Gulf r- Mexico, near the port of Chankin, on the coast of Yucatan. 60,000 Matches Made. Berlin. Reports received here from Moscow, said communistic marriage bureaus have been established and that 60.000 "matches" have been made through them to date. i ; Senator ChamBeriatn Better. Washington. Senator Chamberlain., nf Tit-oirnn. who underwent a second 1 operation, was reported to be restih,; j well. His condition was said to be' satisfactory. Detective Gave Wrong Tip. Geneva. M. Wader, a wealthy resi dent of Bienne. Switzerland, has just sued a detective agency for wrongly recommending an immoral man as bnahand for his daughter and has ob- ! talced a verdict of 140 pounds with. the agenoj.